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SK Commentary

Hey Scott, big fan of your reviews and the blog blahblahkissyourassblahblahillsuckyourdickblahblahblah. Anyway, a while back you talked about recording commentary for different shows, PPV's and such that we could download and listen to while watching the show ourselves. Kinda like what Rifftrax does. Just wondering why you dropped the idea. And if there's enough interest from The Blog Otters (you're welcome Paul) would you consider doing it and maybe charging a little per show commentary ($5 or whatever wacky Monopoly Canadian money). I think this would be fun especially for a real bad show. Thanks.


P.S: I don't know if you finished the show yet but any chance for a rant on the Buffy seasons?

We kind of stalled out halfway through the fourth season with Willow getting into the dark arts and Buffy's commando boyfriend.   Demon-slaying Spike is pretty hilarious, though.  We tried starting Angel at the same time but haven't really got past the fourth episode or so.  Someday I'll finish powering through it, though.  

As for the commentary thing, doing rants where I can pause the show and take care of my other stuff is one thing, but trying to run through a 3 hour PPV while doing live commentary is another thing entirely.  Plus I feel like I'm much funnier when I have a chance to stop and edit in jokes later rather than trying to come up with witty stuff off the cuff.  It would be disappointing for everyone, trust me.  I had previously told Ryan Murphy and Caliber that if they wanted to do a podcast deal where I only had to come in via Skype and not have to do any of the technical end, I'd be willing to give it a shot, but nothing ever came of it.   Maybe the Place to Be guys want to try something like the Rifftrax deal with me, I dunno?  


  1. Oh man, would the Rifftrax site allow for riffs of wrestling shows? That'd be pretty awesome.

  2. Oh fucking Christ, a Caliber podcast? Thank god we dodged that bullet.

  3. Scott on PTB vintage vault would be awesome. Even better if he was on for a Kevin Kelly recap

  4. Speaking of Caliber, he finally made his debut on PTBN. I really do wish him the best of luck

  5. It was his usual trying to be a contrarian to get attention crap. I wasn't impressed.

  6. I get the desire to edit stuff. On a side note, I suffered a concusion last week. Not Fun, I'll give the full AWESOME (it's not awesome) story in my ROH review on Monday

  7. I'm so happy he doesn't leave his garbage here anymore. I never read a word of his stuff after I saw he gave Michaels Undertaker ***1/4 for their match at 25.

  8. Does this mean your push is over?

  9. He then reviewed the show a week later and gave it a higher rating. I called BS on that

  10. It seemed rehashed to me. Like I already read it before here

  11. I hope not, but I'm not recapping last weeks show, which won't help my push! When MOVING gives you a headache you lose your motivation to write. Hopefully I rebound more like James Reimer instead of Chris Pronger.

    (I'm so happy Hockey is back)

  12. He had talked about the Terminator stuff before. In the column he wrote where he ripped off the Cracked article, he said how T3 was his favourite

  13. I had one when I was 12 and was on the couch for a solid week. I couldn't even remember my name or phone number

  14. Jesus, nothing major like that for me, just a few days of nasuea, headache, and dizziness. That and scaring the piss out of my mother when I'm unconscious on the kitchen floor. Anecdote, my best friend ALSO suffered a minor concussion in the last month (her story is much more interesting)

  15. I'm sure the 7 people who read your shit can't wait.

  16. I was skating on a pond and woke up with everyone around me. I had to go to the hospital by ambulance and it was scary for everyone around me. I was way to out of it to know.

  17. My friend was boxing with foam gloves in an inflatable boxing ring at frosh week. her boyfriend hit her through the ropes, she fell, and smashed her head of the concrete outside. She's massively lucky she has a hard head. I'm assuming he had some lonely nights after that...

  18. I know right! You have no idea what it's like being famous!

  19. Some of you guys really dislike Caliber, huh.

  20. In his future endeavors?

  21. I rip on him a lot, but I don't dislike him really... I just think he is very fake and has a lot of really dumb ideas about things. He seems like a nice enough guy and has a lot of ambition so I hope it works out for him... but man did he give me a lot of punch line material.

  22. He tries way too hard, takes himself too seriously, has no original voice and has the thinnest of skin.

  23. ^^^^^^^How I feel, he liked to play contrarian , then got upset about trolling. Liked his passion, but he thought himself an expert on pop culture when I don't think he has a wide understanding of it (Blink 182 released the most ambitious album in history).

