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Wrestlemania 30 scenarios

Hey Scott, here are some potential scenarios for Wrestlemania 30. Could you tell me what you think the likelihood of each one is and how you think each would play out if they were to take place? Thanks. 1.) The Ultimate Warrior is inducted into the hall of fame. 2.) Hulk Hogan is involved in person somehow. 3.) Shawn Michaels comes out of retirement to take on Daniel Bryan. 4.) Cena takes on the Undertaker. 5.) The Rock takes on Brock Lesnar. 5.) Sting is inducted into the hall of fame.

1)  I do not believe this particular development would be very likely.

2)  Hulk Hogan returning for one last "one last" run is always on the books.

3)  Shawn really, really doesn't want to come out retirement.  But screwing him over at HIAC and then putting him over eventually at Wrestlemania would be a hell of a rub.

4)  I can't imagine any scenario where it doesn't happen.  They would be throwing away money.

5)  If he doesn't re-sign with TNA, it's 1000% likely.


  1. Triple H in the Ultimate Three Stages of Hell match. First fall: 60 minute Iron Man Lumberjack match, Second fall: Last Man Standing Ring of Fire match, Third fall: Hell in a Cell I Quit match... I kid as I can't really think of anybody outside of the names you've already mentioned.

  2. The answer to the 'Rock' question is probably 0.00% chance of Rock coming back for WM30.

  3. I was a huge Sting fan growing up. I really want to see him get the moment in the spotlight he deserves. Sting as a surprise entrant in the Rumble, then sticking around and getting a match at Mania would be such a great way to put an exclamation point on his career.

  4. 1. Highly unlikely for WM Hardcore Porn, but in a world where HHH got Bruno back in the fold, to say it would NEVER happen is awfully presumptive.

    2. Dirt sheets seem to say this won't be happening, at least for now. Bad move by the Hulkster, IMO. I'd choose the bigger visibility over the bigger paycheck any day, especially with something like being RAW GM right there for the taking.

    3. Here's the problem with the "Shawn screws Bryan, then puts him over at WM" scenario: What do you do with the two of them in-between? Shawn obviously isn't going to stick around in the interim, and there's nothing really apparent to do with Bryan until we get past the Rumble that wouldn't inevitably bury him further. The only way the match works is if they do it right away, or if Bryan wins the title now and then gets screwed out of it at the Rumble or the Elimination Chamber. And this is all assuming Shawn even wants to work the match, which is highly unlikely, IMO.

    4. Only happens this coming year in a world where Bryan is in the WWE Title match at WM AND Rock agrees to come back, and I have little faith in the former happening and don't believe the latter will. It WILL happen eventually, but Cena fighting Brock or Orton looks far more likely to me.

    5. As I said, don't see it happening. Think Rock's injury this year was a wakeup call for him and he's either done completely (at worst) or will want this year off from the WM circuit (at best) with all his movie and promotional work in the pipeline.

    6. Agree with Scott. If Hogan does come back to TNA, I think Sting's a goner. They need to cut one of the big contracts and Sting's days as a meaningful draw are history. And if Sting is a free agent, I'd definitely throw the big payday at him if I were Vince.

  5. I'm going to go with Bryan, as I think it would be the best match out of the choices. The best promos would be versus Punk, though. And I'm not interested in Shawn being actually pummeled (Brock) or have to carry a dude who's blown up after 5 minutes in the ring (Rock).

  6. There are people with more history with Sting than the ones I will mention, but Foley or Austin would work as guys that were contemporaries of his. They are great talkers and both have a ton of respect for the idea of succeeding in the wrestling world without kowtowing to Vince.

  7. Foley isn't a bad choice - he had a fun feud with Sting. Didn't Foley say that his match with Sting was Foley's best WCW match?

  8. The whole rivalry was really entertaining. It also lead to the Abdullah in a box angle if I remember correctly. Gotta love Abdullah in a box.

