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BoD Evening Update

New Match Added to Survivor Series

Intercontinental Champion Big E Langston will face off against Curtis Axel

Another Independent Star at the Performance Center Today for a Tryout

Colt Cabana was seen at the Performance Center Today as he tries out for an announcing job.

Credit Mike Johnson,

Former X Division Wrestler Returning to TNA

Shark Boy will be returning to Impact tomorrow,-Headed-to-IMPACT-this-Thursday-Night


  1. Threadjack: Is anyone from or near London England? If so I have an odd question...

  2. Then why not just book the Langston title win for the ppv?

  3. Big E/Curtis -> Kind of expected this

    Colt -> Awesome, hope he gets the job, he is one of the funniest men in the business

    Shark Boy -> Yes! I remember bringing a Shark Boy sign to a Thunder taping back near the end of WCW and he didn't even appear sadly.

  4. I've only visited it once in the past :P

  5. Shark Boy is an underrated comedy wrestler.
    Colt could be a decent commentator I suppose but I usually find that his stuff comes off as bush league.

  6. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 20, 2013 at 4:06 PM

    I like English Muffins. (Especially Layla's)

  7. Well what I am looking for is someone that would be able to get a recent phonebook from London...

  8. This has "very specific Christmas gift" written all over it.

  9. Yea, we're gonna need the full story behind this. Sounds like an online boots call?

  10. That is exactly what it is. My grandfather has this obsession with finding people with the same name as him in the phone book from various places, he really wants one from London for some reason...he's 91 so I figure it he probably won't get to many more shots at this, and though it would bea coolthingto do for him.

  11. Ha nothing like that. See below.

  12. That's one of the stupidest things I've ever seen the WWE do.. and I've been watching for 30 years. Unless they're going to give the title right back to Axel, it really made no sense to have Langston get the title on Monday. Takes away all the drama of the PPV.. NOT that anyone would buy it on that match alone.. but it pretty much makes that match's result a fait accompli.

  13. Big E isn't getting over unless JR comes out of retirement. Cause he's a HOSS you see and JR loves him some Hosses. And he played football at Iowa. DEFENSIVE TACKLE AT A BIG 10 SCHOOL.

  14. That's pretty rad, man.

  15. JR would no sell the shit out of the Big Ten.

    Boomer Sooner!

  16. This is, of course, assuming that people (namely, the WWE) give a shit about the IC title to begin with.

  17. Uh no. Remember the Steiner Brothers? Man go watch the first five minutes of the Steiners vs Nasty Boyz from HH 90. He just lost complete control of himself putting over Michigan

  18. If Colt joining WWE means the end of the podcast then I hope he blows the tryout! In all seriousness, I love the podcast and it keeps me interested in wrestling even when the current product blows. I hope Colt makes it for his sake, but selfishly I'd like him to stay on the indys and do the podcast FOREVER (Terry Funk voice)

  19. I'm not even going to stream this thing.


  20. While I like spontaneity, I hate that they do this type of stuff right before a PPV, thus ceasing a lame duck match on the show they want me to be paying for.

    Then again, this show is going to tank regardless, so why even try.

  21. Stranger in the AlpsNovember 20, 2013 at 6:36 PM

    Threadjack: I know there are more than a few baseball guys in here, but the Tigers just agreed to trade Prince Fielder to the Rangers for Ian Kinsler and more than likely another unnamed player.

    Thanks for showing up in the playoffs, Prince. Here's your payback.

  22. The Rangers watched the playoffs right? Or at least the same one I watched and saw that he could barely get the ball out of the infield.

  23. I try to think back to what it was like being a kid, and I think if the IC title changed hands prior to a pay per view, I'd still be interested in seeing if the new champion could retain it. I mean, the people they write these shows for watch because they're legitimately curious if John Cena's going to win.

  24. Not only that, but being that fat is going to become a problem at some point, if it's not already. There's a number of times where he can't make plays because of his size. He doesn't fall over and split his pants or anything that glaring but all these little singles and pop ups he can't get to add up.

  25. What the dick??? Would never have guessed that could happen. Wow. Tigers must REALLY have soured on that contract in a hurry.

  26. Stranger in the AlpsNovember 20, 2013 at 7:31 PM

    I guess they weighed their options between keeping Fielder's contract, or extending Scherzer's and went with the winner. I'm sure the Rangers, who have a ton of cash to spend because of a new TV deal, will eat a lot of Fielder's contract. Plus, the Rangers need a 1B.

  27. I'd call it authentic and not overly produced.

    Which to some folks does sound bush league.

  28. Both guys are overpaid and overrated. Kinsler is never healthy either.

  29. I find him lame.

  30. Which is your prerogative.

    I find him to be a damn fine wrestler and personality

  31. Okay then...........

  32. Congrats, your post has been shared on NPP by Dougie!

  33. I just picked a Doom/Steiners match at random to see how far I got in it. 6 freakin seconds before he talked about Michigan.

  34. At least give me something different, don't give me the same match I just saw for free.

  35. Parallax1908 can't be that common of a name.

  36. If I could spend an entire year doing nothing but upvote this commentI would.

  37. My guess would be they saw what happend with Pujols, Teixira, and Ryan Howard and decided to cut and run. Once the slide starts, it goes quickly. Might as well get what you can for him before you are stuck in an Uggla situation where it's so obvious the guy is done no one will take him off your hands.


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