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BoD Daily Update RAW Preview

Storms Causing Delays in WWE Travel Plans

Due to storms, the WWE wrestlers had to land in Birmingham, AL yesterday instead of Nashville and will have to drive the rest of the trip.

Wade Barrett Update

Barrett, who has been out of action while trying to get his work visa straightened out, tweeted yesterday that he landed in the United States.


AJ Styles Update

This past weekend, Styles successfully defended the TNA Heavyweight Championship at the Wrestle-1 show in Japan against Seiya Sanada



  1. I kinda feel like they've missed a trick with this Barrett situation. If they knew that he would get his visa for sure they could have turned it into an angle instead of him just disappearing from TV.

  2. Is TNA trying to have AJ Styles do what CM Punk should have done after beating Cena? That company just needs to get back to basics.

  3. 1. Two bullet points about the Authority and one about WWE2K14. I'm guessing there are about 50 more rewrites the show has to go through tonight before go time. They have no clue.
    2. Guessing HHH enjoys flying on the company jet to Nashville
    3. Did anyone honestly miss Wade Barrett? Does anyone think the writers have anything for him?

  4. It really seems that way. They have such an inferiority complex it is ridiculous... they need to accept their role in the industry (it could be a lot worse) stop trying to be ground breaking or revolutionary, and STOP trying to be or beat WWE. Concentrate on being profitable and staying that way... maybe then someday you they will stumble onto the next big thing, maybe not... but either way they will be doing something right.

  5. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 18, 2013 at 8:28 AM

    I have no problem with AJ traveling and defending the title. In fact all these wrestlers that aren't doing anything should be part of a "talent exchange" so they can learn new styles and get exposure in other countries.
    This is the case where they are doing something RIGHT and separating themselves from WWE.

  6. If I gave 2 shits about TNA, I'd be into this AJ angle. Maybe this will get me to giving 1 shit about the promotion.

  7. I never opened that link up until today. It shows how much is going on in the WWE Universe when there are a whole two stories being told.

  8. An ass kicking returning face Wade Barrett going after The Authority blaming them for his visa issues might be very interesting

  9. If not there is always Taco Bell... that should give you at least 2 shits.

  10. The British fans were really hoping Barrett would get a huge push. He is just so damn generic in the ring, I don't think anyone missed him. Sorry mates.

  11. I wonder how that would've worked out if Punk took the belt to some indy feds and Japan and whatnot. May have been interesting but you know Vince wasn't going to let other people make money off of his champion.

  12. Yeah. There is also the argument that he was as hot as he'd ever been and keeping him off of TV would be a mistake, which I am not 100% sure I agree with, but could certainly take that position in a debate and defend it without much effort. I think you let him go to a few indy's and take footage with a handheld camera then show it on RAW as "Unofficial footage" of CM Punk defending it the WWE title at some armory in front of 300 fans just because he could. Occasionally have him release some sort of propaganda video saying... idk I would leave that up to him, he is the best at that sort of thing. Meanwhile have Cena on TV win the WWE title from Rey at Summerslam and continue to be the "Real" champion until eventually it leads to a unification match at Wrestlemania.

    Of course now I am fantasy booking and this topic is right up there with Strcade '97 and the InVasion etc...

  13. "the following Announcement Has been paid for by CM Punk..."

    Punk cutting a promo about being the real champion and showing clips of successful title defenses in front of 300 people would have been neat.

  14. Yes. They did something similar a few months later with awesome truth but they didn't really sell it as authentic enough... like it was too polished and obviously a WWE creation... and of course it revolved around the most money drawing of all angles... a lawsuit.

  15. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 18, 2013 at 8:59 AM

    The WWE could have signed contracts with the indy feds stating that if there was any chicanery that happened the WWE would sue all parties involved back to the stone ages.

  16. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 18, 2013 at 9:00 AM in other words, you'd have them do what TNA is doing.

