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QOTD 40: Hufffffffffpttttttttt Goldust (and friends!)

You know, I won't lie. I'm glad Goldust is back and seems to have his head screwed on straight again (I'm assuming this is why he's getting this run). I saw the tag match from Raw yesterday in between the Sox game with a buddy who was a big part of my wrestling fandom back in the day, and it was kinda cool to go back and talk about all the ridiculous shit we saw together despite our divergent life paths.

Do you have real-life wrestling friends, or is it purely a solo enjoyment for you? What are your fondest wrestling-related, social memories? Has there been a 'meh' match that you loved because of who you were with?

I have a few. I remember watching pretty much every Wrestlemania from 18 to 20 with the friend mentioned above, and his brother who I was friends with, too. Around when Benoit died we kind of stopped being hardcore into it, but would still casually discuss it. Watching yesterday I was unsure how much he kept up with the product, and it was neat to find out he knew who the shield were, and thought the Wyatts were as stupid as I did.

When I lived in Chicago, playing WWE video-games with my buddy Ross was always a blast because we'd get high, watch a wrestling documentary on a laptop, and go through WWE universe mode fantasy booking and playing matches. I saw Over The Limit this way and we both marked out so hardcore for the simple act of a full-surfboard. Good times. While my friends were in 'the know' they weren't smarks, and dug Triple H and Shawn Michaels' Hell in a Cell match as their favorite of all time. It was nice to get an outside perspective.

When WWE 13' came out last year and I had no one to play it with, the whole game felt hollow.because I was playing against a computer, and the thing I liked most about those games was the bonding I'd have with friends over it. It's actually why I'm so high on those Mdickie games, it gives me that joy of 'having a good match' despite the fact I'm playing by myself.

I've almost gotten laid a couple of times thanks to my wrestling fandom, but alas the ladies I've met that have been into the product have lived really far away, or been missing a few braincells, teeth, jobs, cars, or any combination there of.

When I try to get non-fans into the product I find myself kind of feeling meh, and like I'm trying too hard to get them into something they probably find stupid or silly. Though I have gotten my Dad to watch The Rock documentary, and we're gonna check out the Stone Cold one, too. 

Naturally there are tons of wrestling-related memories from this blog, but obviously 'IRL' interactions are a little more potent.


Blog Otter Again: Your_Favourite_Loser for explaining Metal Fandom in a way non-fans like myself can happily understand.

1. Wonderful commentary yesterday! Did I understand a lot of it? Nope, but it was fun to read anyway. 

2. Is there a web-site that lists bars that play wrestling PPVs? I'm gonna have HIAC off and I wanna watch it!

3. I think Squids: Wild West is currently free on the appstore. WONDERFUL Action-RPG.


  1. Sadly it is a solo experience these days and has been for the last 10 years or so :( My friends think I'm a loser... maybe they have a point?

  2. Grew up watching with my brother (he's one year older). He's turned into an alcoholic so I turned my nieces into my wrestling buddies. It's not the same but it'll have to do.

  3. Not a loser, esoteric!

  4. Yeah I'm currently trying to convert my sister who's a dancer via the power of Fandango and my belief is Wrestling is dancing without music.

  5. Count me in as one of those guys that hasn't seen another wrestling fan out in the wild in many, many a season.

    I used to have several buddies I'd watch Monday's with in the Attitude era but between everyone getting older and the UFC being white hot in the years immediately after Attitude ended I don't think any of them are coming back no matter how many older stars they try to get for Mania.

  6. I was lucky enough to be in high school from 96-2000 so I had numerous wrestling buddies. A few have been lifelong friends. Today it is strictly solo as I don't know anyone who watches or is willing to discuss pro wrestling IRL. The monthly PPV's used to be a blast, ordering Papa John's and watching some black box, good times.

  7. Do I have a bunch of salacious Golddust stories blocked from memory? They kept bringing his "checkered past" up in the angle but I don't really remember much dirt on him. Vaguely think drinking might have been an issue for him at one point? He was whiny on twitter leading up to his last release from what I remember but other than that, you'd think he nearly opened an airplane door while choking one stewardess while doing a line of blow off another's ass.

