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BoD Daily Update

Reason for Twelve-Man Tag Match Airing on RAW Instead of Survivor Series?

The main reason for the match airing on RAW was that they are trying to build up matches for TV in order to increase the rights fees so they can use the profits towards the new network.

Credit Mike Johnson,

How the American Wolves Got Their Recent Tryout

After last month's camp at the Performance Center, HHH felt that Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards were too "indy" looking and that they already had a lot of those guys on the roster and in developmental. However, William Regal went to bat for the duo, stating that he thinks they could become something special so that is how they got their one-week tryout

Credit Mike Johnson,

WWE Hall of Fame Wrestler Working on an Autobiography?

According to Jim Ross, Patterson is working on a book

Necro Butcher Arrested

Butcher, whose real name is Dylan Summers, was arrested on 11/18 in West Virginina for misdemeanor domestic battery


WWE Signs Female Arm Wrestler to a Developmental Deal?

Sara Backman announced on her Twitter account that she has signed a deal. She is an eight-time Eurpoean Arm Wrestling Champion.


  1. In regards to the first report...that's fine, I'm sure their accountants and business forecasts show there's a ton of money in a network and theyre doimg everythimg they can to gear up for that. If you're building things for TV...FUCKING PROMOTE TV MATCHES AHEAD OF TIME.

  2. Perhaps if they concentrated on putting out a good programme every week the TV rating would increase and they could charge more for the rights instead of fucking around with musical chairs and lame comedy skits. Or is that just crazy talk?

  3. This is not a place for logic or we'll thought out ideas

  4. Yeah, it's odd. I'm not against big TV matches, but you can't just say 'up next, big match.' You have to promote it in advance. And I know WWE is often booked on the fly, but surely they can plan a week ahead.

  5. Everything should be promoted ahead of time, but first they need to get out the habit of not delivering what they promote.

  6. Yea, it's so odd. I get it that they do rewrites but how hard is it to pencil in 1 match every week and stuck to that. Something as so shitty as Big Show/Ryback could be helped by promoting it ahead of time. It's the guy in your next main event vs a guy just done working with Punk. Just promote it to give the casual viewers a big match feel.

  7. This has probably been covered here before, but I'm going to ask again anyway. In the best case scenario what does the network provide that makes them so gung ho about getting one?

  8. Lamest November sweeps ever.

  9. Here is the ONLY place for those two concepts, some days... WWE HQ or anywhere within 10 miles of Vince, Hunter, Steph, et al is where said logic and intelligence aren't appreciated.

  10. Exactly. And if they don't want to spoil who's champion after a PPV etc, do what WCW did.

    They booked Goldberg vs whoever the US Champ was on the Nitro after Spring Stampede. So you knew you'd have a US Title match, but you didn't know who'd be facing Goldberg. So you could order the PPV for the US Title match's story AND for the 'who's facing Goldberg' story.

    Or, failing that, just say 'huge 12 man tag.' You don't need to confirm who's in it, just that there's a big match.

  11. Thus the reason that Shane left/Was pushed out?

  12. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 20, 2013 at 10:19 AM

    I'll be curious to see if Patterson talks about that grueling tournament for the IC title in Rio in his book.

  13. This is about a comment about sex right?

  14. It really is strange. I'm not sure if they don't want to box themselves into a booking corner for a show, or they're just that arrogant about their product, but it's such an easy thing to do. I really will never understand why they dont

  15. "The main reason for the match airing on RAW was that they are trying to build up matches for TV in order to increase the rights fees so they can use the profits towards the new network."

    LOL. While I agree with this, you need to PROMOTE the match for people to tune in. Like prior to Monday at 8pm.

  16. ESPN gets $5 a month from every cable subscriber in the country.

    If they get enough viewers to get on basic cable, they'll make Billions just by existing. It's why all these sports nets (Fox Sports 1, NBCSN, Big Ten Network, NFL Network, etc.) popped up.

    Of course, it's one of those things that sounds great on paper but no cable company is EVER got to put WWE TV on basic cable. So they it becomes an HBO-type channel, which basically has zero chance.

