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AJ Lee Collapses

Serious health issue, or greatest worked shoot since HBK/Owen?

What would be great about it, exactly?  Given her weight she clearly has a problem, as does Brie Bella.   Being that thin isn't healthy.   


  1. Weight problem? Think that's a bit harsh. Given her travel schedule, straight exhaustion seems more likely...

  2. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 15, 2013 at 4:37 PM

    That and just plain stress, probably. I don't think AJ has an eating disorder or anything (correct me if I misunderstood, Scott, but that seems to me what you're implying), she seems like the type of woman that can eat whatever the hell she wants and never gain a pound.

  3. Well AJ is just petite. My girlfriend is only 102 pounds, clearly does not have a weight problem, and is far from unhealthy.

  4. She needs a bit of meat maybe. I can help with that...

  5. Dehydration could be from drinking the night before or just not nourishing yourself in general. As far as exhaustion, I don't know how many matches she has wrestled on the tour but it doesn't seem to be significantly more than anyone else.
    She looks to weigh about 90-95 lbs, which is low.

  6. She's around 115 or so, far from emaciated. She's petite but 5'2" or so and has a decent amount of muscle for that frame... and a great butt.

  7. There's a difference between an anorexic and an athlete. AJ has actual muscle tone on her, so that denotes that she is eating something.

    Does AJ have a body image issue? Uh...probably, she's a female celebrity. But are her issues any worse than any other celebrity? Or any other wrestler female or male? CM Punk has documented in interviews his body issues, and Lance Storm has said the main reason he worked out as much as he did was because he worked on national TV in tights.

    I'd put it on partying, food poisoning or lack of sleep.

  8. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 15, 2013 at 5:00 PM

    How much partying is she really doing, though? Isn't she dating Punk?

  9. Lots of jokes here...I'll leave them for the professionals. Giggity giggity

  10. 115 lbs? No way is she 115 lbs

  11. Uh, athletes can have eating disorders you know

  12. I don't think she has an eating disorder, but I dated a chick in college who was bulimic. I had no idea, she was a cheerleader so was active, worked out 6 days a week, and was toned for a chick. Having muscle tone and having an eating disorder don't have to be mutually exclusive.

  13. Maybe she needs an OfficerFarva protein shake.

  14. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!November 15, 2013 at 5:16 PM

    Maybe she just lost her smile.

    Let's hope she doesn't lose her sideways smile.

  15. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 15, 2013 at 5:17 PM

    100-115 sounds about right to me. I mean, she's not that skinny, we're not talking about Stacey Keibler here.

  16. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!November 15, 2013 at 5:18 PM

    I don't think Keibler was emaciated looking in the least. After all, the weight is spread out a lot more when you're a 5'10" girl.

  17. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 15, 2013 at 5:22 PM

    I don't think she looked emaciated, but she seems to gained a little weight in the last few years and I think she looks better for it.

  18. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!November 15, 2013 at 5:25 PM

    On a figure that trim and petite, any small addition of muscle would metabolize food quicker to the point of her... well, looking the way she does. Clearly she has energy and looks healthy, so she most likely has no "disorder".

    Chalk up the fainting to stress, jet lag, and perhaps some innocent alcohol consumption.

  19. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!November 15, 2013 at 5:30 PM

    Oh no, I wasn't insinuating anything. Although her figure isn't exactly my type, she's looked as close to perfect for just about forever.

  20. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 15, 2013 at 5:33 PM

    And the recent concussion couldn't have helped, concussions never do. That being said, I would have to think that all the bumping is probably taking more of a toll on her body than most of male workers or even bigger female workers, just because she's so small. Combine both of those and they should probably park her for a while, or at least keep her out of the ring of a bit so she can heal up.

  21. You're talking to a guy who lives with a girl that weighs 105 after a big dinner on her fat day of the month... and AJ is noticeably larger than her.

  22. I'm not saying she doesn't...I'm just saying that I doubt her issue is any greater than any of the other people on the roster...or females that show their stomach on national TV in several different countries.

    And she's clearly in good shape, not just model shape, actual capable of athletic activity shape.

  23. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 15, 2013 at 5:38 PM

    Really? I think Stacey is damn fine, but I would take AJ over Stacey any day, both on looks and personality (I've never met either of them, but I'm sure I'd get along better with a wrestling nerd that loves video games than I would a model). Give me Beulah over any valet/Diva though, and shit, Kimona too. I'm hardcore, I'll take them both!

