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BoD Daily Update

RAW Rating Notes

The viewership for RAW was down from last week, with a sizable drop in the 3rd hour.

Hulk Hogan Update

Hogan is slated for an appearance on Oprah Winfrey's "Where are they Now" series on the OWN Network


Dixie Carter Promises that a Former "World Title Holder" will Return on Thursday's Impact Interview with Tyson Kidd Regarding his Recovery from Surgery

Roland Alexander Passes Away

Alexander was the owner of the APW wrestling school and best known for his appearance in the documentary "Beyond the Mat." He was 59 years old and dealing with diabetes and a heart condition.


  1. Scott, so you think that Show ends up in the wm payoff match as Vinces avatar? I always thought theyd just transition to the real "avatar" whether its Cena or whoever at some point?

  2. Dear lord i don't think i'd survive a 5 month Big Show at the top storyline. This Vince vs HHH non feud rumour wont go away will it? Either way i can't imagine a top level storyline that could interest me less.

  3. Thing is, it wouldn't be a completely terrible storyline if it was being used to elevate someone else. It just feels like almost 15 years later, WWE is trying to recoup whatever they paid Big Show.

  4. It only makes sense if Show is going to be martyred to whomever the HHH guy is.

  5. Big Show has been great for like a year and a half. I think he's earned his spot like Henry did.

  6. As Stephanie reminded us, Show is more or less in the process of dying from being a giant, so Vince probably decided to let him make a wish. And since Show has already gotten to meet Cena, he decided to request a mega-push.

  7. I thought big show was just going to be beaten by Orton and then hhh to get heat on them. I assumed Bryan would be vinces man, and he would wrestle hhh or Shawn. Hhh wouldn't need an avatar!

  8. He's matches since sheamus have been pretty good I think

  9. Hate Sheamus' character, love his in-ring stuff. If I don't watch his interviews I love Sheamus.

  10. They can do WM 3 with Big Show and HHH.

  11. As a wrestling fan I really, really can't wait for the day when HHH/Show/Kane/Taker absolutely can't wrestle anymore, not even one-off matches, and therefore they just have no choice but to make the "current" roster the most important people on the show.

    It is just in-fucking-sane how much they define down (aside from Cena) anyone who wasn't part of the Attitude Era. Year after year, show after show, they beat into viewers' heads that the real BIG STARS are the old guys, and everyone below them is less-than. It's just ridiculous.

    I mean, you know in a couple weeks it'll be revealed that Bray Wyatt works for HHH, and therefore does his bidding. And BAM, you've killed off Wyatt as a guy who could ever mean anything. Why can't Bray or Dean Ambrose be the most evil guy on the show? Why couldn't a strongly pushed Bryan or Ziggler or Cody be in the Big Show spot right now?

    Again, it's nuts how they consistently sabotage their chances to draw in the future by booking the old shits like Big Show as being so much better than.

    It'd be like if Piper came in to WWF in 84 and had to be subservient to Ivan Kolloff and Larry Zybysko, or if Hulk Hogan was referred to as a "B+" player in comparison to Bruno.

  12. "Because fuck you" - WWE

  13. You do quality work here sir. It doesn't go unnoticed.

  14. I think this is a little hysterical before anything happens. I assume Big Show is a placeholder feud until the rampup to Wrestlemania.

  15. In the future the guys you mention WILL be the old guys and the same stuff will be happening with them. It is all a part of the stupid "Respect what people have done and pay your dues" virus that infects the wrestling business... it is not at all a meritocracy.

  16. It is all a part of the stupid "Respect what people have done and pay
    your dues" virus that infects the wrestling business... it is not at all
    a meritocracy.

    Do you see the contradiction here?

  17. I don't recall anyone complaining about Rock mailing it in as 1/2 the main event of Wrestlemania the last two years.

  18. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANNovember 6, 2013 at 12:14 PM

    The first one wasn't mailed in and was perfectly adequate by Hogan/Rock standards

  19. Right now, Punk, Bryan, and others merit the push more than HHH, Big Show, and Kane... even though they are the old guys who live off their past accomplishments or have "Paid their dues".

    Stop hanging around NPP you are starting to act like them.

  20. I was talking buildup as well. And I thought the second match was much better.

  21. I wouldn't say he mailed anything in. I would say he gave his best effort. He just hadn't worked as a wrestler for however long, and it showed up in his ring work and inability to remain healthy.

  22. HHH slams him and drops the big cock on him.

  23. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANNovember 6, 2013 at 12:18 PM

    Ending sequence was godawful. It should have ended when Cena faked Rock out. It was a good callback to the first match. Cena learned his lesson and outsmarted the Rock this time.