    But that's the BEST case scenario, in Vince McMahon's fantasies

  17. This is not a facetious answer, but the answer is simply "money." From what I heard, they'd still keep Raw on USA so get that tv money. They'd get advertising revenue and subscription revenue from a network...the idea was to offer all non wrestlemania ppvs at a discount on the assuming their projections are that potential revenue would be greater then the a la carte ppv system they have now.

  18. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 20, 2013 at 10:23 AM

    Actually, no. I tried to go the adult route on that one.

  19. They are so fucking stupid...

  20. I thought it was being pitched as a subscription based netwoek

  21. I said something about this on the live thread regarding the musical chairs - but it takes something special to put 10 women out there who range from 'attractive' to 'hot' and stil make me want to change the channel.

  22. I just wanted to know if Necro Butcher used a staple gun or fluroescent light tubes in his assult.
    Also, I had a long-winded story about my business trip to Austin, but the internet access in the hotel was shitty, and it looked liked it posted, but it never did, and I'm not retyping it. All you need to know is this: female co-workers can DRANK!....and everyone conducted themselves in a perfeshunal manner.

  23. Do you happen to know what the average amount per subscriber channels get? I see so many niche channels that I just wonder how this all works

  24. I'd buy it if I could watch it on my computer. A subscription to Hulu type of thing. Especially if I could get Raw et al. But of course, that's a bit too "Forward thinking" for Vince at this point.

    Which is too bad.

  25. I've heard more than one ex writer claim in shoots that the reason behind that philosophy of not-doing much promotion of matches for "next week" is that on weekly episodic TV shows they don't promote what different scenes are going to be on the show, you just come in to follow the story and everything else pops up organically.

  26. Is it something they could profit from immediately or would they have to incur some serious debt to get started?

  27. No, no. Shane left so he and Jim Ross could start a national promotion. Their first major PPV will finally be headlined by Undertaker-Sting.

  28. I hate that's the "entertainment vs sports" philosophy to me. The idea of making matches feel like a "big fight deal" has just disappeared it seems like. It's still a simulated sport that draws best when people are captivated by competition...not authority angle storyline and country singing.

    This is where i really wish there was viable competition that is different from the strictly "entertainment" wwe philosophy.

  29. Yeah, but I'm pretty sure if they did a weekly episodic drama about a UFC fighter or a boxer, we'd know at least a week ahead of time if he had a big fight coming up in his story.

  30. Right, but no matter how fucking hard they try, it's pro wrestling, not LA Law.

  31. This is two years old, but if Shane was to believed Vince is mad at him for leaving.

  32. I'm not sure...I think if they got all the advertising and TV money up front they could get it started seemlessly. They've been trying to get it going for years tho, so it's probably ALOT harder then even they assumed it would be.

  33. I wonder what would happen if the NFL tried this. They won't announce the weeks match ups until Saturday night.

  34. Another reason to be happy the XFL self-destructed...

  35. I'll never get this. It's almost as if Vince and Co have been embarrasses from being a wrestling company all this time. It's like theyve done to everything they can completely separate themselves from what made them rich in the first place.

  36. This has been my major complaint about WWE for over a decade. They're ashamed of the thing at which they are the most successful out of anyone ever.

  37. To this day I don't understand why Vince even bought the company.

  38. Which is what a LOT of people (and no, I can't include myself) were saying years ago...

  39. ... and that also means... "Yeah, the next couple PPVs are going to be REALLY lacking."

  40. I'd love to see a good 10 page chapter on the specifics... followed by a blank page with "Yeah, we made it all up." at the end.

  41. I think it was Kevin kelly in a shoot said, and I'm paraphrasing but "Vince always wanted to be a media tycoon, like Ted Turner, but got stuck simply being a wrestling promoter. He's always gonna be slightly bitter about it."

  42. Wow, that's so incredibly dumb it's hard to even imagine that whoever is really thinking that would have the ability to walk through a door in the morning. That's some non-functional, drooling stupidity right there.

