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Rivalries: The Sequel

More rivalries from yesterday's "Defining moment of a feud" post:

1. Rock vs. HHH

2. Undertaker vs. Kane

3. Undertaker vs. Foley

4. Sting vs. Flair

5. Edge/Christian vs. Hardys vs. Dudleys

6. RVD vs. Lynn

7. WCW vs. NWO

I would first like to rescind my Sting-Hogan answer and also go with Uncensored 97, because that was awesome.

1.  Backlash 2000, where they finally gave us the REAL finish.

2.  Uhhh…which one?

3.  Duh.

4.  Halloween Havoc 95, Flair turns on Sting.

5.  Summerslam 2000.

6.  Not a real “feud”.

7.  The 82 weeks Nitro won the ratings.


  1. What about the defining moment for Raw vs Nitro? Halls first appearance? DX army invasion? Vince on the last nitro?

  2. How about Bischoff calling out Vince for a match?

  3. More rivalries from yesterday's "Defining moment of a feud" post:

    1. Rock vs. HHH - HHH's surprising win at WM 2000. It was a sign of things to come unfortunately.

    2. Undertaker vs. Kane - Ripping the door of the first Hell in a cell

    3. Undertaker vs. Foley - Obviously throwing Foley off the Cell

    4. Sting vs. Flair - In their many feuds, I have to go with the last episode of Nitro, hugging in the ring after the match as WCW was closing down. This defined two men who were true to WCW in its very darkest hour.

    5. Edge/Christian vs. Hardys vs. Dudleys - WM 2000 3 way ladder match. This put the feud on map. Later ones would be better though

    6. RVD vs. Lynn - I didnt watch ECW back in the day. I've watched some of their matches on youtube since then but i don't believe I have proper context, so no comment.

    7. WCW vs. NWO - "You fans can stick it brother"

  4. I'd say the MSG Raw from October '97, because it was at that point Vince pulled the trigger on changing the entire direction of his company.

  5. Kane vs Undertaker has to be the one where Undertaker pops out of the casket in March '98.

  6. #4 to me is still the Horsemen kicking out Sting. The thing the post-90 Horsemen lacked was that sense of menace.

  7. Backlash 2000 was honest to god one of the greatest payoffs ever.

  8. Luger on the first nitro. From this moment, you knew that WCW would do anything to win the ratings war and try to beat WWF.

  9. For WCW vs NWO: I would go with the backstage attack by Outsiders with Rey Mysterio being used as a javelin.

  10. Definitely. Loved that ensuing promo as well.

  11. RVD Vs Lynn definitely was a feud. RVD was the unstoppable superstar, but Lynn was the guy that could take him to the limit, but never quite get the win.

    #7 would be the first Nitro after Hogan's turn with Rey getting darted into the trailor and the NWO running all over the place.

  12. 2. The Undertaker doing his plancha for the first time (??) in their WM match.
    4. For me it was freaking out that Sting was going to beat Flair back when their feud first started. God what was that? Saturday Night's match?
    7. There was never a proper WCW vs nWo blow-off. Sting at Uncensored was cool, but it was more Sting vs. nWo than WCW.

  13. WCW blowing their wad on Hogan/Goldberg in order to get a ratings win.

  14. 1. Triple H grabbing the IC belt at the end of the Ladder match
    2. Probably the battle of wizardry. WWE at its most operatic/preposterous
    3. Don't really want to go with HIAC, even though it's obvious, so will instead plump for Foley getting two straight PPV wins over UT in 96, which had never happened before and was almost as rare afterwards
    4. The 45 minute time limit draw
    5. When the Dudleyz brought the tables into the WM16 Triangle Ladder match
    6. Jerry Lynn winning "on points", RVD winning for real
    7. "Whaddya bench, Lex?! Whaddya bench?!" It was entertaining but it probably also showed underneath the fact that, in the end, they just wanted to get their rocks off and have a laugh

  15. Didn't it debut at Ground Zero? I remember the iconic image of Taker doing it onto a sea of humanity.

  16. Time for me to be THAT guy. The MSG Raw was in September. Everything else I agree with.

  17. Yes he did. You are correct.

  18. I always wondered- that last Sting/Flair match- who booked it? Remnants of WCW people? WWE people? Who decided that would be the last, great match?

  19. Co-signed. That Clash was the show that hooked me on WCW for good - taping shows, making sure I was home to watch Saturday Night and Main Event (Saturday Night's Main Event... Vince is a damned genius), and it was the angle with Sting and the Horsemen that capped it all off for me ("Cactus Jack is dead!" was a close second).

    Flair turning on Sting in 1995 was great, but it was still a "No Shit, Sting's an idiot" moment that almost everyone saw coming. The Horsemen turning on Sting was nowhere near as telegraphed to me.

  20. It depends on who was more likely to remember the main event of the first Nitro - remnants of WCW people or WWE people.

  21. One of my favorite segments ever.

    Vince: "You ruined it Austin. You ruined everything!" Loved it

  22. That match was on Worldwide, which was awesome that they gave it a Saturday morning show slot. My rant:

    But for me the apex would have been the Horsemen turn at Clash X

  23. What do you mean by "lacked menace"? Paul Roma was the LITERAL DEFINITION of the word menace... just ask Shane Douglas and Alex Wright.


    ... wait, menace? My bad. The only thing Roma could define was the word "suckitude". As in "Paul Roma plumbed the utter depths of suckitude."

  24. That was desperation, after the tide had turned.

  25. Agreed. Straight shock factor attempt to grab ratings. Hated it.

  26. Ole: Paul, we brought you out here because oh fuck it you don't deserve a promo let's just break his leg.

  27. I will say though the plancha against Kane was awesome too, or whenever he does it. My favorite one was the one in the inferno match, awful match, great spot.


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