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BoD Saturday Night Thread

On tap for tonight:

College Football
UFC in Brazil

Just a note, I will not be able to put up my shoot interview recap until Thursday due to life stressors (nothing bad).

However, here is the trailer to the new RF Video Shoot with Paul Roma. He just goes off on everyone here.


  1. WWE needs a classic youtube channel. They put up a ton of classic full length matches but they are impossible to find because you have scroll through a ton of current clips. That have over 13,000 videos, how the fuck am I supposed to find shit?

  2. Programming the wwe classic channel or espn classic would be my dream job.

    You aren't supposed to find anything. This point is for you to get lost in videos and then realize you spent 3 hours watching youtube clips.

  3. Other than the main event not a lot of names on the UFC card. But it's been pretty exciting nonetheless. The facebook prelims were amazing.

  4. Just watched that Roma preview, man does that guy have some pent-up anger or what? Got me really interested in the shoot though!

  5. Belfort vs Henderson... I dunno, is the HBO boxing match supposed to be any good?

  6. Unfortunatley for the rest of you I will only be able to contribute to this thread for a short time... is there like a database that females update as soon as guy becomes unattached, I haven't gotten this much female attention in quite sometime.

  7. That kind of has a HHH vs. Undertaker feel to it... no real reason to watch it in 2013

  8. That, my friend, is what is referred to as one of them there good problems. Have fun!

  9. Thanks. Gotta enjoy the hot streak while it lasts

  10. I think Tim McCarver just did the "time honored tradition" for Gary Danielson. He's becoming my most hated game analyst. If he calls Saban "Nick" one more time.

  11. Does anyone know why the NBA schedules back to back home and homes? It's such a strange quirk.

  12. Not sure on the NBA schedule, but espn got a 30 for 30 short on the people that used to generate the MLB schedule. It was a bunch of math stuff which I assume the NBA does also.

  13. Yea, I know the nbas schedule is just formulated by a big ass algorithm and computer. Guess mlbs is also?

    It's just so weird to me, like why Sixers/Cavs on back to back nights, one in philly, one in philly? Just strange

  14. I've been killing a ton of time on the wwe channel with my smart tv. It is awfully hard to find new matches though. I was hoping they load up some more classic Surivivor Series stuff for November and they haven't.

  15. I'm with you on that one. If it's Lakers-Clips or BKN-NYK then it makes sense, but I don't think Cleveland and Philly are close enough in proximity to make that for convenience purposes.

  16. If a methodical killing machine morphed into a football team it would be the Alabama Crimson Tide. Nothing beautiful or fancy, just efficiency in laying smack down

  17. Can't really argue with that. And just like HHH/Taker I'm watching it anyways because I'm a sucker.

  18. Wasn't into the boxing tonight, nobody grabbed my attention. YMMV though, nobody would have grabbed my attention on the UFC card and I watched it anyways.

  19. I was on it today and I saw some Survivor Series stuff. Screwjob match, Alliance vs WWE, and few others. You have to load a few pages to find it though.

  20. U hear that stat...Since they played A & M, they've allowed 26 total points and scored 31 tds. So sick

  21. Damn it, Red Wings scored on the Lightning to tie it up 2-2 with 4 min to go

  22. doing my best to not lose my mind at the moment but as always with Alabama/LSU kinda failing ROLL TIDE

  23. I think this is their best team of this current run. The dominance is just boring people, and their own fans apparently.

  24. Got to give it to LSU, they came to play.

  25. Boston is playing Miami pretty tough in the 4th quarter right now.

  26. Yes Lightning beat the Red Wings in over time to get sole possession of 1st in the division!

  27. Stranger in the AlpsNovember 9, 2013 at 7:37 PM

    What would happen if a dog with rabies bit a man with the flesh eating virus?