    How is there any logic to the thought that people are more likely to be interested in something that is presented as NOT A BIG DEAL AT ALL as opposed to something that is presented as worthy of advance hype? It's also something that deep down they can't possibly believe, otherwise that's how they'd book Wrestlemania. Seriously, they should book a Wrestlemania with no matches advertised in advance and see how their revolutionary "no-hype" method works out.

    Also, if anyone in their little bubble actually watched TV, they'd know that TV shows, especially episodic dramas, advertise what's going to be on next week ALL THE TIME. Every episode of Boardwalk Empire ends with a kick-ass 30-60 second preview of next week where they show snippets of scenes from next week, including telling you which characters are going to confront who. ("Chalky is going to fight Dr. Narcisse? Fuck yeah I'm watching that!") The problem with WWE booking isn't that they hire Hollywood writers— it's that Steph/Vince/HHH themselves have no idea anymore how to book. The staff of any decent TV show could probably book pro wrestling better than they can.

  43. I'm hoping the Patterson book is typed as he speaks... incorrect conjugations and all.

    "I tell you, when Snuka came off da cage, the crowd went absolutely banana."

  44. The strangest thing I heard Patterson say was that he hated the stooges gimmick. To me, it looked like he and Brisco were having the time of their lives. I can understand it though, dude worked hard for decades only to go down in history as the guy that won a tournament that didn't exist and being Vince McMahon's boot licker.

  45. He might have hated it but those were fucking AWESOME characters. Great as Vince lackeys and independently funny. Definitely helped Vince get some heel heat and stay over...provided levity to the angle also. Great writing at that point

  46. TLC should be watchable because at least you'll get two ladder matches, but yeah it'll probably just be ladder-ized rematches of the already awful Survivor Series card. Assuming things get back on track for the Rumble, this Sept through December 2013 run of PPVs might end up being the worst (in terms of buyrates, booking, and match quality) that they've ever had. Or at least the worst since the Diesel-as-WWF-champ year.

  47. I agree with you, they were great characters. I think the pinnacle was at "Over the Edge". Brisco raising the roof during the intros still gets me to this day.

  48. Hopefully this Sara Backman signing will be what pushes the Divas division...

    *sunglasses on*

    ...over the top.


  49. He doesn't really need to do that, though, because the term "sports entertainment" has been almost exclusively synonymous with the WWF/E.

    Go back 25-30 years and watch the intros to the show. The first thing you heard was always "The World Wrestling Federation, the worldwide leader in sports entertainment."

    Outside of Vince, there's no such thing as "sports entertainment."

  50. I can understand if they started hating it around the time that Patterson became known for having a poop streak in his underwear. Up through the Austin vs Dude Love main event (and a while after), they were phenomenal. Brisco's drawl could be pretty hilarious, like at Deadly Games (paraphrasing from memory): "Treeple Aitch is hurt. Treeple Aitch cain't wrestle. Mr. Mack Man has assigned a substitute."

  51. The "grueling tournament for the IC title in Rio" was just a storyline that never actually happened. They just handed Patterson the title.

  52. This was from a "Legends of Wrestling" show. He didn't specify a time frame. He just said he hated it. I'm paraphrasing here, "40 years in the business and I'm known as Vince McMahon's stooge".

  53. I agree with that... BUT... (warning: McMahon and Russo-level "logic" ahead. Please be careful.)

    ... The average person sees WWE: World "Wrestling" Entertainment, and says "That's that crap that rednecks like in bingo halls... or that geeks and weirdos like. I ain't touching that."

    ... whereas that person sees WSEF: World Sports Entertainment Federation (or something along those lines)... and now has "permission" to watch, because it's not WRESTLING.

    Sure, there's still a ring, and guys in tights, and some of the other trappings... but other than the "internet geeks" no one will make a big deal about it.

    (Warning has been lifted. Resume normal reading.)

  54. The key word though is "sports." Sports isn't just physical activities...its, big fight feels, rules that ensure equal competition (look at the early 90s where guys like Tunney would ensure the heels got there's if they cheated), emphasis on win-loss, importance of belts, etc.

