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TNA: Half the Wrestlers on Food Stamps

> According to Larry Zbyszko: "Half the guys wrestling there are on food stamps I was shocked when I heard that one" this can't be right can it? Thoughts?

As usual , Larry is full of hot air.


  1. You're right is closer to 3/4 of TNA wrestlers are on food stamps...

  2. Yep, it's actually 3/4s, but Larry was drunk, so we'll excuse him... this time.


  4. Yeah, he does come across as a blowhard in that interview

    Was Larry actually any good? He did have a pretty long career which suggests he wasn't completely talentless, but I've never gotten around to checking him out.

  5. There was one guy though. Jesse Neal? Some dude from TNA was on food stamps but that's just Larry z crazy talk.

  6. He had one huge money feud with Bruno in 1980 but that's about it. He was a great heel though, no doubting that.

  7. When Larry said "half the guys", he was talking about himself.

  8. Sting wasn't always great on the mic, but he could talk circles around Larry. And he could work circles around him too.

  9. Other then the Bruno feud he was nothing. A career midcarder in JCP/WCW. He was the last AWA champion, mainly due to being married to Verne's daughter, making him the only guy in the company who wouldn't jump to the WWF or WCW.

  10. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 17, 2013 at 1:42 AM

    "He went to the well once to many times, Brain"

  11. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 17, 2013 at 1:48 AM

    I will give Larry three things.

    1. He could talk.

    2. He could stall.

    3. He could rap on beat.

    Still nothing compared to Bockwinkel's killer flow about thirty seconds prior.

  12. Larry could cut a promo ten times better than Sting. Larry was right in that regard, the other comments not so much.

    If you get chance listen to some of Larry's Corners segments in the AWA. They are pure gold. In WCW I think he was kind of phoning it in like Heenan.

  13. Very solid worker from his era. Not a big spot guy, so if you are looking for that you won't like him. Knew how to get heat and work in a realistic wrestling style. Also was a great talker, especially in the AWA. My only knock against him would be the stalling tactic at times to start off a match can get old and start to give him the go away type of heat.

  14. He wasn't a top worker, but he was solid. Good heel on the mic.

    I'd say he was the 80's version of Wade Barrett in terms of quality. He did some great matches in the mid-90's with Regal as his last hurrah, though it was him as a face which is weird.

  15. It ain't that hard to get on food stamps in America.

  16. Larry was a really great talker pre-WCW. Unfortunately, everyone only remembers his stint as a color guy on Nitro, and I don't think he fit as an announcer at all. It takes a specific kind of talker, usually one who isn't always looking to put himself over.

    I remember loving Larry's Larryland bits in the AWA, he was fantastic in getting you primed for a match. Once that match happened, it was a different story, but going in you were there.

  17. How much should they get paid for working like 4 days a month? Do they ever run house shows anymore?

  18. I remember him as the guy who went on second to last at Starcade '97

  19. They offered Mickie James 60k a year... if that is a typical salary, and they are on food stamps they are either gaming the system, or living their life wrong.

  20. So.. you're obviously not old enough to remember his run in the AWA as the top heel?? He had a huge feud with Sgt Slaughter and was pretty big there until he went to WCW. He was also big in Georgia before that. He ended his career as a midcarder but prior to that he was big in every territory he wrestled in.

  21. I've learned that Food Stamps are great. Everybody should swallow their shame and get on Food Stamps.

  22. At the end of the day you have to consider the source: this is the same guy who sued the WWF for having the audacity to call Chris Jericho a Living Legend

  23. LMAO am I nuts, or was Bockwinkel's flow not NEARLY as bad as I thought it would be????

  24. Larry was a good worker in the 80s as sort of that whiny heel (who really could wrestle) and could talk......particularly in Georgia. By the time he got the AWA title (early 90s?) he was pretty much past his prime, but still passable. Entertaining at times....and a very good (not Legendary) heel

  25. Well 60 K is not a lot if you factor in the travel/food/hotels on the road. Who knows what TNA is covering for expenses.

