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BoD Daily Update

RAW Rating was a 2.7 on the Five Lamest Survivor Teams of All-Time

WWE Attempting to Get Some of the Boston Red Sox to Show up at Survivor Series?

Since the Survivor Series will be held in Boston, they are trying to get some members of the team to show up, presumably to be in the corner of John Cena, who was born and raised in Massachusetts.

Credit Bryan Alvarez, Figure Four Weekly Newsletter


  1. I almost never have to pay for tickets- and I usually get a parking pass too- to University of Illinois basketball games. Even when we're really good and the place is full for a game against Michigan State, Indiana, Ohio State, etc, I have too many rich friends of parents/parents of friends/work contacts to ever have to pay for tickets. I haven't had season tickets since I actually went to Illinois but I still go to anywhere from 5 to 10 games a year, and I can remember two times when I actually paid for tickets.
    Stoned in the bathroom at the Cell, huh? Never done that one. Got high as fuck in the parking lot before a Friday night game one time. That was a great time. It was a Sox/Rangers game and my buddy from Dallas who's a huge Rangers fan went with me. We left Champaign like at 2:00 for a 7:00 game, thinking we might hit traffic on the Ryan even that early and wanted to make sure we could find a parking spot and start drinking by 5:00. At 3:52 we were parked in the lot right across the street from home plate next to the two nicest dudes in the world who not only smoked us out but kept feeding us. Good times.

  2. Nice! I love how Chicago works their sports places into the City. I can stumble out of Wrigley and be looking at three Chinese food places, endless bars, comedy clubs, and Hookah Bars all within walking distance. It's nuts.

    In Boston we're trying to get the MBTA to start running past 1am so folks can get their drink on properly without having to worry about driving.

  3. My parents saw Games 2 & 6 of the 1975 World Series for $68.

  4. Funny you bring that up, because that night also constituted the longest drunk driving experience of my life. Because...yeah, we drove back to Champaign right after that game (and, it should be noted, immediately to the bars).

  5. put this on the Smark Raw Rant....think I'll leave it here as well.

    Anyone else feel like a battered wife to WWE's wife beater?

    WWE: Shut the fuck up, net geek! You'll get Big Show and you'll like him! *backhand*

    IWF: I'm so sorry! Please, please, please don't build up anyone I really love and undercut them at every turn again! It is just so frustrating!!!

    WWE: Didn't I just tell you to shut the fuck up? Here's a couple of guys dressed as our version of matadors (yeah, we know they don't actually wears masks. Fuck you) and a midget in a bull costume. Cheer, bitch. I SAID CHEER!!!

    IWF:'s so bad on so many levels....

    WWE: Here's Cena back two months early. Suck on that.

    IWF: Noooooooooooooo!!!!

    WWE: And we're going to repackage Kane again, as a corporate authority figure (because we clearly don't have enough), and then he and Maddox will redo the Hell No schtick. We might even bring back that psychiatrist guy.

    IWF: Why do you hate me? Why do you hate me so much? *tears

  6. dream theater is one of my fav bands, and i've had 2 experiences where i scored great tickets

    once in '07, went to see 'em and was gonna buy my GA/ standing room ticket at the door. in the parking lot, some dude comes up and offers my group 2 tickets he had but couldnt use (prob won them off of the radio and was looking to make some money). they were in a special section smack dab in the middle of the seats but was in their own little area with a table, and came with a few free beers due to whatever promotion. 2 of the other guys in my group already had tickets, but i and one other guy didnt, and the dude sold them to us for the GA/standing room price

    2nd time was in '11. by myself, different venue, was gonna buy GA/standing again. right as i was about to buy a ticket, some dude approached me and said he had won a free ticket and his buddy couldn't make it. it was under the coors vip tent, situated up with the rest of the seats, but elevated and again with a few free beers. so i went to the show for free and had a great vantage point, and as a sign of appreciation i gave 2 of my 3 beer tickets to the guy who gave me the ticket

    last month went to see steve hackett (ex-genesis) doing an evening of genesis music. was gonna buy the cheapest ticket price ($50) which would have put me at the back of the theater floor or back of the balcony. went to buy, asked for the price, and the lady was searching for seats and her "system" (wifi on her phone) was being dodgy, so after it was clear it wasn't playing nice with us, she decided to give me an unclaimed "guest" ticket in the 10th row floor center, and only charged me the lowest price. my seat was easily the 2nd price tier if not the highest.

    same place last year, went to see asia and was gonna buy my solo ticket when a lady was offering a 3rd row center ticket she had for a friend who couldnt make it. she asked me if i wanted it and when i told her that it wasnt in the price range i was looking for. she offered it to me for the price range i originally was gonna go with. so again i got a highest price ticket for the lowest priced tier

    going solo has paid off at times

  7. "Ever NOT sneak booze into a game or event."