    Theres a place for entertainment"

  55. I know about the tournament. I just thought we were going to start making tasteless jokes about sex......cause Pat being gay and all.

  56. I think 15 years ago that was true. The "redneck wrasslin" stereotype isn't nearly as prevalent now.

  57. Hey, I'm sure Vince will throw in a 5 1/4" floppy disk with the latest MS DOS recap of RAW. Plus the "Best of Wrestling Challenge" on Betamax.

  58. I realized that too late, about 10 seconds after I hit "post." My bad.

  59. I wonder if they made some money off those characters? They were already employed by wwe, wonder if Vince gave them some payoffs for being on tv so muxh?

  60. I would assume so. They joked with Patterson about booking himself as the special ref in the Wrestlemania I main event for that same reason.

  61. This had better not be Scott Norton in a wig.

  62. Just read a bit of Q and A from Jr's blog. I know he gets tired of being asked the same questions everyday but he really seems like a very salty individual. Dude, lighten up!

  63. So the WWE compromise their product to temporarily juice a TV contract in order to fund a network. Jesus, just issue debt or put out a better product.

  64. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANNovember 20, 2013 at 11:13 AM

    "This guys look too indy, who cares if they can work, bring me a female arm wrestler." Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

  65. I get this was kinda jokey, but damn is that spot on.

  66. I think this has been mentioned here before, but WWE Network might be smart to try buying an existing station and taking their spot on cable systems to get their name out there and get viewership.

  67. I heard something about this a while back; most channels get nothing and subsist on their ad revenue but bigger stations like ESPN and Nickelodeon soak up a lot of cash from cable providers.

  68. This new arm wrestler chick screams "HHH fantasy chick." Just don't get caught Paul, don't get caught.

  69. If this leads to Bill Belichick and Rex Ryan getting into a pull-apart brawl and Roger Goodell announcing a football game 'RIGHT... NOW!!!' I would totally watch.

  70. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANNovember 20, 2013 at 11:20 AM

    At least they're female (in all likelyhood) this time, so we're not getting subjected to the boss' homoerotic fantasies.

  71. Big Johnny laughs.
    I'm all for getting more girls who have eaten in the past month on my WWE TV.

  72. did basically that as an April Fool's joke this year:

  73. That only works if the previous week's episode was actually good.

  74. The best part is when they have radio ads selling tickets to the show that name the matches that *haven't been made yet* #kayfabe

  75. I could not wait for the moment when Rob Ryan turns on his brother in an epic swerve.

  76. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANNovember 20, 2013 at 11:26 AM

    He could have said no. I mean he played that character for like 3 years and they blew it off in a drag queen hardcore match. I have a feeling he liked doing it.

  77. They turn the channel before the "Stay tuned for scenes from next weeks......" message comes on.

  78. Gimme a Buddy/Rex/Rob Ryan vs Dusty/Cody/Dustin 6 way at Survivor Series

  79. Just what the WWE needs. A legit arm wrestling champion.

  80. The NFL has one.

  81. How Sylvain Grenier Kept His Job: The Pat Patterson Story


    Chyna with a better face.

  83. WWE Logic:

    -Promote the hell out of Big E/Axel IC title match for main event
    -Just decide not to have the match once main event rolls around
    -Air it weeks later on Raw with no build

  84. Who are we to doubt the validity of that hot, steamy night in Rio de Janeiro? Were you there? Was I?

  85. I guess they think if they have great TV matches every week, people will just tune in every week expecting great TV matches, until a couple of weeks later when they change their mind and go back to great Triple H promos and various "comedy".

  86. Well ideally everyone just shows up to Raw to hangout and eventually come to the ring to talk. Nobody's actually there to wrestle, nor do the authority figures have any intention of making anyone wrestle. It's only when the talking gets out of hand that someone is forced to wrestle.

  87. Oh man, I would laugh my ass off if HHH ever got caught cheating on Steph and ends up on the outs with Vince. Just imagine the epic burial he'd get on the way out and then every week on Raw til THE END OF TIME. Probably a weekly segment just highlighting all the times he'd either tapped out or got dropped in pig slop.