  26. I agree, but the people approving food stamps wouldn't look at that, they would just look at her income etc... and 60k a year is certainly not Donald Trump money but it probably disqualifies one from government assistance unless they have 10 kids or something.

  27. I would gladly live their lifestyle for 60k, even if I had to pay my own transportation and lodging. I doubt she does more than 100 dates for them a year.

  28. Yeah he helped Curt Hennig beat Nick Bockwinkel for the AWA world title by slipping him a roll of coins. I remember that angle like it was yesterday. Bockwinkel then got his revenge on Larry before calling it a career.

  29. I wish he weren't so damn old by the time Vince went national. I'd have still wanted DiBiase to get the Million Dollar Man gimmick, but Nick would have been a superb arrogant dick foil for Piper or something.

  30. Larry couldn't possibly be heeling because he left TNA on bad terms, could he?

  31. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonOctober 17, 2013 at 8:46 AM

    You're an independent contractor so a LOT of stuff is tax deductible. That being said there are outside salesmen at my job that that work with less.

  32. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonOctober 17, 2013 at 8:47 AM

    My ex had them in college because she could work a full time job and carry her course load.

  33. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonOctober 17, 2013 at 8:49 AM

    Didn't he admit that was a hoax?

  34. Has anyone else seen the 1993 Timeline ad with Lex Luger and initially thought it was Larry? It took me a minute to realize it was Lex and that Lex looked like crap.

  35. I'm amazed Larry stopped talking about himself long enough to mention other wrestlers.

  36. Isn't he living with that MSL dude that Konnan always makes fun of on the MLW podcast

  37. Bockwinkel and Larry Z are the absolute best. If they had those two instead of the Gagne's, this wouldn't have been ridiculed as badly as it was. Sure, they're no 3rd Bass, but it was decent.

  38. I disagree with you on Resnick. The rapping was terrible, but coupled with the herky-jerky back and forth dance? Seemed like he was a card carrying member of Whitney Houston's "Rhythmless Nation".

    Other than that, +1 for everyone else.

  39. Uh, no, someone tried to call him on it, and he wasn't kidding.

  40. Upvote solely for the 3rd Bass reference. The underrated white rappers of the 90s. Wonder whatever happened to those two.....

  41. Probably, but name 5 people that didn't leave TNA with a bad taste in their mouths.

  42. You're doing it wrong.

  43. You guys know that "food stamps" don't exist anymore, right? They pretty much went the way of government cheese and 40 acres and a mule -- There are assistance programs of varying sort depending on circumstance and geographic location -- And $60K a year in stated income definitely DQ's anybody in the US from "food stamps" -- Just saying is all...

  44. What part of America do I have to be in to "get on food stamps"? Central? North? South? Or are we talking about the United States in North America? Please clarify...

  45. Paying for your own transportation and lodging after getting taxed on $60K in income gladly? If you get the opportunity please let me know how that works out for you...

  46. I'm in outside sales -- Though I make considerably more than what we're talking about here and I'm a salaried employee I do have some insight into this -- Travel is always taken care of by the employer one way or another -- I have a company card for expenses and a travel agent takes care of flights and rental cars; I get a monthly vehicle allowance with oil changes, fuel and tires paid for and I don't see a cell phone bill -- Previously I paid for day to day travel up front and was later reimbursed for meals, lodging, mileage, etc -- Over the years we've had a few non-employee sales guys with different arrangements (The specifics of how they were compensated were never any of my concern/business) but if you're a company employee just about anywhere in the US you don't pay for your own travel -- But you are right, whether you're an employee or independent contractor, tax deductions are plentiful...

  47. Well duh. But I don't think that "EBT" is snappy enough to replace the popular vernacular of food stamps any time soon.

  48. You do have a point there -- I just like being snarky...

  49. Sure will. Compared to what I make now, even if half goes to travel (she doesn't work THAT many dates, and their are frequent ___ programs) and taxes, I'll take it.


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