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QOTD 26: And a double dumb ass on you.

Holy shit is it fun to swear. I left my keys in my car today as I headed into work, and let out a "Fuckin' A!" about a minute ago, then remembered with fondness that I learned that phrase from the Stephen King book "The Body" which went on to become "Stand By Me".

Then I started thinking of other naughty words I learned, and where I picked them up. I learned what a 'cunt' was from the late Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six in...4th grade.


What are your favorite swear words, where did you learn them, and as a bonus, what's your favorite scene in a TV show or movie featuring a healthy dose of quality profanity?

Actually my all time favorite use of a swear word probably comes from the Graphic Novel "Wanted" which everyone but me seems to hate, which is fine. It kind of does the Matrix / Fight Club thing of giving you a kind of sad sack fella stuck in a cubicle, and throughout the series he grows into a bastard with unbelievable power. I wanted to post the panel but I am absolutely not giving "This is me, fucking you in the ass" a google at work. Whenever I beat someone at a competition when they've either cheated or been a poor sport, I toss out the line and feel like a big man.

Close second goes to the infamous "Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, you're cool, I'm out" scene from "Half Baked", which I *actually* think is a reference to something else, as all the other "job quitting" scenes in that movie are parodies, too - specifically Jim Brewer's is a Jerry Maguire send up.

Star Trek IV gets points (and the thread title) for the hilarious nature of Spock trying to learn to swear.

More recently, I've been playing Lunar 2 (which is seriously wonderful), and one of the characters keeps calling everything 'retarded'. This is funny for a few reasons 1) No game released today would do that shit, and 2) This is a game released in Japan that came to America 3) this character is a former priest. I'll have more on this game later, but the swearing within it is pretty crazy. 


Blog Botter Award: Magooie for fighting a snake with concrete, and somehow losing.

1. So I'm thinking of placing my first professional NFL bet when the Jags take on Denver in a few weeks. Going Jags all the way. Who's with me?!

2. For the nerds out there, it looks like Transportation Tycoon is on the app store now, and it's an absolute classic if you dig kind of sim-city style stuff. There's a quality knock-off available for fuckin' free, too, called Transporation General, which is also a blast until you hit the pay-wall. Check it out! 

3. Shameless Pug: I reviewed Rayman Legends. Read it here!

"Audacious is a good word to describe the overall “Rayman Legends” experience. Releasing a game like this, at a time like this, takes the same kind of cojones that releasing the silent film “The Artist” did a few years ago. Here’s a game that challenges, entertains, delights, and delivers everything you could possibly want from a title, completely confident in its 2D platforming nature, not worried for an instant players won’t get it, or think it’s ‘for kids’."


  1. "Fuck. Fuck. Fuckin' fuck"

    The Wire: Season One, Episode Four

    'Nuff Said


  3. There are some in hear

    "The 100 greatest insults in movie history"

  4. I like all of them. My Grandfather who was in the Navy taught me every swear word I know. Joe Pesci and Sam Jackson are my favorite swear word users.

  5. If youre betting an amount of money that means something to you, id stay away from that jax game. There have been only like 10 games since the mid 70s with over a 20 pt line. Its such a statistical outlier that its impossible to make an informed bet, although I think the dogs have covered like 60% in those. If you're just throwing down like 50 bucks for fun, fuck it and tease the jags and the over and just pray they can score 2 tds

  6. That's my thought. Take the Jags, toss in fiddy, and see what happens.

    I have no idea what tease the jags is, but do I need new pants after?

  7. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryOctober 6, 2013 at 11:34 AM

    My favorite: GODDAMMITSONOFABITCH (one word)

    Favorite uses of it in media:

    -Pick a scene in "Glengarry Glen Ross"

    "What's your name?"
    "FUCK! YOU! *THAT'S* my name!"

    "You stupid fucking just cost me $6,000. Six. Thousand. Dollars...and one Cadillac. What are you going to do about it? WHAT are you going to do about it...asshole. You're fucking shit! WHERE DID YOU LEARN YOUR TRAAAADE, YOUSTUPIDFUCKINGCUNTYOUIDIOT, WHOEVER TOLD YOU THAT YOU COULD WITH MEN?!"

    -Also, Stone Cold during that awesome duet promo with Rock before Survivor Series '01

    "It hurts my feelings a lot, you SSSSSSS......SSSSSS...SSSSSS....YOU SSSSSSSSUMMMMBITCH!"

  8. "Fucknut" is one of my favorites, though I couldn't tell you where I picked it up.

    Favorite swearing a movie...I'd have to go with the opening of Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back.

    "Motherfuck, motherfuck. Mother mother fuck fuck." Well, all of Jay's little song, I suppose.