  24. I'm sure they do, but the first thing you lose when you're not eating enough is muscle, which she is not lacking.

  25. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 15, 2013 at 5:38 PM

    In some sports it's quite common.

  26. You can party without doing drugs, and I know Maria drank and smoke while with Punk, so AJ imbibing isn't exactly verboten.

  27. Fair enough. I don't know if she has an eating disorder or not so can't speculate either way.

  28. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!November 15, 2013 at 5:41 PM

    I prefer AJ as well, actually.

    I think Trish Stratus or Mickie James were more my speed, though. As Al Pacino would say...

  29. None of us do. But I know Punk has talked about how he works out and it doesn't really show, and how he felt that he had to bulk up when he was OVW.

    But considering that AJ hasn't really had problems in matches related to cardio or the ilk, I'd put this more on bad sushi or lack of sleep or to much vodka or the recent concussions...not an eating disorder.

  30. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 15, 2013 at 5:45 PM

    "You can party without doing drugs"

    You can? Shit, I gotta try that one of these days.

  31. Yea, if I had to bet I'd agree with you. Just overall exhaustion from travel, dehydration, or some normal issue. You can't rule out eating disorder but it'd be low on my list.

  32. I don't know if I'd call it a "party," but that's just me. You too from the sounds of it

  33. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 15, 2013 at 5:48 PM

    I always thought Katie Burchill (not even sure if that's the right name, the chick that was the "sister" of the guy with the pirate gimmick) was pretty nice. Scarlet Bordeaux from ROH is pretty hot too.

  34. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 15, 2013 at 5:54 PM

    You gotta remember that Phred is pretty young (maybe the youngest of the real regulars), and I think he's said before that he likes to play it straight. Not that there's anything wrong with being sober, but hell, the beer loving pothead thing has practically become my gimmick on this site.

  35. Yea, to each his own. Not my thing though, typically.

  36. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!November 15, 2013 at 6:04 PM

    Those lovely ladies are also up my alley.

  37. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 15, 2013 at 6:04 PM

    Yeah, mine either.

  38. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!November 15, 2013 at 6:05 PM

    Sounds like a challenge.

  39. Pat Patterson tried "to play it straight." Wasn't his thing either apparently

  40. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 15, 2013 at 6:06 PM

    You already have a gimmick, and a good one.

  41. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!November 15, 2013 at 6:07 PM

    What is that?

  42. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 15, 2013 at 6:10 PM

    The one that the the most ridiculously obscene/offensive yet somehow still funny comments. Hell, just like my gimmick or Scream_Hart_Killer you can spot it just by the name.

  43. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!November 15, 2013 at 6:13 PM

    I can deal with that, but it hurts my reputation of Smartest Wrestling Commentator.

    ...See! You don't even know what I'm talking about!

    Welp, I've gotta go drop some mud.

  44. No, but has any other wrestler in history ever collapsed because they weren't eating enough?

    I find it hard to believe that AJ is more vain than Shawn Michaels.

  45. Dude, I'm agreeing with you that it's not likely. I said it's not impossible though because she's toned, as you implied.

  46. It's actually pretty damn fun. Being sober allows you to a) Remember what actually happened and b) Prank those that are high and most importantly c) Not be a drunk douche.

    I am an extremely self confident person, I don't need booze to "loosen up" or whatever excuses you guys make to avoid being able to have fun in your natural state. I have had another man take body shots off of me while I was completely sober.

  47. AJ has said in interviews on Twitter that she doesn't drink and doesn't really understand why anyone does (or something like that). Of course wrestlers lie, though.

  48. I'm agreeing with you, most Olympians probably have eating disorders.

  49. Threadjack: LOL!!!

  50. This makes me like her less.

  51. It makes me like her more.

    Nothing is less sexy than being drunk.

  52. You can purge through exercise and have an eating disorder. You cannot go by someone's muscle tone to determine whether or not someone has an eating disorder.

  53. I would guess that she's not eating enough. You can't compare her to an average woman because she's an athlete, and her caloric expenditure is going to be higher. That's not to say, necessarily, that she has an eating disorder, just that she needs to take in more to account for what she burns. But it could be lots of things. Still, if its me, I wanna see her with more cushion. Brie too. If they want the Bellas to look more identical they need to get Brie to gain more and get Nikki to take off about ten pounds of makeup.

