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The SmarK Rant for WWE NXT–10.16.13

The SmarK Rant for WWE NXT – 10.16.13

Taped from Orlando, FL

Your hosts are Tony Dawson (in his last appearance) & William Regal, with special guest Renee Young!

Tonight: Sami Zayn v. Bo Dallas! FINALLY!

NXT Tag Team Titles: The Ascension v. Corey Graves & Adrian Neville

Victor slugs it out with Graves and loses that pretty easily, as Corey is apparently unhappy about losing the belts. He hangs Victor in a Tarantula on the ropes, and Neville comes in with a running elbow in the corner. O’Brien quickly low-bridges him to put him on the floor, however, and we take a break. Back with the champs working Neville over in the corner and beating on his now-injured knee, but he quickly makes the hot tag to Graves. Corey cleans house with an STO on Conor and a clip to the knee, which sets up his reverse figure-four. Victor breaks that up and Graves tags out again, but Neville is still hurt and looks pissed. Aha, the old Strike Force split! Good old Dusty booking with the team ending their usefulness and then moving on to a program against each other. And Conor quickly destroys the knee again before tossing him into Graves and finishing with Total Elimination at 9:20. Corey Graves, sore loser, bitches at the injured Neville, offers a handshake of peace, and then turns on him. You know, people rag on Dusty’s booking the bad end of Crockett Promotions, but as long as he’s held in check (like here) it’s just tremendous. **1/2

Tyler Breeze v. CJ Parker

Holy cow, this is like NXT Wrestlemania or something. Crowd: “Breeze Is Gorgeous”. Indeed. Parker quickly gets an airplane spin while Renee compares ponytails with Breeze. Sunset flip gets two and they have a shoving match before CJ misses a dropkick and Breeze takes over. Parker with a cradle for two and Breeze begs off due to too much hitting in the face, and then goes to the eyes and finishes with a leg lariat at 3:22. William Regal gives the finish high marks from the perspective of an old villain like himself. How can you not love this show? Parker, the worst person in the world, hits Breeze in the face and then steals his iPhone and sullies it with his own ugmo face. Renee’s disgust at Parker stealing someone’s phone is yet another highlight. Match was junk but Breeze is owning this character and getting over bigger every week while the crowd continues to HATE supposed babyface CJ Parker. ½*

Paige & Emma v. Summer Rae & Sasha Banks

Paige attacks Sasha and pounds away on her to start, and brings in Summer Rae, who quickly runs away and tags out again. Emma comes in with a sunset flip for two and a cradle for two, but a cheapshot from Summer turns the tide. William Regal going off about his girlfriend Doris and just how ugly she is, while Renee analyzes the gear of the Divas, renders any action in the ring totally superfluous compared to the awesomeness of the commentary. Summer continues to work Emma over, but she rolls away and makes the hot tag to Paige. Paige throws knees on the apron and gets a dropkick for two. Perfectplex gets two. It’s BONZO GONZO and Summer hits Big Show’s Final Cut to finish at 5:42. Big night for the heels, and Summer is set up as the next challenger. *1/2

NXT Title: Bo Dallas v. Sami Zayn

Big atmosphere for this one. Zayn takes Dallas down with a pair of rollups for two, but Bo goes to a headlock. After working on that for a bit, Zayn comes back and hits the running boot in the corner an wins the NXT Title at 4:32! However, JBL quickly comes out and points out that Bo’s foot was on the rope (“Referee…don’t make me learn your name! Restart the match!”) and so we continue after a break. Back with Sami tossing Dallas and splatting him with a dive. Back in, Sami with a crossbody for two. The running boot is caught by Bo, but Zayn powerbombs him for two. Dallas comes back with a springboard bulldog for two and an inverted DDT for two, and the crowd is going CRAZY for Zayn. Sami hits a spear for two and goes up, but Dallas brings him down and hits his own spear for two. The crowd’s reaction to the near-fall is tremendous, as they get sucked into the old school babyface-heel dynamic with no irony whatsoever. They fight to the top and Sami brings him down with a powerbomb for two, and Dallas manages to pull off a turnbuckle while trying to fight off a german suplex. Sami manages to throw two of them, but Bo runs him into the exposed steel and steals the cheap rollup win at 18:40. This has to be the end of Sami in NXT, as it’s obviously time to bring him to RAW sooner rather than later. Clearly Bo Dallas’s best match ever, by far. ****

The Pulse

Not only did this blow off FOUR ongoing feuds in NXT, but it set up two brand new programs! This show is not only insanely entertaining, but a lesson in how to book professional wrestling.


  1. Please, for the love of all thats holy, don't let them fuck up with Zayn when they move him to the main roster.

    Booked right, the guy could be another Jericho in terms of being perpetually over.

    So I await the "opera singing dustman" or "losing his first feud with an announcer" with fear.

  2. I just don't understand how this show can fire on all cylinders when it comes to booking and yet the main shows can't seem to do the same. Is it because of too much interference from other higher ups, especially Vince? Or is it because it's such a small show that no one higher up gives a crap about it?