    Wish him the best on PTBN (I better--I write there too!) but I don't know that he ever fully fit in on the blog

  24. Caliber: Writers try hard, don't criticise them. Oh, Chuck Lorre is horrible and BBT is worst show on TV. But seriously, leave writers alone.

  25. "takes himself too seriously"

    I think this is a big part of what rubbed people the wrong way. We're writing for some dude's blog, I do this cause I enjoy it--not because I think this makes me a "somebody".

  26. I like him but really, I think writing is all he has in life. He had to make it a point several times a day that he was the number two draw here so he could feel like he was a success. If he wasn't posting here, no one would be reading his stuff. Just like me, if I had to tell everyone that I was the number two draw and left to start my on blog, no one would go there. I would be lucky to get 1/10 of the hits I got here on my own blog. I have a career and a girlfriend and will be going back to school. I also have no delusions about being famous as a writer. Sure it is a dream but I know it is not a reality. However, I'm not so sure that Caliber has realized that for himself.

  27. Fuji is the one who nailed it. He acted like QOTD was some huge contribution to the board. It's a great idea and he deserves credit for it, but Meekin has taken it over and it's just as successful as it was with Caliber, with a lot less talk about The Expendables.

  28. "I think writing is all he has in life."

    Which would explain why he also had to talk about having any women he wanted...

    I think he may want to listen to the course if that's true

    Caliber, you're fooling yourself.

  29. When you post here, you get to see the page hit count for all of the posts. His QOTD wasn't blowing everything away. It was the about the same as the Daily Update post I do.

  30. I guess you could say Caliber was

    *puts on sunglasses*


  31. Who does it better? Meekin or Caliber. Spill it...

  32. I love that page hit thing--I get MORE views then I thought I would for ROH

  33. I compared the last week of Caliber's QOTD, that same week of my Daily update, and the first week of Meekin'a QOTD. The numbers represent Mon-Fri. Here they are
    Caliber: 876, 881, 816, 574, 552
    Bayless: 1347, 1164, 1118, 644, 1244
    Meekin: 1671, 999, 1165, 694, 637

  34. Bayless, you write the shoot reviews on this blog. To me you are the #1 draw!!!

  35. In Cracked, more likely

  36. Thank you very much.

    It funny, because those are by far the highest thing I do in hits. But here is the comparison to those and Scott's reviews.
    The Vader shoot got 2,011 hits. Scott's review of NXT got 2,102. Scott's reviews of Hulu's version of RAW got 3,837.

  37. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryOctober 5, 2013 at 10:09 PM

    Good call. It's like why Bill Waterson didn't approve a Calvin & Hobbes animated series, he didn't want to ruin what people had in mind for what C&H sounded like; I don't want anything impeding on what I imagine Scott sounds like. It's like when I imagined Maffew sounded like The Rock and it turned out he was more John Oliver.

  38. He used to do a radio show way back in the day.

  39. Scott shouldn't give that shit away...he should work it into some indiegogo promotion.

    ie, for $500, Scott will call via Skype and shoot the shit with you throughout an entire PPV.

  40. Photo's and audio of Scott are out there.
    If he does take his time with the rants though, it would suck to hear a half ass version without the wit.

  41. I thought he was ok.
    He tried too hard, but he wasn't bad.
    I didn't even find the "any woman that I want" thing to be all that off putting. I don't think that he was entirely sincere in saying it. Just being positive in an awkward, cocky way to cover that he's not actually all that sure of himself.

  42. Lol, good call.

    On a related note, that BBT episode from this week with the game/contest was nothing short of brilliant in its own little world.

    Lorre has been able to take things we really talk about--sex, alcohol, and menial details of life--and not make them taboo for a mass marketed sitcom. I don't think he's a genius, but his shows can be awfully clever at times.

  43. Everyone else that posts, and lasts, has their niche. Caliber wanted really badly to be star, such as it is.
    I thought that maybe QOTD would be his niche, but it still didn't work out.

  44. Or he could slap together a 5 minute video with little to no real original footage and ask $5000.... just checking if Meekin is reading.

  45. I think he left in dramatic fashion on purpose. When he lined up the gig with PTBN, he left here shortly afterwards. I really think he did that because he thought by leaving the way he did, people would see that he was a big deal and follow him wherever he went. I'm guessing it hasn't worked according to his plan so far

  46. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryOctober 5, 2013 at 10:59 PM

    I know they are...I just purposely avoided it =P

  47. I think he was also upset that Scott didn't bow to him over Dougie and other things.

    Allegedly being #2 at the BOD is the smallest amount of power I've seen go to someone's head.

