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The RAW box set announced

Kind of a weird selection to be sure, but interesting stuff.  Way too heavy into the modern era for my liking, especially when you can bang out a bunch of the 45 minute episodes instead of the bloated 2-3 hour ones, but it's a cool concept and the ECW, Halifax, MSG '97, Nitrocast and Homecoming shows are all on there, so that's hitting a lot of the beats people wanted.

And no, I'm not reviewing it.  


  1. Yeah the first couple of discs interest me, but as we get into the "E" era, not so much. And hey, look who gets to be kept in 2-3 episodes. That being said, do you think they could have included the 10-man main event show from 2000?

  2. Dammit. They never include the RAW where Pillman pretends to be religious to lure out Austin for a Hart Foundation attack. Austin gets away, only for the show to end with Bret whacking Austin off the stage with his crutch. That quick cut to Pillman praying and laughing was perfect.

  3. Man, I'm pretty happy that they're bringing Benoit back for a couple of these.

  4. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 2, 2013 at 1:13 PM

    hey scott, are you going rev-...


  5. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 2, 2013 at 1:13 PM

    in pog form?

  6. Not gonna buy any DVD that features the Bella Twins unless at least one of them is naked.

  7. I'll remember that the next time I watch Michael Vick play a game.

  8. Why did they include the bland 2008 King Of The Ring episode, the Trump RAW episode and the awful 15th anniversary show but not include any episodes from that great Summer 2008 period where there was no authority figure and the wrestlers could do whatever they wanted? There were quite a few gems from that period that totally got snubbed here.

  9. I don't think they wanted anything where he was featured or promoted prominently.

  10. Mike Vick who spent 30 months in federal prison, lost a fortune (literally), and now works to educate people about the perils of dog fighting?

  11. You know, when you do two episodes to a disc in the three-hour era AND when the shows were an hour, or two hours, I feel like they could have fit a lot more episodes on those discs.

    Also, no buys, as there's too much later stuff and not enough earlier episodes.

  12. You either review it or RAW is going to four hours and NXT is getting canceled.

  13. Michael Vick is one step below Jeffrey Dahmer s far as I'm concerned.

  14. The listing makes sense. Most of these episodes include historic moments or at the very least, were landmark episodes.

    What landmarks exactly happened in 2000? Yes, it was a GREAT year for wrestling, but what was so historic about it?

  15. They should include that whole 1997 series with Austin and the Hart Foundation as a separate boxset.

  16. No pipebomb but it should be, obviously. Or the one the next week from Boston would work as well.

  17. Glad to see the Halifax Raw made it. The first hour is nothing special, but that second hour is one of the best hours Raw ever had. The molten crowd really helped.

  18. Dahmer? Oh, you mean the guy who cannibalized innocent children after raping them and commiting necrophilia with their corpses? Vick's actions were detestable and abhorrent in every way...but there's a special circle below hell for someone like Dahmer.

  19. Guess what he was doing before he upgraded to that?

    Torturing animals.

  20. These four guys from WCW jumped to the WWF, that was pretty special.

    Chris Jericho won the world title.
    The Rock beat Shane McMahon in a cage match that got a ridiculous rating for the segment.
    Kurt angle assented to the top.
    Raw moved from USA to spike.

    The problem is a lot of stuff involved Benoit, so it's "forgotten."

  21. Nope, the "Pipebomb" is on there - it's the second to last.

  22. Yeah, that was a great promo by Pillman. I don't think the "Austin breaking into Pillman's home" episode made it either. Granted, that show wasn't great in terms of matches, but the whole "Austin on a rampage" thing made it entertaining.

  23. I never really cared for Benoit but I'm happy to see him on this just as a sign that future releases won't be hastily edited to remove him. It'd be silly to re-release Wrestlemania 20 someday without the main event.

  24. I understand wanting to include episodes that had big "moments", but I doubt there's a lot of interest in watching episodes that were 90% boring and interchangeable when they can just catch the "moment" on Youtube or another DVD release (namely, any of the MANY compilations they've released over the last few weeks).

