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BoD NFL Thread

Seems like the better games are later in the day but you can still discuss the rest of them here, along with any fantasy football talk.


  1. I guess Chicago is going to get blown away?

  2. Free money since I love you all...words can't describe how much I love a Sea/Denver tease. If SSeattle doesn't cover the tease at 4, just hedge with the KC money line at night. Youre almost guaranteed to make money

  3. FWAD says, "Ho ho! Is funny cause it is windy in windy city today!"

  4. Adam Schefter said today the NFL is ironing out details to a new, more flexible scheduling schedule that will flex the best games into the 4:30 and 8:30 slots every week. Sounds like it will further blur the distinction of which network is the "AFC" network and which is the "NFC" network. Not sure why I posted that other than Brian saying how the "better games are on later." Isn't that almost universally the case?

  5. I'm not positive about how the "flex" stuff works now, but I know they can only flex games after week 10 in the current setup. I also think only the Sunday night game has the flex option available, like Fox and CDS can't felt games. I'm not sure about that last part though

  6. The original network has the option to "protect" something like three games each in weeks 10-16… Week 17 NBC gets whatever game has the most playoff implications. CBS initially tried to protect the KC/Denver game, then gave it up so NBC could have it (maybe they feel like the next one in KC will have even more magic?).

    The original game in the 8:30 slot was NYG/Green Bay. You can see why NBC wanted out of that… and that was BEFORE Rodgers was hurt!

    The new flex scheduling will be more insane. I will also flexing across the 4:30 and 8:30 slots between Fox and CBs so whoever has the late, national frame will get the best match…. I sounds like, hypothetically, if this week CBS had the 4:30 frame, and the 2nd best game (since they'd want the best game on the NBC slot) was the New Orleans/San Fransico game, the NFL will "flex" that over to CBS.

    This actually happened two years ago when a Denver interconference game was supposed to be on Fox was moved over to CBS. This was during the Tebow era.

  7. Yowsers, that alot of network battling.

  8. I understand why the major networks buy "Conference" packages... but I wish they'd just choose games before the season starts.

    Can one of the night games (THURSDAY), and schedule like this:

    Sunday Night: Game 1
    Monday Night: Game 2
    Sunday Afternoon: Games 3-4 (or 3-5) (Alternate between FOX and CBS weekly)
    Sunday Noon: Whatever's left, split between FOX and CBS... network without an afternoon game gets the "extra" game, if there is one.

  9. No I mean I think there's like a Tornado watch in the area!

  10. The Jets may be better off imploring the run three times and then put offense today. Seems like everytime Geno drops back today bad things happen

  11. It's a throwback to the olden days and circumventing blackouts. Say you're a Pats fan. If you want to watch them at home, go to the game (a much easier idea 30 years ago). If it's an away game, you can't go see it, so to make sure you can see ALL the away games they are in, CBS broadcasts all games they are away, regardless of opponent.

  12. That's what I meant to.

    Chicago's not the "Windy City" cause it's more windy there than other places.

  13. Not football, but that commercial for The Following gave me chills.

  14. I was reading this thing about Jerry Jones a few years ago...He buys the tickets to all unsold home games, gives them to charity, then writes it off as a charity tax write off. None of thd Cowboy games have been blacked out for decades apparently. I don't know why every owner wouldn't do this.

    Guess it's different buying up a few hundred unsold Cowboy tickets as opposed to 1000s of unsold Jaguars tix though

  15. Someone, not saying WHO needs to read this QOTD before telling me 'bout Chicago

  16. I would hate to be at Soldier Field right now. I can't think of a place that would feel less safe to me than in the stands while a tornado is hitting.

  17. At my girlfriends and the only fucking game we get on standard cable is Bucs/Falcons. She doesnr get the red zone channel either. Guess this is football hell

  18. You gotta see this fucking terrible fake punt by the Bucs. They just had their punter throw a 40 yard pass

  19. My choices are Jets/Bills and Redskins/Eagles. There are no winners here.

  20. As much as I hate Jerry Jones (and the Cowboys in general)... he does put his money where his mouth is.

    New Stadium: Paid for 100%.
    Sell-out in trouble? Fuck that, buy what's left.

  21. It's like the quiz in "Diner".


  23. Yea, that's pretty bad also. I'd gladly take birds/skins since I'm an eagles fan.

    Bills/Jets is gonna be a mess to watch.

  24. Where's the money at today? Words can't express how much I love a Sea/Denver tease? Like SD also

  25. I'm waiting for a team to try that, and just tell the punter to throw it as high as he can. Wonder if the punt receiver would still try to catch it.

  26. So Geno drops back to pass and coughs it up at their own 3. Just run the ball man, just run it on every play

  27. New Orleans did that eons ago and it actually worked. Guy didn't catch but if I recall it drew a pass interference call.

  28. For the record, I wasn't say you *didn't* know the originals of the Windy City name. Just saying I did know that it in fact was *exceptionally* windy in the windy city today. :)

  29. I like NO a lot. I liked Chicago a lot also but that bet already looks bad. Maybe the weather will help me out in that one. I have a Buffalo and Denver wong teaser this week and that's looking great on the first leg so far. Not much action for me this week.

