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Miz now a heel?

The Miz apparently turned heel via Twitter on Monday night. Also, he cut a heel promo on the crowd during Wednesday's house show in Ireland.


WWE Signs Fitness Model to a Developmental Deal

Ashley Sebera was signed and has already begun training at the Performance Center

Credit Dave Scherer,

WWE Opening up a New International Office

They will be opening up an office in Munich, Germany.

Credit Mike Johnson,

Kayfabe Commentaries Announces Date for their Next "YouShoot" Release

The next installment of the "YouShoot" series will feature Balls Mahoney. It will be released on December 17th.


  1. The Miz was a face? To whom?

  2. Are we sure Mix wasn't just doing the drunk twitter thing?

  3. Pretty sure he was for the house show. Cause, you know, he's the Miz. Or Mix. Whichever.

  4. WWE Opening up a New International Office
    They will be opening up an office in Munich, Germany.

    I can see Vince = Hitler memes popping up anytime now.

  5. But, actually, one could probably draw plenty of similarities between VKM and old testament God. Or Yahweh. Whichever.

  6. Shouldn't you be watching TV? Do you have Netflix?

  7. I am, typically always have shit pulled up on my phone while watching tv.

    I can celled my Netflix like a year ago. Thinking about getting it again just for these 2 weeks off

  8. The Miz apparently turned heel via Twitter on Monday night.

    WWE: We Care So Little About the Midcard That We Don't Even Do This Shit on TV Now

  9. Christ, dude. It's like $9 a month if you just do streaming. Hulu Plus is around $5.

  10. His father seemed peculiarly unburdened by cognition or human emotions.

    Although some would argue that an inability to give a shit about Miz makes him more human than most.

  11. Yea, it's dirt cheap. I had it for like two years and NEVER ever used it...maybe I'd watch it twice a month. Seems like they have more stuff now then when I had a subscription.

  12. Not sure his particular lack of fucks to give doesn't extend to the rest of the world.

  13. Koloff. There was a dude who took his fucking kayfabe SERIOUSLY.

  14. Is it that there is less stuff, or that you've watched most of what you find interesting? Some things do have an expiration date, so to speak, and the app will actually let you know when stuff will be gone.

    For example, they used to have all the seasons of South Park. Now they're on Hulu. I imagine Hulu pays more somehow.

  15. The Miz? He's still around? Huh.

  16. Damages is a pretty damn cool show. Intense. Oh, and fucking Sons of Anarchy is a good ride.

  17. "turned heel via Twitter"

    Probably the funniest thing I've ever read on this blog.

  18. In a way, it almost kind of seems like they never should have turned Miz face in the first place. But that's just my crazy opinion.

  19. I'm all in favor of running and continuing angles at house shows. You'd have to think they still tape them, so put them to use and maybe pop house show attendance.

  20. We're doing heel turns on Twitter now.
    Throwing your partner through the barbershop glass, it is not.

  21. My issue isn't with doing the angle at a house show. I think it's a smart idea. My problem is with doing an angle on Twitter. It's bad enough the digital age is cutting through traditional forms of storytelling ("Why air that awesome Daniel Bryan go-home promo for Hell in the Cell on the go-home Raw when we can just put it up on"). But it's worse when they're actually doing heel turns on social media. Hell, I find the idea of doing storylines on social media at all to be kind of ridiculous, even if there's an argument to be made that it's a better use of Twitter than anything they're actually doing with it now.

  22. Do you guys remember a few years back when there were actual conversations about who was the better "sports entertainer", Miz or DB? Around that first season of NXT? When Miz was booked as DB's trainer? When they were working or making a point to the indy fans or trying to get Miz over...?

    Twitter turn.


  23. Yeah, but Rock and Austin didn't draw money like Rock and Austin right away, either.

  24. Y2J is awesome.

  25. in fairness, hulu is a cluster to use on the reg and hulu barely ever freezes, at least in my experience.

  26. I've been using Amazon Prime streaming. It has a lot of the series that were recommended in your thread.

  27. Let's be gently honest here, I don't give a fuck about the Big Show.

  28. The secret to crying on cue is to imagine Bret Hart carrying the Bulldog to a classic at Summerslam 1992.

  29. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANNovember 8, 2013 at 11:31 AM

    I'd say just tell her that since she's taking a talent salary in addition to an office salary, that she's now subject to wellness.

  30. Big show might have stolen Bryans gimmick and it sucks but it reminded me of when rock mocked shows raised arm-chokeslam scream thing. Too funny

  31. That's true that kicking off the turn on Twitter is backwards. Twitter used correctly enhances a feud or character; Nattie and Beth did some good Twitter bullying of the model girls a while back, and Ryback is just great. Twitter is a promotional vehicle. With all the pimping of Twitter they do, I hope WWE bought shares the other day.

  32. When are they going to admit that the problem is creative not how "larger than life" someone is. Not too long they had someone "larger than life" poised to make it to the next level in Ryback but they made him look like an underachieving choker. Yeah, Ryback has his flaws but the booking did him no favors. Heck the fans are now conditioned not to expect anyone to make it past a certain level. Until HHH realizes this none of their nextbig things are going to make it to the next level regardless of size.

  33. Nailed it, 100%. That promo three weeks ago is the very embodiment of Triple H. I get it, he's name dropping guys and burying them and nobody is bothered by it (now), but at the time that promo was one of the biggest headscratchers of ALL TIME. In my opinion, it's the flash point in this entire Bryan/Orton/HHH storyline. You can directly go to that promo and dissect the entire segment to determine exactly what went wrong with this angle.

    1. Instead of making Bryan any kind of threat to the title, Triple H endlessly jabs him about his height. Yawn. This "Booker Booking" (insult a guy personally, beat him when the chips are down)draws zero business, and actually can turn people off from the product entirely.

    2. In addition to talking about the A+ players, Triple H also declared that three potential HOFers were NOT A+ (RVD, Jericho, and Edge). I understand his point, they weren't the top guys for long periods of time. But in the context of wrestling, each of those guys were WWE Champions. I don't care who you are, you're an A player if you get the strap. That should NEVER have to come into question, especially when their names was dragged through the mud like that.

