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Survivor Series Preshow Match Announced

The Miz will be facing Kofi Kingston

RoH Stars Report to the WWE Performance Center

Eddie Edwards & Davey Richards have reproted to the Performance this week for a tryout. According to one source, they believe that the tryout will lead to a short-term deal to stay in developmental. TNA was interested in the duo but neither guy was interested in wrestling for that company.

Credit Dave Meltzer, Wrestling Observer Radio

John Cena Launches New Weight Loss Program


  1. "TNA was interested in the duo but neither guy was interested in wrestling for that company."

    That made me lol a little bit.

    Any weight loss program is a joke really... let me destroy that entire industry for you.... "Create a daily calorie deficit". Done.... seriously though I would think Cena could probably market something like this pretty effectively though he looks like a total toolbag in that picture, even by his standards.

  2. But thatll actually take effort and self discipline. Isn't there just a pill I can eat that'll let me eat all the McDonald's I want, not exercise, and lose weight?

  3. I think Davey and Eddie have a good shot ROH guys have been doing pretty good to great for the E and then add in they are a good tag team something the E seems interested in at the moment (at least superficially) . Do i think they will headline Wrestlemaina no but still i think the E will make a go with them.

  4. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 19, 2013 at 9:10 AM

    ...whoa, whoa, whoa, WHOA!!!
    You saw a post about weight loss and you didn't take a shot at anyone?

  5. You know what would have been better?

    Doing Miz's turn AT Survivor a traditional 5-on-5 elimination match, instead of in a throwaway segment at the top of the second hour with no story or build.

    I have no idea why they didn't just run the 12-man tag on the PPV and then have Miz, Kofi, Truth, Woods (who's introduced on a PPV instead of yet another throwaway segment) and Ziggler vs. The Real Americans, Sandow, Axel, and Ryback. Or you could sub in Big E for Woods, whatever. Either way, it's leagues better than the "eh, whatever" booking than they're doing now. And I say that with all the modesty of an internet commenter who's convinced this isn't as hard as they're making it out to be.

  6. He called John Cena a total toolbag. That doesn't count?

  7. No.

    Personally, I now feel neglected by 'llax.



  8. I'm gonna get on a soap box for a minute.

    Yes, it's technically that easy to lose weight, barring some kind of medical condition. But, everyone has their strengths, weaknesses, and issues. The way I deal with some of my problems can be easily seen by looking at my waistline. People who use other methods aren't as easy to spot.

    When it comes to exercise, I'm lazy and I enjoy comfort food. Does that mean I lack discipline? No. I wrote, recorded, and published a new song every week for a full year while working full time and maintaining a marriage. That required effort and self-discipline. But, it was important to me.

    When no longer being obese is important enough to me, I will do it. I have before; it just hasn't stuck. I can't speak for others, but I understand why I'm fat and I also fucking *despise* the weight loss industry.

    And, I'm not ragging on Farva or anyone else. Just making a statement and/or observation.

    I will now step down from my soap box.


  10. Yea man, there is stuff I could to better but just don't see the importance in it right now.

    The people that annoy me are actively trying to lose weight but yet take no accountability in it. For example, thus chick at my gym knows um a doctor so always asks me about different weight loss supplements...literally in the next few minutes she tells me she's gonna go home and eat a cheesesteak and ice cream.

  11. Yup. I have no problem acknowledging that people can be immensely stupid, delusional, and have the ability to rationalize just about anything...self included.

  12. For a couple of years I took guitar lessons from this obese guy. He was super talented at guitar and also a martial artist. My mind was blown that someone with enough self discipline to become a skilled guitarist and a martial artist would be obese. I really wanted to start a metal band for years but I could just never get to the level I wanted to skill wise. Music takes an extreme amount of self control and discipline. I'm also a big believer that many factors are at play with weight - genetics, social, economics, region, education. It is not like smoking were you make a black and white choice to either smoke or not smoke.

  13. That's fine as long as no one has to sit next to a fatso on a plane or a movie theater. How come someone can press their fat rolls against me on a plane and that's okay because its their choice to be a slob but I can't smoke a cigarette inside a bar because its too unhealthy. Also fat people make my insurance cost more.

  14. Not everyone can be all things. I used to give guitar lessons and while it was rewarding at times, it was also frustrating. I couldn't understand why some students didn't progress, even when they claimed to put in the time. Some were probably less than truthful, but I doubt that was the case for all of them.

    You are correct when it comes to weight; I believe genetics (and other factors) contribute to it greatly. I would probably never look like Cena, regardless of what I did or how long I did it. But, I used to weigh significantly less earlier in my adult life. My own choices led me to where I am now, and I understand that. Sometimes I feel absolutely horrible about it, but most of the time I just don't care enough to really make a lasting change. Someday I might.

    Oh, and not that it's relevant, but I used to smoke. Started in the 7th grade and quit shortly after turning 30. As I recall, I just got tired of it.

  15. Enjoy dying young.

  16. I had something typed out, but I decided to go with this instead.

    God bless you. From an agnostic.

  17. I agree. It really can't be that difficult.

  18. I'll buy you an ice cream later.

    (Note: I will not buy you and ice cream later)

  19. I was waiting to see if anyone else would step up!

  20. I assume the downvote is still for the Bully/Brooke thing...

  21. The fact that weight loss is such a flourishing industry infuriates me

  22. You know, you can just tell me that you're down voting me every chance you get until I ask Bully about Brooke. I'm a big boy, I can take it.

  23. :: shuffling feet, eyes downcast ::


  24. I upvoted just to prove it wasn't me!

  25. That feels like a tounge in cheek blessing.

  26. So stealing PPV is wrong but being hateful to fat people is OK.

  27. Fat people dying early isn't hateful. It's factual.

  28. The airplane thing kills me. Large people typically are heavy breathers also...the combination of those two things on an airplane is terrible. I always try and sit next to Asian people on planes...smaller, typically polite and quite. Go asians!


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