  28. Kelly Olynyk is who we thought he is

  29. Ok so why hasn't WWE brought Les Miles in as a guest host? Someone with some power make this happen

  30. Oh to be 7 ft tall

  31. Tall and white?

  32. Farva - antibiotics and alcohol , I've read many conflicting reports, what is your take?

  33. Specific antibotics?

  34. Remember when Jeff green was supposed to be good?

  35. He'll have 54 rating in nba2k15 but bring him in off the bench and it will swing the game

  36. Yea, you'll be fine. Amoxicillin is on the milder side. Go nuts

  37. Oh shit pacers vs Brooklyn vs pacers on NBA TV in crunch time right now

  38. Ha yea. I really think that's how the game programmers troll us.

  39. Lebron James ftw that was crazy

  40. I think this is the year the Pacers take down the Heat. Not sure who is coming out of the west, no one looks unbeatable.

  41. Insane. He ain't human

  42. Not sold! Let's see if they can go a season without wanting to kill each other.

  43. If give the Clippers, Warriors, Spurs, and Thunder all an equal shot at taking it. I don't see one team above the other at this point.

  44. Yea. They were like children last year. Think Doc straightens that all out, but we'll see

  45. They suck on d though

  46. They do. I'm hoping Doc figures that out by mid season for them

  47. Lebron James just won an NBA game by himself.
    Pacers undeafted.

    Brooklyn is this years Lakers.

  48. Kyrie misses and cavs vs 76ers goes ot

  49. I honestly would not want it any other way

  50. What's up with three back to back home and homes in the NBA in one night?

  51. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 9, 2013 at 7:59 PM

    Watching boxing. Lost intrest in college football after the FSU game.

  52. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 9, 2013 at 8:00 PM

    I'm trying to get this chick to suck on d tonight.

  53. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 9, 2013 at 8:01 PM

    Always bet on the Spurs. Thunder need a 3rd player to step up.

  54. Jefffff Grrrrreeeeennnnn wow

  55. It just seems like at some point the Spurs have to break down; however, Pop does a good job at managing minutes. Even at the chagrin of taskmaster Stern

  56. Omg Boston hit a 3 on an inbound when they only .6 seconds. That was nuts

  57. I just want a Netflix type set up where I can watch any pay per view at anytime. If they had some type of a life-time subscription I'd buy it.

  58. It was a good turn of phrase for describing my clippers feelings

  59. The Nets look like a bunch of dudes playing a pickup game that picked teams 10 minutes before the game started.

  60. I like Paul Roma shoots. He seems like someone who doesn't really care about wrestling so he's not worried about burning bridges or anything like that...although he doesn't seem to have a good thing to say about anyone.

  61. Lebron James didn't win the game. That was insane

  62. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 9, 2013 at 8:08 PM

    Has Bennett played? And if so did he score?

  63. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 9, 2013 at 8:09 PM

    They keep calling them the "33rd NFL team."

  64. I will never go that far. The greatest college team may have 10 future NFL players. A NFL team has 53 current NFL players. Not even close

  65. Why must I be at work!

  66. Good call on the Brooklyn vs Lakers comparison. Hadn't thought of that but I should have. Brooklyn has a lot of problems this year.

  67. Garnetts to good of a leader to let them fall apart. Kobe and Dwight was always gonna be poisonous. The problem I think is D Will isn't what people think he is

  68. West is wiiiiiiiiiiide open. Clippers aren't that good if you control CP3, Spurs are old(er), Thunder don't have the depth of teams that already failed, Memphis doesn't look that great, Houston is flawed like all Dwight Howard teams, GSW is brittle. Any of those teams could conceivably make a run at it, none of them look like world beaters.

    If you put a gun to my head I'd pick the Spurs again but I wouldn't feel great about it.

  69. If I had to pick, I'd go Thunder cause I think a healthy Westbrook and Durant is enough to get them through.

  70. God, Kyrie missed 2 game winners so far this game

  71. The rule on back to backs is that you can't cross 2 time zones. Meaning you can't play in LA on one night, then play in Chicago on the next night. But you CAN play in LA one night, then Denver on the next night.

    The shock of making that transition from a pacific time zone location to Denver or Utah is basically a free win to the team that doesn't travel (sometimes Denver/Utah have to make the trip). The team traveling wins something like ~25% of the time. One year the traveling team won only 10% of the time. It's a brutally unfair schedule quirk that's always good to make a few extra bucks on.

    It also contributes to Denver's usually overinflated home win total. The schedule makers like to knock out multiple west coast teams at the same time meaning that a back to back in the mountain time zone becomes more likely.