  8. I get press passes to a lot of events, especially for comic conventions, some Broadway shows, and my paper has season tickets to the Mets, so I go to Citi Field 5-6 times each year (I have to pay when I go see the Yankees - they won't approve my press pass).

    The free shit is the best part of working for the media.

  9. I kind of feel like that guy that WWE is constantly cheating on, and I've finally had enough of that hoe's bullshit and told her to fuck off.

  10. In 1997, I figured out that the best way to get into large events was to become a photographer. I spent $600 on an SLR camera and the next day I talked my way into Madison Square Garden watching Jay-Z, Puff Daddy & Lil Kim onstage for free! I had all access, and totally BS'ed my way in. I haven't paid for a concert since.

    One of my favorite experiences was standing outside of Radio City Music Hall for Comic Relief snapping photos and having some random HBO exec give me a ticket to the show and the afterparty. I was on cloud nine getting to meet Billy Crystal, Milton Berle, and a few other comedians that I had only seen on TV. Those tickets cost hundreds, but I was able to get one for free.. Luck was on my side..

  11. The QOTD well starting to run dry?

  12. Well, you COULD stop watching/leave the abusive relationship. If you hate the product so much that you are linking it to an abusive partner, maybe it's time to take a break?

  13. My next door neighbor/fishing buddy is really good friends with the head of security at the First Niagara Center (where the Sabres play) (unrelated: FUCK YOU DARCY REGIER, YOU RECENTLY UNEMPLOYED MOTHERFUCKER!) so I can score free tickets to just about anything outside of the Toronto games. Still not as cool as when I was younger and my Aunt used to work in the payroll department for the Sabres and I could get not only tickets, but usually backstage passes. That's how I got to meet pretty much every WWE/WCW guy that worked in the mid-late 90's.

    Minor TJ: That Nationwide Insurance ad with the giant baby is fucking STUPID.

  14. Funny, I was just thinking this seemed like a weak topic for QOTD.

  15. JFC, this didn't need to be posted once let alone three times.

  16. I've been up since 7am and I worked 2nd shift last night. The well is not dry, just my eyes.

  17. It's the quote of the day. So amazingly amazing it should preface every article on this fine site.

  18. I paid 54 bucks for two tickets at the door of BFG. Sat super close, great tickets. However I bought padres season tickets, 1st base section 4th row for less than 2500 a piece. Unbelievable seats that work out to about 32 bucks a piece. I'd imagine comparable tickets to a real team would go for 20k or more.

  19. Nothing against you man, I appreciate the QOTD's and what you do. Just pointed out this one was a bit weak and might not do good ratings.

  20. No offense intended, I am sure it is tough to think of something every day... and you mentioned you were afraid you'd run out of ideas... there have been a few weak ones lately I figured you were just hitting the proverbial wall.

  21. You might not be watching a real team, but at least you get to do it in a really great ballpark.

  22. Yeah Petco is beautiful. Plus I can walk home from it so I really love going to the games. It couldn't be easier.

  23. And if you are John "The Biggest Douche in the Universe" Edwards, you should have known this post wouldn't go over well.

  24. John Edward is the medium. John Edwards is the vice presidential candidate. Either way, what that guy posted is awful and people should be shielded from it, not forced to read it. Oh no Los Matadores.

  25. It's funny, the stuff I really like tends to get a tepid response, and the stuff I think is dumb or weak gets a big one.

    I understand the WWE now more than ever.

  26. We have the nicest minor league stadium.

    The previous sentence basically sums up this entire city. Keep in mind, our best pro sports team plays fucking lacrosse.

  27. I really don't think you do understand WWE... if you did you wouldn't think that the stuff that gets a tepid reaction was crazy over because reality is a dirty whore that deserves to be fucked.

  28. I think the part you're missing is the element that keeps a battered woman around despite the abuse. If you wanted to make an actual metaphor it would be because the WWE is the only game in town. It abuses us, it hates us, it makes us feel like dirt and never seems to buy us dinner or nice things, but every now and then we catch a glimpse of its soul, a part of it that makes us understand why we fell in love with it in the first place, and the pain of the bruises and scuffed knees and inflated concealer budget fades, oh-so-briefly.

