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BoD Daily Update

John Cena Still Hurting Badly?

Reports from the recent European tour have stated that Cena was in a lot of pain after his matches. Cena came back from his injury before he was completely healed.

Credit Dave Meltzer, Wrestling Observer Newsletter

SummerSlam Coming to London Next Year?

There were some preliminary talks of SummerSlam coming to London next year, possibly at the O2 Arena or even at Wembley Stadium.

Credit Dave Meltzer, Wrestling Observer Newsletter

The Punk/Heyman Feud has Finally Ended?

Punk's beatdown of Heyman on RAW was supposed to end the feud between the two. However, the same thing was said after the Hell in a Cell PPV. According to Meltzer, the plan is for Heyman to be off of TV until he returns with Brock Lesnar for his feud with the Undertaker.

Credit Dave Meltzer, Wrestling Observer Newsletter

TNA Interested in RoH Talent?

TNA officials are apparently interested in Eddie Edwards, Davey Richards, and Roderick Strong

Credit Dave Meltzer, Wrestling Observer Newsletter

NXT Injury Updates

Here are a few:

Mickey Keegan is done with the company. He has been out of action with a neck injury and is believed to have spinal stenosis, a condition that the WWE will not medically clear for a return to the ring.

Enzo Amore has broken his leg and is expected to be out for six months.

Scott Dawson has torn his ACL and is expected to miss 6-8 months

Credit Dave Meltzer, Wrestling Observer Newsletter


  1. Another great write-up, Mr. Bayless.

    Man, Honky always comes off as the crusty, bitter "we walked 20 miles to school in the snow, uphill" guy in any interview I read about him in. That's not to say that he doesn't make good points at times, but the guy always comes off as a bitter old prick to me.

  2. Great review dude. I've seen almost all of the shoots but none of the face offs yet. I'll definitely check them out now. Sounds like a good watch.

  3. These guys went straight Memphis for this match.

  4. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 14, 2013 at 12:24 PM

    " Raven talks about young guys not wanting to spend money on their look yet wait around for the office to give them a push."
    During your best run you wore ripped up jeans shorts and a $10 "Smashing Pumpkins" T-shirt from Hot Topic.

  5. That's still $10 more than said "young guys"...

  6. Shit just got real.

  7. Can't help but think Honky could've done more to keep Marty from drinking that whiskey...

  8. WWE REALLY need to step up their throwback game. I'd buy every Tito Santana shirt.

  9. THIS! Like maybe... tell him no?

  10. Is part of being trained as a wrestler being taught to have an unhealthy obsession with shit, and shit on/in people's stuff? I just don't get it.

  11. Agreed. There is a ton of 80's stuff I would buy.

  12. The difference being Raven created a look FOR a distinctive character that made him stand out from the crowd. He didn't do the same gimmick in black trunks.

  13. That's pretty awesome

  14. Yup. I'd really like to know what led up to this.

    "Food fight? Fuck you! TABLE FIGHT!"

  15. Bingo. The Raven character was unlike anything that had come before.

  16. Honky Tonk Man is the worst.

  17. Yep... and he was the only one who looked like that. Also, I'm sure that jacket cost some money. Raven is HUGE on ring jackets.

  18. Thank You.

    He actually didnt sound bitter here in talking about the younger guys that he worked with. He said what he said but not with any venom towards those guy but rather to show the differences in breaking in today and back when he did.

  19. He just comes off like a generally shitty person. A guy who talks a lot about people behind their backs and then kisses their asses when he sees them. His story about sticking his foot in Dynamite Kid's ass is laughable, given how many former wrestlers have classified Honky as being far from a tough guy. Don't get me wrong, I agree with him about Dynamite being an even worse person, but Honky has every bit the overinflated ego that he accuses guys like Hart and Flair of having.

    Also, I hated the dude as a wrestler. Can't remember a single particularly good HTM match, personally..

  20. I have watched a lot of shoot interviews and have seen far more people who have accomplished far less than Honky display overinflated egos themselves.
    Bret's ego is a lot bigger than Honky's too.

  21. I certainly would not have done what Honky did but Marty was the one who kept on apporaching him for the booze and pills. And even if Honky said no, Marty would have asked someone else and if that failed, would have gotten some of his own. He is an addict. He knew how to get his "gimmicks."