  3. Depends what your expectations are. Are you gonna deem him "Buried and ruined" if he doesn't win the WWE title by week #3? I'm sure you'll find a reason to hate the booking, no matter what.

  4. Im pretty sure my comment made fairly clear what I considered to be wasting him but I'll clarify.

    Allowing him to express his ability and win some matches with said ability, regardless of belts = good.

    Saddling him with a ridiculous comedy gimmick and using him as a jobber to simply make the "big men" look better = a waste.

    I don't hate all the War's booking, and I have no idea how you got that from my original comment, but I presume by that you must feel they can do no wrong and, for example, giving Cesaro a Yodeling gimmick or having Drew McIntyre in a comedy rock band jobber team is genius booking too?

    There are a lot of underused talents on the roster who could be very exciting and useful if the WWE recognised that. A decent length Zayn v Kidd feud, for example, if given some decent match time would result in some top quality matches.

  5. Contrary contrarians are contrary

  6. "I don't hate all the WWE's booking, and I have no idea how you got that from my original comment"

    He is a troll, don't take it personally.

  7. Pretty sure its both. Thats why I am not a fan of NXT getting any kind of US network television deal, because then Vince will get his hands on this and mucks it up. It would become another Raw review show with 2 matches every week filmed before Smackdown and not at Full Sail.

  8. Well said. Zayns got some great potential. I have ZERO faith in wwe booking him correctly when he moves up to the big time. ZERO

  9. That JBL brings market efficiency to the Stanley Blackburn role.


  11. Doesn't face stupidity usually necessitate heel turns? Dusty and Sting made a career out of it.

  12. Yes this all the way. It's easy to complain about Raw (justifiably so) and praise NXT but you have to take into context the fact that Raw is 3 hours and is a slave to the TV audience along with building to PPVs. NXT is just one hour and can take bigger risks.

  13. I don't know how you can say that honestly. Sure they've botched debuts in the past and such and I can understand being overly cynical but guys like Punk, Cesaro (to start), Big E., and the Wyatt family have had great starts. Hell, wasn't everyone saying they'd screw up the Wyatt's before the vignettes started?
    Now keeping momentum after a great debut? IMO that's their biggest issue.

  14.'re in favor of smarks right?

  15. The could have built it up more. There seemed to be no dissension or anything like that to prompt it.

  16. The conversation was about the overall initial run, not just an initial investment 10 minute segment. Name one other recent new act that kept the fans engaged for an initial time period besides the shield? Wyatts, Big E, Fandango,, no, no.

  17. I don't know how you can say the Wyatt's haven't consistently been engaging since their debut. Big E. is about to turn face with Cena behind him so he'll be fine. Fandango is a fine mid-card act that people foolishly believed could be bigger because of the insane post-Mania 29 crowd.

  18. Wyatts havent had any character development or any real feuds outside of a shirt 2 week program with Kane, people like them because of a cool entrance. Unless they get some direction that novelty will wear off and theyll be destined to JOB town.

    Big E has to turn face because hes floundered in the lower card for about a year. "Hes about to turn face with Cena behind him" is not a ringing endorsement of how he has been booked during his initial run.

    Fandago is destined to become a lower card comedy act, like Brodus Clay.

  19. They feuded with a shirt?

  20. It was an expensive shirt

  21. This show has a booker, Raw has writers.

  22. I was thinking the same thing when watching it. Corey runs to the ropes and Neville just watches him as he comes barreling forward.

  23. "Don’t make me learn your name" was a keeper. I'll be recycling that one.

  24. Really enjoyed the Dallas/Zayn match, just a lot of fun, fairly simple match with no overly convoluted storylines. They do need to find something for Zayn to do on the main roster though, he's too good. I would do a 1-2-3 Kid angle, have him face some upper mid carder on RAW and he comes away with a win. Nice way to introduce him and plays off that he doesn't look like much but can still be a threat.

  25. I think one of the major issues with the 3 hour TV shows that no one mentions is that it's probably a serious grind to write 3 hours of A-level TV each week. I imagine each episode is a real pain to put together.

    I remember watching a Russo shoot and he mentioned that one of the reasons he went to WCW when he did was that he was just burnt out from writing 2 hours of A-level TV and with Smackdown starting up, it'd be double the work. I know Raw and Smackdown now have separate writing teams but the point remains.

    I'm not trying to defend WWE writers or anything because there's plenty you can get on them for, but I do think the process is a lot more involved than any of us could imagine.

  26. Watching the breeze/parker match looked like watching an early carlito vs. Ziggler match the resemblances are uncanny.

  27. It was somewhat subtle, but you could tell something was up in the match where they lost the titles. The way they lost, with Graves tagging himself back in despite being badly hurt. . .isn't tagging yourself into a match a little hint that there is some dissension with the team? I think they dropped a few little hints before that, as well. I think the buildup to the turn was there, but some may not have noticed it since we are conditioned to being beaten over the head with the Sledgehammer of Plot.


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