    I think a better choice would have been to go with episodes that had more of a narrative, ones that would have worked better as stand-alone episodes - Austin going around springing "booby traps" on DX, the episode where nobody was in charge and chaos broke out, the 2003 episode where Flair doubts that he can beat Trips, "The Price is Raw", Vince in police custody, "Raw Old School", etc.

    I mean, we've already seen the Beer Truck on a million other releases, why bother?

  25. New idea for Greatest Rivalries?

  26. I liked the one the week before it more to be honest. The end has Owen & Bulldog beating up Austin only to get chased off by Shawn Michaels, followed by Pillman appearing out of nowhere from the crowd to jump Austin.

  27. Which show was the Halifax one?

  28. JR and the King were awesome on that call of the Pillman attack. 'Pillman has gone absolutely rabid. He's a maniac!'

  29. With over half those guys dead, now is the time - before Neidhart dies.

  30. Benoit's on it because he HAS to be on it. You notice how none of the shows from 2000 are on the DVD? That's why.

    But that show is historic so they had to put him on it.

  31. From July of '97, during the height of the Hart Foundation vs. the U.S. angle. The most notable thing that happened was Bret and Vince getting into a (worked) shoving match at the announce table. Truly an electric moment. You also had a fun flag match and Shawn Michaels road-testing his heel persona, which he debuted a few weeks later and would later become DX-era HBK.

  32. There's actually more Benoit than Bikertaker, so I guess we know where they stand on that

  33. That whole time period was just so hot. Every show.

  34. The husband and I were at RAW on May 10, 1999 in Orlando. If you look closely you can see one of us holding up Scott's ICQ number (hey it's what he requested) unfortunately as good as our seats were they weren't necessarily the best for getting on camera

  35. In this day and age it's probably best to avoid gunplay on the show, kids and whatnot

  36. The Bret Vince fight was incredible and really a shocking moment because his character hadn't crossed that line yet.

  37. That's weird. I could never glorify a man who killed his wife and child by watching and enjoying his wrestling matches.

    Especially since he most likely killed Daniel using a version of the Crippler Crossface. That fact makes his matches even more disturbing.

  38. Why? It's not like kids are going to buy the set and they clearly know the only people who are going to buy the set are older fans who quit watching the product a long time ago so why not put in the stuff they remember?
    Granted, they should not include gunplay in the current product but that doesn't mean they should censor past footage when kids are not going to watch the old footage anyway.
    After all, Disney doesn't edit or censor any R-rated movies they've released on Blu-Ray and they're the biggest kid targeted company so why should anyone else?

  39. Y'know I've just realised that I've been watching late 90s WCW Nitros and PPVs recently featuring Benoit matches, and never once thought about what he did. Obviously never condone it, but I guess I've separated it too.

  40. What a crappy set. This feels like an excuse to put yet ANOTHER version of junk like the Beer Bath out there for that .0000001% of the population who doesn't own it yet. And not enough stuff from 2000/01.

    Full episodes they should have put on there:

    - Either the Raw where the Radicalz debuted or the Dallas 10-man tag Raw

    - 2000 episode with the Jericho title win
    - Jericho/Benoit tag title win show

    - Calgary Raw in 01 with Lance Storm's debut and I think a good Austin match

    - MSG Raw the night after King of the Ring 01 (Invasion kickoff, Edge's coronation)

    - Atlanta Raw with the Alliance debut
    - Night after Survivor Series 01 (Flair's return)
    - Montreal Raw night after WM18

    - The original Beat the Clock from 2004
    - That European Raw with the Cena/HBK hour long match

    - Anything from the GM-less month in 2008, specifically the Raw where Punk cashed in MITB for the first time

  41. Yes he had. The RAW before Mania 13 or the RAW after the Rumble.

  42. Since when is the beer bath junk?

  43. This is because you're a liberal.


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