  72. Traitor Alex - good explanation on back to backs. I'm on my phone so wanted to move it up top be Disqus gets shitty after 50 comments.

    How did you know this? I Google searched for awhile and couldn't find it

  73. I was a Visiting Team Attendant for the Cavs for seven years during the LeBron era. I'm sad by what's going on with Anthony Bennett right now.

  74. The problem with the Lakers wasn't just chemistry. Dwight was more hurt than people knew, Nash was more washed up than people knew and the team was unathletic so the defense was going to be predictably awful in front of Dwight.

    Brooklyn could have a lot of the same problems. KG and Pierce are more washed up than people think, there's something wrong with D-Will and Brook just isn't as good as he needs to be to get that team where they need to go.

    Personally I don't think they're going to win 50 games this year even in the East.

  75. Yes and of course not!

  76. got to love TJ Yeldon. Unless you are a LSU fan but well like he cares if they hate him.

  77. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 9, 2013 at 8:25 PM

    Doesn't he have a bad shoulder? I still think its early to say if he's a bust.

  78. Agreed with Nash and Howard. Dwight wasn't Dwight, if you know what I mean.

    They couldn't guard the perimeter and Gasol in D'Antonis offense never worked.

    I'm a Kobe guy all the way, but if he was a better leader they would have faired better. They were never title contenders with a washed up Nash though

  79. I was a sports gambler for awhile (not like you'd know it by how awful I am in the NFL threads this year). I used to live with a guy who made big bucks doing that and he helped me scratch together a decent living on betting when I was in college.

    When you do mathematical modeling you always have to write in something to take advantage of the back to back and the 4th game in 5 nights thing. 4th game in 5 nights was worth 8 points in the model I was using. In NBA speak 8 points is pretty large, usually enough to cause you to bet the other team or just not touch the game at all.

    The teams traveling to Denver and Utah thing came from Denver's record is ALWAYS inflated because of that particular schedule quirk. They always say they're going to change back to backs to only within the same time zone but mysteriously when the next year's schedule comes out it's always still in there. Maybe Silver will knock it out once and or all.

  80. He hurt it last night. If he can get into better shape he will eventually be useful. I still think the pick was okay. It was the worst draft class in nearly 15 years.

  81. Your_Favourite_LoserNovember 9, 2013 at 8:27 PM

    hm, maybe this bryan guy has something to him:,-England.htm

  82. So is the towel being thrown on him already? He looks pretty crappy to me but I haven't seen them play alot.

  83. I disagree on the Nets though. I'll give Garrett and pierce the benefit of doubt until they show me they're washed up. They could be washed up, but I gotta see it first.

    It's gonna be a minutes thing, if they can get away just giving those guys 26ish minutes a game down the stretch I think they'll be a 2nd round team

  84. Interseting. I lived in Vegas for 2 years and swore off nba betting (besides some prop bets) just because I was always picking about 50% and just losing the juice.

  85. I dunno, I think we'll have to wait and see but I feel strongly about the top of the East. Pacers are definitely legit, Miami is too. You have to figure Chicago will get it together and be the 3rd team also. I don't know if Brooklyn is going to be that 4th team at the top of the East. They definitely have help with how weak their division is going to be this year but I think Brooklyn will surprise a lot of people just like last year's Lakers did where they throw away games that look like gimmes just because of bad defense and low energy.

    We'll see though. As weird as it is I'm actually kinda cheering for them a little bit. I want Lopez and D-Will to have a good year but I'm just not high on them at all.

  86. Big Show did the 'yes' chant Monday and I felt so dirty for joining in. But yeah the heat for D-Bry is real, push the man!

  87. Your_Favourite_LoserNovember 9, 2013 at 8:32 PM

    "I haven't gotten female attention'

    fixed that for... me :(

  88. I read on LOP that Vince wants to push big hosses again, thus Big Show being back in the main event.

  89. Dude is a beast, but with the way their backs fare in the league got to wonder how much is the O-line.

  90. Kylie finally got the game winner!

  91. WWE.COM: What do you think of Triple H’s recent comment about
    you, Chris Jericho and Rob Van Dam being great, popular Superstars, but
    not being able to be “the guy”?

