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WWF Championship Wrestling April 20th, 1985

April 20th, 1985

Your hosts are Bruno Sammartino and Vince McMahon

In action tonight are the British Bulldogs, Tito Santana & Junkyard Dog, and the tag-team debut of Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart & Brett Hart.


Steve Lombardi & Barry O. vs. British Bulldogs

Dynamite takes down Barry with a pair of shoulder blocks. Davey tags in and goes to work on the arm. Crossbody gets two. Barry doesn’t get his arm up in time for a clothesline but Davey sells it anyway. Davey gets up and uses a crucifix for a nearfall. Lombardi and Dynamite tag in and Dynamite his a few suplexes. Davey gets two off a powerslam then grabs a chinlock. Dynamite chops the piss out of Lombardi then locks on a sleeper that Barry breaks up from behind. Barry hits a powerslam then tags Lombardi before heading to the top rope but Davey knocks him off then knocks down Lombardi, setting up the finish which had Davey press Dynamite over his head and launch him at Lombardi with a diving headbutt for the win (4:06). After the match we are shown a replay of the finish, where we see that Dynamite was lucky he didn’t break his neck, as Vince tries to make a sound effect that mimics a missile. He failed.

Thoughts: A nice showing for the Bulldogs, who had the crowd going after the match. They were using moves that were just not seen at all on WWF television.  Lombardi was a champ here for taking all the punishment that he did.  


WWF Update with Lord Alfred Hayes. This week’s subject is King Kong Bundy and we are shown a clip of him squashing Paul Roma. The push is starting to take off for Bundy.


Brutus Beefcake w/Johnny Valiant vs. Ron Dee

Dee backs Beefcake into the corner then breaks cleanly. Beefcake hits a slam and goes to work on the back of Dee. On commentary, they put over the duo of Beefcake and Valiant as being perfect for each other as Beefcake hits a gutbuster. He nearly blows a clothesline then hits a running knee smash for the win (2:57).

Thoughts: Just about the same as every other Beefcake squash. His singles push still isn't working.


Gene Okerlund is with Bob Orton. He said his dad was a great wrestler and he is following in his footsteps. Okerlund asks him about being Piper’s bodyguard and if he is well-paid and Orton said he isn’t doing it for free. Okerlund then asks him if he has spoken to Paul Orndorff and Orton said that he has not and Orndorff is probably crying somewhere. They sure have done a great job of making people think what will happen when Orndorff returns.


Mario Mancini & S.D. Jones vs. Brett Hart & Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart w/Jimmy Hart

Neidhart and S.D push each other around to start. S.D. works the arm and tags Mancini but he gets destroyed by Neidhart. Bret tags and hits a dropkick. He uses a headbutt and wrestles at a fast pace. They take turns beating on Mancini as the camera shows Jimmy Hart getting flipped off by a fan. After that, the Anvil holds up Mancini and Bret takes him down with a clothesline for the win (2:37). The heels beat on Mancini after the win then leave.

Thoughts: Not much of a reaction at all for the debut of the not-yet named Hart Foundation. They looked okay in the ring but after this, you would never think that they would go on to be one of the most popular teams in WWF history. Bret was more aggressive here but still didn’t show any personality in the ring. At this time, they were still spelling his name as “Brett.”


Okerlund is with Beefcake and Valiant and asks them about breaking the leg of Hillbilly Jim. Valiant rambles before saying that they got in his way and was a novice. Beefcake speaks and mocks Jim by hopping around on one foot. He was pretty bad on the mic.


Sal Gee vs. Don Muraco

The fans heckle Muraco as he enters the ring. He beats the shit out of Gee before grabbing a chinlock. The fans start a boring chant as Gee tries to escape but gets taken down and Muraco hits the tombstone for the win (2:37). Damn, he dropped him right on his head. Muraco looked pissed off about when he took Gee down before the finish.

Thoughts: Dull match. The crowd was a bit impatient here, which is usually what happens during the last show of the taping.


Piper’s Pit from backstage at WrestleMania. The guest this week is Jesse Ventura, who calls the referee’s incompetent. Roddy rants about Mr. T being gassed after the match then disses Orndorff, calling him “Mr. Blunderful” as he tells Ventura that if they had him as a partner they would have won.


Hillbilly Jim is on his porch at his home in Mudlick, Kentucky. He reads off some fan mail and shows us his broken leg. He promises to take care of Beefcake when he heals. He then plays the guitar for a few minutes then shows us his dogs. This lasted for way too long. Hillbilly Jim was never able to sustain his popularity when he came back.


R.T. Reynolds & Mr. X vs. Junkyard Dog & Tito Santana

The faces work on the arm of Mr. X. Reynolds tags but ends up in the wrong corner and JYD grabs a chinlock as we hear him speak gibberish to his opponent, which amuses Vince. The faces neutralize Reynolds with various submission holds. Mr. X tags and works on Tito for a bit but that doesn’t last and JYD tags back in and hits a running powerslam for the win (4:14). After the match, JYD pulls some kids out from the crowd and dances, which has Vince remind us that last week, JYD danced with someone’s grandma.