  54. How old are you?

  55. ...if AJ has an eating disorder, than so does John Cena.

    And I'm being completely serious here.

  56. TV makes people appear bigger than they are.

  57. You know AJs not here monitoring this concersation, right?


  59. I am just pointing out that you have zero clue as to the characteristics of eating disorders but you seem to be doing a better job at it than me.

  60. Beautiful...simply beautiful.

  61. LOL at this getting downvoted

  62. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!November 15, 2013 at 6:40 PM

    You know, if there's a point to this discussion it would be that the onus is on those wishing to prove that AJ has an eating disorder, not the other way around.

  63. If you don't drink or do drugs that's your prerogative. I don't get why you seem so judgemental of those that do though. "Excuses, aids, gimmicks" doesn't make you really seem open minded to those that enjoy things that you dont.

  64. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!November 15, 2013 at 6:41 PM

    A wise man once said, "I'm a huge fan of the effects of alcohol."

  65. Wow. I can't understand how Brie Bella and AJ got compared physically. Brie is a two while AJ could likely kick the crap out of half of this blog. Crazy.

  66. If she had a problem she would be getting injured pretty regularly. If she had an eating disorder she would be a lot more prone to fractures and joint damage.

  67. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!November 15, 2013 at 6:42 PM

    Hold the phones.

    "Brie is a two"!?

    I want access to your Facebook/Instagram IMMEDIATELY.

  68. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 15, 2013 at 6:42 PM

    "Not be a drunk douche."

    I will grant one point, if you're sober, drunk people are the second most people on the planet, #1 is people on coke. Like, why would even want to do that shit? I just don't get the appeal of coke.

    And what's with the "or whatever excuses you guys make to avoid being able to have fun in your natural state." bit? I was just making a joke, like I said below, it's kind of my gimmick. I wasn't trying to call you out or anything, I would have made the same joke if anyone else posted your comment. I'm not trying to start and argument or anything here, or try and influence anyone to "my side".

  69. I am not saying that she has an eating disorder. She is underweight but just being underweight alone does not constitute an eating disorder. She passed out due to dehydration, which is from not properly nourishing yourself. If it was food poisoining, that would have been released by the WWE. I am not trying to prove that AJ has an eating disorder but Phrederic doesnt have the slightest clue what he is talking about when it comes to eating disorders.

  70. LOL. I meant twig. Although honestly Brie to me is maybe a 5/6.

  71. It depends on how you define "eating disorder" but that last part isn't necessarily true.

  72. The main problem I have with that is this.

    Has any wrestler in history ever collapsed in the ring because they didn't eat enough? These guys are trained athletes who travel with a professional team of doctors. I'm pretty sure these folks know that you need calories to do stuff.

  73. Eh, I'm 27 and I don't get drunk anymore. It's just too much of a hassle to feel like shit for a day or two. I DRINK, just don't get drunk.

  74. I hope it was just random exhaustion and nothing serious

  75. She passed out from dehydration. That is the direct result of improper nutrition. Sure, a grueling schedule can play a part but either way, she wasnt caring for herself as much as she should have been

  76. Unless you're the Big Show. Then the TV doesn't do you justice.

  77. What did CM Punk say about his body issues? Are you talking about how he thought he had to bulk up when he came to WWE?

  78. I probably should've put a disclaimer on my second paragraph that I was mostly joking/imitating CM Punk promos.

    But I'm honestly tired of people attempting to pressure me into drinking. It's incredibly irritating. And this belief that you have to be high to have pretty fucking sad.

    Dude...I don't want to get into your personal life or whatever, but I honestly hope it's possible for you to have conversations with people or have fun without being intoxicated. I understand its purpose as an aid for such things, but as a crutch? I see it all too often.

  79. Excellent point. If she wasn't getting enough nutrients, she would be more prone to injuries (not dealing with absolutes here--just more prone to them). My hunch is that she doesn't eat enough but doesn't have an eating disorder.

    As to what caused this particular incident, I think it'd be wise not to throw around theories until more information comes in. Collapsing could be anything from events that happened that day to deep neurological ailments/issues that are just making themselves known.

    Of course, we should listen to our resident doc, Farva, on some of these things.