  9. "1. The WWE is in Vince's mind. It's not real. THere are no rules. Or
    governing body. Its just Vince making up shit as he goes."


  10. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 14, 2013 at 11:50 AM

    1. I doubt it. Sure, they got Bruno, but Bruno isn't a nutjob who's likely to make an ass out of himself at the HOF ceremony.

    2. I don't care enough about Hogan to even really think about it.

    3. I can see this happening. I think Shawn has 1 match left in him, and if he's coming back WMXXX seems like the place he'd do it. He'll probably team with Bryan rather than face him though. HBK/Bryan vs. HHH/Orton seems more likely than HBK vs. Bryan.

    4. This is happening, Cena will win. Accept it and move on.

    5(a). I hope not. Stay retired, Rocky.

    5(b). Eventually, but not this year.

  11. I dunno - I kind of like the notion of Sting remaining as 'the biggest star to never wrestle for Vince', as well as a constant reminder that you can be a big star without ever wrestling for the WWF/E.

    But of course what you and I think doesn't matter nearly as much as what Sting thinks.

    Serious question though, since I don't watch Impact regularly. He's in his mid 50's - how good is he still in the ring? Nobody wants him to appear on WM only to embarrass himself.

  12. I actually thought 'Abdullah in a box' came before 'Cactus Jack in a box'.

  13. I haven't seen much myself, but from what I have seen he's not in the 'embarrassing himself' stage just yet. His match quality has always varied pretty widely based on his motivation at the time anyway. And I wouldn't expect him to be put in a Main Event, 30 min, carry the show type of match anyway. Just a good 10 minutes to let him hit the splash and death drop, then put over a good, young talent, and soak up some cheers on the only big stage left in wrestling.

  14. Maybe. I have nowhere near the memory for the angles and timeline that lots of the others on this site do. It all tends to run together for me after a while.

  15. Nah, I added that part as kind of a big picture, grand scheme of things, face/heel doesn't truly matter if the work backs it up.

    In this story, it'll really matter that's why I'm nervous on how it plays out. Face Bryan vs Heel Shawn could be epic and do more for DB than Cena putting him over clean ended up doing.

  16. " I don't know why they don't just induct people and don't invite them to the ceremony."

    Because it's not a 'real' HOF.

    At it's best (and I know it's not always at it's best) - it's a chance to give old-timers an opportunity to show that people still admire and respect their contributions. If the guy isn't there, then what's the point? Yeah, some people will be happy that 'so and so' is getting his due, but I think most people would prefer that it is shown in person. If you were attending the WWE Hall of Fame ceremony which would you prefer - to applaud to a montage of Bruno's career while someone spoke on his behalf? Or to actually be able to stand up and give him a standing ovation?

  17. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 14, 2013 at 12:43 PM

    What if the person is no longer alive, though? I'm sure there's language somewhere in the Martha settlement that will keep Owen out of the HOF for the foreseeable future, but is there anything for a legal standpoint preventing WWE from inducting Savage whether his family likes it or not?

  18. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 14, 2013 at 12:46 PM

    if there is a joke there, im not smellin what you're stepping in.

    i see the quotes, but im not trackin

  19. I removed the portion about it being the HoF that is all in Vince's mind and made it just WWE.

    You know what makes a joke funny? Explaining it.

  20. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 14, 2013 at 12:53 PM

    lol my bad. i read it like 3 times, and missed HOF each time.

    it is funny

  21. In a wrestling role, I agree. In some amount of other role? Perhaps. I imagine that he'll be around for the week if not on the show.

  22. I blame Obama. Thanks Obama!

  23. Hogan wouldn't need to actively "work" as it were to pop some buyrates at the house shows. (All for naught now)

  24. Sting's probably not capable of a full-time schedule anymore, but he can still definitely bring it in big-time matches.

  25. And other than the IYH Michaels match, his best ever IIRC.

    (I'm actually re-reading his first book now... I'm up to his second WCW run.

