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Austin's Podcast

Hey Scott, Big fan of your work, Did you happen to listen to the steve Austin Podcast with Wade Keller, fascinating stuff, I kind of wish Austin would start booking these shows since he has such a great mind for the business still,  Matt.  

I've been through X-Pac, Ric Flair, Jerry Lawler, Kevin Nash, Bruce Pritchard, and Scott Hall thus far, and they're all great.   Haven't gotten to Keller yet.  

Austin should have married Stephanie instead of Debra.  Would have worked out better for everyone.


  1. I smell a "What If..." idea coming from this post.

  2. If the Masked Reviewer is going to make money writing about the misery of a man, and the misery he created, the least he could do is take a page from David Arquette and donate a portion of his money to the families of wrestlers that are gone.

  3. What if Savage abducts Steph and takes her to Kuwait to get married at 15?

  4. First of all, wrong guy, and second of all, why should he be compelled to do that? Should journalists covering natural disasters donate part of their paycheck from that week to the families in the affected communities?

  5. Ugh, no. Should everyone who writes about any true crime story give proceeds to the victims?

  6. The Keller episode was one of the best ones yet, up there with Prichard, X-Pac & Samoa Joe. The wrestling ones are pretty much all great though, the only one I didn't really like was Lawlers, and that was mostly because it left a sour taste in my mouth hearing him basically blame his heart attack on Dolph Ziggler.

    I'm also a fan of the JBL & Cole podcast. I don't agree with everything they say, but it's just refreshing to hear them be real people once a week.

  7. Thanks to JT for sending this in, and to Scott for posting it! What a nice thing to see!

    Indeed, we have been having quite a bit of fun with the UWA - and the more the merrier! If anyone is interested in joining up, please e-mail me at Now is a great time to join, as we wrap Survivor Series this weekend, and start our build towards the Royal Rumble and WrestleMania.

  8. I like Kellers podcast/call in stuff. He's got a good mind for the business. He's outspoken and sometimes I vehemently disagree but at least he's articulate and has well thought out perspectives. This one's definitely on my podcast playlist

  9. Man, I'm sick of Benoit stuff.

  10. Not quite what he had in mind I think... but I second this being a good "What if"

  11. I'm always down for suggestions..."What if" what though? HHH never marries Steph?

  12. What if Austin marries Steph before HHH does... I can't believe I used my 6000th comment on this.

  13. Ha. Helping me formulate ideas is never a waste. God damn man, you've sped through your last 1000.

  14. Yeah like a week and a half. The Chris Walker thing was good for like 300 or so I'd guess.

  15. WHERE IS THE PROOF???????

  16. That'd be cool if he did, but he is under no obligation to do so.

    All art is stolen from other art, Ric Flair does not owe Buddy Rogers money for the blonde hair. Tolkien does not owe Lord Dunsany money. Media doesn't sell you news, it sells you analysis of the news.

  17. Or in Fox's case it sells you propaganda as news

  18. I can't believe you've made 6000 comments. That's a shit ton. Congrats?

  19. Thanks I guess. Makes me question my priorities a bit... but most of them are done during my down time at work and live threads... also when I am up until an ungodly hour trying to sleep

  20. Hey, at least it's not 10,000 (or 10,706).

  21. The one with Chael Sonnen is good. Chael is pretty interesting when out of character. They talk about Austin giving him promo advice, which was cool to hear.

  22. Serious question...what percentage of fox news viewers do you think are aware of its biases/agenda? I'd like to think almost 100% but u think the real answer would be alot lower, and scarier.

  23. As much as I like Colt Cabana and his trials/tribulations, I didnt dig his appearance on Austins podcast. He could barely wait to plug his T-shirts and seemed to not want to engage too much. Previous guests with way more experience have divulged more to the guy that was at one point the industries biggest name.

  24. There are an awful lot of Republicans I know that say it is "The only real news channel"

  25. Threadjack, Jack!

    Fielder to Texas for Kinsler.