  80. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 15, 2013 at 6:48 PM

    Punk:"Dehydrated? How the fuck can she be dehydrated when just this morning she was swallowing my c-"


  81. And that's why I'm better than you. ;)

  82. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!November 15, 2013 at 6:50 PM

    To be fair, Phrederic's dismissal of the notion of AJ suffering from an eating disorder are no more ridiculous or unfounded than the claim itself. There's no evidence that she weighs less than her genetics have determined for her because we don't know anything about her, and malnutrition is not the only cause of dehydration.

  83. For once, I agree with you

  84. I am with you. I am also notorious here for not drinking/drugging and it really pisses a lot of people of at worst, and makes them uncomfortable at best... but it really is a healthier and more rewarding way to live your life.

  85. And you aren't exactly open minded to partying without them.

    People have biases. You're right, I do look down on people who drink and do drugs. I consider it to be a selfish act, and I've never met somebody I liked more drunk than sober. But I also look down upon people who are religious. It doesn't mean that I"m not friends with people that do drugs or are religious, it just means I think of them a little less than I normally would.

    I am a bigot.

  86. Best screen name in the great history of this blog!

  87. Agree with all of this

  88. Wrestlers... LIE?

    Well at least Santa is still real.

  89. I actually agree with your first sentence.
    The problem I have with Phrederic is what he perceives about eating disorders is completely wrong yet carries on like it is fact.

  90. How about supplements or those fat burning / energy pills. Could that be a culprit?

  91. You make a good point. Nobody has any proof either way.

  92. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!November 15, 2013 at 6:54 PM

    Didn't see that coming.

  93. Same. It makes a woman look a million times less attractive and not worth the effort.

  94. I haven't studied it extensively. I'm more familiar with body image issues than eating disorders.

    So...what is an eating disorder?

  95. Wondering if I got downvoted because I said we shouldn't jump to conclusions or because I said we should actually trust a medical doctor for advice. Or maybe the downvoter just doesn't like me...sniff sniff

  96. LOL, its not worth the risk... am I the only one seeing negative up and downvotes on this BTW?

  97. Yea, it could be. Makes your heart rate go up so that with a combination of just exhaustion Or dehydration could have just made her pass out.

  98. Just to chime in, I'm 33, and I stopped getting drunk a long time ago. I can count on one hand the times I got hammered this past year.There's more than enough shit to do without getting drunk, although I certainly don't condemn those who enjoy it.

  99. It's because you mentioned I'm name I think. I'm collecting down votes like virgin cherries in this thread.

  100. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!November 15, 2013 at 6:56 PM

    It's when the order is cancelled.

  101. It's so weird to see people get defensive about something that has zero health benefits.

    I mean, the guys that drink their own urine make more sense than alcoholics.

  102. Unlike a wedding ring, for example.

  103. Yeah, that was a swerve of Russo-like proportions.

  104. If I had to bet, I'd agree with you tho. It depends on how you define "eating disorder" but I'd bet she's not eating how she should. His last assessment about ligament damage and stuff is kinda retarded tho

  105. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!November 15, 2013 at 6:59 PM

    We'll see each other in Hell, but I'll be late for the party.

  106. Yes. I used to take stuff like Ripped Fuel and Stacker 2 before I worked out but I found they kept causing me to be lite headed and feel like I would pass out... I never did, but it is a real possibility.

  107. With all due respect, to say "being that thin isn't healthy" is more than a little silly. I'd venture to guess that AJ is living a far healthier lifestyle than most people here (and that's not a shot at anybody here -- I'd say she's more healthy than the average person). Some people just have a certain body type, and AJ is naturally petite. I know a girl who is 5' tall, doesn't diet and doesn't exercise, and she's extremely thin. I know another girl who is about 5'3", DOES diet, and does exercise, and she's a bit bulkier. No matter what happens, the first girl I know will likely always be thinner than the second girl I know. Likewise, my brother and I are the same height, but he's always going to be bigger than me. We're just built differently.

    Now let's compare that to AJ, who doesn't drink and does exercise and lift weights. I'm also assuming she eats well. She's just a small girl. But, again, likely healthier than most of us.

  108. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!November 15, 2013 at 7:00 PM

    "...And then right after Hulk Hogan's skin falls off and an alien comes out, parallax agrees with Phrederic!"

  109. He's talked about how people call him fat even though he spends all his time in the gym and he sounded pretty pissed about it. I think it was on the AoW.