  22. I think it takes a certain mentality to not only have the desire to be a professional wrestler, but more so to see it through, and then who knows what's really on the mind of guys who actually "make it." Think about what someone like HTM went through in order to reach his level of success, and consider the carny like atmosphere of what constitutes the normal working environment.

    I think it's safe to say that a lot of them boys ain't right.

    Clearly, that's not the case for every guy we see on TV. Mick Foley seems like a really nice guy and his charitable work is well documented. But, considering what he has done during his career, I'd say that even he has to have some dark, twisted shit going on in his head. Let's consider some of the top guys for a sec.

    Hogan - need to discuss some of his garbage.
    Flair - married what, 4 times? Incredible amount of debt, and goes through money like he actually sets it on fire.
    Austin - beat, or at least smacked around, one of his wives.
    Rock - seems to me like he just wanted a way to make a good living, and transitioned into something that was far easier on his body. He seems to come back just because he has a jones for it, and VMK is willing to pay him large bags of money.

    Most of us are aware of the substance abuse and early deaths that seem to go hand in hand with the business. The guys clearly have a goal in mind and latch on with the intensity of a pit bull, and do whatever it takes to get there, consequences be damned. Social norms don't seem to apply to them or their world.

    So, their practical jokes are born out of a need to *seriously* blow off pent up stress and aggression. Why so many of them seem to focus on literal shit, I don't know...but maybe it has to do with the over the top mentality.

    Or, maybe most of them are just fucked up. Dunno.

  23. I'd like to see Savage take on Bad News, actually. I still remember him accusing Jack Tunney of accepting "favors" from Elizabeth. My childhood mind thought the "favors" meant going over to his house and taking out the trash, sorting his mail......THAT sort of thing.

  24. I just found out that Jimmy Hart leads a weekly karaoke night, every Tuesday at Hogans restaurant in Clearwater. Guess whose getting drunk and going to go sing with the mouth of the south.

  25. Sing "Piledriver"

  26. He had a brawl with Bad News in Edmonton AB that I *loved*. Both acting as crazed heels no less.

  27. Holy shit, I forgot about that. It will be sung.

    Just because it's fucking awesome...

  28. This former writer in a Keller podcast claimed "Vince shit himself on the way to the ring as he was about to cut a live tv segmemt. Said Vince pulled the segment off without a hitch, even though shit was running down his leg. Vince then got to the back, found a tv camera pole and put the shit underwear on the end of it and chased Patterson around the back with it."

    This might help explain the atmosphere of the locker room.

  29. I'd argue that Bret and Flair deserve to have bigger egos than Honky.

  30. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 14, 2013 at 4:22 PM

    Good lord, people. It was a joke. Are you all members of the Flock or something?

  31. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 14, 2013 at 4:23 PM


  32. Doddvc gdssh cssfgb ds... from, Ryan Murphy

  33. Raven says that Jericho has that "Canadian retard strength."


  34. That chick's got a good dodgeball strategy going - move up, throw, move back and block.

  35. Damn it, I had forgotten I've read that one before. Please let me forget a second time

  36. You know who wore black trunks? Lou Thesz, Karl Gotch, Steve Austin, Triple H...shall I continue?

    Seriously, look is a part of character, but it's only a part.

  37. So because he would have gotten them elsewhere Honky isn't enabling him?

  38. No, but Marty was going to get the stuff regardless.

  39. You think Bret "deserves" the ego he has?

  40. There's a no-do match between the two that absolutely wild on a best of WWF coliseum video. From Toronto I think.

  41. I find the comment that Kevin Von Erich is a dick to be curious - first time I've heard anything negative about him. Anyone have any color to this?

  42. I'll probably catch flak for this opinion, but I do think Bret's ego regarding his in-ring skills is warranted. I won't make any claims regarding his drawing ability, but I think Bret's one of the best in-ring guys ever.

  43. Jesus I could barely read this. Sounds entertaining though

  44. Of course you forgot. Did you ever find John G?

  45. I respect both guys, but history has shown there is no universal way to get oneself over. If you find something that works then keep doing it until it doesn't. Then find another profession.

  46. I recently listened to him on Colt Cabana's podcast and he basically admitted he was working everyone acting like that because it kept his name out there.