    The match went utterly off the rails at the end.

  24. Well, could be said they place to much merit on guys who drew strongly at one point in their careers; they're paying based on what has been done instead of what will be done.

  25. Because he's big, duh. Come on, it's right there in his name.

  26. And the promos he cut...

  27. I would love to see Punk and Bryan main eventing and they still might (actually, not gonna lie, I'm giddy about them feuding with the Wyatts).

    Is Kane really getting a push? Big Show has earned his push since the Iron Clad Contract. A program with Orton that sets up the eventual Wrestlemania program is fine.

    I was on the, "seriously guys, fuck the Rock" bandwagon and was against the olds being at the top. I still am, but it seems like that's what people want to see more.

  28. Seemed like pretty much the same promos the man has always cut.

  29. Just like hoe does to Steph every night! (Not my best work... rough day at the 1978 Offices)

  30. It's not just about this particular Big Show push, as shitty and counterproductive as it is. It's about the fact that WWE clearly positions every star, except for Cena, as being significantly "less than" the part-timers and Attitude Era stars. Nobody is given a chance to seem like a big deal if they're part of the current generation, which is booking that A) Defeats what is fun about wrestling, which is seeing something new and B) Goes against what worked in both their previous boom periods.

    - HHH consistently shits on any wrestler who is not from his era.
    - Rock beats Punk two PPVs in a row. (Oh, and HHH got to beat Punk when Punk was at his hottest level.) And that's something lots of people complained about— Rock took tons of shit from people on this blog for how bad his 2013 was.
    - Taker is clearly positioned as being miles above anyone on the roster right now. Christ, the build-up to Mania last year was practically "come see how badly Taker can beat this shitty guy who has zero chance of winning this match", unlike the "God we're both so great, right?" builds he had with HBK and HHH.
    - And again, guys like Show are also constantly given spots that could go towards building up new stars.

    It's a fucking joke dude. Until that generation of wrestlers completely goes away, there's no way to fully get something new and interesting. (Or at least without the designation of this new thing still "not being as good as the Attitude Era.")

  31. I prefer heel Rock. But I would also suggest that's the problem. It was Rock promo madlibs and then a match with a guy who didn't have the motor to hang with Cena.

  32. I'm not sure I buy that. The Attitude Era stars NEVER played second fiddle to the prior generation. Compare how Sgt. Slaughter was treated to the current crop of "prior generation' stars. I'm not saying Slaughter is at the level of Rock, Undertaker, or Triple H....but he is a former WWF Champion and he did main event WrestleMania. Meanwhile, when guys like Billy Gunn or Road Dogg come out for a segment, it's at the expense of one of the current guys (granted, usually a lower card person). The Attitude Era guys are NEVER the butt of any joke.

  33. There's a difference between earning a push because you got over and the fans are demanding it, and earning a push because you pleased your boss and the fans are going to get it whether they like it or not.

  34. I still think cena is going to be vinces avatar. And I think somehow hhh is going over big show. Btw I have zero problems with show getting a main event run. He's improved light years in the ring and can have good matches. My anger is that hhh is of course the main player, and bryan has been shunted down to feud with a shitty dungeon of doom knock off despite clearly being themost over face and punk had to spin gold with a non wrestler for six months and gets rewarded by jerking the curtain on raw and cutting a one minute promo

  35. I'd say Punk, Bryan, etc are more deserving a big push because that's what the people seem to want.

    Big Show being a loyal and reliable employee would be great if he were working a regular job and trying to advance to the top, but it's entertainment and we have to watch the guy every week. I don't care if he improved 14 years into his WWE career, I don't care if he's a good guy backstage, I don't care what he did to be a model employee to warrant a push, all I care about is that Big Show the television character bores the shit out of me and has for some time now.

  36. I actually like HHH the heel character but he has to get his comeuppance. You know what bothered me most about the end of Raw? That it didn't end with Big Show triumphant with HHH getting Show back next week. As for HHH neutering Punk... I have a thesis that the WWE is terrible at calling an audible. With Punk they were taken by surprise (and Daniel Bryan) and they circle back around after they've finished up with the initial plan.

    Rock's 2013 was no worse than his 2012. As for Taker... Yeah, I'll agree. But his match with Punk was so swank I forgave it. My hope for Wrestlemania 30 is that they take the chance to triple main event it with Taker/Cena, Punk/Brock, and DBD/HHH and have the young guys go over.