  17. Taco Bell is typically a 2-3 shit minimum.

  18. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 18, 2013 at 9:01 AM

    Bonus points if he did that interview from Cena's ex wife's house

  19. Yeah pretty much... I just feel like TNA is trying to show WWE that they can "do it right" or some shit like that... also I couldn't be less interested in AJ vs. Dixie because neither of them are very compelling.

  20. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 18, 2013 at 9:02 AM

    When in doubt..Sliders from White Castle.

  21. "I am here at John Cena's ex wife's house she just got done sucking on my b..."


  22. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 18, 2013 at 9:03 AM

    I care about the matches from other countries. This is why I hope these matches end up on a DVD.

  23. We lack White Castle here :(

  24. I am sure the matches will be excellent. AJ has always delivered in the ring, and he probably likes having someone different to work with... I am mostly commenting on the angle.

  25. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 18, 2013 at 9:05 AM

    The stuff I've seen him do from an interview standpoint was short and to the point. Dixie is the one fucking it up.

  26. Visa issues might be the last hot legal angle they haven't done yet.

  27. Dixie is pretty awful... like I don't know why she would put herself in this position... she should realize her job is to write checks, and maybe be the occasional super authority figure like WWE used to do with Linda and now does with Vince... she is just not a natural entertainer... which there is nothing wrong with... if you don't try and be an entertainer.

  28. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 18, 2013 at 9:08 AM

    If Eric Bischoff is on payroll then he should be in that role.

  29. I am shocked that they even remembered that they had someone on payroll who is both a real lawyer and had that as part of his gimmick before executing this storyline... not that it helped much.

  30. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 18, 2013 at 9:08 AM

    Automatic feud with the Real Americans?

  31. CM Punk should not have been away from WWE shows for months on end while fully healthy and at the peak of his career.

  32. Yeah, we don't have White Castles around here either. That makes me sad, I love White Castle.

  33. There's a history of Bishoff being a dick, I don't know exactly what makes Dixie a bad person all of a sudden. AJ's been their golden boy for years and she offered him a huge contract and a new car - I'm not seeing what makes her a heel there.

  34. I agree with this. But they could have stretched it out a bit longer. Do the tournament over the next three-four RAWs. Finals are Rey vs Cena at SS. After Cena wins have Punk come out.

  35. Maybe we should make a movie where we attempt to go to White Castle and run into a bunch of crazy characters and have some wacky adventures along the way!

    ...nah that would never sell.

  36. Any Krystal? I always liked them, but being from Whitey C's country I could never get over how Krystal was generally clean and the employees were courteous. Seemed odd.

  37. Florida, at least the Tampa area, lacks white castles. Its a Terrible tragedy

  38. Yeah I think we have one of those... but it is right at the perimeter of too far to drive for such shitty food.

  39. Alliance. Under the existing logic, since Wade took the time to do it legally and speaks English (wink wink), he's one of the Good Ones. I love the hypocritical element of the gimmick.

  40. He probably had to call and remind them.

  41. Well he was in The Call!

    :: Shows himself out ::

  42. I wish there was a real heel in WWE.
    "You people should be GRATEFUL that I'm here. I had to DRIVE! From Birmingham ALABAMA! For THREE HOURS! Just so you can all bask in my presence. Quite frankly...I wish I had STAYED in ALABAMA, because at least THEY have a REAL FOOTBALL TEAM, unlike either the VOLUNTEERS or the (wretch) TITANS." Throw in a couple of jokes about how Alabama women are most subservient to their husbands than Tennessee women, an Andy Kaufmann "soap" joke, and a hillbilly line or two, and the boos (and money) just start flowing in.

  43. It's too bad Russo is out; he'd be a great fit as talent only. I'd let him write his own promos. His character in WCW was good; he just didn't know how to book.

  44. I don't think Florida has White Castles at all but def not in our area. Which does suck. Whenever I go to NY/NJ I go to White Castle. I've tried those frozen White Castle burgers from the store but they suck compared to the original.