  47. Anyone who reaches the level Bret did is almost guaranteed to have a sizable ego. Very few can reach the pinnacle of sports or entertainment without it.

  48. Bret's ego is the greatest ego of all time.

  49. And that is true, but Bret puts down guys like Flair and truly thinks he is better than everyone. He is his own biggest fan. Bret couldnt cut a promo to save his life. Look at his early WWF work? He was luck they kept him off TV until turning him heel as he was up there with Tony Garea as the least charismatic babyface on the roster. Who is he to call out Flair for having the same exact match.

  50. The thing that Bret doesn't even seem to understand is that he was never really "the" guy. He was the guy who got the title when there wasn't anything better going on.

    It's like Kelly and Zack. Kelly never saw Zack as "the" guy. But he was always there, always reliable and she knew when her attempts to be with others failed she could run back to him.

  51. I don't disagree with you, but it's just how it is and isn't unique to Bret. Just look at all the almost-but-never-weres like fucking Paul Roma whose egos far outweigh their contributions. IMO it's easier to accept guys like Bret having massive egos because they reached the top.

  52. It Bret's case it's more like the top came down to meet him.

  53. That was my original point, that there are far more guys than Honky who have bigger egos and accomplished much less.
    However, in terms of Bret, lets be real, the guy comes across as an asshole. He takes shots at everyone and acts like he was king shit of wrestling when he was not at all. Hell, he was best known for refusing to drop the belt, not being a champion. He is a baby and much more so than people here want to believe.

  54. Eh, nearly every wrestler comes across as an asshole. Bret takes himself and pro wrestling far too seriously, but that's hardly the worst offense. I don't see what makes Bret any worse than the rest of the trash that's littered wrestling over the years.

  55. "Honky brings up Mick Foley and how after falling off the top of the cage, there was nothing left to do."

    Only win the world title a few times. And lulz at Warrior not being animated.

  56. There are pedophiles, murderers, rapists, and those who batter woman who are far worse than Bret.
    My original point to all of this is that its ridiculous to berate Honky for his ego while somehoe believing that Bret deserves to act the way that he does. I am willing to bet that Honky has three times as many friends in wrestling than Bret too.
    Bret's ego further exceeds his talents, more so than Honky.

  57. He meant as far as in-ring work.

  58. I would say both Bret and Honky have earned their egos. I was never a fan of Honky's, but there's no arguing his effectiveness or drawing ability when he was the IC champ. I agree it's ridiculous to condemn Honky yet condoning Bret for the same actions.

    "I am willing to bet that Honky has three times as many friends in wrestling than Bret too."

    From what we know about pro wrestlers, I'm not sure that's a GOOD thing, lol. Though Bret is hurt by the fact he hasn't been active in 13 years. That will kill most workplace-related friendships.

  59. I'm not sure how you came up with the "three times as many friends" line, but there's really no way to verify it, and even if true, it would be irrelevant to whether someone's ego regarding their own abilities is justified or not.

    I'm not gonna argue that Bret was a draw, that Bret should have had 'x' amount of time as champ, or anything along those lines. Strictly referring to Bret's comments about his own wrestling ability and talent - ignoring any comments he may have made about his place in the industry/on the card - I think his ego was justified. He's always come off to me as a guy who took an immense amount of pride in his work and being good at it, and I think the general consensus is that Bret was a fairly decent in-ring wrestler. I think most people both highly-skilled in their field and passionate about it would likely have an ego and be prideful regarding their abilities.

    I don't think the Flair vs Bret debate made either of them look good, so you won't hear me defending either party regarding their actions in that feud.

  60. A Kelly/Zach/Bret Hart comparison. Love it.

    Brets problems are symbolized by how he handled Montreal. Instead of no selling it, accepting that he contributed to the situtation, and realize he was about to make more money then he ever dreamed of, he played the victim and pouted about it for years.

    I'll never get why he just didn't no sell the whole thing and just say "yea, it sucked but I'm going to a more successful promotion, gonna get a huge pay increase and still wasn't beaten so I'm still the WWF champion. " he would have come out of it looking so much better. I'll never understand why he didn't do this

  61. The friends line was meant as a way to show that Honky was more liked than Bret by his peers.
    Bret is a guy who refused to drop the belt when he wa leaving the promotion. He somehow decided that he could drop the belt to who he wanted, where he wanted too. That is an ego that is almost unmatched in wrestling. This guy was not a major draw. In his own mind, he probably thought he was the best of all-time but in reality, he was not. A great worker who was mediocre on the microphone.