  37. THIS exactly. Guys like Slaughter, Bulldog, Road Warriors etc were used as total punching bags for any of the newer guys. Again, not saying they were the Taker/Rock equivalents (it's not like DX got to spray paint Hogan and Savage) but the sentiment was clear: the "new" generation were the absolute kingshits and that's who you should pay attention to and those are the stars.

    None of the new crop gets to be that nowadays. Again, why can't Dean Ambrose or Bray Wyatt be the most evil man in WWE right now?

    The closest we got to this recently (where a "current" guy was treated as the most important person on the roster) was probably Punk's heel run from Sept 2012 through Rumble '13. But of course, rather than go all the way with it, he had to get sacrificed at the altar of the Attitude Era.

    Why would new fans ever buy into the everyday guys when they're presented as second tier players?

  38. SC crowd not withstanding SHow has seemed pretty over. Not "main event wrestlemania" over but "fall program in the main event" over.

  39. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANNovember 6, 2013 at 12:32 PM

    I don't really have a problem with what they're doing with Punk. They really should keep him away from the belt for awhile, and for all we know he may not have signed on yet and they're hedging his push. Putting him over, but not over anyone they care a whole lot about.

  40. I agree with this. He had very good matches with sheamus del Rio and Orton. I have no problem with big show. But casting aside Bryan like they did gives me a bad taste and I have no faith he's going over hhh at mania. I've seen you say you like the wyatts but look how much TV time they got monday. The opening and two short ass back stage interviews. Survivor series is two weeks away. In the wwe today if your not in the main program your an afterthought to creative. Both these have overcome that before and will again but its just annoying to see.

  41. Because he can cry on cue and they think that's just amazing

  42. Ill be SHOCKED if Big Show ends up in the WM payoff match. Itll end up as Cena or Bryan.

  43. It bothered me that Bryan didn't come out to help Big Show. I think it's part of this weird compartmentalizing they're doing with the Authority storyline. I think they're holding Punk and Bryan off to the side for a later date.

  44. That triple main event at Mania would sure make a lot of things right.

  45. Western States Heritage Basic Cable TV Champion?
    Yes, that means there's also a Western States Heritage Premium Cable TV Champion and Western States Heritage Over The Air TV Champion.

  46. if they leave NBC Universal, can I still watch everything on Hulu?

  47. Stranger in the AlpsNovember 6, 2013 at 1:17 PM

    There ya go. Sorry was stupider in my own head.

  48. We want more Coliseum Video reviews.

  49. TNA world title holder returning could be Jeff Jarrett, Rhyno, or Raven.

  50. On one hand, Hogan and Bishoff made a mess of TNA, ran a horrible biker angle for over a year, and a lot of guys had to be let go to save money wasted on various bad decisions Hogan and Bishoff pushed for.....on the other hand, they kept Jeff Jarrett away.

    Call it even.

  51. With TNA it's probably more accurate to refer to him as the DVR Champion, or the Free Live Stream Champion.

  52. The Helmsley Brief.

  53. Tommy Lee Jones as the GM or the sheriff if that works

  54. I knew I should've gone with the Austrian Suplex.

  55. Hulu is a joint venture between NBC-Universal, Fox, and Disney-ABC.

  56. THAT would have gotten a legit LOL from me

  57. Its all good... I am off my game today... if I am not careful I will end up fucking a SINGLE woman tonight. :: Shudders ::

  58. Did any ppv outside of Wrestlemania do well this past year? I'm honestly asking because I didn't check. I'm pretty sure it's like Wrestlemania, MitB and Rumble that are big draws. One is their Superbowl, the other two draw on a match type and the possible change in direction. Repeating that one person drew and another didn't on ppv isn't really relevant these days, is it? You might as well stick with one new top guy and see what happens.

  59. Maybe you'll find out she's engaged afterwards.

  60. That's one of the nicest things anyone has ever said to me!

  61. I wish i could say HHH was part of all of those, but sadly it was just Cena.

  62. I kept thinking of that Simpsons episode where they go see the new Star Wars (Cosmic Wars) film and the scroll reads

    "Cosmic Wars: The Gathering Shadow.

    It is a time of uncertainty. The empire's ambiguous tariff statues mandate close reexamination galactic export quotas. Interim Princess Agoomba has co chaired a subcommittee to draft amendments to existing trade policies..."

  63. Shows like this make me wish another company existed to make these morons at least try to put out a good product. Why can't HHH stay behind the scenes? Why is Big Show even close to the main event? Why the hell did the Shield go back to helping HHH after their 11 on 3 match? Wrestling really isn't worth watching from September-January as it is. They're approaching WCW bad at this point.