    Then cap it off with your new TNA heavyweight champion, TERRA RYZIN'.

  88. "BoD Daily Update December 12th 2013: WWE has mutually decided to part ways with William Regal. WWE wishes him all the best in his future endeavors"

  89. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 20, 2013 at 11:48 AM

    I thought the same thing. I wonder if her voice is deep?

  90. You would prefer if they had a worked arm wrestling champion?

  91. I think he was rumored to be fucking Christy Hemme at one point... though that is not a typical Hunter woman.

  92. As for the female bodybuilder signing, to me that actually sounds like a decent pro wrestling move. I mean, what's wrong with having a monster in the Diva's division? Having a Beth Phoenix or Kharma type character would do the division lots of good, especially if they ever smartened up and just promoted AJ as a smartmouth underdog babyface. Tamina is just so shitty and so damaged at this point that she really won't work in the role. So sure, bring in a Chyna-lite, have her destroy some bitches, and then book her vs AJ. Done correctly, it could probably draw more interest than anything going on with most of the non-main-event male talent.

  93. If you have distant memories of hearing a French-Canadian whisper in your ear while Brazillian music was playing in the background...

  94. Eh, I think it is smart if they think they can make money with the network.

  95. You deserve a fucking SLAMMY for that. BoDDY?

  96. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 20, 2013 at 11:51 AM

    "On My Back: How to Get a 'Push' in the WWE" by Pat Patterson. (Forward by Darren Young)

  97. Kevin Dunn just got a chubby. He has no idea why, but he just did.

  98. Backward by Rene Dupree

  99. REALLY? Man, fucking score one for the King of Kings.

    And say what you want about Steph and her awful Kathleen-Turner-husky-voice now, but back in the day she was cute as hell.

  100. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 20, 2013 at 11:52 AM

    She was a fitness model but I think she let go before she could start the cycles of testosterone HHH wanted.

  101. They probably got paid as an on air performer as well as an agent or whatever they were doing at the time. That is how Vince pays himself when he is on TV.

  102. More wrestlers need to write their books phonetically.

  103. He didn't say El Dandy won it

  104. No, she's gotta be Steve Blackman's daughter!!!

  105. That is about sex right?

  106. Did you feel dirty afterwards

  107. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 20, 2013 at 11:58 AM

    Hopefully it won't be like Karrine "Superhead" Steffans book.

  108. Before that, the last time he had been mentioned was probably Gorilla Monsoon saying "boy did he get fat!"

  109. I would have marked out for a Beth Phoenix vs Kharma feud in WWE.

  110. Yes. To go with their worked arm wrestling matches that end in worked brawls to promote their worked matches in a worked spor...errrr....form of entertainment.

  111. "Then I tell Virgil, how bad da ya want dat job."

  112. Maybe she's being brought in as an arm-wrestling consultant so that Cena's arm wrestling matches can be more gritty and realistic.

  113. Tamina Snuka reads the blog and she downvotes, folks.

  114. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 20, 2013 at 12:08 PM

    Snuka? Why does that last name sound familiar?

  115. I do remember that rumor.

  116. I'm pretty sure Vince's idea of an arm-wrestling consultant is checking with the employee who's seen Over the Top a few times.

  117. Yes. Yes, she was.

    Now she makes my nutsack shrivel.

  118. To be fair, that is a bit too forward thinking for a lot of the television industry at this point.

  119., I'm pretty sure she'd fuck you.

  120. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 20, 2013 at 12:13 PM

    They probably found a copy of Over the Top in a dollar bin at Pathmark and gave it to Vince as a "stocking stuffer" gift last year and he just got around to looking at it.

  121. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 20, 2013 at 12:15 PM

  122. That has the air of credibility about it.


    You're a Titan Towers employee, aren't you?

  123. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 20, 2013 at 12:19 PM

    Stop downvoting me Tamina..

  124. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 20, 2013 at 12:19 PM

    ..and Jimmy.

  125. LOL Well, not exactly what I meant, but sure.

    I was implying that the sculpted woman would have her way with 'llax in a fashion he would ultimately find demeaning (perhaps involving a strapon the size of Mark Henry), causing him to weep uncontrollably like a little girl who disappointed daddy.