  8. It's Goldust. One d

  9. He kept getting into trouble on planes and stuff.

  10. That's how it's always been

  11. Still stupid. But fixed. Thanks!

  12. My oldest niece, who is 18 now, was always a big Kane fan. She was five and was fascinated by the pyro explosions and she just kept watching. My other niece that is 16 isn't a wrestling fan, just a Cena fan. If he's not there, she isn't watching.

  13. Watching wrestling with some buddies of mine Anthony and Tyler. And also going to some shows with Anthony. Also going to WrestleMania X-7 and XIX when I was in college with a group of friends.

  14. I watch solo. My friends hate wrestling. One of them watched during the Monday Night War era but that was it.

  15. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 20, 2013 at 12:35 PM

    Well, he did want to get breast implants, and that's the point where Vince thought the whole thing had gone too far. Think about that for a moment, Vince fucking McMahon thought that that was too weird, and this is a guy who approved a angle involving necrophilia.

  16. Thought I was smart and benched Aaron Rodgers, due to injuries to Cobb and Jones, and started Cutler. I deserve to lose

  17. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 20, 2013 at 12:36 PM

    are you me?


    ergo, youre not a loser

    and sorry i called you ergo

  18. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 20, 2013 at 12:42 PM

    wwe used to have a 'blast zone' or 'blast area' list that named places, but a search for those terms doesnt bring up anything useful... there is mention of blast area on the wwe link that comes up, but the on the page that comes up, the mention doesnt go anywhere

    try places like buffalo wild wings or hooters, in terms of national chains. you could also just try to call some sports bars you know of and see. some places charge a cover, others dont.

    not sure where you live, but you could throw it out and maybe a BD lurker might know some places

  19. Ah, so stories that were blocked from memory it is

  20. South Shore Massachusetts, fwiw.

  21. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 20, 2013 at 12:47 PM

    i'd definitely watch an old saturday morning cartoon style 'goldust and friends'

  22. For the record it was an angle involving fake necophilia. I mean the "I screwed her brains out" bit kind of implied it wasn't a real dead body in that there casket.

    I actually was watching that angle with my Dad, who has a habit of sitting down to watch wrestling at the least good moments. He also caught a lot of the Nicole Bass stuff back in the day.

  23. It'd never top Saturday Morning Watchmen

  24. My girlfriend hates it but she watches it with me, mostly to make fun of me while im watchibg it. "So that little furry bull guy is a wrestler? That swing is a dumb move, because it gets the guy doing it just as dizzy. I CANT believe Im gonna have sex with you later."

  25. I think Hooters gets them

  26. Completely unrelated.
    One promo in, I already like heel cole better--and it's nothing he said. The new entrance music, the suit, the condescending smirk, the lowering the light's for his entrance--all of it the best kind of smarmy..

  27. I've actually lucked into a group of smarky friends. A bunch of us are going to BFG today, in fact.

  28. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 20, 2013 at 12:56 PM

    Cole shouldn't have been a face to begin with.

  29. Cole...not Michael Cole right?

  30. Adam Cole, New ROH world champion.

    His feud with "Uncrowned world champion" Micheal Elgin who had an uncounted visual pin over Cole in a match for the vacant title and "The Real World Champion" Jay Briscoe who was stripped of the title because of injury is actually a nifty piece of booking.

  31. I wouldn't say that, He was pretty great as a midcard smiling pretty boy. He just didn't scream "World champ" to me. He at least looked the part a little more as a heel. Especially the new music instead of that stupid "Get off the stove"

    But if we are talking about better alignments. Elgin is SO much better as a face.

  32. The "meh" match I liked, do to where I was...the extrene rules Brock Lesnar/HHH match. I had just worked a long shift and wanted to just shut my brain off so went to a strip club to be pleasantly surprised they were showing the ppv. As I walk in the bar I see these two adult guys with John Cena shirts on. I sit down next to them and quickly realize they have down syndrome or sone other special needs thing. Not being able to control my curiosity I start talking to them about wrestling. They thought it was real and loved all the babyfaces. It was fascinating actually. Since we were the only patrons in the joint eventually all the girls sit down and start watching it with us. An oddly enjoying viewing experience.

  33. This very thing is going to play into the changing of the "Blog Otters" moniker. Stay tuned.

  34. Me and my friends always re-enact the Shane Douglas/Bam Bam Bigelow/Rick Rude angle from ECW when we get drunk. I have no idea why.