  64. Wasn't there serious talk months ago to having three hour Smackdowns?

  65. Randy Orton will go to the papers if he has to!

  66. I fully encourage more entries... let's see if we can have a Royal Rumble-style match at Mania.

  67. My first time was with an engaged woman.

  68. It's "The WWE Director of Operations" Kane.

    Triple H said so in his weekly interview with Michael Cole.

  69. And then Sheamus was quietly buried, proving that not even he is bulletproof. Sheamus' title run was unceremoniously ended by Big Show, and Sheamus proceeded to cleanly job to Show on the next two (or maybe three) PPVs. He has a good Rumble run but is tossed, I don't even remember what he does at Elimination Chamber and then he jobs to the Shield in the WM opener.

  70. Punk is just as over as he's been for a long time. He is not "more over"

    Bryan was the most popular man in the company at sumerslam. He got no reign and Big Show jacked his feud. Call a spade a spade.

  71. Did you see the comercials for Summerslam?

    They breifly mentioned Bryan, then it was 30 seconds of Divas playing beach vollyball

    It didn't even look likewrestling, the promotion for that show was awfull

  72. Oh yeah, Sheamus was in no-man's land after losing the WHC to Big Show. Frankly I was shocked that Sheamus dropped the title to Big Show, as I thought Show was set up to just be a huge monster for SuperSheamus to slay. (How silly! I should have known that Show was due for a main event push!)

    Anyway, that said, Sheamus had just gotten a year-plus MEGA PUSH, going nearly undefeated, winning the Rumble, and holding the WHC for 5-6 months. They clearly wanted him to get over as a major draw, and it didn't happen in the slightest, and so they finally had to pull back and depush the guy. Again, if Sheamus had gotten over (and he had ever fucking opportunity to do so) I'm sure they would have pushed him even harder. They clearly WANTED him to succeed, it just wasn't happening.

  73. Is he willing to mock his own beliefs to play a credible heel?

  74. I never saw the promo in full, so if that's true, then OK, I retract that point, but then raise another: Why wouldn't Shawn, HHH's best friend but Bryan's trainer and mentor, lobby to get Bryan a rematch instead of calling him out and demanding a handshake? Shawn's character is smart enough to know that if anyone could get HHH to do that, it'd be him.

  75. That's also an option.

    Obviously, we know why it was Orton/Santino or why two PPVs didn't have 20 second main events, but that's why you don't write yourself into those corners to start with.

  76. Heel? He's America's Savior!

  77. Probably just Angle appearing again for the TNA world title holder

    The RAW rating is interesting, especially the drop in the 3rd hour. Sure it was going to drop this week with the Packers/Bears game being on, but the 3rd hour dropping off means people tuned out after Bryan and Punk were done for the night, and didn't wanna watch divas, triple h, steph, and big show, especially since the football game ended before the 3rd hour started I thought (or at least during it).


  79. Nonsense, they'll do what they always do in their matches.

    Random chain wrestling!

  80. This is a horrible argument.

    It happened on last week's Mae Men already!

  81. That's why he tore his quad. He got distracted and noticed the split end.

  82. who is gloria allred?

  83. I don't think any business has any exact idea how to make money.

    The older I get the more I think everything is 90% bullshit/guess work.

  84. That's why I don't watch it

  85. When did Chris Benoit become the Candyman?

  86. I support Fox in this decision then! Also, Food Network? better search for good eats, though they probably go back the same amount of seasons as amazon prime.

  87. I just want to know what is Vince/WWE's resistance to truly building new stars? Guys like Austin, Bret and Shawn were given sustained pushes to the top. Never made to look inferior (even when Bret seemed like an afterthought after losing to Yokozuna, he immediately won KOTR). At some point the wheels will fall off Cena and then what? The thought of making main eventers by simply sticking them in a main event without an end game is strange.

  88. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!November 7, 2013 at 12:02 AM

    ...If that's what it takes.

  89. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!November 7, 2013 at 12:02 AM

    Well, nobody fucks with The Jesus.

  90. Pacman is whats best for business........the business of correctional institutions that is

  91. I can't believe I never made that connection before.

  92. "so is HHH if he thinks that defamation would be worth anything more than paying out the amount of contract that they were already paying Big Show anyway."

    Technically there's also needless workers exploitation to go along with that, so really Big Show WOULD have a case.

    Or maybe Hunter assumed the incompetence of the WWE legal team and raised the white flag right away. :p

  93. It might be because this is the first time Scott has seen "The Real Americans" in a high profile match in a while, considering that last weeks Hulu Raw didn't show them getting the pin on the Rhodes bros, and I'm assuming he didn't watch smackdown; so out of context it can look thrown together.


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