    3. All of the heat from the promo/situation is drawn away from Bryan and deflected onto Big Show when he did his Austin impersonation on a Semi.

    In the end, the storyline failed because Bryan was the scapegoat of a poorly drawn Summerslam. Maybe....just maybe....people are tired of John Cena headlining his 10th straight Summerslam, ever think of that?

    2005 -- Jericho (WWE Championship)
    2006 -- Edge (WWE Championship)
    2007 -- Orton (WWE Championship)
    2008 -- Batista -- Semi-Main Event
    2009 -- Orton (WWE Championship)
    2010 -- Nexus -- Main Event
    2011 -- CM Punk (WWE Championship)
    2012 -- Triple Threat (WWE Championship)

  34. I don't think it's that short-sighted at all. They just don't need individual draws to make money now. They've got a nice telvision contract that ain't going anywhere, a bunch of corporate sponsorships, etc. Conversely, they're not making anyone a star to the point that they can put WWE over a barrel by threatening to jump to TNA or something.

  35. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 8, 2013 at 11:52 AM

    Irony: A thread about catchphrases being stolen having a catchphrase that was stolen.

  36. I know that times change and all that jazz, and kids today are being born via live tweet, but I still can't picture a Tweeted heel turn sticking in memory like the Rockers breakup, or any number of people turning on Hogan.
    Very limited options for video packages, and DVD's too.

  37. If it turns out this main-event run by Big Show is his send-off before he retires at the end of the year, would people be complaining as much?

  38. If anybody should be passed its Diego Sanchez. No one threw a boastful when Bryan style YES from him. Consider it karma

  39. It seems remarkably short-sighted to say that Bryan will never reach the level of Austin/Rock during their respective heydays. The man is 32 now, and probably has at least another 10 years left, barring serious injury. Considering how much he's accomplished so far, it wouldn't surprise me if he got there. Is it likely? Probably not, but I won't say "never."

    Having said said, I did not state that Bryan = Rock/Austin. However, no one has ever started their career at the top of the wrestling field. Austin was a "Hollywood Blonde" before WCW fired him, and "The Ringmaster" with Dibiase as his manager in the WWF before striking gold as "Stone Cold." Dwayne was "Flex Kavana" in USWA and the generally hated "Rocky Maivia" in the WWF before finding his stride as "The Rock." Both men also had runs with IC belt when that title still meant something before getting to carry the WWF title.

    I did say that neither Austin nor Rock was sabotaged during their first runs, nor during the build up during their respective programs. Compare how Austin's loss at WM12 was portrayed with the way Bryan has been consistently run down by The Authority. HHH has never looked weak (or showed ass) unless Show was involved, aside from taking a knee to the chin during the HIAC match. VKM, for all his faults, knew his role as a foil for whoever the top babyface might be. Granted, he was involved with Bryan's angle early, but he bowed out well before its conclusion for whatever reason.

    We'll never know if Bryan would have drawn bigger numbers had the angle been handled differently after SS. As a number of us have discussed, and as I mentioned on this post, the focus of the WWE is company itself; not any one guy. It's possible that for that reason alone, we'll never see another Hogan, Austin, or Rock.

  40. Your_Favourite_LoserNovember 8, 2013 at 12:10 PM

    grain of salt:

    Daniel Bryan may be done as a top star and main eventer. WWE is reportedly blaming Bryan at least partially for the low buyrates during his run in the main event. The feeling is that he isn't a "larger than life" character fans look for and his best position is in the mid-card having great matches.

    Meanwhile, The Big Show is back in the main event because WWE wants to put bigger wrestlers back in the spotlight. This is why he will now be feuding with Randy Orton and why wrestlers like Luke Harper and The Great Khali have been given more TV time.

    Credit: PWInsider via Wrestlezone

    Daniel Bryan May Be Done As A Main Event Player

    Posted by Joseph Lee on 11.08.2013

    Plus news on why The Big Show was moved into the title picture...

    Bryan may be done as a top star and main eventer. WWE is reportedly
    blaming Bryan at least partially for the low buyrates during his run in
    the main event. The feeling is that he isn't a "larger than life"
    character fans look for and his best position is in the mid-card having
    great matches.

    Meanwhile, The Big Show is back in the main event because WWE wants to
    put bigger wrestlers back in the spotlight. This is why he will now be
    feuding with Randy Orton and why wrestlers like Luke Harper and The
    Great Khali have been given more TV time.

    Credit: PWInsider via Wrestlezone


  41. Bryan is the new Bret Hart. He will stay upper kid card having great matches, and theyll plug him back in the main event when or if they need him.

  42. I'd like to take advantage of this update to announce that I am also now a heel. You're all idiots and your local sport teams are terrible. Fatties.

  43. It's such a shame that Miz can never seem to catch on with the audience. That dude works harder than anyone else on the corporate side other than Cena, he's like a PR machine and it seems like he really does enjoy it. I've always liked him because he basically represents us, regular life long fans of this nonsense sport, the difference being that unlike any one of us that like to sit and make judgements, he actually walked the last three steps and got into a ring.

    Don't get me wrong, his characters are always bad and his wrestling ability is middling at best, I just wish he'd find something that worked. If he could just find something that stuck he could be a huge fucking star. I like the dude, and he's definitely got his talents, he just exists in this shitty system now where no one bothers trying to hide anyone's weaknesses anymore.

  44. The Doors are the greatest rock and roll band of all time in my book, and I doubt I would think that if Jim Morrison was still performing shitty versions of shitty songs he wrote 10-20 years after his prime.

    That said, Pearl Jam is my favorite modern band, and I love how much they've evolved throughout my life.