  45. Yea man. It sucks. Checkers is NOT a suitable replacement for white castle

  46. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 18, 2013 at 9:33 AM

    Since Jersey has so many of them, you could make the trip here.

  47. Mrs. Parallax is originally from Jersey. We made the trip once... I think I'm all set.

  48. None of that benefits HHH...

  49. Yes he would be great, and is a perfectly acceptable on air character, especially playing a scumbag... he just needs to stay out of creative.

  50. She suddenly has big hair! And dresses (very) slightly more provocatively!

    Yeah I don't know either.

  51. Whoa, another Caliber sighting? He must miss us.

  52. OK, OK, I can about a joke where HHH and Steph were banging it out on the plane (because he's just like Vince- a younger, better "genetic jackhammer!", and the diversion caused a few...bumps? Oh just give him this much and he'll ad-lib the rest, and find a way to put down Daniel Bryan while he's at it.

  53. I think it is important that you get your resume to WWE before they fill all the writers positions.

  54. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 18, 2013 at 9:48 AM

    Hey, don't blame US for that.

  55. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 18, 2013 at 9:49 AM

    She should be a millionaire spoiled brat cougar that treats her wrestlers like meat. This ties into why she has a problem with AJ not being "Phenomenal" anymore.

  56. "I'm from Jersey" is actually something her and her family often offer as an excuse for their poor behavior... and are dead serious that they think this an acceptable explanation for a wide variety of behavioral deficiencies.

  57. I once got offered oral sex for 12 bucks from a hooker, then got held up with a knife for my Jordans and 19 within 4 hours in lie. I'm all set also.

  58. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 18, 2013 at 9:54 AM

    My family is primarily from the South, so the weaned me from that quick.

  59. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 18, 2013 at 9:57 AM

    I am surrounded my every freakin' greasy spoon, dive and restaurant.
    Jersey, Land of 1,000 malls, diners and motels.

  60. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 18, 2013 at 9:57 AM


  61. He didn't know how to book WCW. He knows how to book WWE.

  62. I money was in Vince being frantic about not having a WWE Champion. Creating a second belt is partially what ruined the whole angle. We did get that great Mysterio - Cena match out out of it however. Could be Rey's last great match.

  63. Being from Jersey myself, I call bullshit

  64. They're also surprisingly popular in Chicago, I saw a bunch of them when I lived out that way.

  65. That they say that, or that it is an acceptable excuse?

  66. I actually love cheap heat.

  67. That it's an acceptable excuse.

  68. He's probably still pissed that the judges screwed him against GSP

  69. I think you miss him

  70. He was entertaining, for a plethora of reasons.

  71. Have you seen the South Park NJ episode? If not, take 25 minutes and Watch it. You will not be disappointed

  72. Did you have $31 in your possession several hours prior to being robbed of $19?

  73. Where was he last seen?

  74. Ahh, wasn't paying that close of attention. It was a smaller thread from like 2 days ago. It was very strange

  75. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 18, 2013 at 10:59 AM

    Caliber leaving the BoD = Terry Funk retiring.

  76. Terry Funk has value

  77. I figured you'd chime in on this... I know how much that annoys you.

  78. Or Mick Foley getting thrown off the top of the cell, depending on your viewpoint

  79. I've only tried White Castle a few times; I wouldn't say I'm a fan. However, I do miss me some In & Out. #nomnomnom

  80. Sounds like one hell of a long bj...seems worth the $31 and shoes.

  81. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 18, 2013 at 11:21 AM

    Their Fish sandwiches and Chicken ring sandwiches are addictive.
    (I live 3 blocks from one.)

  82. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 18, 2013 at 11:23 AM

    I hate that show. Jersey gets blamed for everything those pricks did and the majority of them weren't even from Jersey.

  83. I have never watched it. My limited knowledge come from the episode of South Park Farva mentioned. "It's a Jersey thing."