    And yeah, the bulking up thing as well. And Punk is not the only guy to talk about that.

  110. By definition you are correct.

  111. A lot of sodium in that...

  112. Just like the name, disordered eating.
    Anorexia is a common diagnosis but there is more to it than just starvation.
    Bulimia is common. You can purge through vomiting or by exercise. There is also a new form called "Dia-Bulimia" which is used by Type 1 Diabetecs when they manipulate their insulin
    Binge Eating and Night Eating are usually tied together.
    I could write a paper on all of this but I will spare the specifics unless you are really interested.

  113. Why is this surprising? I have been very consistently anti drinking/drug here. YOU NEVER PAY ATTENTION TO ME

  114. It is like a religion to some people... some people get very insulted if they offer me a beer and I turn it down.

  115. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!November 15, 2013 at 7:04 PM


  116. The difference is that you state your take on it and move on. You are old enough to know that people are going to make a personal choice about it and move on.

    Phrederic is 19 and is judgemental and somewhat pretentious on his take. He's not old enough yet to comprehend that there are other viewpoints besides his own.

  117. There is someone on this very site that has spent a lot of time complaining abut his physique actually.

  118. Sonuva... the Please Stand By thing still makes me laugh.

  119. So...what would be your guess for a person like AJ to have?

  120. I only handle it that way because I don't feel like getting into a flame war. I have done so here in the past... but I come here to have fun and enjoy myself so it isn't worth it... I am actually way more of an asshole about than he is being when I say what I really think on the issue.


  122. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!November 15, 2013 at 7:07 PM


    Oh, you were asking him. Go ahead.

  123. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!November 15, 2013 at 7:07 PM

    What do gay battles have to do with this?

  124. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!November 15, 2013 at 7:08 PM


  125. You're Pat Patterson... aren't you more qualified to answer that?

  126. I had a friend in high school who was vehemently anti-drinking/drugs when we were in high school. Lectured our friends who would get drunk, lectured random classmates about it, too. Exceedingly on his high horse, despite the fact that he had never had a drink in his life and, technically, was too young to even go out and grab a beer legally. His entire viewpoint was shaped on the fact that his father was an alcoholic who died because of his drinking.

    When he went to college, his viewpoint went completely 360. Joined the Rugby team, hosted parties every weekend and was a social butterfly with a drink in his hand.

    The ability to see other viewpoints comes with age and experience.


  128. I am open to hanging out without drugs/booze. I am open minded about it didn't see me calling it "douchey, prudish, boring, etc." It's someone prerogative to do what they want. I don't judge someone on whether they drink or not.

    On of the biggest factors of intelligence is being smart enough to understand that you don't understand everything. You lack this insight.

  129. Honestly, she is a little undeweight. If I had to guess, she is a legit 5'1 and 95-100 lbs. That is not alarming and bodyweight percentage wise, is better than a majority of runway models. Plus, with an eating disorder, you have to assess the indiviual before you can make the diagnosis.
    If I had to guess as to what happened, she is traveling abroad, probably limits her food choices at home and couldnt get them in Europe, so she ate less than normal and with the travel and wrestling, her body couldnt keep up with that schedule due to inadequate intake.

  130. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!November 15, 2013 at 7:09 PM

    If his viewpoint did a 360, it would mean it ended up where it began.

    Or he's an Xbox fan or sumpthin.

  131. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!November 15, 2013 at 7:10 PM

    ..."flame wars"

  132. I disagree with almost everything you said here... but especially the last part... the older you get the more close minded you get and less likely to embrace other ideas.

  133. Damn it, fair point. Duly noted.

  134. LOL... I've got nothing. Well done.

  135. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!November 15, 2013 at 7:11 PM


  136. And I disagree with that, too. I've changed my opinion quite often on topics over the years. I suppose it just depends on a person's personality.

  137. I agree with this, especially since an earlier post today said a lot of folks are exhausted from the overseas trip. Eventually, the schedule gets to you. It just so happened it got to AJ while she was in the ring.

  138. Go work on a political campaign sometime especially do some cold calling or canvassing I think you will see my point then.

    There is probably science to back up what I am saying also as the brain becomes more accustomed to patterns as it ages, but I am not interested enough in the matter to go find proof.