    I want to love the WWE, it just doesn't love me back sometimes.

  29. I was specifically talking about John Edwards the psychic, that's why I said he should have "known". The "Biggest Douche in the Universe" thing came from the South Park episode about him. But yeah, this post is...not good. And def not good enough to post three times. The battered wife analogy isn't funny, original or insightful. It just seems overkill when complaining about the WWE.

  30. "I'M NOT A DOUCHE!"

  31. John Edwards is not a psychic.

    John Edward is the medium.

  32. Sorry, I forgot there was a difference when it came to that scam. The guys still an asshole though. Fuck him. Fuck him right in the ear!

  33. A woman's place is in the kitchen or on her knees.

  34. Jim Norton, is that you? You're so edgy and politically incorrect (read: stupid).

  35. They never should have been allowed to vote either. Or work... the Ferengi really have the right idea.

  36. Hey, don't go comparing the WWE to a dirty whore! That is not fair to dirty whores! Dirty whores provide a great service and are intracal to society!

  37. I got front row tickets to seven east coast Pearl Jam shows in 2000 for about $30 a pop thanks to having been a Ten Club member since its inception. My very own Summer of PJ

  38. OR on her knees in the kitchen. They should make a waist high stove for that purpose. It can go with the bed set up in the kitchen.

  39. Baseball tickets can be a pain in STL, but you can get a decent price off the scalper around the second inning or so when they just want to go buy their beer already. Hockey games are even easier.

  40. This is why I'm so excited for a bad celtics season. I am going to clean up in the games-to-money ratio.

  41. I did that with the Nets in New Jersey. $10 for 15 rows behind the bench.

  42. Anyone got any funny stories about sporting events? I'll get us started. When I was about 15 or so I went to an Avalanche/Sabres game with my dad. Now, as I'm sure I've said many times before I'm an huge Avalanche fan, so I'm in enemy territory even though I'm in my hometown arena. I'm not being obnoxious about it or anything though, I'm cheering when Roy makes a big save and what not, but it's not like I'm trying to get a "Fuck the Sabres" chant going. I'm getting along with everyone sitting near me except this one douchebag kid that keeps talking shit. Finally I tell him something along the lines of "Fuck off, this is America and I have a ticket, I can cheer for whoever I want". He's there with his old man too, and his father hits me with the most wicked open-hand slap ever. I go down, my dad jumps up and punches this dickhead right in the temple and he's immediately KTFO. Security arrives, and I'm thinking we're about to get tossed out, but they actually apologized to us and bounced out the two idiots ("The fuck is wrong with you? You're a grown ass man, you can't be hitting kids no matter who they're fans of!"). Good times...

  43. You were an Avalanche fan during the Roy era. You deserved it.

  44. Your trolling is obvious and embarrassing. A+ for effort. Weren't you defending the Rock when I was pointing out how mailed in his schtick was? Because that would explain a lot.

  45. I think you overstated the relationship there. IWF is more like the person in the grocery store that WWE has seen a few times before, and they nod hello to. IWF thinks WWE is pretty good looking and posts on Missed Connections on Craigslist, telling about how much they would like to take WWE out on a date.

  46. Why? And remember, he's coaching the best team in the NHL now.

  47. I have a good friend who is the program director for the active rock format radio station in town. I've helped him write a few commercials for their bumper stickers, and contributed a few phone calls to his morning show. I have scored free tickets to Chevelle, 10 Years, Flyleaf, Bush, Pop Evil, and Mushroomhead. The only ones I used were Chevelle and Bush. But still....pretty sweet.

  48. Also in the emergency room if she decides to leave the kitchen without permission.

  49. Because it screams bandwagon jumping.

  50. Sorry I was busy not having any respect for females... what were you saying?

  51. He's clearly trying to get it over, and making sure that everyone sees it. Apparently, with the belief that it's clever.

  52. :: SMH ::

    Why can't they just learn?

  53. My buddy's work has had Clips season tickets for like 20 years; man did their patience pay off. He used to get free tickets 10-15 times a year before Chris Paul showed up.

  54. I get that your working a feminist gimmick but why you gotta trash Jim Norton? You ever seen his act? He's not doing anything to sexist to be honest. If you're trying to drop a comedians name that does anti-women jokes Daniel Tosh is probably a more accurate and better known reference.