  26. Me to. It's one thing to understand you're getting worked and go along with it anyway, like I know huff post is pushing an agenda on me but I like that agenda...its a different and scarier thing to not understand that and take it as legitimate "news and analysis."

  27. Dustin Harris, I'm waiting.

  28. Dustin Harris? I'm confused...are people debating he didn't do it?

  29. One guy on here a month or so ago kept telling us there was no proof that he did it and got really belligerent when we pointed out that he was an idiot.

  30. Wow! Damn that's a shocker. Detroit is probably going to get hammered by the media but I don't think it's a bad deal for either side.

  31. That sounds about right

  32. And he hasn't responded since then

  33. He asked for proof, people called him out, he got sad, so I pointed out all the proof and he hasn't responded since

  34. Considering that I was at 3000 in like September I am afraid I may be there soon

  35. Ha. I'm off to Google to try and find the thread. Please don't tell me I missed a meltdown...

  36. Wow. Why? Are they trying to get out from the huge prince contract? Kinsler is good, but he ain't prince


  38. I smell a "Hey guys, look what these dumbasses are talking about on Scott's forum now" over at NPP.

    Seriously, what a sad group of people (NPP, not you guys).

  39. Even his non-wrestler episodes are great. The Pat O'Brien interview taught me a lot. I hope he lands Dusty Rhodes eventually, and Rey Mysterio. And if the podcast hangs around long enough, the Undertaker.

  40. the x-pac one is great.

    be sure to check out the shane helms one. i almost skipped it and it ended up being one of the best.

  41. So I sent Scott an e-mail back in September titled "The WWE Multi-Verse!" Here are the contents:

    So let's say the WWE Universe has its own infinite amount of worlds
    and that the center of it all (WWE Prime) is Vince buying the company
    from his father because, arguably, most of the major decisions that
    happened in the modern area sprung from that. Your thoughts on worlds

    -Hogan stays with the AWA.

    -Vince goes to jail for five years from the steroid trials.
    -Marty Jannetty gets the heel turn and push.

    -Undertaker does clean job at WM 9 to Giant Gonzalez.

    -Hogan never goes to WCW. (Either retires or just stays with Vince)
    -Jean-Paul Levesque opts to stay in WCW.
    -Steve Austin stays in WCW.

    -MSG incident never happens (HHH wins KOTR 96 as planned)

    -Hogan isn't the third man.
    -Austin forced to retire after the match with Owen.

    -Austin vs Owen goes off without a hitch.

    -HBK suffers career-ending back injury in early 1996 instead of 1998.

    -Bret does the honors for HBK in Montreal.
    -Bret stays with WWF.

    -HBK never suffers a career-ending back injury.

    -HHH caught being unfaithful in 2002.
    -John Cena future-endeavored in 2002 before the Halloween episode of Smackdown.

  42. Dusty is up tomorrow.

  43. Good list. Been through some of these, but I like the Cena one. Might run with that soon. Thanks

  44. I love how people love to immediately cite Fox News as "propoganda" or biased, while blissfully ignoring MSNBC.

  45. Nobody ignores msnbc...they lean to the left no doubt...But the extent they are based is nothing compared to fox. That's why people get on fox...all news outlets love that are biased, but fox is so far over the top it comes off like a parody

  46. Agreed. Steph could use a few punches in the face.

    ... too far?

  47. Disagree. It's a terrible deal for Detroit. Fielder was fantastic lineup protection for Cabrera. It's no surprise that while Fielder was there, Cabrera won 2 MVPs. Now you can pitch around Cabrera. Bad deal.

  48. "But the extent they are based is nothing compared to fox." Great googly moogly, even most of the leftists I know concede that MSNBC's bias is just as bad, if not worse than Fox. There isn't even a hint of a conservative voice on MSNBC except for Morning Joe. Hell, the slogan of the network, along with the ads it runs, basically scream out that it is a dedicated left-wing network. I'm not defending Fox or saying it's not biased, but to sit there and claim that it's worse than MSNBC is laughable.

  49. Yea, we're never gonna agree on this and could argue it in circles. ..


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