  45. Your_Favourite_LoserNovember 8, 2013 at 12:24 PM

    i've stuck with queensryche even though they've gone into a tailspin ever since chris degarmo left (and even then their peak was the mindrime/empire double shot with a side of promised land), and then geoff tate ran everything into the ground by being a narcissistic douchebag (though I did like mindrime II) from '97 through 2011 or '12

    now that they booted him and the new album with new singer todd la torre is getting rave reviews, it'll be interesting to see how they do going forward

    also, two bands that stick out are exodus and death angel, both of which broke up in the very early 90's after dominating the 2nd wave of trash in the late 80's. death angel came back stronger than ever in '04, and has been only getting better with each album since then. saw 'em on halloween and as usual they put on a show that reminded me why they frequent the rotating 5th spot in my top 5 bands

    exodus also returned with a fury in '03 and dammit i should have gone to see them on that tour, since their singer zetro soon after left the band. while the new music since then is absolutely crushing, i'm not the biggest fan of the guy they brought in to replace zetro on vox (even though I've seen 'em like 4 or 5 times)

    what's awesome is that these bands are more popular now than they were during the heyday of thrash

  46. I'm not really a fan, but I think Aerosmith is the best example of a band that had success, went away (well, there did exist without Joe Perry, but barely), and then came back with a fucking VENGENCE and surpassed their original run.

  47. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 8, 2013 at 12:26 PM

    Mary J. Blige albums are always better when she is alone and coked-up. No one wants to hear happy Mary.
    I guess you could put Lil' Wayne in that category because he did the "Hot Boyz" thing, moved to Jersey after Hurricane Katrina, copied Cam'ron and the Diplomats and reinvented himself.

    Right now I listen to MF Doom. Back in the '80's he was part of a group called KMD. After his brother dide he retreated for a few years and came back under a mask with the name MF Doom. He does a lot of collaborations with people and samples from cartoons a lot, but his albums are dark and creative. <--Guv'nor

  48. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANNovember 8, 2013 at 12:27 PM

    The problem is if one of us got a job there we'd be too much of a mark to stand up for ourselves. I mean the guy got buried in a promo for being what he is. If they were going to use my PR work I do for them as a plot point as to why I'm a loser, needless to say that's the last PR I do

  49. To answer another question, I still love Rush and buy each of their albums. I think they still have plenty to offer.

    Great White, on the other hand, broke my fucking heart with their last album. Jack Russell is no longer the singer (that's a whole weird fucking story, apparently), and the new guy is ok, but the songs were just complete. fucking. crap. It honestly hurt me to listen all the way through the one time that I did. I know they aren't anywhere near the level of an A+ player (so to speak), but I always dug them and have most of their albums, post 80s/90s. No more, unless they properly reform.

  50. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANNovember 8, 2013 at 12:28 PM

    Newz, but very good bait. This should set people off.

  51. Let's be honest here: When Austin and Rock were breaking into the main event, they weren't secondary options to year 9 of Hulk and Piper. Granted, Hulk and Piper WERE still main eventing, just not under Vince's roof.

  52. Didn't most of Great White die in a fire?

  53. No band can stay entirely the same and keep the passion they had as young men. AC/DC still exists, but c'mon anyone going to say that anything they do now has the same impact as albums with Bon Scott or Back in Black?

    Iron Maiden are still going pretty strong, but Dickinson left for awhile, as did Adrian Smith. They're both back, they make the music they want, and they do just fine without radio or TV support. And, I say they still do good stuff, but it's not a carbon copy of Number of the Beast, nor should it be.

  54. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 8, 2013 at 12:31 PM

    They should thank Run-DMC for that.

  55. No offense meant; I just really dislike The Doors. Something about Morrison has always irritated me.

  56. He's a drunken buffoon pretending to be a poet! Now the Guess Who on the other hand....

  57. It helped their popularity, but they actually didn't get their act together until a few years later. I think their first 'clean' album was the one with Love in an elevator?

    I remember watching something about the band and they came to this conclusion that, well, they can't sing about drugs anymore, they rich so they can't sing about being poor...

    But they sure do love fuckin', so they were gonna sing about that.

  58. No. Here's a link that discusses that incident:

    One band member did die, guitarist Ty Longley. He was not an original member. He was replacing Mark Kendall, who is back with the band.

  59. That entire situation is such a tragedy. I remember watching the trial of the club owner and I remember the sense that everyone felt kinda crummy about the way things went down.

  60. It helped, but Permanent Vacation is really what brought them back.

  61. At least Del Rio's version was in Spanish, so it had a unique twist to it.

  62. I'm going to list some tipping point albums for bands I loved, then realized...welp, that shine's off the apple:

    1. Barenaked Ladies - Barenaked Ladies Are Men

    2. Everclear - Slow Motion Daydream (though "That Acid Summer" is a classic!)

    3. Jimmy Eat World - Chase this Light (After "Futures" Chase This Light felt...way flat, like a band going through the motions)

    4. Yellowcard - Lights and Sounds was an album I was super stoked for after "Ocean Avenue" and it was just soo...blah! Outside of "How I go" which is a musical version of the movie "Big Fish" the entire thing felt noisy and absent a soul.


  63. "American Woman...momma let me be-eee..."

    Yep. That's fucking art, right there. ;-)

  64. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 8, 2013 at 12:39 PM

    They gained a crossover audience. A lot of my friends that were DJ's began to use their stuff for samples.

  65. Vince is punishing Bryan because he couldn't draw after repeatedly cutting him off at the knees, having HHH bury him in promos, and not getting over 10,000,000 buys for SummerSlam. To further punish Bryan, he is no longer allowed to use his own catch phrase and Vince gave it to someone who is right at the cusp and is an up-and-comer, but needs that one element to get him over in the main event, the Big Show. Because as we all know, if they push the Big Show for the 150th time and turn him 20 times in the next month, he has to eventually get over. If not, they will try again in 6 months.

  66. I know a lot of you don't agree with this, but I"m a firm believer in the whole 'vote with your walleyes' philosophy. Complaining about Show's behavior on a website isn't going to do a damn thing. Buying a ticket to the events and bombarding Show with fish corpses as he makes his entrance is the only way to really send a message to the company.

  67. haha I was quoting my favorite quote of all time.