  139. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 15, 2013 at 7:14 PM

  140. Go eat some hummus

  141. I think people who get narrow-minded as they age were probably narrow-minded to begin with. I'm certainly still open to new things as the years go on. With age comes the knowledge of what you like (for instance, I know which movies to seek out for my own personal tastes) but that doesn't have to be at the expense of broadening your horizons.

  142. Honestly, that's the exact reason I've never bothered working on a campaign. I can't imagine dealing with people that much.

    I probably should have been more specific. I think people are more likely to change their opinions from their teen years into their early 30s. After that, yeah, things get set in their ways.

  143. "I think people who get narrow-minded as they age were probably narrow-minded to begin with."

    Doesn't that just reinforce the point that it is not due to age then?

  144. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 15, 2013 at 7:18 PM

    It's possible, I work 40-45 hours a week and always work sober. I never drink or get stoned before work or while I'm working, when it comes to making money I want to be clear headed. I can get along sober just fine, but I work hard, and when I'm done I like to play hard (cue up a clip of the gay steelmill from the Simpsons...). But like I said, it's kind of a gimmick.

    "But I'm honestly tired of people attempting to pressure me into drinking. It's incredibly irritating. And this belief that you have to be high to have pretty fucking sad."

    I didn't start smoking until I was about your age (I consider myself a medicinal smoker anyway), and didn't really get into booze until I was 24. So I know how you feel. What part of "I don't drink/smoke don't you understand". I never pressed it on anyone. I'd offer you a beer or a toke if you were at my house just out of politeness (not YOU, I would just get you a soda or whatever), but if the person said "I don't drink/somke", I leave it at that.

  145. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 15, 2013 at 7:18 PM

    This is what she posted on her Twittah machine awhile back:

    " I am a 115lb chick & I squatted 200lbs today. Personal best. Someone give me a medal dammit. Or a cookie. I'll take a cookie"

  146. Brie Bella actually makes me feel ill when I see her wrestle on Raw (not cause of her wrestling skills), judging by her waif like waist I swear she is going to snap in half one day. Honestly I don't get how being THAT skinny is attractive? AJ is really skinny but cause of her cute butt I manage to overlook her skinniness but feel she would be much much hotter with a bit of meat on her. For all the work WWE does to stop the guys from taking drugs, they should also focus on the Diva's eating habits because it is not 'natural' to look like twigs and be expected to wrestle 250 times a year without some eventual consequences. I remember on Total Diva's they called Nikki 'fat' and that was the wrong message you want to send out to the audience especially impressionable girls.

  147. You are a chef right? Not drinking on the job is pretty rare in your profession from the ones I have known.

  148. That's what I was saying. You said "the older you get, the less likely you are to embrace new ideas..." My point was that people who take that trajectory probably weren't that eager to embrace new ideas even when they were young.

  149. Your_Favourite_LoserNovember 15, 2013 at 7:20 PM


    you're talking about cum

    i bet he's talking about cum

  150. Sorry man, but I disagree that people get more open minded with a gem. I think they get more set in their ways.

  151. "with a gem"

    That is an odd autocorrect

  152. Your_Favourite_LoserNovember 15, 2013 at 7:23 PM

    'I swear she is going to snap in half one day.'

    its ok, she has that stupid groin tattoo to hold her together

  153. That isn't how tattoos work

  154. Your_Favourite_LoserNovember 15, 2013 at 7:23 PM

    quit downvoting me, jay lethal

  155. I'd say arrogant righteous indignation is less sexy...

    I kid, I kid.

  156. Did you just take his wallet? I think he took his wallet. He just took that guy's wallet!

  157. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 15, 2013 at 7:26 PM

    Despite our disagreements on drug policy and use, I think you're one of the best posters on this blog Probably top 3. And like I said to Phred, I have no problem with how you choose to live you life.

  158. Your_Favourite_LoserNovember 15, 2013 at 7:26 PM

    quit downvoting me, kat von d

  159. At some point, yeah, it's true, but like I said a couple posts, down, I think it's possible to change your mind from Phred's age (19) and your early- to mid-30s or so.

  160. Thank you. I just know if I really let loose like I use to (and have to force myself not to) on this issue it would alienate a lot of people, and just put me in a pissy mood and not want to "hang out" here so I avoid it for the most part.

