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TNA wants to tape 4 to 6 weeks of shows at once

in the Impact Zone

I seem to remember some other wrestling promotion taping over a month of TV at a time in Florida in the early 90's trying to save money. 

That sure worked out great for that company, so I'm sure it will do even better now that there are even easier ways to find out spoiler results for shows.  

Dude, you gotta stop sending me these shitty c&p site "news" stories.  I have an Observer subscription and Dave talks about this stuff in much more detail and with actual credibility.

TNA is trying to get into either the Impact Zone again, or a venue in Vegas, and they're actually leaning towards Vegas because they can possibly make some money off tourists there, although getting talent in and out for tapings might be a big holdup with that. Taping on the road is costing them tons of money for absolutely no benefit, and although I don't blame them for making a go of it, they really should have done some due diligence before making that kind of investment without a backup plan.  But they were dying at the Impact Zone and SOMETHING had to be done.  If they can survive doing 6 weeks of TV at a time to save money, good on them.  No one gives a shit about taped v. live TV anyway and only a small percentage of internet nerds even care about spoilers for those shows.  NXT is taped weeks in advance and I don't pay the least bit of attention to the tapings, so it's all new to me when I watch anyway.


  1. That was actually my first thought about the taping cancellations, that they were switching to mega tapings. Given their formation and the long distance between PPVs, it wouldn't be the worst move ever. Taping in blocks, do a live special here and there.

  2. Speaking of TNA, I thought this was pretty funny:

  3. Remember the Seinfeld where Elaine had the friend she kept giving bad advice to? (Join the army. Go AWOL!)

    That feels like Hogan and Bishoff's influence over Dixie.

    Let's go head to head with Raw? Well shit, we better go back to Thursdays. Let's take Impact out on the road? Actually, let's take it back to the Impact zone! We should expect the return of the 8 sided ring and 12 pay per views anytime now.

  4. Wasn't it 6 sided?

  5. TNA threads suck

  6. Ha. Good Seinfeld reference/comparison.

  7. Sure was.

    Hell, rehire Russo and watch him try to create a 3sided ring with pastel turnbuckles and neon green ropes.

  8. A triangle ring could make running the ropes interesting. It would also make the whip into the corner spot nearly impossible. I say go for it

  9. That's acute idea actually.

  10. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 18, 2013 at 9:57 PM

    Hmmm let me see...

    AWA was filmed in Vegas
    WCW was filmed 3 months in advance.
    Eric Bischoff was apart of both companies.

    I got it.


  11. It would have to be pretty damned big to have enough roomtto pll off something like a vertical suplex.

  12. How many weeks does SHIMMER tape at a time?

  13. Ratings would probably improve if they rehired Russo.

  14. Seriously who is still reading the Lords of Pain site for wrestling news?

  15. Just in time for Thanksgiving! One lucky wrestler gets to save his food stamps and go home with a turkey of his very own!


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