  68. It's actually an apt comparison. Weren't his first and second reigns cut short because the office thought he wasn't drawing?

  69. Yeah...but it's not like they were guests on a Run DMC song. Run DMC covered an Aerosmith song and had them help record it. I'd say both acts reaped the benefits.

  70. And, it's not like Run DMC contributed a thing to subsequent albums. Did they help Aerosmith with their comeback? Sure. Did they add to their staying power. Very little, if at all.

  71. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 8, 2013 at 12:44 PM

    Here is something I mentioned to some people last night. Rappers have weird careers People say they "fall off" but they still tour overseas. It's rare you see rappers have a career in this business beyond their 30's.
    Hip hop is probably the only genre of music that kills their artists once they get older. There is a lot of good material from rappers of the "Golden era" that doesn't get radio play *cough*payola*cough* that would do really well if it could just get heard.

  72. Well put. One thing to add is that although he is not that good if a wrestler, he is MUCH improved since his debut

  73. Totally lost on me. Just googled it..."Almost Famous"? Good film.

  74. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 8, 2013 at 12:46 PM

    They did crossover tours. Now you got kids that didn't know a rock song learning about Aerosmith because Run DMC brought them out on stage and let them perform. And not just "Walk This Way", either.

  75. What if he drew like Triple H?

  76. Beethoven had moments of brilliance in his later years, but he peaked in his middle period. Although the Ninth Symphony is great, most of the stuff he put out after 1815 or so is unlistenable, experimental madness.

    Mozart, however, went out on top. He consistently got better as he got older. When he cashed out at 35, he was in the middle of the Requiem Mass, which is one of the greatest pieces of music ever written. He left us wanting more and, because of that, I tend to rank him higher on the list of all-time greats than Beethoven.

  77. You know, I don't think I can do hip-hop live. I've seen enough concert footage of Eminem and such to realize I'd get there and feel *really* underwhelmed by one guy on stage rapping, and then another guy on stage echoing every third lyric behind him. I mean I could be wrong, but I don't think hip-hop (the hip-hop I like anyway) translates really well to a live setting, unless you're like Gym Class Heroes and have a full band and everything.

    That said, I hear you regarding rappers into their 30s. I think it's the Dre problem. I.E how *exactly* do you present yourself as a tough xyz when you're a full grown man with a house, kids, wife, and so on - the worst thing that can happen to a rapper is to be inauthentic if you ask me.

    So that said, there's tons of rap that I really like - hell, my favorite song is "Moment of Truth" from Gangstarr (what a name!) that I found on a Dave Mirra BMX soundtrack, there's a great song called "I am" from...Novel(?) that samples "The Luckiest" by Ben Folds, and so on.

    I also recently discovered B.O.B and I'm kinda giddy. Instrumentation + Hip Hop lyrics = Happy Meekin

  78. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 8, 2013 at 12:49 PM

    Well put. Maybe Miz should consider being a manager.

  79. See my 2nd reply. Both acts benefited.

  80. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 8, 2013 at 12:50 PM

    Yes it was. That was very well thought out and coherent. Someone like that has no place on the BoD.

  81. The fact that they threw in Khali at the end is proof that whoever wrote that in the first place was just looking for click bait.

    The fact that 411 blew up over it is proof that it worked.

  82. Ok, I'm at work, and I can't hear it, but I don't suppose "Rhinestone Cowboy" is a cover of the Glen Campbell song?

  83. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 8, 2013 at 12:53 PM

    Yep. I commented about the whole "Yes!" thing though. I still think it's fucked up.

  84. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 8, 2013 at 12:53 PM

    Don't you mean's the BIG SHOW..."

  85. Sudden sad music, newspaper clipping of the tweet lying on a majestic purple pillow with a bright spotlight shining on it.

    Narrator: but little did the wwe universe know, that the man who revolutionized social media would end up using it for dastardly purposes.

    Credit: Mizery and Happiness: The Life and Times of the WWE's most "Must-See" superstar (3 disc set)

  86. Stranger in the AlpsNovember 8, 2013 at 12:54 PM

    If you fade away, you become in danger of either being a parody of yourself, trying to recapture what you had, or people just use you as an example for mockery. If you burn out, you still have the chance to take some time off to recharge before someone decides you're no longer relevant.
    Trent Reznor - I believe he burned out in the mid-2000's, and disappeared into some obscure side projects for more than five years. The NEW Nine Inch Nails album is one of the better albums that I have listened to this year.

  87. I think that's an example of "Non Zero Sum Game Theory."

  88. You make an excellent point.

    FUCK MIZ!! HE SUCKS!!! Chris Walker would kick his ass all over the fucking ring, so help me Yahweh!

    Now then, where's all the married women at?

  89. No. I was going for understated (for once), and I'm standing by it.

  90. Maybe *just maybe* Stone Cold Steve Austin will take note of this.

  91. I'm the type of music fan who does not listen to lyrics. I hear the sounds of the vocalists, but I have to really pay attention to comprehend the lyrics and hear the individual words. So, most of Morrison's poetic nonsense just goes in one ear and out the other and it doesn't bother me one bit. His voice, however, is incredible, and especially when pair with those sweet, sweet Manzarek keyboards. That Morrison spoken word album was a piece of trash.

  92. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 8, 2013 at 12:56 PM

    " In addition to talking about the A+ players, Triple H also declared that three potential HOFers were NOT A+ (RVD, Jericho, and Edge)."
    If the WWE Hall of Fame ever becomes a physical building I can see HHH adding an "A+ Players" wing to it and somehow adding himself so he can separate himself from his peers.

  93. Miz will be a great corporate stooge when than angle is still being run 15 years from now.

  94. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 8, 2013 at 1:00 PM

    If you go to a concert, go to the smaller ones (especially if they use a live band) I guess you'd call it "Backpacker rap"
    I play "Full Clip: A Decade of Gangstarr" in my kickboxing class and I get a lot of people that ask me who it is.

