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Cucch's Query of the Morning

Well, its been a fun few weeks you Bag O' Dicks (BODers). Just to fill you in (and yes, I have been able to snag a certain said someone and fill her in) I just picked up two new fresh shiny wrestling books: Gary Michael Cappetta's "Bodyslams" and David Shoemaker's new shit...which, from thumbing through a few chapters, is just fresh to death. So anticipate reviews of those right after or during the holiday season, depending on my mood after having to basically live in a Holiday Inn Express for a few weeks. (You know I am gonna crush that mini bar).

Anyway, my question, non wrestling related, is this: I recently picked up Eminem's new CD, MMLP2, and think it is hot fire like Dylan. As a recovering addict, naturally "The Monster" speaks to me, as does "So Far", "Rap God", and "Love Game." Question is this: What is your opinion of the album and what is your favorite track?


  1. My opinion is that its shit.

  2. We have found common ground big D!

  3. I thought the Crush feud was a done deal at WM but then Doink screwed with him at KotR so I figured things would continue. Guess not.

  4. What about Hornswoggle vs Jamie Noble?

  5. What about Fuji vs.....Caliber?

  6. Millions of dollars to be made!

  7. Honestly, have not liked an Em album since Eminem Show 11 or so years ago...but this shit is good. Warning: its mostly Pop type beats...but the lyricism...oh my gawd (DDP Voice). And yes, I Mariano Rivera'd the girl. Your boy is nice like that. Only people I can't seem to satisfy is the readers I have gained here. To be honest, saying that you write for a popular blog is not the worst pick up line in the world, just so long as you bury it deep into the conversation.

  8. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 19, 2013 at 8:18 AM

    Haven't heard it yet but you get points for "Da Band" reference.

  9. Yeah, I think all the stuff that happened to Ryback would have happened to Cena instead, and would have help further sell the "Cena had a horrible 2012" crap that they tried to sell us.

  10. there was nothing proper about any of those awful matches

  11. where has caliber been?? did i miss his sendoff or something? or did he vanish like a virgin on prom night?

  12. They def could have done Hogan Goldberg rematch at Super Brawl, but that company hated making money for some reason

  13. thats when paul wight made his debut right?? and through austin into the cage?

  14. WM13 match was just soo awesome that I would excuse that feud from this convo.

  15. It's not good and I tend to like sone of his stuff. He hast had a great song since "bully"

  16. I really dig Eminem, but also think he peaked in 2002. The Eminem Show and the 8Mile Soundtrack are both fantastic. I was not interested in rap at all beforehand, but his songs blew my mind. I still marvel at the structure of 'Till I Collapse.

    I listened to his last new album and wasn't too impressed so I doubt I'll seek out this one.

  17. Your writing style is horrid. When I read a post by you, it's riddled with awkward sentences and shit like "hot fire like Dylan". In no way do I wish you to give up the craft. however I do believe a couple of writing courses might help to refine your writing and make it more readable.

  18. I'd argue that WM was a definitive payoff to the feud...just the worst possible one from a fans POV

  19. I would to, but it wasn't the end of the feud really.

  20. Oooooohhh yea, that might be the best choice.

  21. Punk vs. WWE Management. I mean, did we ever get those WWE ice cream bars?

    Also, Goldberg vs. Gillberg.

  22. The Jericho - Goldberg feud from late 98' is still a pet peeve of mine.

  23. Vince Russo and Judy Bagwell

  24. Countdown to Caliber bashing in 3...2...1....

  25. As the story goes, he didn't like how people were being mean to him or something so he went to Scott about it. Scott then addressed the problem in a not so serious way which Caliber still didn't like and then he vanished.

  26. Scott makes a great point about Vince taking that chairshot in the Flair/Piper feud, during what was, I believe, supposed to be Flair's debut match on Superstars. That was an absolutely wild, wild scene...