  161. Who would have thought an AJ Lee thread would be so busy?

  162. Don't we somehow need to make this about Daniel Bryan's failed push?

  163. Your_Favourite_LoserNovember 15, 2013 at 7:30 PM

    quit downvoting me doc brown

  164. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 15, 2013 at 7:31 PM

    "No need to hide behind "aids" or "gimmicks".

    If that was directed at me, I'm not hiding behind anything. I'm using my real name FFS. Like I said, they're just jokes.

  165. Watch the backlash... Daniel Bryan never had the goods.. he's destined to be an upper midcard guy. HHH was right

  166. I spent a week here announcing my real name to everyone and the fucking NPP idiots (and probably some people here) STILL didn't get it.

  167. I think its Biff actually

  168. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 15, 2013 at 7:36 PM

    I'm Irish, us wankers are not supposed to be talking about politics (or religion) anyway.

  169. You need not apply

  170. Multiple studies have shown the positive effects that a glass of red wine a day has on the heart.

  171. Why are you so anti alcohol? I can see drugs, but why booze? Usually when someone's this antialcohol, it's because they've had a defining moment with it, in my experiences.

  172. Alcohol is a drug. And is far worse than some of the illegal ones.

  173. I'll read between the lines as not wanting to answer. Fair enough

  174. I thought I did answer... You asked "Why booze?" and "Why are you so anti alcohol?"

  175. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 15, 2013 at 7:42 PM

    Do you hate ALL drugs or just mind-altering ones?

  176. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 15, 2013 at 7:44 PM

    I just have to hold down the spot until the Italians and Mexicans get here and we'll be fine.

  177. If it were up to me all drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and a lot of the shit we put in food would be illegal. A lot of prescription drugs would have to be changed to be less harmful as well.

    I won't take any prescription, and very rarely take anything OTC... caffeine is probably the closest I come to willfully taking anything... and I only take that because it is in some much stuff I like for the taste instead of the "buzz"

  178. Hey! That's me! My father's Italian and my mother is Mexican!

  179. So this was fun. High five! I'm gonna go have a beer. I kid I kid


  181. Then I'm gonna go puke it up, AJ style!

  182. I got downvoted :( End to a terrible day.

  183. Have you read Holly's book yet? It's really great, and yes, he also hates hunter and his consistent burial of talent.

  184. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 15, 2013 at 8:00 PM

  185. Naw, heard him on a Keller podcast where they talked about it. Read a recap of it also. He definitely still has some animosity against HHH

  186. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 15, 2013 at 8:01 PM

    I have to take prescription meds, I'm on blood thinners because I had a pulmonary embolism. Though I don't know what you mean by prescription meds, if you're talking about pain pills and shit I totally agree with you. And I totally agree with you on the food thing too.

    The fact is though, prohibition doesn't work and will never work. It's like communism, it has a totally winless record.

  187. Alcohol prohibition was more effective than history has given it credit for:

    And the drug war has a lot of problems and needs to find a better method of action, but there are less people that do drugs than there would be if there were no "war on drugs" so in that manner of speaking it is effective also.

    As for prescription medication I am not against it for everyone when it is created in a way that isn't addicting or harmful... but I won't take any myself, especially pain killers.

  188. They should bring in Trish to help them. Seriously!

  189. Coke #1? I don't know man, being sober around people on shrooms is pretty annoying too.

  190. Also to help me, they should bring her in to help me.

  191. Maybe the concussion she suffered a few weeks ago also played a role in her collapse

  192. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 15, 2013 at 9:01 PM

    "but there are less people that do drugs than there would be if there were no "war on drugs"

    I think that is not true at all, and I don't even know where to start with that one. I will point out that when marijuana and heroin became "legal" in the Netherlands (fun fact: even though I use "Amsterdam" in my name as a weed reference marijuana is actually still technically illegal there) use spiked up for a really short period, then actually fell below the levels that it was at when weed and heroin were illegal.

    "As for prescription medication I am not against it for everyone when it is created in a way that isn't addicting or harmful... but I won't take any myself, especially pain killers."

    Like I said, I'm just on blood thinners, they don't affect my thinking in any way at all.. And I too think all narcotic prescription pain pills need to be outlawed.

  193. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 15, 2013 at 9:07 PM

    I wouldn't know, if people are tripping balls I don't even want to try and fucking deal with their bullshit.

  194. Here's the Tweet:

    Haha no people, that is not
    code for I'll be drinking tonight. I've never had a drink or drug in my
    life. Morals and intelligence, friends.


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