Thoughts: The crowd really likes the team of Tito & JYD. A basic squash match.


Okerlund is with Muraco. He asks him about his training schedule. Muraco tells us about all of the training he does then stresses the importance of nutrition. He tells us that it is time to eat then starts eating a donut and continues to talk. Okerlund is losing it as Muraco is talking with a donut hanging out of his mouth. He spits it back into his Dunkin Donut box as Okerlund is about to lose it. After that, Bobby Heenan and Ken Patera walk out. Patera kisses his bicep as Okerlund almost loses it then tells Patera that it is ridiculous. Heenan runs down the training schedule of Patera and Studd before saying that Studd was not slammed by Andre and that he will not get the money but rather the rest of the donuts.


Bruno and Vince recap the show. In action next week are Barry Windham & Mike Rotundo and Jimmy Snuka.


Final Thoughts: Fun show. They continue to focus on the tag team division and have done a great job in building up suspense for when Orndorff returns. We haven’t seen any Hogan or Mr. T since WrestleMania. This was the last show of the TV taping that took place before WrestleMania. The WWF actually took off two weeks after Mania, then resumed business as usual afterwards.


  1. There was SO much good about the simulcast:

    - The show-opening promo from Flair
    - Vince talking about Goldust's request for breast implants right in front of Trish.
    - Some good matches on that show, as I recall: Booker-Steiner was OK, but Helms keeping the cruiserweight title, Rey and Kidman winning the cruiser tag belts, etc.
    - And yeah, Shane coming out at the end for the big twist ending.

  2. The clip of that Muraco/Patera interview....

    Man, this was funny. Kissing the bicep is such a standard heel move now that it's funny to see Gene be totally thrown off by it in 1985.

  3. Or go even further and think about the international stars they've brought in, like Mistico. This philosophy isn't exactly ringing true to me.

  4. Let's be honest here, don't most independent wrestlers make shit money anyways?

  5. If a WWE prospect doesn't pan out, it's not like indie territories magically don't exist. They can still go the indie route (or even to Japan) to hone and perfect their craft to the point that they can potentially become valuable assets to WWE again in the future. HHH's logic doesn't make a lot of sense to me here and sounds like a lot of strong-arming bullshit.

  6. I was a fan of AJs. There was no denying how over she was at a point. We should have just know better to think a divas act wouldn't become some kind of a parody.

  7. Yeah, I think the strategy was more to de-legitimize TNA than to hire potential stars. You might argue it was a smarter strategy in the long run, as sad as that sounds.

  8. Something I would l would love to have a clear answer on:

    Is it really true that WWE was once worth one or two billion as opposed to millions and millions? Because everyone always raves about the 6.0 ratings and extreme mainstream popularity of Austin and rock, but was the company actually more financially successful then?

    I ask because even though the ratings are so much lower and ditto for buyrates, there are just so many more revenue streams now: far more merchandise, worldwide tours, DVDs, on demand channel. Furthermore, www's partnership with charities and commitment to pg programming has allowed their corporate sponsorship to reach an all time high.

    Just wondering.

  9. RT Reynolds would go on to become the greatest boss Blade Braxton, Sean Carless and myself have ever had.

  10. Sure do..early summer I believe

  11. Nail Yakupov was drafted first overall last year.

  12. That's well and good but their numbers are slowly dwindling. So they have to figure something out eventually unless their plan is MechaCena 3000. 2 of their top guys are mid 30 somethings, one who is destined to go out like Edge, and the other one is a beat-down insomniac who won't take drugs for personal reasons... this does not seem to be the recipe for longevity.

    In my opinion, the office is delusional, but again this is much ado about nothing since the biggest "indy" out there is about to go out of business anyway.

  13. Harts came into their own with the neon pink spandex tights. Seriously, they were perceived as drab prior to the change. I think Mr. Perfect also benefitted greatly to a color enhanced new outfit. In today's wrestling I think the usos would be taken more seriously with a makeover. The jammy green shorts just aren't working.

  14. "right now you are like HBK in 2000 (minus the coke problem)"


  15. It was a moving moment. I also found the hug between he and Trips to be rather genuine.

  16. I enjoy her "acting," or whatever you want to call it, and I find her to be incredibly cute. I wasn't on board with her as a wrestler until recently...someone shared a match she had with an African American female on NXT that was damn good, regardless of sex. Since I watched that, I've grown to appreciate what she does in a ring. Still not sure how much I like the submission hold she's using, but she has to have something she can use against those who are just bigger. And, I'd say she does a good job of selling.

  17. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 19, 2013 at 3:22 PM

    the last match - sting/flair - was nice for a tv match

  18. Yup.

    Or, nope.

    Over or not, I'm sticking to it like Tom Brandi stuck to Salvatore Sincere. or something.

  19. I know people that make pretty good money selling insurance.

    A lot more than 60K or whatever they are paying in TNA. Also, very little chance of breaking your neck at work, and full benefits if you do.