  126. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 20, 2013 at 12:25 PM

  127. From Skin Deep; good flick, actually. And, oddly enough, I remember that woman...she was Zap on American Gladiators and I actually had a thing for her.

  128. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 20, 2013 at 12:29 PM

    Then Dusty's book would be unreadable.

  129. The big10 network get $1 per subscriber in any state that has a big 10 school and $0.50 per subscriber everywhere else. I haven't seen anything written yet, but I asume the new sec network will comand more. This is the main cause of the explosion in conference expansion in college sports.

  130. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 20, 2013 at 12:32 PM

    It was uncharted territory so I was a little confused.

  131. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 20, 2013 at 12:33 PM

    Tasteless jokes about sex? Moi?

  132. "They tried-a tell me I had to put over Ba'y Windham, and I tol'em, I'll put knots on your head as fast as you can rub'em, Daddy!"

  133. 12-man tag -> Ok that reason does make sense, kind of seemed stupid from old school wrestling perspective, but ok

    American Wolves -> Do I get to see them used as enhancement talent at the NXT tapings tommorow night? I sure hope so

    Patterson Book -> Pretty sure it'll be a fluff piece not the homoerotic behind the scene stories everyone wants to know

    Necro Butcher -> Sucks, always seemed like a good guy in interviews and such

    Sara Backman -> Worth a shot

  134. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 20, 2013 at 12:43 PM

    How do you think I get all those AJ pics?

  135. Because he failed at everything else he tried. He still fails at everything he tries outside of wrestling. You'd think as he got older he'd accept it, but he seems to be going in the opposite direction.

  136. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 20, 2013 at 12:44 PM

    Would a BoDDY be in the shape of Ms. Tessmacher?

  137. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 20, 2013 at 12:47 PM

    If they showed all original, unedited programming from World Class, Mid South and JCP (including their Saturday Night show) I'd buy it in a heartbeat.

  138. B+: The Self-Destruction of HHH 3-Disc Set!

    Featuring such classics as:
    HHH vs. Henry Godwinn in a Hog Pen Match
    HHH vs. Ultimate Warrior at Wrestlemania
    Both HHH vs. Scott Steiner matches

    PLUS! The WWE roster gives their true thoughts on Triple H. CM Punk gets a full, unedited thirty minute rant!

  139. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 20, 2013 at 12:48 PM

    ...uh, yeah. I'm not following her from a court-mandated distance as outlined in a restraining order and taking pics with a zoom camera lens to get those
    *hangs head in shame*

  140. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 20, 2013 at 12:50 PM

    Special Easter Egg: Stephanie goes into detail on every night HHH trusty "Sledgehammer" couldn't perform.

  141. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 20, 2013 at 12:52 PM

    If it's life-size it could be very popular.

  142. Of course not. And I'm not in the process of rigging up a hidden cam in Punk's bedroom in the hopes of capturing his intimate moments with any number of conquests.

  143. To be fair, I think Davey is overrated. Half his offense is built around head kicks and other concussion-causing moves, something I don't think WWE is too keen on promoting right now. So I can understand their hesitation in signing the guy.

  144. Their absolute height is when they came out on RAW and tore apart the Mean Street Posse. Probably the biggest pop for a takedown you'll ever hear... and JR sells it like a champ.

  145. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 20, 2013 at 1:00 PM

    That's gonna be a lot of film footage.

  146. Kaitlyn used to be much more muscular too, but she softened up a bit for TV.

  147. Pretty sure you would be able to build a whole new porn empire.

  148. True crime story about that guy who probably killed his wife?

  149. Seen the bodybuilding pics of Aksana? *gag*

  150. Edwards is great though, he knows how to work a match very well, both singles and tag. Davey is good at building a match at times as well and if he can adapt to the wwe style, including his moveset he could be a good long-term midcard/upper midcarder. Wish WWE would stop breaking up Indie tag teams though when they sign them.

