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Which Shoot Interview Would You Like to see Reviewed Next?

Here are your choices. All three choices are from RF Video

Paul Orndorff
Barry Windham, Volume 1
Don Muraco

Voting ends Saturday at 8pm. Vote by clicking on the link below.


  1. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 17, 2013 at 7:48 PM

    Barry Windham is VERY boring BoD.

    Imma go with Orndoff. At least he take potshots at Hogan

  2. His Volume 1 shoot was really good I thought. It was filmed in 2000 or 2001 and it was before his health problems and when he was working for Dusty's TCW promotion.

  3. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 17, 2013 at 8:05 PM

    See I have the combined 3 hour shoot, and its snooze-inducing.

  4. Is that the more recent one, or the one that is filmed while he is sitting inside of a ring.

  5. Seconded. I started watched the Windham one, and couldnt even finish it.


    I'm watching my Best Matches of 2012 Blu-Ray, and NO ONE does a prematch history package like WWE. The one before HHH/Undertaker Hell in the Cell was just perfect. It made Hunter look way cool.

  7. Stranger in the AlpsOctober 17, 2013 at 8:39 PM

    Dixie's Halloween costume this year: Slutty Homeless Person.

  8. Of the three of these guys, I can't imagine Muraco or Windham being more interesting than Orndorff. "Mr. Wonderful" just always seemed to have a lot more personality and charisma than either of the other two.

  9. I'm guessing you would have gotten more up votes if not for that last sentence.

  10. Keep Calm and Move Along

  11. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 17, 2013 at 9:29 PM

    Mines are all audio so i couldnt tell you.

  12. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 17, 2013 at 9:55 PM

    I would not be shocked if Hogan shows up to BFG and says 500K and i go on...

    ...and Dixie cuts the check.

  13. Anyone else going to BFG? Should be interesting. I've never been to a live event that wasn't wwe/wwf

  14. Don't worry, it's just Elvy downvoting any posts that praise WWE in a TNA thread just because he's a delusional asshole who thinks TNA is the greatest wrestling promotion on earth even though they make CZW and All Japan look organized.

  15. Make sure you haven't bought a ticket or else you're really going to kick yourself because at the rate TNA's dying, you can get a pretty good seat for free.
    Even more pathetic than TNA's downfall is the fact that CZW of all promotions can now brag about selling more tickets than All Japan and TNA.

  16. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 17, 2013 at 10:30 PM

    You've never been to an indy show? I went to a TNA show in 2005 or so, and it was pretty sad. There were about 50 people in the crowd, though that's TNA's fault for trying to have a show in a place that (a:) is in no way suited to have a wrestling show, and (b:) is a good half hour away, at best, from the city proper.

  17. Orndorff hands down. Barry Windham's shoot interviews are as boring as nearly all of his post-1991 matches.

  18. Are we ever going to get a loser's bracket? Because most of the stuff not voted are more interesting options than these 3.

  19. Sometimes, it depends on how busy my week is. When I have time, I can do the longer shoots, sometimes I can do only do the shorter ones.

    I am going to recycle the choices more often and these three were all options in the past.

  20. Muraco was such a great talker I'm sure his would be pretty interesting. Too bad RF did the interview, better than nothing I guess.

  21. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 18, 2013 at 2:01 AM

    If I may ask for a special request, could you review Tammy's YouShoot?

    Just for the special shocker for the BoD

  22. I'm really interested to see how all this finally plays out (no pun intended), once TNA finally dies. They've never been this disorganized this quickly, or appeared so close to death so fast. Something happened behind the scenes we don't know about. Either somebody screwed something up monumentally, or daddy drastically cut the size of the checks he gives Dixie.
    Despite whatever revelation it may be, I'm still blaming Hogan. Because fuck Hulk Hogan.


  24. It's gonna be a sad day when TNA disappears. No matter how much people bitch and moan about TNA, at least they have a national audience and it took a long time. If/when TNA dies it's gonna be a long time till another company reaches that level, thus leaving WWE once again with the monopoly on the business. Without TNA we're probably never gonna see Styles/Samoa Joe/Angle/Hardy/Aries/Kaz/Daniels/Roode or Storm on TV again.

  25. From what I understand, her dad stepped down from his position at Panda Energy and her mom took over and her mom is much more strict on handling finances and far less lenient on spending money on stupid things like Hogan's salary and an oversized big screen they don't need and they never even use.
    Unfortunately, they started the cutbacks by getting rid of the wrong people. Come on, is Joey Ryan really the reason the company's losing its ass?
    They should be firing the people in charge and the people who are overpaid for doing next to nothing (I'm looking at you Hogan, Taz and Hemme) instead of firing a bunch of jobbers who were never even on TV enough to affect anything.

  26. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonOctober 18, 2013 at 3:00 PM

    Just read on that other site that they are trying to get back into the old Impact Zone in Orlando.

  27. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonOctober 18, 2013 at 3:02 PM

    [Beanie Sigel] He can eat a dick with AIDS on the tip...[/Beanie Sigel]


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