  95. Now it's just a matter of taste. I never liked his voice, nor do I care at all about the band's sound. They just never made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. I'll turn the radio off before I listen to The Doors.

    I will acknowledge they have some good songs, and I have embraced some through other artists. Example - Roadhouse Blues. Love the Jeff Healey version...but I love Jeff Healey. Bob Dylan is another example of an artist I dislike...actually, "dislike" is putting it kindly. I fucking hate him. But, he has some fantastic songs; I just can't appreciate them until I hear them covered by someone else.

    So, it's a matter of taste, really. God knows enough people can't stand Rush.

  96. I remember how Stan Muchnick, one of the most well-regarded promoters ever, would often say "the guy's a great worker but he doesn't draw money." Sad but true fact of the business that a lot of online fans don't get.

  97. To be fair, the Rolling Stones actually play a varied setlist compared to most classic bands still touring. Sure, they'll play the same 10 or so classics but every tour they make sure to pull out a handful of gems they've never played before or haven't played in 20+ years. That's more than you can say about some bands that have literally played the same setlist for the last 10 years minus a song or two. I mean, I can't imagine Wheatus or other 1990s bands having a deep enough catalog to vary their setlists from tour to tour, let alone show-to-show.

    On the other hand, I sometimes wonder if The Beatles would still be considered *the* premiere rock band if Lennon lived into the 1990s. They would've undoubtedly done some reunion activity at some point. The money on the table would have been impossible to turn down, and I doubt whatever they did together in the 1980s or 1990s would be anything of the quality of their original run.

  98. Everyone I've played "Moment of Truth" for loves it instantly.

  99. Boo me! I'm not from here! I have my own customs!

  100. Stranger in the AlpsNovember 8, 2013 at 1:06 PM

    Hey, Meekin...I'm gonna THREADJACK for a minute or two. I was on my lunch break, so I went home and turned a little TV while eating. AMC was showing the Seagal movie "On Deadly Ground", and this was the scene. I ABSOLUTELY HAD TO SHARE THIS PIECE OF CINEMATIC ARTISTRY. Also, it could coincide with someone fading away rather than burning out...but then, we know why he faded away.

  101. Look at my craaaazy passport.

  102. I'd argue that a lot of the lyrical themes and culture of rap music is something a lot of people outgrow. Sure, people in their late 30s probably still love singing along to California Love and Juicy at the bar, but you won't see many of them getting a babysitter to go to a rap concert. I'm sure there are other factors, but there really isn't a strong market for "classic rap" the way there is for classic rock, country, or even pop.

    The fact that a lot of classic rappers (Tupac, BIG, Jam Master Jay, Easy E) are dead or parodies of themselves (uh, Flava Flav) doesn't help the situation.

  103. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 8, 2013 at 1:11 PM

    DJ Premier is a musical genius and Guru (R.I.P.) had excellent wordplay.

  104. Don't they always claim they're going to open up an office somewhere outside the U.S. and yet it never ends up happening? That time they claimed they were going to start up a promotion in South America immediately comes to mind.

  105. Your_Favourite_LoserNovember 8, 2013 at 1:13 PM

    to piggyback on todd's mention of rush, although rush certainly never was gone, the overwhelming positive support for clockwork angels was truly something to behold.

    they released an an album that the vast majority of people (myself included) consider to be one of their best PERIOD (and not just "in recent years) and which went to #2 in the charts, had a well received mainstream doc that got a theatrical release, got inducted into the RRHoF in a landslide assisted by public voting... damn the last few years have certainly had the hosers on top

  106. And it didn't work then. I honestly hope the fans shit all over Big Show's Yes chants. I don't know anyone else who could have gotten it over as well as Bryan. Dude pushed the Yes chants for over a year at the behest of everything else and it worked.

    People might give a half hearted Yes chant if the Big Show starts it, but I don't think it'll work out the way the WWE is hoping.

  107. Well he did get the big belt and close out wrestlemania 27 with a win so I wouldn't feel bad for him. A lot of greats will never hit that level. Not too shabby IMO. I love rwrr challenge so I wanted to cheer for miz and he did catch on quite a bit with that tag team and the calling out of cena but he was exposed as kind of a hack by a lot of other guys. That dog shit face turn and the jobbing out he did before pretty much killed him off.

  108. Your_Favourite_LoserNovember 8, 2013 at 1:16 PM

    i dont think dance of death gets enough love

  109. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 8, 2013 at 1:16 PM

    If it fails then Show gets the blame and not HHH (the person the blame truly falls)

  110. Your_Favourite_LoserNovember 8, 2013 at 1:18 PM

    their original bass player just died

  111. Dunno. I don't recall hearing anything like this before, but that's just me.

  112. Your_Favourite_LoserNovember 8, 2013 at 1:19 PM

    i saw the stones in '05 and they opened with 'not fade away.' pretty cool.

  113. "Woke up at 6am for a media day signing autographs doing radio and TV for all of you and you chose Big E? #Really"

    This is turning heel?

  114. Your_Favourite_LoserNovember 8, 2013 at 1:23 PM

    pretty varied album, which is why it sticks out over brave new world. the final frontier also had some nice deviations from the norm

  115. Your_Favourite_LoserNovember 8, 2013 at 1:25 PM

    actually, i think both mark and ty were sharing guitar duties (even though they've traditionally been a 1 axe band)

  116. Actually, if you read a recent edition of WWE Magazine, you'll discover that it was actually Bryan's idea to run that angle. Bryan purposes debuted wearing very low-end and unexciting ring gear and purposely came out without a tan and with no distinguishable look. It was his idea to have Miz try to add a little personality to him.

  117. Your_Favourite_LoserNovember 8, 2013 at 1:26 PM

    i've played their 1st album for people and they couldn't believe it was the same band. that 1st album and much of the next few were actually on the heavy side, relatively speaking

  118. I see what you did there.

  119. Great White's? Yes. I didn't know, but you are correct.

  120. I'm not as familiar with the later stuff as I am with material from when I was in high school, but I do like the albums. I sort of rediscovered Maiden after the release of Flight 666.