  84. And then you have someone like Kevin Smith who just has Jersey pride; never offers it as an excuse for anything.

  85. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 18, 2013 at 11:27 AM

    They filmed close to where I used to live. (Fortunately I moved WAY before they got there) They started so many fights because regulars couldn't get into the clubs they were in.

  86. Including the fact that other than Clerks all of his movies been utter dogshit

  87. Matter of opinion. Dogma is an all-time fave, and I found Jersey girl to be emotionally moving. Red State was pretty damn good, and I'm not generally a fan of movies like that. I really enjoy most of his stuff...could be fat guy love, I suppose.

    The one real exception is that I didn't care for Zach and Miri Make a Porno.

  88. I remember seeing "Mallrats" in middle school and thinking it was great.
    I then saw it again last year and had to turn it off halfway through. Jersey Girl sucked too.

  89. I'm really not into reality TV much...I've found myself enjoying Master Chef and Cake Boss thanks to my wife, but that's about it.

  90. Actually enjoyed Zack and Miri... didn't realize it was him.

  91. Tonight on the BoD: read all about how your favorite Stranger had a horrible weekend, was glad to get back to the office on Monday, and left for a business trip to Austin, TX.
    Also, The Stranger uses Craiglist for it's intended purpose: an encounter with a gender-confused person with a HUGE mole.

  92. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 18, 2013 at 11:33 AM

    LOL> I grew up near Red Bank (where the cathedral was) and Asbury Park, (Where the kid got his ass kicked.)

  93. I wouldn't go so far as to say that I never gave a fuck about either guy, but I wasn't ever a Stone Cold fan. I was largely ok with Dwayne.

  94. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 18, 2013 at 11:35 AM

    Once they said it was in Point Pleasant I got curious.
    Funny thing is when Hurricane Sand hit it destroyed everything EXCEPT the house they lived in. Even mother Nature didn't want that shit.

  95. Yeah, and while I wasn't watching at the time, the match was brilliant, as were the promos I've seen leading up to it. My god, I don't think I've ever seen a more shining example of "yeah, I'm jobbing, but I'm going to do it so well that you look like complete shit." Fucking loved it.

  96. Yup. He wrote and directed it. It's the only one of his that I don't own, aside from Cop Out...which was ok for what it was...he directed, but did not write it.

  97. I wouldn't mind visiting, but I'd have to have a pretty good reason...there aren't many places I actively want to see just for their own sake. In fact, only Scotland and Ireland come to mind.

  98. Seems like there should be a comic strip depicting that.


  100. The second relates to the first, correct?

  101. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 18, 2013 at 11:47 AM

    Jersey is cool because you are in between 5 major cities. Not to mention the shore and things like that. Just stay out of Irvington and Camden.

  102. B-, for the fat reference... but your command of the specifics is still sorely lacking.

  103. We have our own version of it here... check out "Welcome to Myrtle Manor" it is on The Learning Channel because MURKA

  104. Where did/do you live? Mrs. Parallax was from Tom's River and took me to see the general area... of course this was shortly after Sandy so there wasn't much to see.

  105. Food shows... go figure.

  106. Reality TV: Faker than wrestling.

    Just my view on it.

  107. :( But there is going to be ice cream later... wait that's your thing.

  108. I've never given the idea of favorite runs any thought. I have favorite wrestlers and favorite moments.

    Jake Roberts - DDTing Steamboat on the concrete, the match he had with Savage on SNME where they were both heels, turning the cobra loose on Savage, the vignettes he had with Warrior, the WM match with 'Taker.

    Foley - shit...not sure I can pick a promo. Mind Games with Michaels, the Street Fight and ensuing HITC match with Trips, the "return" of Cactus Jack, teaming with Terry Funk (Chainsaw Charlie).

    I don't remember what PPV it was, but the first ladder match between Edge/Christian and The Hardys.