    When you look back on WWE’s history, how many guys really were “the
    guy”? There was Bruno Sammartino, then Hulk Hogan, Steve Austin, The
    Rock and now John Cena. Then again, does Triple H like guys with long
    hair that are better looking and more athletic than him? Probably not.
    And I think the three of us fall into that category.

  92. Fucking dog shit D by the sixers. Why trap 30 feet out with Spencer Hawes. Ugh

  93. Mini Thread Jack:

    I reviewed a game!

  94. I feel embarrassed for not knowing... who's fighting?

  95. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 9, 2013 at 8:45 PM

    For those watching Boxing on HBO: Batista just walked fellow Filipino Nonito Donaire to the ring.

  96. I think Big Show is a pretty decent worker - I liked his little brawl with Del Rio a few months back, and it's INSANE how much better shape he's in now compared to 1999.

  97. Oh here's a question: How many of us still read 411mania?

  98. Fuck, my filipina gf is going to be pissed if I miss this one while she's working... it wasn't even on my radar. NONITO!

  99. One loss Stanford trumps an undefeated Ohio State. Just cause ya'll wanted to know what I thought

  100. I wonder what an Alabama vs Jaguars spread would be. I'm guessing Jags -17ish

  101. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 9, 2013 at 8:49 PM

    I do. I find the comments amusing.

  102. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 9, 2013 at 8:50 PM

    That's the problem. He missed training camp, not to mention I think he should be playing SF instead of PF.

  103. I do sporadically. Primarily for the comments. It's funny to read some of calibers comments/interactions

  104. Lacy has been doing ok but no you are right that line has been amazing

  105. I sorta do. The main reason I would go was when Mat handled the Ask411. The new guy is using it as a platform to talk down to writers and defend HHH.

  106. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 9, 2013 at 8:53 PM

    Donaire/Darchinyan (which is a good fight so far.) and Mikey Garcia/Rocky Martinez.

    Pacquiao/Rios 24/7 is on afterwards.

  107. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 9, 2013 at 8:53 PM

    You can catch the replay tomorrow morning and later on tomorrow night.

  108. Whatever happened to...Dunn? I remember a guy named Dunn.

  109. LSU has been suspect on d all year but bama is starting to manhandle them up front now. I don't think they have to pass the rest of the game.

  110. Not sure if you want to be talking about radar and philopian people right about now.

  111. Question: where do all the BoDers go for their wrestling news outside of here? I don't subscribe to WON so I'm left with Wrestlezone.

  112. Also, how many of us write for it. There's Murph, and Thomas Hall does stuff for them too, right?

  113. 411mania, this site, and then whatever indie promotions I'm signed up with on Facebook. I don't care enough to dig, but I care enough to care, if that makes sense.

    Grand Land is where I go for my wrestling-related writing fix though.

  114. I don't think he writes there anymore. The only name I recognize is Larry Cszonka (I assume its not the one of Miami Dolphin/American Gladiator fame).

  115. That would be a rush. There's a guy I used to play WWE WIth Authority! with who is actually an NFL draft prospect.

  116. None of her extended family was affected back there in the philippines. We did not take that lightly.

  117. Grantland? If that's the case, I agree. I just bought The Masked Mans book for my iPad. Hoping to put a dent into it tomorrow.

  118. Oh. I thought you were kinda making a joke, so I made a joke back - hence the philopian comment.



  119. Nice. I wanna check it out, I saw his segment on race and I felt he missed a very important opportunity to comment on race on TV can be good and bad, and that the ability to explore and subvert stereotypes through wrestling is something that makes pro wrestling very unique.

  120. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 9, 2013 at 9:00 PM

    Side note: the Rockets are fucking up and it doesn't help that D12 is talking reckless,

  121. The torch is ok. Nothing touches WON though

  122. Am I watching a live feed... we're about to start the 5th round of Donaire-Vic. I have it even

  123. I didn't get a chance to read it but I never thought guys like JYD, Koko, Virgil, and Teddy Long were offensive. It just wasn't that serious

  124. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 9, 2013 at 9:01 PM

    Sorry Mr. Meekin, but you're missing a GREAT fight.

