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QOTD 42: Upvote my ass.

Hola Otters, apologies for yesterday's QOTD having only a tangential relationship with reality. Speaking of reality, I made the unfortunate choice of taking a gander at CNN's comments section today, and found myself wholly disappointed in the kinds of drivel people will write on pretty much any article.


Do you fear for humanity since the dawn of the internet's - reply first, read later, age? How do you get your news? Where do you go to fact check?

I do fear for the kinds of people we're going to be in the future - eager to believe we are right no matter what, eager to say the edgy thing to get the most up votes or spark the most outcry. It really bums me out that we have taken this wonderful ability to communicate with people across the world, and essentially made it a platform to argue with one-another without much in the way of research or quality arguments.

Take for example how most people get their news these days.

<Something Happens>
<Reporter gets information on the thing that happened>
<Reporter condenses information into an article>
<Article is posted>
<Article is shared on twitter or facebook>
<Few people read the whole article>

By the time the information because publicly available and part of our psyches, it's been diluted almost half a dozen times. There is no primary source anymore. People don't read the text of a speech by President Obama, they'll listen to what other people have to say about the speech, then listen to what people had to say about what the other people had to say, about the speech. While it's not hard to seek out the primary source and make your own assumptions,  it's far easier to read (some of) what someone wrote about it, and then take that take-away as fact.

I dunno, it just bugged me. The article that bummed me out can be found here: Police: Slain Nevada teachers' heroism bought time for students to flee


Blog Otter Award: We're going extra textual for this one and awarding the award to Andy PG, who I believe wrote his Raw Review on a speak and spell following technical difficulties. We appreciate the effort, sir!

1. One of the most important things I ever learned was that '' exists. It debunks rumors, and focuses on internet memes that people share like Herpes.  If you ever find something too good to be true, give the subject and "Snopes" a google and you'll find yourself relieved, and with ammunition for debunking whatever crazy ass post a friend of your made. 

2. Bonus points for Migraine remedies.


  1. That fan's comment is about as dumb as those few guys in the TNA Dixieland comments section comparing Dixie's current heel character to Vince's initial heel turn as if Dixie is even remotely in Vince's league, although I'm pretty sure those guys were outed as being TNA employees in some capacity much like how Elvylanda has gotten a paycheck from TNA for years to troll message boards and claim with a straight face that TNA is the best company of all time.

  2. YankeesHoganTripleHFanOctober 22, 2013 at 1:40 PM

    Who's Beniot?

  3. I like otters. I like all animals other than frogs, toads, rabbits, kangaroos, and similar. It's just not natural to hop.
    I still don't like Blog Otters though.

  4. I'm still preparing myself for "15-time World Champion Sheamus" once Triple H has full control of the company. Also, blech.

  5. I find it hard to read much of any news without throwing up a little bit in my mouth. Everything is all slanted so heavily to either the left or the right that it's garbage. Mainstream American news is the worst, but it's true everywhere.

  6. I'm sorry you feel that way Mike. I mean since that big long Foley rant I did a few weeks ago I've kept the long-winded-ness down to a gentle breeze, or so I thought.

    Regarding Blog Otters, it's bad on purpose. It's the Gobbly Gooker of the BOD, if you ask me, something folks hate, then hopefully come to hate a little less, before hating it again.

    I chime in with my opinion because I like to voice my opinion, and I like provide my thoughts on a given QOTD as both a way to let myself write every day, and as a jumping off point for the day's given question. If I'm passionate about something I like to think others will be too. Or they can ignore it. Either way.

    I don't think I know it all, and I'm sorry if I come off that way. If you wanted to provide some examples where I appear to act like an snooty bastard or something, I'll happily explain myself or provide a better context.

    And yep, I plug stuff all the time. I like it. I'm good at it. It makes me feel really alive. For the record, feel free to e-mail me suggestions for questions you'd like to see at, you can follow me on twitter @MeekinOnMovies, and my writing work can be found on's games section, and

    I'm actually more a tea drinker, but I see your point regarding entertainment biz, stuff. I guess I like to think while I don't know it all, I do have a little more insight then say, someone who doesn't have a degree in TV writing / producing. That doesn't make my opinions count more, or my thoughts more valuable, but it provides a context similar to how someone who graduated from wrestling school may be better equipped to explain the various details of wrestling.

    On the bright side for you, I'm not a text book, and the QOTD isn't homework.
    Read it, don't read it, answer it, don't answer it, that's up to you.

    Also I appreciate being called smarmy, that's a new one.