  30. I'm confused. Though I just started flirting with a girl the other day about how I sat in Capone's seat at the Green Mill.

  31. I'm conflicted on NO...them laying 3 at home to anyone is typically an easy call. I could see the niners just coming and playing a typical "fuck you" type game and winning 31-27 or something. Guess that'll be a 345 call

  32. My fantasy team is ging down the shitter. I had to get Carson Palmer to start for me at quarterback after losing a waiver claim for Case Keenum. With Aaron Rodgers hurt and now Cutler hurt again, I have to scrape the bottom of the barrel for a QB.

  33. What we're learning now:

    Atlanta's REALLY bad. Yes, I know they have a Pro Bowl injured roster right now... but losing 24-3 to Tampa Bay? Yuck.

    Hold off on those playoff tickets, Jets fans. Down 20-0 to Buffalo is... sad.

    Steelers-Lions in a little shootout. Don't let the Lions have the ball last... or better yet, do. I like an exciting finish.

    Eagles want the NFC East lead... don't know why, it seems to be cursed.

    Ravens and Bears hiding, rightfully so... I wouldn't want to be out in that weather either.

    All the other games are boring... every team with either 13 or 14 points. ;)

  34. Yeah the line looks great but what kept me from betting huge on that was just a residual fear of San Fran. Their metrics aren't great but I still fear them for some reason. I ended up trusting the numbers and going with NO, but not going half as high as the model suggested I go.

  35. However, I'd bet most owners are willing to bite the bullet if it's getting close (no more than a thousand or so tickets left on Wednesday/Thursday morning)... a team in a lot more trouble (Jacksonville, for example) will usually let the lockout go by.

    I do remember reading about Benson and local businesses buying up the last few hundred in the early 00s, pre-Katrina. That doesn't seem to be a problem anymore, since Brees and Payton came to town.

  36. I think the only teams that experience the local blackouts are Jacksonville, Oakland and San Diego.

    Dallas' stadium seats 100K, right? Whereas most others seat 60-70K, right? So does Dallas have to "sell-out" all those seats? Seems kind of unfair to me. And as an Eagles fan, I couldn't give a shit about fairness.

  37. The NFL's policy isn't as strict as it used to be...

    "Tickets in premium club sections and luxury suites have been excluded from the blackout rule (indeed modern NFL stadiums have reduced general seating in favor of club seating and luxury suites, as this makes it easier to sell out the stadium and avoid blackouts, and this revenue does not have to be shared with other franchises), as have unused tickets allocated to the visiting team. Alternatively, some NFL teams have arrangements with local television stations or businesses to purchase unsold tickets. Teams themselves are allowed to purchase remaining non-premium tickets at 34 cents on the dollar (the portion subject to revenue sharing) to prevent a blackout.[3][4]

    The NFL requires that closing off sections be done uniformly for every home game, including playoff games, in a given season. This prevents teams from trying to sell out the entire stadium only when they expect to be able to do so. For instance the Jacksonville Jaguars closed off a number of sections at their home EverBank Field to reduce the number of tickets they would need to sell. EverBank Field is one of the largest in the NFL, as it was built to also accommodate the annual Florida-Georgia game and Gator Bowl and was expanded for Super Bowl XXXIX even though it draws from one of the smallest markets in the league.

    The NFL authorized a new rule loosening the league's blackout restrictions during the 2012 offseason. For the first time in NFL history, the new rule will no longer require a stadium to be sold out to televise a game; instead, teams will be allowed to set a benchmark anywhere from 85 to 100 percent of the stadium's non-premium seats. Any seats sold beyond that benchmark will be subject to heavier revenue sharing.[5] While most teams are participating in the new blackout rules, four teams, the Buffalo Bills, the Cleveland Browns, the Indianapolis Colts and the San Diego Chargers, are retaining the previous blackout rule, as the new rule would require the teams to pay a higher percentage of gate fees to the NFL's revenue fund.[6]"

  38. TL;DR

    "Premium" seats don't count, teams can block off sections (but must do so for ALL games), and now teams can go for a "lower" mark (as low as 85%) and still have it count for TV purposes.

  39. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryNovember 17, 2013 at 1:07 PM

    Fuck me; Bobby Rainey is having a monster day on my bench, so I'm losing big. JEEEEZUS!

  40. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 17, 2013 at 1:08 PM

    Anyone watching the F1 race? It was basically over after the first lap.

  41. And that's different from normal... how?

    (Kidding, F1 is fun to watch. Even if sometimes quite predictable.)

  42. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 17, 2013 at 1:12 PM

    To me it depends on the track. Spa and Monza are great, Monaco is just a shitshow.

  43. EAGLES mofos!!!!!! If they make the playoffs, I think they'd be the worst playoff team in my lifetime. They'd need 9 wins to win the division I think, they'd be worse then that Seattle team from a few years ago IMO.

  44. HEY!

    And yeah they'd be pretty terrible. And I bet 8-8 could win this division.

  45. I benched Michael Flloyd in a leauge, started the Jets D in another…. FML.


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