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the finish to the Rock/HHH Iron Man

Hi there,

So as we all know, HHH won the match (and the belt) six falls to five.  But here's the thing: HHH shouldn't have won the title, because the deciding fall was a *DQ.*  Because as Gorilla would always remind us "titles in the World Wrestling Federation can only change hands on a pinfall or submission."  And yet, I don't think I've ever since this mentioned in any recap.  I can't be the only one who's thought this, can I?


That particular bugaboo was overturned for 2/3 falls matches with the Brainbusters tag title win.  Plus iron man matches have always been "most falls in x time" regardless of how the fall is won.  So sorry, but nitpick DENIED.


  1. I think the more obvious problem is that by the time undertaker got down to the ring, the time had actually expired.

  2. Because as Gorilla would always remind us "titles in the World Wrestling Federation can only change hands on a pinfall or submission."

    So Flair couldn't win the title in the Rumble?

  3. Or that the finish of that awesome match was the return of the Undertaker in a shitty Biker gimmick.

  4. Plus didn't Triple H get himself disqualified after hitting Rock with a chair during the match as well? Going by that logic, Rock should have won 5 to 4.

  5. I agree with Scott, its the most falls in a match regardless of how they occurred. This case has no argument.

  6. Except there have been plenty of 2/3 falls matches where the heel champ got disqualified in the third fall and kept the title. As with most things in wrestling, it's most falls regardless of how a fall is won, except when it isn't.

  7. That's not fair to Flair.

  8. YankeesHoganTripleHFanOctober 1, 2013 at 8:51 AM

    Anyone know what happened to Mears Raw recap? Did he burn out that quickly?

  9. YankeesHoganTripleHFanOctober 1, 2013 at 8:52 AM

    Neither were his wives cleaning him out all those times.

  10. Rock got a countout fall, as well. Woulda been a 4-4 draw. I remember them being adamant for whatever reason that there would be no OT in this one.

  11. Scott you don't have any Meth'ed out Jesse Baker emails we can laugh at?

    This email is just sad.

  12. He also went over the ropes and to the floor. That too would hamper your chances to win the Rumble and thus the title, though they covered themselves by an on the fly ruling of, "You must be 'assisted' over the ropes."

  13. Was wondering the same thing.

  14. Is the new qotd coming up as an older post for anyone else, or is it just my shitty google chrome app? Its posted before yesterdays

  15. I said he just just empty out all his Baker emails on here one day and just let the BoD orgy over them

  16. YankeesHoganTripleHFanOctober 1, 2013 at 10:04 AM

    Well those girls had to finish the nursery rhyme and all.

  17. It's most falls within the time limit, period.
    And that it's the the deciding fall is irrelevant - the title doesn't go back and forth, per fall, during the match. The champion remains champion throughout the match until the end, and if the challenger has amassed more falls through whatever means, then (and only then) does he become champion.

  18. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 1, 2013 at 10:22 AM

    dan fail

  19. Kane is still a participant in the 1999 Rumble

  20. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 1, 2013 at 10:36 AM

    the M being highlighted in rumble 02 was to signify that maven really should be considered the winner since he was never eliminated over the top rope

  21. When the Hart Foundation beat Demolition for the belts, wasn't that a best of 3 falls match and Demolition was DQed for one of the falls?

  22. Have there been "plenty"? I can't think of any. Not saying they don't exist, but I certainly don't know if there are loads of them.

  23. Im a sucker for this match. Love it. Even though the finish is disjointed and they had to improvise it, still fucking awesome.

  24. Shawn is hands down the greatest guest ref ever. This, Taker/Bret, WM 28, all fucking great performances by him, especially WM 28.

  25. Too much too soon. Maybe keep it to two-three per day.

  26. I want them ALL. I want to let all Bakerness overtake and engulf me one day.

  27. This was basically a "talk to the hand" from Scott. Well done

  28. Are people really nit-picking the rules in a 13-year old match in a fake sport?

  29. The only one I can think of off the top of my head is a Dolph/Kofi match on Raw a couple of years age, but I distinctly remember it happening multiple times. Regardless of how many times it's happened, my point stands: "a fall is a fall" hasn't been consistently enforced.

  30. Is this your first time here?

  31. You thought Shawn's performance at WM28 was great? The people at the bar I watched it at were laughing at Shawn's attempts to be dramatic.


    Note that Dolph loses the final fall by DQ but still retains the title. So even in multi-fall matches, the title can't change hands if the last fall is a DQ...except when it can.

  33. Within the context of the match and the story it was fantastic.

  34. The nitpick for that finish is that Shawn CLEARLY didn't call for the DQ until after the clock had expired, as you hear the buzzer going off while UT still has Trips up in the Tombstone delivery position. So it should've been a 5-5 draw with the title staying with the Rock.

  35. He has 1536 comments.

  36. Why you're just Mommy's clever little man, aren't you Doog?

  37. DQ = fall, a fall = a point. the highest number of points gets the win I don't know how this is hard. The dq didn't get him the belt, the point from the DQ did.

  38. Damnit man, you'll never make it!

  39. As bad as that gimmick was, I sure as hell missed when we suddenly were dealing with a mute Taker with crazy magical powers.

  40. Technically the title was held in abeyance. There was no title to change hands.

  41. This makes perfect sense, unless this guy is doing the math for the falls..

  42. Back then, the term abeyance was held in abeyance. I approved and bought the RR92 PPV for that alone.

  43. so what was worse, the Kid Rock or the Limp Dick music?

  44. No, he's actually stupid. /Larry Literal

  45. Didn't he say he'd be away or some shit?

  46. The way I always saw it is that Shawn saw the chokeslam prior to the clock expiring which is what the disqualification is for. Although you're right, he did signal for the bell following the Tombstone, which was after the buzzer.

    Still one of my favourite match endings ever though. I remember just marking out like crazy for Taker's return.

  47. Yup watched it the other day


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