  121. Your_Favourite_LoserNovember 8, 2013 at 1:33 PM

    i got to see them on that tour, when they redid much of live after death. and then i made a 4.5 hr overnight solo trip to see them last year when they redid much of 7th son, since they weren't coming anywhere near me

  122. I think the overall problem is that they're willing to give a nibble to the people fans are really reacting to, but when all is said and done WWE is just going to go with who they wanted to go with in the first place. Dolph Ziggler was in essentially the same scenario that Daniel Bryan now finds himself in. He was getting positive reactions (not to Bryan's extent) and his title win got a HUGE reaction. And the live audience seemed into his routine, and they stuck with him through his face turn. But at the end of the day, they got the title back on Del Rio, and Del Rio moved onto a new storyline with his title while Ziggler faded out of the title picture....and soon after, out of the PPV picture altogether (I don't see Bryan facing that same fate).
    And before that, they had the same deal with Ryder. They gave him his big moment and he got to enjoy it for a little bit. He was even mega protected when he lost the title. But he was soon removed from the US title picture and the person who ended up getting that lengthy reign was Santino, who essentially plays the same goofball, lovable babyface character.

  123. If I am not mistaken he is the only non HHH heel to win the main event at Wrestlemania.

    Also I bet Maryse is a nice consolation prize.

  124. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 8, 2013 at 1:39 PM

    ..uh, no.

  125. Dude I bet he used some really mean hastags so in a way you could say this is WORSE... actually you can't. You can't say that at all. Forget I brought it up.

  126. Get that kind of thing out of your system here... don't want that on stage.

  127. WILL YOU STOP?!?

  128. Todd Lorenz is fat


    I am joking of course... TNA won't be there in a year!

  130. Nobody cares about Sam Mushnick and I doubt anybody on the blog were even born during that time. What we do care about is Daniel Bryan and how haz had been the most valuable wrestler on the Raw roster.

    Forgot the "online fans" garbage. You must be incoherent or you need to increase the volume on your TV and hear the pip he gets in every arena.

  131. Agreed.

    "Recently relaeased superstar X has released a series of tweets attacking WWE" something like that.

    I am still mad at you for the most disgusting comment I have ever read though.

  132. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANNovember 8, 2013 at 1:44 PM

    little strong, but yeah, the heat at the end of the HBK segment or the "corporate negotiation" statement, it's not hard to figure out which you'd rather have.

  133. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANNovember 8, 2013 at 1:45 PM


  134. You might be right; I would have sworn Kendall was gone for awhile - he even released a solo album on CD Baby, which I have - but I can't find anything indicating he ever left the band. Perhaps Longley was replacing Michael Lardie, who played/plays keyboards, rhythm guitar, harmonica, and produces.

  135. Yeah, they were considered "heavy metal" or "hard rock" when they started. The bluesier side crept in quickly though.

  136. Says the guy who was talking about me... errr... Chris Walker, when I... uh he... was in no way involved.

  137. Nice. They were the first band I ever saw live; Powerslave tour in San Diego with Twisted Sister opening. They may be the one arena act I'd go see again. I saw Rush on every tour since Power Windows up until Time Machine, and I was just done with that type of setting. Still like Rush better, but it's been so long since I've seen Maiden; I may get over my hate of crowds at some point. Considered it this last tour, but didn't.

  138. You guys are getting so chummy.
    Remember when Fuj and Caliber had that, uh, "match" here a few months back?
    Don't ever get cute like that, ok?

  139. Dunno whatchu mean.

    :: look of innocence ::

  140. Eminem should really ask for the check at this point... haven't really liked anything of his in the last 10 years or so

  141. There's one song on that album I can't get into, I love the rest. The While I'm Still Here/Black Noise ending was haunting to hear on first listen.

  142. I haven't liked any of his stuff. Ever.

    Well...the movie was ok.

  143. You seem like the kind of guy that loves 1970's music exclusively... or at least above all others... that's not meant as a put down just my analysis... am I off base?

  144. I really liked Recovery. I dig quasi-inspirational "boy I fucked up but I'm back now, with a vengence" music, and that entire album was that.

    Check out:

    'No Love'
    'You're Never Over' - which is about his buddy proof getting shot
    'Cold Wind Blows' - which is the BEST album opener in the history of openers.

  145. It seems like the typical Eminem album.

    25% of it you know is good, 25% of it you know is bad, and 50% that you'll grow to like, forget about, and not enjoy as much when you revisit it years later.

    The life-span of most Eminen songs is "That's really bad" to "It's kind of catchy" to "That wasn't as good as I remembered it being"

  146. Well sure, but he also got to play the dog to Rock/Cena's Triple H and Jericho in that whole feud. I'd bet he's happy having accomplished what he has, I just think there's a hell of a lot there that is untapped.

  147. You know in preperation for this album I went back and listened to SSLP, MMLP, The Eminem Show, Encore, Relapse, and Recovery, and I have to agree.

    A lot of the SSLP stuff is nutso because I remember listening to it as a kid and not getting ANY of the shit he said, and now that I do, wonder how bad it fucked me up.

  148. 40 year old dude with angst, no one likes those guys.

  149. It also helps that the Rolling Stones have a lot more than just 10 big hits. Sure, a Stones show would seem incomplete without "Satisfaction" but they couldn't do any standard 25-30 song setlist without leaving out several classics.

  150. I ended up lucking my way into a pair of tickets. It was funny - it was in Boston on the night of a big Bruins game, and the place wasn't 100 percent full, and once the band came on there wasn't much energy at ALL, but they ended up kicking it up like 15 notches with "Gimmie Shelter" and I was fucking hooked.

    I was with my mom and this was like one of her Bucket List bands, so it was double awesome to see my mom going wild to a band she grew up with.

    A week later I was at a Kid Rock concert going equally as nuts. Generations, I love em'!

  151. "Online fan" is a meaningless term. Almost everyone uses the internet and television is the next newspaper.

  152. i am one day going to go through a thread and just type an individual character in response to every comment so people will sit there waiting to see what people are typing in response.