  7. The trouble with the internet is that its now just a case of the Same Old Shit. Blogs and news sites eventually become so predictable that you don't even have to read them to guess what their take on an issue or event will be. Comments sections just devolve into a massive circle jerk, right and left both; it dosen't make any difference.
    And fuck Facebook, seriously. I'm on it because it's the only avenue by which a couple of long-time friends interact with the outside world and I don't want to lose touch with them. But the rest? The same problem. The same bunch of people posting every day about the same hobby-horse they posted about yesterday, and the day before.....
    Yeah, I'm cranky today....

  8. Forget his politics, he just flat-out sucks as a show host. UNLESS THERE'S A MARKET FOR SLOWLY SHOUTING EVERY WORD YOU SAY LIKE YOU'RE CONDUCTING A CLASS FIELD TRIP WITHOUT A MEGAPHONE. He's like the anti-Billy Mays.

  9. I have found that education and intelligence are only tangentially related.
    A person can have one, and not the other.

  10. Wow, that guy I've never seen before sure has a bug up his ass about you.

  11. Are you bitter your career as a Pitbull cover rapper hasnt turned out well?

  12. I am a daily reader of this site for years and only post when absolutely neccessary. After 40 some odd QOTDs i figured you'd be over listening to yourself talk...or type. I'm still waiting. Since you're big on handing out suggestions, I've got one: start your own blog. Much like Caliber before you, you're getting too big for your britches, inflated sense of importance. You're a pompous cretin, and hopefully Scott will remove your ramblings soon enough. Not everyone has to get along, for some reason you just irritate the living hell out of me when I read your posts. Good day, sir.

  13. Stranger in the AlpsOctober 22, 2013 at 3:08 PM

    You, sir, win this argument.

  14. Stranger in the AlpsOctober 22, 2013 at 3:17 PM

    I filter my news to suit my own needs. Government shutdown? I don't care. NEXT. School shooting? Tragic, but 18 states away. NEXT. Hmmm...peanut butter can be hazradous to your health, and here is why. Interesting. I skim the headlines, and read what I choose. I peruse both CNN and FOX News. I avoid right and left wing "news" forums like the plague, because all they are interested in is fear mongering and mudslinging.
    Also, The Onion is vastly approaching this blog as my favorite comments section. because if it's on The Onion it MUST BE TRUE, and people fall for it every time.

  15. Block them. If they are somebody you really don't want to block because you will miss out on other, more valuable interactions, tell them why you are considering blocking them.

    Usually a person will ignore the message and keep doing it. Fuck em, I block em.
    Sometimes a person will laugh it off, say why they think sharing their opinions matter so much, and keep on doing it. Fuck em, I block em.
    Only rarely a person will flip out, call me some politically charged name or accuse me of apathy, and block me instead. Boom, problem solved itself.

    But I once did this, along with suggesting a few political message boards, to somebody who I doubt was even aware that a thing like a message board existed and they ended up taking their politics there rather than on social media. Ok maybe not all the way, but now every little outrage has an outlet filled with people who care and want to engage, while friends and family were just treated to the amusing anecdotes and pet photos.

  16. Liberals can be just as bad. I never understood why folks need to hang on to an ideology so tightly. All you're really doing is marginalizing yourself and closing what should be an open mind.

  17. It's like the old saying- Wrong information travels faster than right information.
    I had to snopes link a relative who shared the "Back to the Future date is today" thing that keeps going around.

    The comments section of news articles often depress me more than the story itself. The general public is DUMB.

  18. I did that the other day and the person responded "But it's still funny tho, calm down".

  19. Stranger in the AlpsOctober 22, 2013 at 3:33 PM

    News Flash: Mrs. Stranger is making slow cooker chicken & dumplings for dinner tonight. That will be followed by the Hammer feature film "Curse of the Werewolf", and then some nasty, hardcore sex for about five minutes.
    Footage at 11:00. Stay tuned.

  20. My digital footprint is smeared in dog poop.

  21. Huh, Missus E Mahn just gave me shit for forgetting to pick up chicken, necessitating tuna melts for dinner, rather than spaghetti with chicken and olives.
    You win this round.

  22. I had to upvote anyone that uses "pompous cretin", and signs off with "Good day, Sir."

  23. I fear for humanity for reasons that are only tangentially related to the internet.

  24. Stranger in the AlpsOctober 22, 2013 at 4:03 PM

    I've done something similar before. It took her about 2 days to get over it. I sarcastically offered her my pillow to smother me with and end it all. The thing is, she hesitated before stating that it wasn't worth the jail time.