  20. Vince made so much money he could afford to start the XFL, completely bomb, and STILL be financially secure enough to not file for bankruptcy AFTERWARDS. THINK ABOUT THAT!

  21. Yeah I'm not knocking selling insurance. You can make a great living doing that and given how low balled Anderson is likely to be, I would strongly consider insurance or personal training or sports announcing or whatever other gig he can get. But presumably these guys are in wrestling because they like wrestling and want to be a wrestler. If you want to be a big wrestling star in the US or Canada, it's pretty much WWE or nothing.

  22. Yeah, I'm just bugging you. I have to stand up for insurance since it pays my bills. I don't sell it though.

  23. I'm curious... let me look that up if I can.

  24. Brock Lesnar coming back and kicking Cena's stupid little hat. *****

  25. I shared this with Scott and he posted it, but given your comments, it seemed worth linking:

  26. Big Dick McGillicuttyOctober 19, 2013 at 4:41 PM

    I didn't know they were that awful. Wow.

  27. Big Dick McGillicuttyOctober 19, 2013 at 4:41 PM


  28. That's one of the many problems I have with military service; I also dislike the idea of being a pawn in someone else's game. You could make the argument that all of us are pawns on some level, but if I really hate my job, I have reasonable options. If I join the military and really hate the idea of going to war, there are still options...they just ain't very appealing. There's always a choice in everything we do; sometimes the circumstances are just fucked up.

  29. I'm beginning to think you can't work BoD style

  30. So....what's the TNA equivalent of the blog world? I don't post anywhere else, and I read at work when things are slow. I read this one for I don't even know how long before posting because I enjoy Scott's writing. Now I enjoy this just as much, particularly during Raw.

  31. 411Mania?

    NPP would be CZW, I assume (dangerous, I know).

  32. Yeesh. Nah. 411mania has SO. MANY. ADS. I'll just be the Iron Mike Sharpe of the BOD.

  33. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonOctober 19, 2013 at 5:00 PM

    Punk winning the title in Chicago was a great moment.

  34. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonOctober 19, 2013 at 5:01 PM

    Nah. I still wanna blow her back out.

  35. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonOctober 19, 2013 at 5:04 PM


  36. Bret Hart was incredibly bland before 1987 too. Holy shit was he boring.

  37. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonOctober 19, 2013 at 5:08 PM

    Flair just has a way of making everything he does in the ring seem important.

    Case in point, the celebration after winning the I-C title: Fast forward to the 15:36 mark.

  38. Before this turns into a 20K-word article:

    Market Cap isn't a full picture of the company's state, but it's a good determinant.

    There's also a second value, Enterprise Value, that's considered the "takeover" price of the company. It seems to run at 70-80% of the Market Cap number in WWE's case.

  39. wait you worked at the Western?

  40. Wasn't October 2002 the Katie Vick angle time.

  41. It really was. DBry winning the belt at SS was a bigger moment for me personally, just because deep down, I didn't think they'd give it to him.

    So, yeah...for that 5 mins or so, I was in a kind of happy state of shock.

  42. Thanks for providing all of that! Very interesting

  43. I'd feel sorry for him if it weren't for 2002,2003, and the Orton & Lesnar feuds.

  44. I really enjoyed this period of Jericho. He was so far beyond every one else at this point.

  45. I wish everybody had as easy a route to WWE name as Bryan Danielson to Daniel Bryan.
    Jon Moxley could have become Max Johnson.

    oh, wait. nevermind.

  46. does that refute my comments?

    CM Punk's body was trashed before he even got to WWE because of stupid indy spots. If WWE gets a system that doesn't rely on people's talent or drive, they can produce an army of "stars" that won't be beat-up before they get signed and are ultimately replaceable because there's a system to create them.

    Will it work? It'll be tough, but potentially they could secure their future for generations to come. You might get tons of boring identical pretty boys. But...NXT is doing good work with Bray and others that are WWE's "type". Plus Cody is acceptable.

  47. What did he think scab meant?

    And yeah, that's fucking ridiculous. WWE wants another Triple H, not another Shawn Michaels.

  48. I've always said he was on the cusp of becoming WCW's Shawn Michaels.

  49. He thought it was an insult that Dana White used and basically accused Heyman of ripping off part of his promo. That is how far in the bubble Alvarez is.

  50. That is


  51. Punk and Cena are around the same age and Cena is falling apart too. It's the schedule, not the matches themselves. What's worse, doing a Pepsi Plunge once every couple of months, or bumping through twenty matches a month/12 months a week? Hogan's hip is toast, probably because of his finish, which is nothing more than jumping on his ass.

  52. Cena is trashed because he doesn't take any time off.

    Look at Jericho or Triple H (Jericho is pretty much in mint condition, and outside of H's quads he's completely fine).

    It's time off and not doing stupid shit (which Cena and Punk still do). A guy like Flair was fine for years doing weird face bumps and getting thrown off the top rope.


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