  153. There's an interesting series on ESPN's Grantland site called "Escape From Pop Purgatory" that deals with this very idea --- musicians who are still touring and releasing music years after they hit their peaks. One article focused on Huey Lewis, who still tours for several months of every year at county fairs, theatres, 2000-seat venues as opposed to big arenas, yet he seemed to have a terrific attitude about it since he never expected to be a big star in the first place. Lewis doesn't *need* to keep performing since he has more than enough money to retire, but why should he? If he still enjoys it, why shouldn't he keep doing shows and releasing records?

    One musician who seems oddly immune to this is Prince. It's been years, even decades, since Prince had a big radio hit or any kind of a hot-selling album and yet he's built such a mystique around himself that he's still seen as a top artist. Granted, he should have that rep since the guy is uber-talented but obviously, "talent" is only about fourth or fifth on the list of what people seem to like about their musical stars these days.

  154. Burning out is better for a legend, that's for sure. Especially if you can get it done when your fame is at it's peak. Cobain offing himself means far less historically if he waited until the bubble gum pop era of the later 90's. Similarly, Layne Staley finally doing the obvious inevitable would have been a much bigger story had it happened in '96.

    As far as those fading away, I've seen the Rolling Stones and they appear to feel nothing but the weight of gold in their pockets. On the flip side I saw McCartney in Seattle and he absolutely appeared to enjoy playing every song in his catalog and he's been at it a few years longer. I think it really depends on the performer, for some it's a job and for others it's what actually makes them happy.

  155. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 8, 2013 at 2:13 PM

    I have to be in a certain mood for a whole Eminem album. I prefer to listen to his freestyle stuff which in infinitely better.

  156. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANNovember 8, 2013 at 2:14 PM

    And just to further the "draws money" thing, go on ticketmaster and pull 8 sets in any price range for Survivor Series. You still can

  157. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 8, 2013 at 2:15 PM

    There's a cute chick in the video. I think she's married.

  158. #2 on which charts? Canada or US? And, overall album sales, or just a specific genre?

    I like the album; don't know that I'd call it one of their best...let's see...

    Going with studio albums only here; Is Clockwork Angels better than:

    Rush (debut) - in many ways, sure. I just have a soft spot for this one.
    Fly By Night - maybe.
    Caress of Steel - yes. Clockwork Angels is better.
    2112 - No. Hell no.
    Farewell to Kings - hm. Kind of a toss up for me.
    Hemispheres - not overly fond of this album; I'll say "yes."
    Permanent Waves - oh, man. This album really marked a new way of writing songs for them, and still had one "progressive" piece. But, it's not one of my faves. Yes.
    Moving Pictures: nope.
    Signals: I actually really like signals, but yes.
    Grace Under Pressure: this was the first of their albums that I bought as it was released, and I fucking love "Kid Gloves." But, yes.
    Power Windows: Hm. Another toss up for me.
    Hold Your Fire: Gonna have to say "no." I love this album.
    Presto: Close, but no.
    Roll The Bones: Another draw for me. "Ghost of a Chance" is one of my favorite songs EVER.
    Counterparts: Slight edge to this album for me.
    Test for Echo: Yes.
    Vapor Trails: No, but this one has real sentimental value to me.
    Feedback: can't really count this one because it's all covers, and was really meant as just something fun to do for their 30th anniversary.
    Snakes and Arrows: Hm. Gonna have to call this one another draw.

    So, off the top of my head (and as if anyone cares):

    Clockwork Angels is better than 7 of 18 albums.
    I'd call 5 of 18 a draw.
    That leaves....6 of 18 I like better that Clockwork Angels.


    We now return you to your regularly scheduled discussion.

  159. The music writer they have is great - I read his piece on NIN and on the best vocalists of the past few years and dug them both.

  160. Where can I find that?

  161. :: ears perk up ::

  162. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 8, 2013 at 2:22 PM

  163. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 8, 2013 at 2:25 PM

    He went berserk on this one:
    "I'm a fucking cross between Osama/Dahmer/Obama and the Dhali Lama..."

  164. LOL Kind of funny; I just went over all of Rush's albums, and on the whole, it appears that I like their later stuff better than their 70s stuff.

    But, it depends on what you mean by "1970s music." Artists that ascended to popularity during that time? Songs from that decade? Genres, maybe? I used to love Led Zep; currently a bit tired of them, just cause I listened so often for so long. Love Paul Rodger's voice, and John Fogerty's. Recently developed an appreciation for Queen.

    I'm actually pretty fucking picky; I do like some genres better than others, but even then, it's usually limited to specific artists that touch me on some level. But, I haven't liked a "new band" since Collective Soul's second album, which was released in 1995...nearly 20 years ago. Christ.

    But, to be fair, rock hasn't been my favorite genre for a long time. I went through a long acoustic phase where a favored acoustic blues, and some folk. In no particular order, my favorite artists were Guy Davis, Chris Smither, and Todd Snider.

    Oh, wait...back to the new band thing...I really like Chickenfoot, thought that wasn't immediate. Would you call them 70s music?

    Every time I go looking for someone new in any genre, I'm lucky if I find one artist that I really enjoy. I don't mean to imply I'm some kind of fucking snob, or that I think my tastes are better than anyone else''s just the truth. Even in high school when I *desperately* wanted to find bands to love, they were few and far between.

    Right now...well, shit. Right now I'm not all that focused on music, aside from my own, and even that is battling voice over auditions for my time. I do have a batch of songs I will finish before the end of the year, and I'm going to redo my web site. But, when I listen, it's either with my iPod on shuffle, or whatever strikes my mood. Last night was old AC/DC. The night before was Ladysmith Black Mambazo and Chickenfoot.

  165. Stranger in the AlpsNovember 8, 2013 at 2:31 PM

    You're going to get the inevitable "Oh boy, this is going to be awesome. I made an awesome post, and I can't wait to see what everybody says *bites nails in anticipation* Oh. It's from Parallax. I HATE YOU GOD!".