  48. My question on that is if he is a mod why didn't he just ban Dougie himself?

  49. He had some talent as a writer, but I wish he didn't resort to using a gimmick. Gimmicks are bush league. Gimmicks are for wrestling sites stuck in 1999-2002. Gimmicks are for folks like Colin Cowherd or Skip Bayless.

    Gimmick free writing with a lack of self-importance is one of the many reasons why this is the only regular wrestling site I go to. As a writer and English teacher, I have nothing but the utmost respect for you, Kyle Warne, and even Tommy Hall. You, in particular, have turned your reviews into an artform.

  50. Thank you, I appreciate that.

  51. They definitely need to riff on The Marine A.S.A.P.
    After watching the Rifftrax version of Harrison Ford's godawful movie Firewall and hearing them rant on contrived violence, I can only imagine what their reaction would be to that really stupid scene where John Cena gets knocked out by a fire extinguisher. Yes, John can no-sell bullets, explosions, hit and run chases and hillbilly torture but he gets knocked out by a freaking fire extinguisher.

  52. Man, when I give my girlfriend a concussion I do that shit intentionally.


  53. Scott sounds Canadian as hell. Sophisticated perhaps.

    There was a pretty good interview with him on a podcast some months back.

  54. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 6, 2013 at 2:21 AM

    I wish he would have.

  55. I'm sorry Curry, but the BoD needs Dougie and Im gonna tell you why.

    (I'm about to go there for a second BoB so just bear with me)

    Think of the BoD as your typical high school.

    You have your cool seniors (Cult, Jobber, Fuj etc)
    You have your freshmen (the johnny come latelys and Ham N Eggers)
    You have your hipsters/goths/emo (Phrederic, et al)
    You have your know it all nerds (Curry, Warne, Bayless)
    You have your stoners
    You have your juniors about to be seniors (jc113...)
    and lastly you have you nerd/freaks and creeps/geeks (Jesse Baker and Dougie)

    Now we all knew these guys/gals in high school. They were picked on. Some of them were lovable losers. Some of them were trenchcoat Mafias in the making. But they were a subset of your high school.

    Anyways, Dougie is an emissary from NPP to report back there to make fun of us. To me they are all funny in some way, because they do alot of the same shit we do. We have our BoD-speak (TGGI, "Acquire" sigh.... Blog Otter/Botter), they have their own words and turns of phrases. They are guilty of the same things that we are guilty of... Except devoting a specific thread to another blog/forum.

    Anyways, saying all that, Dougie is needed because he is a douche and we need to point fun at him. Or else we would turn on each other eventually ala that Family Guy episode where Meg ripped everyone a new asshole, then the rest of the family turned on each other.

    and Brian took shrooms

  56. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 6, 2013 at 4:06 AM

    We'd be better off turning on each other then keeping that piece of shit around.

  57. I give girls CUMcussions.

    Right, fellas?

  58. I had 2 in 2011. Ughh no fun at all

  59. At the school of the BoD, I am a NERD?


  61. "Scott sounds Canadian as hell."

    Oh dear, as a Canadian i can tell you that means one of a few things, and none of 'em are good.

  62. HOLY SHIT.

    That. Was. Terrible.

  63. My TNA Weekly PPV reviews are lowest rated things on the blog.

  64. HE is actually the one making fun of you guys, not the other way around. And a lot of you guys are extremely sensitive, and you can't handle it when someone points out dumb comments. That's why so many of you hate him. I find that he is right at least 90% of the time.

  65. i agree. A lot of the BoD is extremely sensitive.

    You just gotta take him for what he is... a 40 year old loser who copies strangers pictures to his computer to make emoticons out of them.

    No need to be up in arms about it. It is what it is.

  66. Why did you bring on Caliber?

  67. Caliber pitched a bi-weekly pop culture column he wanted to write, and asked if we'd be interested in publishing it. It's not a reflection on BOD (we share many writers - including Scott!), just on content we thought that our readers may enjoy. Plus he has been energetic and involved in helping others develop ideas. We are open to most that want to submit a tryout piece and give it a whirl to see if it works out. We figured out of the 130+ pieces per month, we have something for everyone. Thanks for the feedback!

  68. It's not as bad as it sounds. There's some bass in his voice, and that covers up a lot of the misfortune of being Canadian.

  69. You beat 'em with your dick.


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