  55. Their brains are too small. And full of jizz

  56. I wouldn't call it a "gimmick" more of what I believe. It's not that Jim Norton is necessarily sexist more that I lump him in with Tosh and other unfunny comedians who try to be "edgy" and "politically incorrect". It's boring and unfunny to me.

  57. Hopefully it was something about a huge set of jugz!!!

  58. Well humor is very subjective so no right or wrong answer. Does it bother you that tosh is absolutely crushing the female demographic? And what kind of humor (if any) do you like? This is an actual question, I swear I'm not trolling with this post.

  59. No worries. I actually just really find Jim Norton and Nick DiPaolo boring and lame. To get really inside baseball and snobby it's what I think of as the Family Guy/better shows (Simpsons/South Park) dichotomy: the Simpsons and South Park hold up stereotypes for ridicule of how stupid someone would be to believe them whereas Family Guy is just, "haha, stereotypes! Mexican maids are FUNNY!"

    In terms of humor, are you asking about TV shows or comedians?

  60. Comedians. Also south park definitely milks those stereotypes for a lot of laughs in addition to making a greater point.

  61. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 13, 2013 at 1:15 PM

    It kind of was, though I've stuck by them ever since. They've been horrible the last 5 years or so, but once I hitch my wagon to a team I stay with them. See also: the 49ers, who sucked more dick than a gay porn star through most of the 2000s.

  62. You're a 49ers fan too? Ugh, just die.

  63. Patton Oswalt, Bill Hicks, Robert Schimmel, Donald Glover, Greg Giraldo, Louis CK, Kristen Schaal.

  64. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 13, 2013 at 1:20 PM

    Piss off? What's wrong with being a Niners fan?

  65. OK so I've heard Louie ck and Greg giraldo do super misogynistic offensive bits about women. Not saying you can't pick or choose material from any given comic but I don't see the gap between those guys that-is clearly between say south park and family guy.

  66. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 13, 2013 at 1:24 PM

    Fair enough. I thought you were implying that I'm like a Cowboys or Steelers fan or some shit.

  67. Though as someone who watched Bills games for five years, I don't blame you for not being a Bills fan. That franchise is cursed and then some

  68. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 13, 2013 at 1:27 PM

    That shit on his show where Louis CK flips out on the chick talking while he's trying to do his stand up is fucking hilarious. "I hope you get AIDS. Does anyone here have AIDS, so you can slap her in the face with your dick and get her started?"

  69. So did Bill Hicks. Here's an example of what I find so odious about DiPaolo. He was at a roast and made some joke that just died. Instead of accepting that it died he blamed the audience making some comment about them being, "too PC." If you still use the term politically correct unironically I would like to see the time machine from the 1990's you just stepped out of

  70. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 13, 2013 at 1:32 PM

    I might have asked you this before, but does the "wny" in your name stand for Western New York?

    Anyway, I've always been a 49ers fan, first football game I ever watched was them annihilating the Broncos (fuck John Elway) in SBXXIV, and I've been with them ever since. And if you think the Bills are cursed... oh man, do not even fucking get me started on the Sabres...

  71. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 13, 2013 at 1:35 PM

    Bill Hicks is awesome.

  72. I'm not particularly familiar with nick dipaulo but there's certainly no shortage of bad comics outthere. HHowever Jim Norton really doesn't belong on that list. Again funny is subjective but he kills on stage and I believe Louie ck Is both a friend and fan of Norton.

  73. Louis CK is also a fan of Nick DiPaolo (if you watch Louis DiPaolo was in the faggot episode). Moreover, I dislike Norton because of his fawning role in Opie and Anthony's traveling turd bag.

    I left out a couple of comedians I really enjoy: Maria Bamford, Brian Posehn, and Christopher Titus.

  74. Why do you care about Regier, the Sabres aren't your team?

  75. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 13, 2013 at 2:08 PM

    I'm an Avalanche fan for life no matter what, but I still live here. And every time I've said "Fuck the Sabres", it's because that Niles Crane-looking motherfucker should have been sent out on his ass 10 years ago. I mean, I really d want the Sabres to to turn it around and and actually become a respectful NHL franchise. Shit, if Buffalo and Colorado met in the Cup finals this year (HA!), I'd be pulling for the Sabres. The Avs already have 2 Cups, and maybe if one of our teams win something everyone around here would quit fucking whining about our teams sucking.