  125. That's true, but I would never buy a PPV or DVD to see a Big Show match.

  126. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 9, 2013 at 9:01 PM

    That was a nice exchange to end the round.

  127. What did Dwight say?

  128. I think this raises a somewhat interesting question: so when was the peak of Big Show's overness? I say when he came back from the Poochie Bomb.

  129. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 9, 2013 at 9:04 PM

    After the last loss he screamed on J.Lin in the ramp in front of everyone.

  130. SHIT. Donaire way too cautious the last couple rounds and then gets caught at the end of the 5th.

  131. Stranger in the AlpsNovember 9, 2013 at 9:05 PM

    Yo, baseball is over, so I'm in sports shut down mode pretty much. I don't watch basketball, football, hockey, tennis, lacrosse, volleyball, boxing, MMA, golf, drag racing, Tour de France, soccer, skeet shooting, track & field, diving, figure skating, horse racing, tractor pulling, rodeo, or chess.

    But I do flip channels a lot.

  132. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 9, 2013 at 9:05 PM

    Dude is stealing rounds. But bear this in mind: dude is looking to get revenge on Donaire. He put his all into this one.

  133. God, I can't stand him. I'm glad he's getting exposed. He really is a big child

  134. I read that as well and agree. I guess I'll have to read the book and see if anything is added in.

  135. LSU is falling apart now. Time to flip the channel. What else on regular cable?

  136. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 9, 2013 at 9:08 PM

    I said that to a lot of people: He's been personally trained by Ewing, Hakeem, McHale and Kareem. He should be better than what he is but he can't take the pressure and is starting to crack.

  137. But Nonito is... NONITO! It hurts to see he and Pac-man take that step down from virtuoso status.

  138. It's really strange. He's been in the league forever so it would seem like he would have adjusted by now.

  139. This came up in a Raw thread, I think his WWF debut was the consensus, followed by maybe when he joined the nWo.

  140. Completely agree. If you can't learn fucking post moves from those guys, especially McHale and Hakeem you'll never get better.

  141. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 9, 2013 at 9:12 PM

    I saw him train in the same gym as Rios. I just think he doesn't want it anymore.

  142. Yea. He's essentially the same player he was when he came in. That's why I give LET so much credit. He could a gotten by on just his athleticism but has added shit to his game each year.

  143. I'm not just talking physically, but also mentally. This dude should know the media aspect of this thing by now and just deal with it. He's still fixated on winning everyone over.

  144. Yea. Just a big child it seems like. He doesn't "get it."

  145. my mind is blown this has to be the biggest lead in this series in what 8ish years?

  146. Well, if he does go balls to the wall right now, this is going to be his second big loss in a row

  147. Just watch porn

  148. Yeah it is. Just a whipping in the trenches. I think LSU has better skill position guys but if you can't block or get penetration that other stuff don't matter much.

  149. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 9, 2013 at 9:19 PM

    Great fight. Donaire earned that one.

  150. I can't remember the last time a guy needed a KO to win the fight and actually came through. Phew. Don't know how the judges had it, but I had him down 5-3.

  151. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 9, 2013 at 9:23 PM

    Kellerman said the judges had him losing.

  152. You talked about see him in the gym before... do you box, help out there, or do some reporting/writing?

  153. Read this at work a few days ago. It's about a guy who traveled by bus from Sacramento to Rucker Park to try to get on. Check it out if you into streetball or dream chasing.

  154. This bama game is so nuts. It's like men playing vs teens in the trenches

  155. The o-line has come a long way since the Virginia Tech game to start the season.

  156. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 9, 2013 at 9:27 PM

    I didn't see him live, but I do teach boxing. I subscribe to a youtube page that shows fighters sparring/training.

  157. but katherine webb made it on TV and that is never a bad thing.

  158. Yea, forgot about that.

  159. Never. If only Brent Musburger was there to make uncomfortable sounding remarks for us.

  160. Wonder if this Saban to Texas thing has any legs

  161. I swear he was drunk that game.

  162. he was bored and maybe a little drunk.

