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Exclusive Hour Long Matt Morgan Interview

A site I write for has recently gotten Matt Morgan to sit down for an exclusive hour long interview.  It's completely free and only requires you to sign up for our newsletter, which only comes out once a week and includes breaking news updates.

Morgan talks about where his career is headed, the major events in WWE this year, John Cena, TNA and much more.  Again, it's free and brand new.

Hope you enjoy it.


  1. Signing up for a newsletter? In 2013? You crazy

  2. Free interview with Matt Morgan? Nope still not signing up.

  3. Superman bless the person that had the ability to sit through an hour long conversation with Matt Morgan.

  4. Take out the stuttering and it's 10 minutes.

  5. I picture him still wearing Hogan's robe because they never bothered to resolve that storyline

  6. So that's why Hulk was naked on that wrecking ball.

  7. For a wrestling interview I found very interesting, check out CM Punk on WTF with Marc Maron. He interviewed Colt Cabana a few months back, and now he's back with Punk.

  8. You mean it seems weird to wait for a weekly partial recap of the bigger stories of the past 7 days when you can just visit a site or two daily and get more than the newsletter could ever cover?

  9. The list of things I would rather do than experience an hour long Matt Morgan interview is so vast and massive, it defies description.

  10. Geez, my interview with Bully Ray gets 2 posts (one from me!) and MATT FREAKING MORGAN is already up to a dozen? sheesh. So much for my ego!


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