    Also, I hope Pegula told Ted Nolan "Hey, remember last time you were our coach and you fucked the goalie's wife? Yeah, don't fuck the goalie's wife."

  76. I still hate the falcons and saints. Old school NFC west bad blood

  77. No. I went to school in Canada so I got stuck with the Bills on Sunday. I remember the first time they got blacked out, we got excited, but the Bills game ended up being awesome and the game we got sucked.

  78. I went to chargers vs giants game at Qualcomm back in grad school with a buddy of mine who was from new jersey. Now like any SD sporting event 50% of the fans were there for the other team including my friend. So we're getting drunk and yelling (I hate the giants for many obvious reasons dating back to the 1990 NFC championship game but I've also really grown to dislike the chargers) and high fiving giants fans. So my buddy is being extra obnoxious as NY/nj people are prone to do and this kid (couldn't have been older than 12) yells back from five rows in front of us "giants are faggots and so aren't you". This leads to us yelling shit at the kid. I kept it to anti chargers good natured shit but my friend kept yelling that the kids dad (I'm assuming) was his date. Hey is that your boyfriend, bad touch, where does he touch you, nambla, all that kind of shit. So the dude comes up and starts asking us (really just my friend) to cut it out. My buddy starts yelling about a football game being no place for children (probably true) and blows the guy off.

    Then at half time we see them walking around the beer buying area and my friend d tosses a full thing of nachos and hits the kid dead on in the back. To this day he claims he was aiming for the dad. We bailed back to our seats and a few minutes later security came out and took my friend. Now I'm usually the guy who will demand to know what's going on, yell at security or try to talk our way out but I had about a gram of coke in my pocket and was scared shitless so I just sat on my hands. They said they were taking him to some detention center in the stadium. After the 3rd quarter I pulled myself together and politely asked an usher to find me a security guy. I was super nice they let me meet my friend and let us leave. He didn't even get any kind of ticket but was apparently banned from the stadium for the rest of the season.

  79. Right back at you. At least we agree on the Dirty Birds

  80. I hope Ray Borque gets shot in the face

  81. Got it.

    Should Nolan's hiring have been subject to his answer :p

  82. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 13, 2013 at 3:39 PM

    Why? I mean, I'd like to kick Brett Hulll in the balls. He's my least favorite pro athlete ever, but I don't see any reason to get firearms involved, it's just a game...

  83. Why kick Bret Hull?

  84. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 13, 2013 at 3:50 PM

    It's kind of a joke. Around here there's been a whole bunch of rumors about why Nolan won the Adams award and was then fired and blackballed from from the NHL. And yes, I know he was Islanders coach for a couple years, but they're like the Sacramento Kings or KC Royals or Zack Ryder, they don't count. The original rumor is that Nolan was either gay (who the fuck cares?) or that he fucked Seymour Knox's wife. Turns out he didn't fuck Knox's wife, he fucked Hasek's wife. Allegedly...

  85. I know who *literally* none of those groups are

  86. I know the story about Hasek's wife--I jokingly asked when Pegula tells him "Don't fuck the goalies wife" if Nolan responds "No." do you still hire him :p

  87. Stranger in the AlpsNovember 13, 2013 at 3:53 PM

    May I ask what you listen to? Just curious, because most of those bands have been around for the better part of a decade and have been huge on the alt-rock scene.

  88. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 13, 2013 at 3:53 PM

    I can't really explain it, but I hate his guts. If he were to offer to buy me a beer I'd accept, and the smash him in the head with it. Fuck Brett Hull.

  89. I imagine there's lots of folks in Buffalo who feel that way...

  90. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 13, 2013 at 3:57 PM

    Have you ever seen Ryan Miller's wife? I'd be too concerned with plowing her to worry about who's coaching my team.

    Actually, this explains a lot... Especially considering that Miller is supposedly gay.

  91. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 13, 2013 at 3:58 PM

    No fucking kidding...

  92. OK. Not a full list because I have A metric fuck-ton of music not on my phone, but the artists listed in my phone are:
    Alice Cooper
    Matty Lewis
    Billy Talent
    Bo Burnham
    Bon Jovi
    Breaking Benjamin
    Crush 40
    Damn Valentines

    Heaven and Hell
    I Fight Dragons
    Iron Maiden
    John Lennon
    Led Zepplin
    Lilly Allen
    Messes and Miracles
    Monster Magnet
    Our Lady Peace
    Papa Roach
    Pete Townshend
    Planet P Project
    Steve Conte
    Ted Poley
    Tony Hartnell
    The Megas
    The Protomen
    The Who
    Tony Carey
    Within Temptation

  93. woah, Punp the brakes--Miller is gay, says who!?