  163. He's been in f--- it mode for a while now. This isn't new for him. Didn't he discover Jenn Sterger?

  164. *turns around and throws fastball at rim*

  165. Oh wow. Yeah, I know that channel/page well. I used to do a lot of freelance boxing reporting 8-10 years ago while still in college (I would regularly camp out at some gyms in Ohio). These days, I might write one or two articles a year, and I'm mostly acting as almost an electronic hype man for a good friend and fringe titleholder in Oklahoma.

  166. I'm not sure but it wouldn't surprise me. Jenn was pretty hot

  167. I just found it.

  168. So..anyways...

    Can we talk Thor?

  169. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 9, 2013 at 9:38 PM

    I actually enjoy the sport a lot. I've recently gotten into MMA but my focus has be boxing.

  170. Hahaha. I had never seen that before. "1500 red blooded Americans just to decided to apply to fsu"

  171. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 9, 2013 at 9:39 PM

    lol..and don't get me started on his freethrow shooting.

  172. You it was Stergers only goal to get on tv that night. Seats right up at the railing, teeny clothes, etc. Mission accomplished Jenn

  173. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 9, 2013 at 9:40 PM

    Well the main event has started..not Boxing but my neighbor and his girlfriend just started fighting.

  174. With Musburger in the building she knew he'd be more than happy to oblige.

  175. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 9, 2013 at 9:42 PM

    ...da fuck is Mikey Garcia wearing?

  176. There was another one but it wasn't as pervy. Ohio State was playing Notre Dame. Brady Quinn was dating AJ Hawk's sister or the other way around. He just wouldn't shut up about it and they kept putting her on camera.

  177. What is your scorecard looking like at this point?

  178. Dude, that one I actually remember. It was such a strange vibe bc they kept saying how good looking Brady Quinn was also.

  179. So is anyone down for meeting up at a Raw or PPV or something? All of sudden I feel like making a road trip

  180. Do you live next to Parallax?

    *pimp hand smack*

  181. Strip club it bro. Used to make me feel a little better after a break up

  182. you know, I've actually never been to one. Someone would have to school me up on strip club etiquette

  183. So when's the tipping point for the UFC? Or will Dana White just run 6 hour cards every week until even the diehards throw in the towel?

  184. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 9, 2013 at 9:49 PM

    I said his GIRLFRIEND...not his WIFE.

  185. Darn it, I switched streams. I originally had the eclectic pairing of Bob Sheridan and Larry Merchant, which worked out pretty well.

  186. Lol. Touché

  187. It's easy man. Just go in and toss and few dollars at the girls who are dancing. NEVER EVER use or bring a credit card into the establishment, only cash.

  188. My nephew has been trying to coax me into going for his 21st. I just may go, I don't know. This is such a weird feeling cause I don't know what to do with myself.

  189. I'm sure it does for a multitude of reasons:

    Texas will be willing to pay Saban anything.
    Austin is a tremendous place to live.
    Texas is one of the best recruiting states in the country and would make it far easier on Saban than being based out of Alabama.
    No matter how many National Championships Nick brings to Tuscaloosa, it's never gonna be enough and he'll never be viewed as equal to Bear Bryant.
    This is just speculation but Saban's never been one to stay at a single job for too long.
    It'll be far easier for him to consistently pounce on the vastly weaker Big 12 competition than in the SEC.

    That being said, I wouldn't be so sure he leaves for a lot of reasons:
    He's 62. While he seems like he's a young 62, that's still a rather old age to basically rebuild and start over at a new place. For as much talent as Texas had, recruiting has dropped off a lot in the past two seasons under Mack Brown so it's not like the team is just simply underperforming.

    While Texas will give him a ton of money, I imagine that Alabama will come very close to matching whatever the Longhorns offer him.

    The SEC is still the class of the country and he's still king. Perhaps he likes the challenge of competing each year with the best of the best and coaching in a place that has arguably the highest expectations of any school in the nation.

    Gut feeling, if Nick leaves, it's for the NFL. I'm not saying he definitely won't go to Texas, I just wouldn't put money on it.

  190. Yea, I hear ya man. You never know tho, maybe some time apart is good for everyone and will do you guys some good in the long run

  191. I got really into UFC when Lesnar went there and was pretty into it for a while but the cards are just so watered down now that I can't justify paying for the PPV's and they run so many shows now that a lot of my friends and I pretty much just stopped following.


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