  26. Cactus in a box jumped Sting. Cactus thinks Abdullah is in the next box. Sting comes out instead, and tosses Cactus off the ramp. If Abdullah came out of a box, it wasn't mentioned by Foley.

    Great Arn line, to Cactus: "If I did that (toss off ramp to concrete) to someone, and he got back up, I'd run."

  27. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonOctober 14, 2013 at 1:29 PM

    I agree with you with the, 'the biggest star to never wrestle for Vince' thing.
    As far as his matches he's adequate and at times had to be carried, but he's not bad.

  28. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonOctober 14, 2013 at 1:29 PM

    Punk. The interviews and the buildup alone would be great.

  29. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonOctober 14, 2013 at 1:31 PM

    You're republican?

  30. Hardly. It is a meme going around mocking republicans.

  31. Cactus thought Abdullah was in a box because Abdullah had already jumped Sting from a box. I just forget which one came first.

    But here's a clip of Abdullah in a box:

  32. Here we go, Abdullah in a box:

    But no mention or site of Cactus, so maybe he was in the next box?

  33. Damn, just barely beat me... Nicely done.

  34. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonOctober 14, 2013 at 1:34 PM

    I know. My response was mocking republicans, not you.

  35. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryOctober 14, 2013 at 1:34 PM

    I think you keep the Bryan/Corporation stuff in the interim, and maybe you shunt the HHH match to either the December PPV or February. Put the strap on Bryan by the end of year, maybe make Bryan/HHH where he forfeits the title if he loses, and he gets his hands on HBK if he wins....this is all nonsense, I don't think any of us believe he's coming back to wrestle again.

  36. My bad. Please don't take the .gifs away!

  37. Sure, but the original question was about the chances of Rock wrestling Lesnar at WM30.

  38. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonOctober 14, 2013 at 1:37 PM

    Never that:

  39. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonOctober 14, 2013 at 1:46 PM

    With Shawn I think you have HHH come out and say, "I'm going to keep you apart until WrestleMania" then do a bunch of taped vignettes with Shan being all, "The student should outshine the teacher." That way he can show up here and there.

  40. I know your nickname for WM30 was a joke but it would make Total Divas a -much- different show, I guess...

  41. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 14, 2013 at 2:17 PM

    Persona non grata? Luger works for WWE.

  42. they kept Punk and Rock apart for the same amount of time...

    Have shawn enter the rumble as a surprise entrant, have Bryan eliminate him. Build it up with interviews from there

  43. These were questions I sen Thit in, sorry about the two 5's typo. 1.) I don't know, I just get the feeling it will be warrior's year, what with HHH in mending fences mode. 2.) Withe the news out today this one seems less likely at least for this year, but I do think Hogan will eventually get some sort of retirement run in WWE similar to Flair's. 3.) This is like the first scenario for me, for some reason I just feel this will happen next year, stemming from the upcoming HIAC. 4. This will happen, it's almost like the last big match they have that doesn't involve upcoming stars. 5.) I'm going to say no on this one. 6.) As soon as TNA is done he will go in, the question is, does TNA fold before WM 30 in an eerie retread of WCW folding before WM 17?

  44. Really? Well I feel stupid.

    He'd be a great choice for inducting Sting - long time tag-team partner and close friend in real-life.

  45. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 14, 2013 at 3:55 PM

    Yeah, he's a "wellness policy consultant", whatever the hell that's supposed to mean. And yes, he'd be the perfect choice to induct Sting.

  46. I altered the parameters of the question. Pray I don't alter it any further.

  47. Ziggler vs. Shawn could be fun. Maybe you could combine two of these questions and have him wrestle Sting?

  48. Man, having Bryan get screwed out of the title AGAIN? I know Bryan vs. HBK would be tremendous, but that's a lot of Lugerizing for Daniel.

  49. Arn Anderson could induct Sting. He was there for the feuds with Flair and the Horsemen, he's one of the guys people associate more with WCW than WWE, and he's less of a wild card than Flair.


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