    Daniel Bryan vs CM Punk at OTL, Bryan winning the belt at SS...yeah, I know he lost it 5 minutes later, but that was a true "mark out" moment for me. The build to that win, including the "Daniel Bryan" and "yes" chants that broke out after he jobbed to Sheamus at WM, making the gimmick with Kane work, and the clean wins over top guys.

    CM Punk's pipe bomb, his defeat of Cena for the title...

    guess that's enough.

    Well..thinking about favorite periods, I'd go with Jake's two heel runs during his first stint in the WWE, as well as the programs Steamboat worked with Jake and Savage.

  109. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 18, 2013 at 11:51 AM

    Neptune (the town..not the planet) It's about a 20 minute drive from Point Pleasant on a good day

  110. Damn it! This is hard! That's what she said!

  111. I had a buddy in college who lived there. Toms river actually wasn't to terrible. Didn't they film one of those Jay and Silent Bob movies there?

  112. Gotcha... though I haven't heard of any of those places there is a very strong chance he mentioned them at some point and I just didn't give a fuck to listen.

  113. Noted.

    Camden, NJ...why does that seem notable to me?

  114. Possibly. She's seen that dude around before (the skinny one, not Kevin Smith... I forget his name)

  115. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 18, 2013 at 11:53 AM

    It's next to Asbury Park.

  116. The back and middle of my seat will get jealous the rest of the day because I will be ON THE EDGE OF IT waiting to her this story.

  117. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 18, 2013 at 11:54 AM

    Top 5 most violent cities in the US.

  118. At least wrestling is willing to admit it's scripted.

  119. True, but it's less about the food than it is the personalities. Yeah, I'm a fat guy, but I wouldn't call myself a "foodie." I find Ramsay entertaining, particularly when he is trying to help someone, and Cake Boss...yeah, that's almost a love/hate. I wouldn't watch it on my own, but I will zone out for an hour or so on it with my wife.

  120. That one rings a bell... I think I applied for a political job there once with "Action Jersey" or some shit. The lady really liked me but said I couldn't afford to live there on what they pay... which makes me wonder how they could ever fill it but w/e.

  121. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 18, 2013 at 11:55 AM

    Asbury Park: Home of Bam Bam Bigelow. (RIP)

  122. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 18, 2013 at 11:56 AM

    ...that was such an obvious set up.

  123. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 18, 2013 at 11:56 AM

    Yeah. They have a comic book store out here too.

  124. Concur.

    I also watched part of the first season of American Idol, and no more. I used to have a strong need to knock Simon Cowell the fuck out; it's only tapered off over the last year or so. At one point, it would have been a matter of see and pounce, regardless of the consequences. I don't think that's the case now.

  125. Ah yes. My brother in law is good friends with the guy that tattooed Bam Bam's dome... has ink done by him I think.

  126. Yeah it was a hanging curveball for sure

  127. Friends don't let friends answer/place personal ads on Craig's List.

  128. Way to integrate your gimmicks... you've come a long way. Too bad you didn't work the Vince middle finger thing in there somehow.

  129. That where you live? That, Red Bank, AC, and the Wildwood areas are the only places I've gone enough to be familiar with, and I grew up in philly.

    Toms River and Red Bank weren't bad at all.

  130. I doubt WWE ever seriously considered having Punk go to independents or
    other countries, given their tradition of ignoring other wrestling
    promotions (well, at least until the promotion goes out of business).
    Not to mention the risk of getting injured in a non-WWE event. I don't think there was ever any likely scenario where Punk would be gone for months.

    But they probably could have played it out for a few more weeks so the title 'unification' meant something.

  131. I'd say Raven as the mini-cult leader was a far better character.

  132. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 18, 2013 at 12:01 PM

    That Wildwood area is GREAT in the summertime. I'm gonna try to get to AC next time Bernard Hopkins fights.

  133. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 18, 2013 at 12:02 PM

    Oh yeah. And they're trying for that #1 spot., but Baltimore and Detroit aren't cooperating.