  151. Same with all those girls really. Even Trish. When Trish first started, I thought, "She was a fitness model?"

    Not knocking her beauty or amazing body at all, but she just wasn't "fitness model" shape.

  152. this sorta reminds me- one of the weirdest thing about Sami Zayne is how his offense is sorta missing the the highest of high spots. I realize it's because Generico was built around 18 brainbuster variants, some rough suplexes and his weirdo double pumphandle into an orange crush thing, but I keep hoping he adds a few more WWEified big moves.

  153. How many episodic TV shows do you know where they stop the program every 10 minutes to recap what happened earlier in the show?

  154. When Meltzer reported on this yesterday, he mentioned that "2014 will be a very tag team-centric year," so there might be reason to hope. Rhodes Bros. vs. Wolf Bros? I'd watch that.

  155. Watch next weeks match =^_-=

  156. That sounds like the basis of next year's Wrestlemania season angle!

  157. Eh, she'll just get beat by rollups anyway.

  158. Yeah there's some real dysmorphia going on in bodybuilding. That said, Aksana would get it real good now that she's less cut up.

  159. I'd be insulted if I were you. He is assaulting the good Jef Vinson name!

  160. Yeah, he killed Chris Benoit's wife and kid... later held up some guy in a hotel for his memorabilia.

  161. The "Over the Edge" match is a forgotten gem sometimes but that crowd goes wild when the Undertaker chokeslams Brisco and Pattern, in turn, through the ring announce tables.

  162. She could get it also

  163. I still say Stepg from middle 2000's was the hottest... I remember an episode where she came out... made whoever help her stand on the announce table and said "The bitch is back" she was very yummy there and during the rest of that era.

  164. I think you just want to see Punk's dong

  165. What you mean to say is you don't find her sexually appealing?

  166. She was actually very compact and muscular when she first showed up... she got gradually more "feminine" as the years went on.

  167. I meant, Trish was pudgy for a diva upon arrival... not muscular. And again, not knocking her on any grounds, she's always been one of the most beautiful women head to toe on the planet.

  168. Totally.

    Oh, probably meant his cock. Penis. Schlong. My first thought was his stock of Hostess Ding Dongs. He's a well-known junk food addict.

  169. I'm going to have to see evidence before I accept this pudginess rumor.

  170. Trips is right... Eddie Edwards and especially Davey Richards are too indy.


    Best pic I've found from her beginning... no, no pudgy here. not visible, anyway.

  172. Her as Smackdown GM... yes indeed. Especially in that Halloween costume...

    ... excuse me.

  173. That is definitely in the Top 10 things that completely made me starting to cry from laughing from wrestling when I heard that.

  174. I was hoping for the exact same thing.

  175. I do have a slight preference for Steph-pre boob job... but it's slight.

  176. I like how Vinson gets 2 downvotes for the standard Snuka joke... but this gets none. Weird littl community we have here...

  177. WHERE IS THE PROOF??????

  178. I think they are out of proportion now (I swear she has had another one) but I do not care for "Girl next door" Steph or that look in general... I want a woman that you know can fuck... not someone I am going to have to teach... probably where the married chick thing comes from.

  179. Man, that made for a good laugh.

  180. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 20, 2013 at 2:35 PM

    I'm just gonna leave these here.

  181. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 20, 2013 at 2:38 PM

    [paranoid overreacting militant black guy] IT'S 'CUASE I'M BLACK, AIN'T IT?!?!?! [/paranoid overreacting militant black guy]

  182. [white guy trying to fit in]hey its cool my brother I understand your people. I listen to the rap music, and I like that Obama homie.[/white guy trying to fit in]

  183. I would have marked out for a Kharma vs. Anyone feud really. Sadly it was not to be.

  184. Of course, of course

  185. How much money would the book make if it was 50 Shades of Patterson?

  186. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 20, 2013 at 2:51 PM

    That is why I brought up the "Superhead" book. Her book was based off of all the men she slept with in Hip Hop, R & B and the sports world.
    Her mouth is the official sperm bank for the BET Awards.

  187. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 20, 2013 at 2:55 PM

  188. We might have a different definition of Pudgy...


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