  9. Yeah...I don't bet on sports on any level, not even office pools. I figure I may as well just throw my damn money out the window while driving down the highway. Both activities represent the same amount of fun to me.

  10. I'm actually traumatized from grade school when all the sexual words started coming out. I wasn't one of the "cool" kids and didn't have an older sibling feeding info to me. I was bullied due to not knowing what "69" was. Luckily my older cousin smartened me up. I wish Urban Dictionary was around back then.

  11. I just watched that episode and it had me dying.

  12. My favorite swearing scene in a movie is Joe Pesci in Raging Bull "Your mother sucks fucking big fucking elephant dicks. You got that?"

  13. Pants always optional

  14. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 6, 2013 at 11:43 AM

    You didn't know what 69 was? Come on, man, that's pretty self-explanatory.

  15. Anything with Malcolm Tucker but if I had to choose one: "Come the fuck in or fuck the fuck off."

  16. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 6, 2013 at 11:46 AM

    Fuck you, pay me!

  17. You sir, should have read my 5000 word diatribe on Mick Foley a few days ago. It's all about that kind of thing!

  18. I enjoy using the word "cocksucker" pretty frequently. Second place to the word "cunt", although I typically say that around certain company only.

  19. And Tony Soprano was my favorite foul-mouthed character of all time.

  20. Ralphie was better "She's a Whor-ah!"

  21. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 6, 2013 at 11:54 AM

    I wouldn't go anywhere near that game. Maybe take the under, the Jags can't score and there's a good chance Peyton and co. will be sitting after halftime.

  22. YankeesHoganTripleHFanOctober 6, 2013 at 11:54 AM

    I am going to go minimalist with this...."Now go home and get your fucking shine box"

  23. Hey, Sweet I got a BOA! Woody rules! Anyway, motherfucker is one I use a bunch. I don't use cunt a lot but I still use it sparingly. My favorite use of cunt in a movie is in Kill Bill Vol 2: "you're not a bad person. You're my favorite person. But every once in a while, you can be a real cunt sometimes".

    I was reading Stephen King and watching R rated movies by ten so I was learning curse words way ahead of everybody else my age. My parents were ok with it as I never cursed in front of them. Although I do remember the first time I said fuck to my mother. I was 14ish, she was driving listening to her crappy easy listening music, I always tuned it out. Then all of a sudden, it was in the middle of the song I started hearing some familiar lyrics. It was Sweet Child o' Mine but sung by Sheryl Crow. After a few seconds I blurted out "what the fuck is this"? My mom asked what I just said and I didn't realize my faux pas so I repeated "what the fuck is this"? And then I realized what I had said. I apologized, explained why the song made me say fuck, she didn't even know it was a GnR song.

  24. THIS! Such a great movie. RIP Frank Vincent.

  25. Hahaha this is about my situation, too.

  26. I always go "...shit" with ... being some anything from "fuck" to "horse" or "cock".

    Nothing is funnier then the Ari Gold scenes where hed flip out on something and just start cussing up a storm. The times hed freak on Lloyd were just stupendous.

  27. My mother taught me all the basic curses, mainly when aiming them at me or something I did.

    Favorite: Not really an American curse, but "Bloody (_____)" for daily use. Sometimes combined with another profanity, sometimes on its own with the tone being the key. at :40 for the best use ever.

    Use in Media: The South Park Movie: Cartman vs. Saddam.

    "(profanity, profanity, profanity), BARBARA STREISAND!" (lightning strikes Saddam, I laugh.)

  28. Picked it all up in the schoolyard. Learned the basics of sex and cursing in grade 2.

    I say shit and fuck a fair bit, but that's about it. I rarely say cunt.

  29. It was actually "Whoo-ah" but yeah, he was pretty terrific.

  30. Tomorrow's QOTD is about our personal Tony B's

    Or basically any time Ari Gold spoke... ever.

  32. Beat me to it... Ari going on a tirade is a thing of art.

  33. Oh dear. I've got a few. One specifically that should be taken out by my shotgun, because he's going to suffer a far worse fate. More on this tomorrow. :)

  34. Lloyd: "Well whos going to man the phones?"


  35. Uh, Frank Vincent isn't dead. Billy Batts and Phil Leotardo are dead, but Frank Vincent is quite alive.

  36. The scene in curb where LD starts taunting the guy with "Fuck Huuuugh, Fuck Huuugh" was fucking gold also

  37. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 6, 2013 at 12:47 PM

    I don't think I've ever called a woman a cunt, at least not to her face. Them's fightin' words.

