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WWE European Tour Update

It seems that most of the wrestlers on the tour are banged up and fatigued due to the past two weeks of travel. Most of the roster cannot wait for the tour to end.

Credit Mike Johnson, Debuts the NXT Power Rankings

New Match Added to RoH Final Battle Show

Kevin Steen vs. Mike Bennett in a Stretcher Match will take place at the 12/14 show in NYC



  1. Uh-oh. Wound up wrestlers will soon be hopping on a plane to come back home. I sense bad things ahead.

  2. Anyone else want the WM30 presale code?

  3. Difference: Lack of drugs to really get the party started. Also, lack of characters. For example, Terri Runnels isn't on the plane to be serenaded by Goldust. (At least, I'm sure she won't be...)

  4. Why can't we go back to just old school lists on one page? Damn you to hell bleacher report for making these slideshow things popular.

  5. Yeah, whenever I read a photoplasty on Cracked I always change it to article view... so much easier to deal with.

  6. I swear it's geared to target people with ADHD..."oooh, a nice new bright colored picture to look at, I'll keep reading now "

  7. Okay, who thinks we're back in 1999?

  8. Though I like the Steen/Bennett feud, I'm not optimistic about Final Battle this year. I understand why they did so from a storyline perspective, but I don't think a Triple Threat main event was the right route to take. Elgin on the precipice of needing to win his next challenge, but Cole is arguably the only guy in the company right now who is charismatic enough to fittingly wear the belt. In my opinion, they should have simply made the match Briscoe/Cole to give the champ a credible defense and brought in a special attraction to put Elgin over (Hero would be a great pick-up right now).

    The roster is bleak though. It's hard to even predict the rest of the card. I'm guessing Fish and O'Reilly defend against Homicide and Kingston, maybe Ciampa gets Taven, from there I don't see many compelling matches unless we get a lot of imports. They still have Davey and Eddie at the moment but I'm not too interested in seeing them against C and C or ACH/Thomas. And no combination of Roddy/Lethal/Mark Briscoe is going to contribute much intrigue to the card. It seems like ROH is really suffering for the existence of Dragon's Gate USA right now. With WWE willing to scoop so many guys into NXT, the pond of marketable indie stars may have grown too shallow for two big fish to swim in it (hacky metaphor I know, but somewhat apt, I would say).

  9. Somebody made a really, really good point that the indy boom we saw in the early 2000's was because a lot of people into the Attitude era decided to become wrestlers. There's just a dearth of indy talent out there right now.

  10. Power rankings? Is this the inevitable return of the WCW Top 10?

  11. WARNING: Exposure to the WCW Top 10 may impair logical decision making. Do not drive motor vehicles or operate heavy machinery after viewing the WCW Top 10. Pregnant women should consult a doctor before choosing to follow the WCW Top 10.

  12. Someone's new around here...

  13. WWE writers seem to

  14. Maybe with a lot of the great indy guys getting contracts or retiring to train, maybe there'll be a developmental boom soon.

  15. The cupboard is bare.
    Hopefully the heavy recruitment of college athletes by the WWE can help get more of those types interested in wrestling.

  16. I'd keep going after collegiate wrestlers. The worst are guys like Shelton Benjamin who are amazing in the ring and short on personality.

  17. It's not that the talent isn't out there (look at the plethora of second and third generation guys) it's that people aren't trying to become wrestlers.

  18. Way off topic, but this is too damn cool not to share,0,3059550.story#axzz2kkLNy614

  19. The live blog is pretty great too

  20. A lot of people are going to MMA now that could have been going into wrestling

  21. Stranger in the AlpsNovember 15, 2013 at 1:22 PM

    I believe the YouShoot and RF Video shoots that take place in 10 years time will be some of the lamest videos you will ever see. The rock n roll lifestyle of wrestlers is over, replaced with a sterile, orderly backstage scene. These plane rides from Europe no longer have any stories to tell.
    2023 Miz on YouShoot: "This one time, on a flight back from the UK, I needed to take a shit real bad, but there was someone in the bathroom, and they were taking forever. I looked around for a bag or a hat or something, but then I thought better of it and decided to respect other people's personal property. Finally, that someone in the bathroom was Khali, and he came out and took his seat. I ran to the bathroom...and But I needed to shit, so what are you gonna do, you know? Other than that, nothing really happened on that flight."

  22. I would guess the reason they aren't doing Cole/Briscoe one on one is to extend the Briscoe is the true champ storyline. Which I'm okay with cause I like dirty, slowly going more and more deranged Jay angle right now. I wish they would find something else for Elgin to do so that he can stay out of the title picture until they are ready for him to have the belt. I don't think constantly having him in title matches but not winning is going to work well for him.