  94. He still defends the goal too

  95. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 13, 2013 at 4:08 PM

    My scumbag uncle used to own a bar and he somehow put the address of his DirecTV account in Virginia (so Bills games wouldn't be blacked out on his dish), and he'd have a "private party" and charge $20 to get in and show the game.

  96. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 13, 2013 at 4:10 PM

    Damn, we have the same musical tastes almost. Do you like SOAD or Tool?

  97. I haven't heard enough Tool to comment.

    System is...hit and miss

  98. The Avs 2000 and 2001 playoff runs and how everything became about him. And then the Avs retired his number!

  99. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 13, 2013 at 4:19 PM

    It's kind of a bullshit rumor, there's a snowboarder named Ryan Miller who's openly gay and a big gay advocate, so there's some confusion there. But I've also heard a lot of stories from, well you know, a friend of a friend of a friend. A guy I used to work with claimed that his buddy was installing Miller's internet and saw a bunch of pics of Miller in "gay poses".

    Like I said, there's a 95% chance it's bullshit, and I could give a fuck less what he does with his dick. Fuck, I hope he is gay, more ladies for the rest of us, right?

  100. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 13, 2013 at 4:22 PM

    Yeah, that was complete bullshit. They would have won the Cup with me on the D-line, and I can't skate for shit.

  101. My Dad won tickets to see George Carlin from some radio station, but he couldn't find any willing ladies to accompany him so he gave 'em to me & my best friend. Amazingly, that was the SECOND time I was able to see Carlin live.

    I used to be a master at sneaking alcohol into events - I used to wear this ridiculously oversized olive green army-lookin' trenchcoat (I'm 140 lbs., I was swimming in it) that originally came with some sort of lining on the inside for warmth. Without the lining, the hidden zipper under the collar basically made the entire coat one gigantic pocket. I could smuggle, like, ten mini bottles of liquor in that thing.

  102. I had a friend who was an Avs fan (does...not...compute) and he used to go on and on about how he hated Borque. It was great

  103. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 13, 2013 at 4:27 PM

    You need to listen to Tool's Aenima. Like, right now, it's on YouTube.

  104. I've told this story on the blog before but in Southern California WCW seemed to have a really hard time keeping a full house or even a half empty house. So after buying tickets a couple times my friends and I figured out that if we just went to an arena and stood around in front of the building sooner or later someone would come by asking if we wanted free tickets. I didn't pay for a seat for anything WCW related from 98 until the end.

    The weird part about those free tickets is that the guys would come up to some people and ask if they wanted free tickets and they'd say no. Maybe later on in the night they would start paying people to watch WCW? Who knows. I know that at the San Diego Sports Arena free tickets sure felt overpriced though.

    Most random thing I got tickets to was a Captain and Tenille show when they were at some random San Diego indian casino. I guess they figured I'd lost enough at blackjack to not care about losing my dignity anymore.

    Show wasn't half bad. Then again I was drunk off my ass, the Chuck E. Cheese band probably would have sounded good to me.

  105. (makes note to youtube Jim Norton)

  106. I've never been anywhere for free, I suck! I went to Chicago a few years ago and paid 90 bucks for two tickets to a Cubs game. Worth it though

    Random sporting event story: Went to a Charlotte Bobcats game a few years go against the Sixers. So Andre Igudala or however you spell it has a breakaway and lays the ball up. The arena was so empty that everyone could hear me screaming at him for not dunking it. He just looked at me and shrugged his shoulders.

  107. Don't think I didn't see that "historical significance" slightly veiled criticism in your previous email. If I was caliber I'd give you a meltdown motherfucker!

  108. Eagles motherfuckers! Yea we don't have rings but...???? We have Ron jaworski?

  109. I genuinely don't know what you are talking about here...

  110. I won season club seats from Pepsi to the Patriots in their first season at Gillette (2002). It was so nice to treat different friends and family members by bringing them with me to games. Unfortunately, they wouldn't throw in a parking pass, so that added up. Also I was living in Central Maine, so gas and tolls added up. Still great to be a season ticket holder and sit among the corporate folk in the red seats, if only for one season.


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