  27. Seriously? Where have YOU been? It's all in a thread sonewhere...

  28. I actually didnt mind his work to be honest. I liked how he reviewed obscure ppvs jsut by simply requesting them.

  29. My memory might be off, but I don't remember the Steiners & Quebecers getting a proper blowoff, or even a feud for that matter. The Quebecers won the tag titles in a "Province of Quebec" rules match which dictated the titles could change hands on a DQ. All pro wrestling storytelling logic should have pointed to the Steiners winning the titles back cleanly somewhere down the line.

  30. Does that count as a great feud? :)

  31. How about the conclusion to the Jamie Noble/Nidia/Billy Gunn/Torrie Wilson angle from 2003 which ended with all of them in bed together after they'd supposedly had a foursome?

  32. Oh, that wasn't aimed at you at all, but there is a contingent of folks here who like to poke fun at CW whenever his name is mentioned.

  33. I look forward to checking it out. I've been a very casual fan but generally I will like several songs on any given album. Typically I prefer more underground stuff like Necro or La Coka Nostra.

  34. I enjoy the wigger speak, takes me back to the 90's. Great memories.

  35. Yeah, Pillman was never going to be a headliner with his limitations.

  36. Bizarro work alternate blowoff to a feud? There are alot. Although tge feud was pretty short, maybe Austin/HBK. Austin wins clean, cementing his spot in the throne...HBK goes away for years.

  37. Triple H/Booker T, full stop.

  38. I posted this to a reddit thread a few weeks back, but Bill Alfonso taking the chokeslam from 911 to end the Fonzie vs. ECW feud is my favorite feud-ender ever.

  39. This. It should have been Pitbull 1 at least (1 was the one who wore the halo, etc., not 2). Not sure if the match would be better, but after the hot angle that January, it would bring the feud full circle.

  40. No! How about the match at WM20 where HBK beat HHH so bad, he rolled into the ring and started tapping out on his own.

  41. Which reminds for Pillman vs. Goldust, or Owen vs. Godfather is NOT FUNNY. So don't try it.

  42. Except it really didn't. Fonzie stuck around, screwed over Tod Gordon thanks to Taz, and began a whole new reign of terror as his manager. He had another chance for his character to be blown off when he bled buckets for Beulah, but of course his effort earned him more years of employment in ECW. (The latter would have been another full-circle blowoff, as Fonzie attacked Beulah before the Gordon match)

  43. Now that's a creative way to end an angle! Let's also hope to god that this isn't how they end the Shield/Rhodes brothers feud.

  44. This post is like a "mule with a spinning wheel."

  45. Flair vs. Magnum, you know why. Also on the same note, Magnum vs. Nikita, I heard that besides the world title match, talks were for an I Quit US title match at Starrcade '86. Which would be brilliant continuity-wise (how would Nikita beat Magnum in a match where he won the US title the last time, at the same event?)

  46. That line was confusing to me also... that is a rap reference?

  47. You banged the chick with the biker boyfriend?

  48. Why waste that on an old-timer like Greg the Hammer? All of the money would've been in signing and pushing up and comer, Van Hammer.

  49. I'd say so. The Test/Steph angle was pretty hot, and Test was legitimately one of the most over guys on the roster for a short amount of time; when they did the "Drive-Through Wedding" reveal, it really seemed like Test was going to get a big push out of it, and the fans were certainly into the idea.

    Somehow, Test got squashed on "Raw", and Vince got the big PPV blow-off against Trips. Logic would seem to dictate that Vince is the stepping-stone for the big PPV blow-off against Test.

  50. Chappelle Show reference I believe

  51. I disagree. He used his powers of the referee to ban the chokeslam and he got his comeuppance the one time he unbanned it. I don't remember him doing anything particularly evil referee-like between then and the Taz turn.

  52. Hart/Lawler with the Kiss My Foot match was a pretty satisfying end to a pretty crap feud.

    HBK/Razor in their second ladder match was a perfect end to that feud. And speaking of the Clique, HBK/Diesel at Good Friends/Better Enemies was a pitch perfect example of a how to end a blood feud.