  135. It's good in spots. The problem is when you have a guy who can *only* get cheap heat. But when you have a guy who's a good heel who knows when to use it in his repertoire, it's all good.

  136. That run started out okay, but I think we can all agree that the real magic is in the end.

  137. Sublet a house in Wildwood for a summer with some friends in college before doing Dewey. 1 summer in Wildwood is took like 5 years off my life but it was worth it.

    Would love to see a big fight in AC, never done it. Would be the TITS.

  138. Well, Detroit has little else going for it. Baltimore may fall in the rankings now that Ray Lewis is gone.

  139. Any heel that would brag about Alabama's excruciatingly boring football team would deserve to get his ass kicked.

  140. Love me some in an out burger.

  141. you'll need to be known as garrison stranger, as i already have the 1st name of your_favorite

  142. rip wwe 24/7 :(

  143. haters gonna hate

  144. I'm assuming one is not necessarily related to the other.

  145. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 18, 2013 at 12:09 PM

    Did it ever live?

  146. They should also at least imply that she's having sex with her nephew. If you're going to be an over-the-top sleazy heel, you might as well go all the way with it.

  147. I miss stuff like that, no one does it anymore. Remember when CM Punk called some kid fat and it was big news.

  148. being from the south, i like krystal

    i have a friend who said that in high school he knew a dude who worked at one, and that the sammiches were supposed to taste the same regardless of whether there was an actual sliver of meat in there

  149. Unrelated image:

    This is a good sign that it's time to change one's gimmick.

    (Jef safe)

  150. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 18, 2013 at 12:10 PM

    It would be like Tommy Boy where Chris Farley's fiancée's son was actually her boyfriend..

  151. mallrats says snoochie boochies

  152. I think a few weeks with Punk maybe popping up on some youtube videos while Vince is freaking out because the champion left. The tournament killed any meaning the angle had.

  153. fun fact: every day i walk by the building that contained what was used as the mooby board room

  154. You can actually stay awake through those borefests?
    Even the fucking Jacksonville Jaguars have more exciting faster paced games than those guys.

  155. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 18, 2013 at 12:12 PM

  156. it's where i single handedly took on all the lamb of god fans chanting for them at gigantour '06 by telling them how much lamb of god sucks

  157. i always liked it

  158. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 18, 2013 at 12:14 PM

  159. i guess it is boring when you so outclass the competition that they you utterly crush them

  160. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 18, 2013 at 12:16 PM

    They could probably beat the Jags.

  161. This was blocked by my workplace. Will try again when I get home.

  162. That's also what they used to say about the Florida Gators and where is Tim Tebow now? Exactly.

  163. That's been pretty heavily researched... no, the worst NFL team would be, at minimum, a 14 point favorite over the best college team.

    Bama doesn't have a roster full of NFL-level talent at every position, definitely not past the first-string at any position.

  164. I used to have the version with sound... it's as awesome as you think.

  165. Who knew raccoons could skip?

  166. Some Vegas bookmaker said jags would be -17 vs bama on a neutral field

  167. Apart from trying to pin Yoko......

  168. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 18, 2013 at 12:27 PM

    It was a joke, relax.

  169. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 18, 2013 at 12:27 PM

    It doesn't show the end where the cat hits the wall. It almost a foot from flying out the window.

  170. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 18, 2013 at 12:29 PM
    (Play "Bad" by Michael Jackson while viewing this.)

  171. Mine had everything, cat grabs string, cat swings wildly, cat SPLATS against wall. Sadly it died with my last desktop

  172. The Great Muta - 89
    Funk - 89
    Gary Hart - 89
    - J Tex had off the chart intensity and I hate they basically killed them dead by the end.

    Dangerous Alliance - 91/92
    - Stellar work all around, even Larry Z.

    Jake Roberts 91/92
    - It's really too bad he couldn't carry it over to WCW

    Pillman 92-95
    - A great tweener. Slapping Brad Armstorng, feuding with Zenk, all the while playing the "good guy".