  35. Special needs kids + pro wrestling.

  36. Ha. Better then a reenactment of the Katie Vick angle.

  37. Too much red meat.

  38. If Katie Vick were a wrestler, this would have to be her theme.

  39. Meekin, not sure you saw my reply below but im 99% sure Hooters gets all wwe ppvs. Wings, boobs, beer and wrestling. Pretty ideal

  40. Nice! I can swing from the Pats game that day right down to the Bah.

  41. I still have a few friends who will come over for the big shows. I had them over for Rumble, Mania and SS this year. Pizza, beer, good times. In high school it was cool, used to have 6 to 10 people over every PPV (I had a DTV black box so I got everything). I used to have a friend who I would go to Indy shows with but we've lost touch and there are no good indys around here anymore. Although sometime soon when I'm in the Orlando area I'm going to go to a NXT show.

  42. I've actually got several. One friend of mine will split the PPV with me very month. I've also got a few others that will join for the Big 3 (no one gives a shit about Survivor Series).

  43. I used to watch WWF/E and WCW with my dad. Now that he's passed away, I have nobody else to watch with. Ahh, nostalgia...

  44. I've had one very close friend that I've watched wrestling (and football) with since we were kids. Recently, his old man passed and got me thinking about all the times we convinced him to drive us around to rental places to find videos we had yet to see.

    Also, in high school/university it became a way to keep my core group of friends together by getting everyone together for PPVs each month.

  45. When did Goldust become such a great wrestler? If he could have had the matches he is having today back in 1996-1998, he could have been WWF champion. He had everything going for him back then except being able to wrestle. He had one of the greatest gimmicks of all time, but couldn't deliver in the ring. I would have never dreamed Dustin Rhoades would come back a decade later and be a much better wrestler. What has happened?

  46. Thread jack

    Is anyone ordering BFG?

  47. I think that has more to do with the power of The Shield.

  48. I think Austin said something to the effect that once you hit 40 the gears really start to click about how to have a good match, where it's not so much about what you do, but how you do it.

  49. That was certainly true with Austin. He was always a top notch worker. However, he had the best matches of his career in 2001 long after several injuries. His streak of excellent matches was one of the few saving graces during the Invasion period.

  50. Survivor series hasn't been relevant for years. Infact, I know consider Money in the Bank to take its place in the big 4.

  51. I worked with special needs guys and wrestling has really provided a common thread for us to bond over.

  52. This. I love taking my guys to wrestling shows, they get so into it. Its funny too, a lot of them are pretty hip to what's going on and can look at it kind of like we would.

  53. I'm sorry, what are THC breath strips?

  54. Jesus Christ I have too many wrestling friends to count. Here are some of my best memories though.

    Starrcade '91: I went to this with my dad. We arrived, sat down and I looked to my right to see my best friend from school sitting TWO SEATS DOWN. We both had no idea the other was going, and we found ourselves right next to each other. Crazy. Needless to say we had a ball.

    WWE House Show, 2003: I get to talking with the guy sitting next to me about how we both dragged our girlfriends along and they weren't interested in anything but seeing the wrestler's oiled up bodies. We proceed to spend the entire two hours talking about different things, like the hockey team that plays the arena we were in, how his electricity was still off eight days after a rather mild hurricane hit us and why Ric Flair shows his naked ass during matches. We did the cabbage patch along with Lance Storm, which caused him to point at us... total mark-out moment. After the event we exchanged numbers and have been close friends ever since.

    WWE RAW, 2005: I had been speaking with a friend online since 1999 and had finally flown to Indiana to hang out with him. One thing on our to-do list was attend a wrestling event, and this was it. We were both massive Rob Conway fans and this particular episode of RAW had him facing Ric Flair for the Intercontinental title.. Conway was getting his ass kicked the entire match, so we figured Triple H would interfere, cost Flair the title and Conway would win it. Well, Conway just jobbed... hard. Still a hell of a night that was six years in the making. My friend screamed "DO IT THE CON-WAY!" at random people all the way home. I'll never forget that.

  55. I had two of them that I'd known since 1986. One was the best man in my wedding. Every big wrestling moment from 1986-2008 included them in some fashion. Oddly enough, none of the three of us actively watch anymore. We follow, and we watch old videos - but we don't watch wrestling in its current state.


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