  38. Sorry, I guess the joke is lost on people not involved in the Saturday thread from a week ago. I legitimately mixed up the name Gilda Radner with Rita Rudner. So after that, I started mixing up other actors on purpose. This was my attempt to keep that joke going. My bad.

  39. Although Paralax, who was involved in said joke, seemed to get it. So win!

  40. Understood. I will know for next time.

  41. "Yeah Bitch Magnets"

    "My name is ASAC Schraeder and you can go fuck yourself"

  42. Pretty much any of the Tourettes Guy's classic lines.

  43. Not many actors dropped an f bomb like the great Dennis farina

  44. Or swing for the fences on your first bet and take jax on moneyline. Its probably going to be at least +1000

  45. Oh man, I didnt even think of that. Fucking moneyline is def getting parlayed with something.

  46. In all seriousness don't bet Jacksonville. If your itching to make a bet I'll give you a teaser for next Sunday.

  47. I'd throw it out solo... if it hits, it can cover a few sins.

  48. There is exactly one sweqr word I don't use on a semi-regular basis, and it's that one

  49. I have this uneasy feeling you're sitting at your computer pleasuring yourself over this question.

    "Yeah. Tell me all the dirty things you say. That's nice.

  50. You sound like a cunt, tbf.

  51. And everytime you open your mouth you sound like a neanderthal with no taste

    I say good day!!!

  52. Best swearing moments in a comic, for me, both come from Preacher;

    1) Cassidy's first line, after being (iirc) beaten, shot, stabbed, set on fire and crashed in a truck, being "That fella's got a face like an arse!"

    2) Jessie Custer, in the Voice of Genesis, which must be obeyed, yelling "Go duck yourself"

    Both classic.

  53. His attempt to describe Star Wars is masterful. Its like Kevin Smith meets Tarantino meets Glasgow :)

  54. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonOctober 6, 2013 at 3:55 PM

    I say "Fuck" alot, around kids i used to say "Shock" from Spiderman 2099. Sometimes I'l say "Barnacles" like Spogebob.

    As for favorite scene, it's "Do The Right Thing":

  55. That tends to be used when I'm alone and get cut off in traffic.

  56. Shut up you stupid cuss.

  57. I just asked this in the nfl thread. Havent see him post in a few weeks

  58. "Percent sign-ampersand-dollar sign."
    "And colon-semicolon, too!"

    "What are you $#@%ers doing?"

    "Swearing in longhand, asterisk-mouth."

    ~Sam & Max Hit The Road

  59. Stranger in the AlpsOctober 6, 2013 at 6:24 PM

    I've probably been cussing since I was 9 or 10 years old. My old man, much like The Old Man in "A Christmas Story", was a furnace fighter, and his words would echo from underneath the house, and resonate in my brain for all time. Since I'm typing, I will use all caps to express myself: FUCK!

    Planes, Trains and Automobiles is a prime example. The rental car scene is a fucking classic. A personal favorite of mine is "The 40-Year Old Virgin". Every fucking line of fucking dialogue resonated fucking true, because that's how real fucking people talk. You know?

  60. richard householderOctober 6, 2013 at 6:57 PM

    The entire Alec Baldwin scene from Glengary Glenn Ross.

  61. My favorite swear in a movie is the only swear that ever made an entire theater gasp in shock and delight: Spike's "Oh shit, what are we gonna do now?" in the original Transformers movie.

  62. The Love-Matic Grampa!October 6, 2013 at 10:03 PM

    My favorite is pretty mild comparatively speaking, but shocking nonetheless (considering who it came from) and legitimately got the biggest laugh in the entire movie both times I saw it at the theater:

    "Somebody throw the goddamned bomb!"

  63. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 6, 2013 at 10:32 PM

    Oh, I use it, I use the shit out of it. I just won't call a woman a cunt to her face. Nothing good can come from that.

  64. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 6, 2013 at 10:36 PM

    Seeing this earlier inspired me to use it at work today, this dude was busting my balls (literally in one case, he tried to cock-knock me) and finally I told him "You know what, Ryan? How about you go home and get your fucking shinebox!"

    End of conversation...

  65. More power too you, I just find it unnecessary when a Fuck or a bitch will suffice!

  66. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 6, 2013 at 11:39 PM

    I find it great to call men cunts. Lets people know you really mean it, but doesn't bring down the apocalypse like it does when you say it to a woman. Plus there's just the shock factor, you call a guy a cunt and you can see it in his face where he takes half a second to think "Did this guy really just call me a cunt? Like, seriously?". Often times, that little bit of hesitation, especially if other people nearby laugh, is enough to diffuse the situation.

  67. I always laugh at the name Johnny Depp called the cab driver in "Once Upon a Time in Mexico" after he'd had his eyes cut out.


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