  62. I wouldn't say Bret's worse, but Bret seems to pride himself on being "one of the guys" and the kind of guy who doesn't have an ego. He doesn't think his "I'm the best ever" attitude is due to ego, it's just common sense, to him.

  63. Honky seems like a straight shooter. It's a business and he's about what's best for him because of it - where Bret just acts like he wanted to be on top simply because it was the way things should be and he didn't care about money he just happened to find himself making a fuck load of it.

  64. I agree with the "great worker who was mediocre on the microphone" line.

    I think arguments can be made on both sides of the Montreal incident, but suffice to say the history between Bret and Shawn was a huge factor in the whole thing as well. It's not really fair to boil it down simply to "Bret wouldn't drop the belt" without also acknowledging the circumstances surrounding it.

  65. But Vince was the promoter and he makes the decisions, not Bret. Also, Bret was leaving for a fat contract with WCW so why not just leave on the way out instead of acting like a child

  66. Oh don't worry, I am not offended at all. I prefer actual debate than trying to out-do each other with jokes.

  67. I guess Canadian wrestlers are strong...maybe?

  68. The Flock of Doom for sure!

  69. Like we can trust a goddamn Ottawan! You're probably covering for them.

  70. Well Michael Elgin is strong as fuck so there is that.

  71. Uh... yeah. Except Austin wore black trunks in the WWF from the start, but only got over when he shaved his head and grew a goatee, and HHH didn't wear trunks until after he left DX the first time; both found their look, found their characters, and embraced the quirks, (swearing, sledgehammer etc)

  72. He didn't have the good grace to die like the rest of the Von Erichs...

    Yeah, I was curious about that.

  73. I could see an argument about him peaking artistically...but he still had plenty of good promos.

    And a couple of awesome Triple H matches.

    And the Commissioner run.

    And helping make Orton.

    And that pretty fun heel run in 05.

    But yeah, nothing left to do.

  74. I lost a lot of respect for Honky Tonk after hearing all of his smart-assed remarks and insults to a lot of other guys in the business, especially once he started saying shit like "it was just for promotion". I remember him asking Lawler to kill himself, and joking about Bret not being able to get it up anymore because of his stroke.

    Much respect for the guy, who was able to build a HUGE run out of being a mediocre wrestler who wasn't even that great on the mic (none of his promos were particularly GOOD- he was just good at being unlikeable)- it was the perfect push for the perfect guy. But he's an asshole.

  75. Fair point, but shitty jeans and a t-shirt are no less generic.

  76. He also sounds retarded (sorry Murph).

  77. Maybe it's just natural heel charisma?

    ...yeah I'm with you on that.

  78. This is probably the best I've seen. Honky is fantastic, and you truly see how the veterans can really understand the business in a way that is lost on people today with his "If they start chanting boring, then I just take it down a couple of notches, they don't get bored, they get MAD." Watch it for the exact quote, but it is brilliant, all wrestlers and fans should watch this. Both masters of wrestling psychology... No flippy moves or neck crippling german suplexes required.

  79. But isn't that kinda the point? The character of Raven was rooted in literature; I always got the sense he was a poser, a hipster of wealth who complained about everything like some kind of grunge Holden from Catcher In The Rye. He was ECW champ, he had loyal followers, and he still acted like he was a victim. It was a fantastic gimmick, and the clothes - to me - helped out. I mean my point is that if Raven wrestled in black trunks, he'd be seen as an athlete rather than as a unique individual. In ECW he stood out by looking and acting different.

  80. People used to get so angry when Randy Orton did the same thing. Heels dictate to the crowd, that's just psychology 101.

  81. I think Honky meant that when Foley was thrown off the cell, essentially after that he became more of a gimmick wrestler.

  82. They had a match on PTW I believe, which (SPOILERS) ended up with Savage pinning him with a roll-up.

  83. I absolutely LOVE ramps that lead to the ring. I miss how WCW and ECW used to do it for their PPVs.


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