  23. Yea, they will be boring but he'll at least he alive to tell it. You'll never be able to police how people live, especially when they spend do much time isolated and on the road, but it is starting to clean up self up a little. I think it's a good thing.

  24. Each click is a new pageview, I would guess.

  25. Stranger in the AlpsNovember 15, 2013 at 1:51 PM

    Definitely agree with the alive part. I think the old guard that were going down that road, have already met their demise. The ones still kicking, other than the obvious ones, pretty much took care of themselves.
    The current crop are healthier, and more aware, and possibly have some side projects that keep them focused outside the ring as well.

  26. The NXT Top 10 confuses me with its lack of Aiden English.

  27. Unrelated:

    Somehow, this makes me think of 'llax spotting a hot married broad.

  28. Also unrelated, but nifty:

  29. I'm hope I'm wrong, but I get a bad feeling about Kurt Angle.

  30. "WOO WOO WOO... me and Justin Gabriel stayed out way past midnight in Corpus Christi, Texas one night to get steak sandwiches... YOU KNOW IT!"

  31. I've seen good talent at the local indy promotion, so I fully believe that there's still gems out there waiting to be discovered.

  32. DOLPH ZIGGLER: I remember showing up in Hartford and being really disappointed when we found out there would be no barbeque at catering. There was this local joint that served the best ribs in the northeastern area. You'd have to go down to Raleigh to find better. Cody took it hard that night.

  33. And apparently AJ Lee collapsed during a match

  34. These NXT rankings need more Aiden English.

  35. Did Brie concuss her again or is this still an issue from her last concussion? Either way, very bad news.

  36. "It seems that most of the wrestlers on the tour are banged up and fatigued due to the past two weeks of travel. Most of the roster cannot wait for the tour to end."

    You mean the roster's fatigued from nonstop 3-hour Raws, having to prep for 3 PPV's in 2 months, and having to travel to Europe on top of that with zero time off in-between? You don't say!

  37. She was extremely dehydrated after our midnight "meeting" the previous night. Sorry guys

  38. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!November 15, 2013 at 3:25 PM


  39. Disagree on the "short on personality" part. If you've seen some of Shelton's interviews for different publications or follow his twitter account, he has kind of a charming personality. I try not to blame the writers too much because it's the creative system that is more of the problem, but they really dropped the ball on not letting his natural personality shine. I think it's similar to the way that they clearly don't know how to write for Ziggler despite his being one of the most outspoken and entertaining talkers they have (as evidenced by his non-WWE interviews, YouTube show, and stand up shows he performs). Stephanie and Vince seem to okay only about two styles of speaking apiece for heels and faces. So, unless you essentially have tenure as a wrestler, your forced to choose from about 4 different sets of lines and delivery styles.

  40. Thankfully they're not also doing Smackdown!, house shows and media. Yeah, they need more wrestlers or an easier style.

  41. I doubt Ziggler eats barbecue.

  42. You mean taping 7 hours of weekly programming and running 6 weekly house shows with only 45 active male wrestlers isn't a good idea?

  43. Ciampa vs Taven is already booked, as is the Young Bucks vs ACH and TD Thomas.

    That with the other announced matches make a damn fine card in my opinion. I also am more into the 3-way then either singles match. Where they go from here, I have no idea, but I feel good about the FB card

  44. So I took a chance on the JBL and Cole Show Blooper Reel, and there's Renee jumping on a trampoline. Good decision, me.

  45. Then vote with your wallet. Pirating a stream of the Blog of Doom when Daniel Bryan is headlining isn't going to move the numbers enough to keep him there.

  46. Yeah, Elgin is clearly the guy to go with for Final Battle, but Cole shouldn't drop the title yet. That's why I feel they should just finish things off with Briscoe and bring back Karl Anderson for another Elgin match or something along those lines. Though I imagine Elgin/Cole would be the better match. Another thing though, is that I see people are buying into Elgin's chase, but I suspect it will be dead as soon as he wins the title. Elgin is good at feats of strength and hitting people hard, but I don't think he's got the personality to maintain anyone's interest. Outside of rematching Cole, I don't even see who he would defend against. Maybe a heel returned Ciampa, who I could see the fans rallying behind and gradually turning on Elgin for.

  47. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 16, 2013 at 7:37 AM

    HHH: "You SEE? This proves that the fans want to see......the GAME!!"


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