    Also, obviously, Taker/HBK had a pretty perfect payoff.

    Outside of HBK land, Hart/Piper had a great blowoff, as did Flair/Perfect.

  53. The new Eminem was a let down but i guess hardcore Eminem fans will never admit it......A lot of the new rap out there suck so i guess compared to all the other shit out it wasn't that bad but it should've never been called M.M. part 2 because it sets unrealistic expectations

  54. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 19, 2013 at 3:59 PM

    Thought of another one: Lawler vs. Michael Cole (or any match where the face is not allowed to touch the heel until their match) Lawler should have put Cole in the ICU for a month but we got some bullshit ending.

  55. He was in the tag team title rematch when Raven and Stevie regain the titles, not sure how his calls were then. He also did a PE/Gangstas match where he cost PE the win (this was on Extreme Warfare 2)

  56. I don't really remember it that way, but one thing to consider is that there's no way Test can come out of that feud looking good. What do you do, have him get beaten down and double crossed by Stephanie? That's basically the end of his potential right there. Alternatively you could put him over Triple H, but that fucks up the timeline of 2000, which would have been a damn shame and a half.

  57. Fair enough. I guess I just remember Piper spending months trying to get a cage match with Hogan, so assumed that was supposed to be written as the final page on their issues (of course, then they had the bat match at SS, and Piper was in the middle of the Wolfpac split, so yeah...)

  58. See...they left a pile of money on the table there. Jimmy Hart, desperate to get the Tag Championships off of Natural Disasters, brings back Greg "The Hammer" Valentine and pairs with him with Nailz as the ultra tough team of Hammer and Nailz. The duo naturally gets insanely popular and turns face. They start coming to the ring with two little people dressed as a hammer and nail. The money wouldn't stop rolling in.

  59. And the AJ stuff worked out in the long run too. I just wish the road wasn't so painful.

  60. I'm surprised Orton vs HHH hasn't been mentioned yet. That was one of the best builds ever to a terrible match.

  61. What's your thoughts on Immortal Technique?

  62. Most powerfully emotionally? Bad Guy.

    Best lyricism? Rap God.

    Most Amusing? Love Game, though So Much Better is pretty fucking funny

    Dunno why people are bitching about pop beats, Eminem has been rapping to pop beats since he signed with Dre. Also the actual rapping and word play are fantastic, no idea why people would be shitting on that.

  63. I think everyone wants to act they are too cool for school when it comes to Eminem. Rap God is the best track. Rhyme or Reason was ripped off from Necro's Who's Your Daddy.

  64. Immortal Technique is sick.

  65. Billions of dollars!

  66. They aren't going to have a mini-bar in a Holiday Inn Express, but have fun with the free hair conditioner

  67. Old School wise Death Row and DMX are my favorites. My poison is Ill Bill, Necro, La Coka Nostra, Mr.Hyde, that whole PLR crew. Riviera Regime is sick. I like Jedi Mind Tricks, Vinnie Paz and Ill Bill's new album is out of control.

  68. Don't get familiar with necro. It's terrible "music". Fat Jews fr
    New York should not rap.

  69. Until you tell her who it's popular with champ. "I write reviews for net beards on a blog owned by a guy that calls himself net cop" makes you soud like you took the little bus to school.

  70. Not as much as you do friend.

  71. The whole Steiners run in 93 was a missed opportunIty. Not having the cage match against Money Inc at SummerSlam a prime example

  72. What about skinny jews from new york? Or skinny jews from SF? Cause the Beastie Boys are pretty fun, and Watsky isn't that bad.

  73. They are not a quintillion times better than necro. Especially watsky, kid has mad talent.

  74. He's also not completely retarded, like a LOT of rappers. It makes an artist easier to follow if they're not likely to inject cocaine into their asshole.

  75. True, but they at least could have had a big PPV blow-off at "Royal Rumble" or something; Stephanie turns heel, screws Test out of the win and the title, and then Test moves onto something else having earned the "moral victory" and getting the rub of only losing because of outside forces.


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