    Savage 85-89
    Demolition 88-90

  173. Another classic. :-)


  175. So happy I stuck through the boring first part of this post.

  176. The WWE doesn't seem to believe in grand payoffs anymore. Remember Kick-Me signs? The funniest thing about them was that kid on the receiving end didn't know why he was being kicked. The longer it lasted the funnier it got until the grand payoff would be the look on the kids face when he eventually found the sign on his own. But most kids didn't want to wait for this payoff (or were worried they might not be around) so after two or three kicks they would pull the sign off the kid's back themselves and hold it in his face. That's how the WWE books now. They don't want to risk missing the grand payoff (that which has to develop organically) so they always pull the trigger prematurely so they can ensure the certain (and smaller) payoff of which they are in control.

  177. Damn.

  178. Hijack: CM Punk's on the new episode of Maron's WTF podcast, within five minutes he's talking about just getting a restraining order against his parents a few days ago.

  179. Good analogy... though I can't say I don't understand their logic for "showing the kid the sign" early as well. I could devil's advocate either side of the discussion.

  180. I am still bitter about certain things that happened when I was a child/teen... but I have learned how to deal with it... he clearly hasn't and is just a bitter dude... you'd think all of the high end ass he has pulled would have made him relax a little.

  181. Well Zach Ryder has his new job. "Hey Zack, we need you to put over The Great Kahli--we're turning you heel or something, I think--then I'm going to need you to marry Wade Barrett so he can get his green card. What? Because none of the Divas want to do it and you are at the absolute bottom of the pecking order. Either put a ring on the leader of the Barrett Barage's finger or we'll send you packing to TNA; is that what you want? That's what I thought, and congratulations, here's a blender."

  182. He's like, what 34 years old? Some dudes don't figure it out until later on I guess, particularly when you're doing that job and don't really have to. He'll probably be like Michaels and figure his shit out when he finally gets off the road.

    He got to the wrestling within like 2 minutes, that was just the awkward start of the interview, I'm only 15 minutes in.

  183. His entrance theme is awesome.

  184. I've been waiting 20 years for someone to explain that one. The Quebecers were a goofy team that had just debuted. No reason to put them over the best team of the 90's unless one or both had a drug suspension.

  185. I guess you're right, that Stampede match is damn amazing, But yeah, that feud needed a goddamn Hell in the Cell to cap it off.

  186. There was one with Sable during the time she came back with that weird gimmick where her face was always taught and frozen in a near rictus like expression.

  187. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 18, 2013 at 1:15 PM

    Threadjack: So that 12 Twinkie sandwich eating loser Zimmerman got arrested AGAIN:

  188. Impatience/impetuousness. There actually was a weird moment in 4th or 5th grade where I saw this happen and the moment impressed itself upon me (as an adult I do not condone such cruel pranks, but they were hilarious to me as a child, I'll admit). The kid who pulls the sign as soon as the first or second kick has been delivered wants to see that reaction. It doesn't matter that the value of the reveal builds with time, the other kids are laughing now, the victim has just been kicked, it might be now or never. And that might be the case. But waiting until a 2nd or third wave of kick assaults have been delivered, when you can see the kid looking around, when your wondering "how long is it going to take him), when he's trying to figure out why the world has turned on him in such a way, and then finally reaches his hand over his shoulder, touches that sign, and it all falls into place. That's a full fledged narrative. That's the big reveal. That's the Sixth Sense twist (he was unwittingly asking for it all along). There's also the risk that this moment might not happen or that a teacher might be the one to make the reveal (which is also a pretty good payoff). Punk might have injured himself wrestling an indy guy or the fans might have lost interest (unlikely).
    Vince pulled the sign early and got a quick look of humiliation and not much else. The angle was gone after Summerslam (in a match that felt significantly smaller than Money in the Bank had) and the promotion was dull as ever immediately after (in the yawning Del Rio era).


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