  25. That's true love right there.

  26. I hear the Pitbull thing almost on a daily basis. Must be the bald head and shades. Well played, Dr. Cokenose.

  27. I remember getting the forwarded email about "Touched by an Angel" being in danger of being cancelled because the powers that be don't want God on TV. This of course came to me two years after the show was off the air.
    I can't stand the blind sheep forwarding with no fact checking or critical thought.
    "Oh, no! Pepsi is putting the Pledge on their cans but removing "Under God".
    Boycott Pepsi!! Christianity as we know it is in danger!"
    Ummm no. How about checking snopes first?

  28. Its the shades. Those are the type he always wears.

  29. Yea. "Cretin" isnt used enough in everyday vocabulary.

  30. If I see something I care to research, I research it independently and extensively. I only watch cable news to figure out what the stories are anymore.

    My political leanings are irrelevant, because all cable news has a biased agenda, whether it be for or against my side of the aisle.

  31. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 22, 2013 at 5:17 PM

    'then some nasty, hardcore sex for about five minutes.'

    what are you going to do with those five minutes while she's busy? go through my wallet?

  32. I'm just curious how exactly I'm supposed to post on a blog without giving an opinion.

  33. Matthews did an interview with Anthony Weiner right before the NYC Mayoral primary last month. Now, I'm not a particular fan of either guy, but watching Weiner rip Matthews a new one for being an obnoxious prick was pretty enjoyable.

    The only person on MSNBC I can stand for a whole episode is Rachel Maddow, but it's been a while since I watched her show

  34. Should we call ourselves Keith'ns Cretins?

  35. I dunno man, do see that one going over well either. This blog only responds to "snarky" it seems like.

  36. My girlfriend made slow cooker chicken and dumplings a couple of weeks ago and it was fantastic, new favorite meal instantly. You sir are a lucky man.

  37. The BoD's Snarky Fuckers mig get over.

  38. Snarky Sharkees?

  39. I lol'd and cringed at "You're missing the point." Man some people are just so stupid I don't know how they even exist.

  40. Seriously, I'm actually good with the opinionated nature of the internet. It's the only place at least in US politics where people and sources will straight up have an agenda and not hide it outside of the wretched refuse of talk radio. Fair and balanced doesn't exist.

  41. Oh yeah well my wife is making me... fend for myself. :(

  42. Do you think we are all 12?

  43. Melt, look that shit up.

  44. Meh you'll find that 99% of people that say "I don't side with either party I pick the person not the ideology" are usually just republicans trying to sound smart very few people have an open mind, and the ones that do don't realize that they do.

  45. Why does it have to be an animal?

  46. 8:55 pm and still waiting for my tuna melt, incidentally.

  47. Because the BOD Redskins would get us in trouble.

  48. In a thread about people being assholes on the internet...

  49. The only reason liberals are .0004% less rabid online than conservatives is because there's currently a liberal in office. The end of the empire happens when the far right and far left realize how much they have in common and close the circle.

  50. Yeah. I mean my whole 'thing' is that it seems everyone is hung up on labels and don't really care about getting what they want.

    As a result Marijuana has to be legalized through various 'medical' means which is really silly, and GLBT folks tend to get upset when someone says "Well how does a legal union with all the rights of marriage, but called something else, sound, guys?".

    It just seems folks are more focused on being RIGHT versus getting what they want.

  51. uh, if Paul irritates you so much than why do you read the QOTD? If I don't enjoy reading something, I don't read it, kinda simple.

  52. I stay away from most comment sections that have to do with news, it's just asking for me to get annoyed. I have a few unltra right wing friends on my FB and for a while when they posted some gross information I would look it up on snopes or factcheck and post that in the reply section. I usually got arguments back. Like a friend posted something about Obama writing in his book about siding with Muslims against America. I corrected him with a link and he posted back "but that's what he meant". I just gave up. I also look up things when I read something from a liberal friend. And the couple of times I found a falicy in their post' I told them and they took it off their wall.

  53. Oh please, Snarky Sharkees is Pre-K at best.

  54. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 22, 2013 at 10:21 PM

    Gamertag is ACSativa, if you want to tear some shit up. Or get your ass whipped in Forza 4.

  55. Stranger in the AlpsOctober 23, 2013 at 2:15 AM

    I know you jest, but your moniker suggests you neither have anything in your wallet nor the ability to attract women. Therefore, your argument is invalid.

  56. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 23, 2013 at 10:01 AM

    harsh, dude

  57. Stranger in the AlpsOctober 23, 2013 at 10:32 AM

    Well, shit. I thought your comment was funny, so I upvoted it, man. All righty, I gotta plead ignorance on this one.

  58. Ugh, one of my friends posted that image again TODAY. After she posted it last year and the year before. If she wasn't such an old friend, I would seriously consider blocking her.

  59. Move to Washington buddy, your two examples are totally lol'd at here.

  60. haha whatcyha mean?


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