  166. The Stones are actually pretty good at incorporating rarer stuff into their sets.
    They had a couple of pretty lamesauce decades, but that A Bigger Bang album from a few years back was quite good.
    I think that it has a lot to do with age. When you're young, you're usually some combination of horny, and angry, and drunk, and above all else, passionate. Most people in their 30s and 40s and 50s tend to lose a lot of that to the day to day monotony that most of us face. I'm not saying that life sucks in your 30s (I've greatly enjoyed mine so far), it's just not as exciting as when you're young.

  167. Alert 'llax. Or 'llex. Or whatever the fuck he's calling himself today.

  168. Agreed. in the same summer I saw The Stones, Kid Rock, and Brad Paisley, and of the three Paisley actually put on the best 'show' - with gags and and giant stuffed versions of himself. Lots of cool visual stuff like lasers, too - there was a definite energy from the word go.

    The Stones let their iconic status (and a few back up singers) carry them, and the one song Keith Richards did by himself was fucking wonderful. If I were a life long fan (which I'm not) seeing them for the first time (which I was) I wouldn't have been disappointed.

    Kid Rock was great outside of censoring naughty words toward women that I continued to sing outloud. The thing I appreciated most is that despite the fact he's kind of gone nutso GOP on us, he didn't do any stupid Obama bashing like Ozzy did to George Bush during "war pigs" a few years ago.

  169. I get you. I think if I came to Eminem at this age and he wasn't like, a part of development into an adult along with Kid Rock, Barenaked Ladies, Fountains of Wayne, and Bowling for Soup, I don't think I'd like him as much, but there's also a bit of...catch up, I guess, involved with the music you've listened to for years when an artist releases a new album

  170. Only Semi-related.

    In terms of bands that stick around forever, Iron Maiden is still touring and recording like men half their age. They did an interview where they said something that I think shows the difference between a band that's old and on fumes and a band that is still awesome and happens to be old. They had received some criticism that the set lists they currently play live are too much new stuff and not enough of the hits. (Which is fine by me, Final Frontier is one of their best albums ever)

    Their response: We believe in the new stuff, if we start playing nothing but the oldies we become a parody, a tribute to ourselves from 15 years ago.

    Just what I thought of reading the question :p

  171. Seems like a perfect way to plant the seeds, but not officially turn heel.

  172. True story: I listened to "Iced Earth" before I listened to Maiden and while I'm not a metal head, kind of dug Iced Earth's ability to make an entire album about the American Revolution.

  173. That's one of the reasons they'll do tours devoted to the older stuff, and they'll play places they haven't played in quite a while. Flight 666 is a great album, concert film, and documentary about that tour.

  174. I find that for musicians that maintain quality as they age
    their music evolves, perhaps less raw--but better structurally (Any Punk band that lasts more then one big hit album has to do this)

    Or you are Iron Maiden and you just do the same thing as ever except with more instruments and 10 minute songs. Still bad assess

  175. I bought the Eminem cd, and am on the fence about it. His first two albums, the Slim Shady and Marshall Mathers LP, are such favorites of mine that I'm always a little disappointed with his newer stuff. He's had some awesome shit since them, Bully, Quitter, The Sauce, come to mind but have always liked but been slightly underwhelmed by his COS since.

    From a legacy perspective, it's always better to go out on top, IMO. However, as long as musicians can tour, make money, sell CDs, then I fully support them hanging on for as long as possible.

  176. What'd you think of Recovery? It was a little dour and single-minded, but it definitely had an overall tone that I think is missing from MMLP2, like he just tossed in as many tracks as he had.

    The cool thing about his music is you kind of get an interesting little...arc, here.

    1. Slim Shady LP - I'm poor, I'm pissed, I'm angry, and better then EVERYONE ELSE OUT THERE.

    2. Marshall Mathers LP - I TOLD you I'm the best, now suck it.

    3. The Eminem Show - Wait a fucking second, "I'm" your Icon? ME? I'm an ICON? Politicians are protesting me and telling me I'm bad for their kids?

    4. Recovery - Sorry guys, I fucked up, too many drugs, but I'm back and ready to rap the paint of these walls!

    5. MMLP2 - Uhhhh uhmmmmmm uhhhh? What?

    It seems Eminem ran into an issue where he has now surpassed the three act structure of "Rise, Fall, Redemption", and now is in uncharted territory.

  177. Side tangent: even though I "acquire" most of my music through the Web and don't pay for it, there are still certain artists whose CDS I always buy, just to show support for them.

    It reminds me a little of the Bryan PPV arguement, if people really want to show support for someone or sonething, the wallet is typically the best way to do it.

  178. You mean like when wrestling stopped being cool?

  179. After Spotify I haven't bought a single album I wanted in awhile - I thought I'd end up paying for the new BNL or Eminem, but nope, there they are, unedited and ready to play!

  180. I hope that Survivor Series bombs on PPV. Don't get me wrong, I live in Boston and I WILL be attending the event live to support guys that I like (Daniel Bryan, CM Punk, AJ Lee, even John Cena to some extent) but, this whole CONCEPT of Big Show drawing on top is RIDICULOUS and NEEDS TO END NOW!

  181. Your_Favourite_LoserNovember 8, 2013 at 2:57 PM

    too bad bruce hates america

  182. Recovery might be my least favorite of all his CDS. I just couldn't really get into it for whatever reason. En core is probably my third favorite behind his first two.

    I think you hit a good point on his stuff, each on of his initial albums definitely had a specific feel. I think that's been lost since he's reached mega star status. Who can blame the guy though...He's got it all at this point in his life, you're gonna have more generic rap stuff at this point of his life

  183. Recovery is actually my favorite, but then again I'm a sucker for redemption / underdog stuff.

  184. Your_Favourite_LoserNovember 8, 2013 at 2:59 PM

    i saw them on that tour, and got to see Gettysburg performed in its entirety

    (and "that guy" correct: Gettysburg is about the Civil War, and it's only that one 30 min suite, but the lots of The Glorious Burden album does have patriotic sentiments


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