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Impact Wrestling - November 14, 2013

Impact Wrestling
Date: November 14, 2013
Location: Cincinnati Gardens, Cincinnati, Ohio
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Tazz

Reviewed by Tommy Hall

It's the final show on the road before they head back to Orlando which seems to be the best idea they could have at the moment. We're also a week away from the next Clash of the Champions style show called Turning Point which will likely be a lot of tournament matches and a few other things thrown in on the side. Tonight's main event is Angle vs. Aries in a submission match which isn't the most interesting match in the world. Let's get to it.

We open with a recap of Dixie announcing the tournament and Hardy vs. Sabin in the first match last week.

Here are Aces and 8's to open the show with Brooke shaking her hips and Ray laughing at Tenay for falling for the ruse last week. Ray asks if the fans know who he is and says this club is about quality. He doesn't need to be world champion to be the most talked about guy in TNA because everyone knows he's the be all and end all. Ray accepts the challenge for a match with Anderson at Turning Point but promises to piledrive him through the stage next week.

This brings out Anderson who says that everyone here in Cincinnati is sick and tired of the Aces and 8's. Therefore, how about if he beats Ray next week, Aces and 8's are done in TNA, never to ride again? Ray doesn't see the appeal so he turns it down, so Anderson sweetens the pot: if he loses, he's gone for good. That's cool with him too, because his wife is pregnant with twins.

Ray is all cool with that but thinks Anderson is crazy for agreeing to this match. Anderson says that's right and goes after Ray, only to be beaten down by Knux and Bischoff. Ray gets a chair but Anderson kicks him away and cleans house. Anderson says he's feeling frisky and wants one of the bikers right now. It looks like it'll be Knux after the break.

Mr. Anderson vs. Knux

Anderson, in street clothes, pounds away in the corner to start and scores with some right hands. Knux comes back with a cross body for two and they head outside. Anderson is whipped into the steps and apron before Knux suplexes him back inside. Anderson can't slam him down and gets splashed in the corner. A side slam gets two for Knux but after more slow pounding, Anderson grabs the Mic Check out of nowhere for the pin at 4:50.

Rating: D+. Just a basic warmup match before next week and there's nothing wrong with that. The match showed how basic Knux is though and that's the problem with Aces and 8's. Other than Bully, there hasn't been anyone not named Anderson worth anything at all. The team has needed to go away for months now and hopefully that happens next week.

We get an Impact365 video from Joseph Park, challenging Daniels to a singles match tonight.

Daniels accepts the challenge in another video where he talks about the medical benefits of appletinis with Kazarian. Daniels runs into Roode walking down the hall and t-shirts are schilled.

Video on Aries vs. Angle for later tonight, focusing on Aries' submission skills.

Christopher Daniels vs. Joseph Park

Park scores with a quick hiptoss and a right hand to put Daniels down. He doesn't fall for a Daniels' handshake and pulls him into a clothesline before Christopher scores with some right hands and a half nelson rollup for two. Park misses an Earthquake splash and Daniels hooks a chinlock. Joseph fights up with a Samoan drop and a side slam for two more. Daniels rolls away before Park can try a middle rope splash but a running splash in the corner connects instead. The referee yells so Daniels kicks Park low for the pin at 5:24.

Rating: D. Well, this happened. There really isn't much else to say about it either and that's not a good sign. It's also very indicative of a major TNA problem: so much of their stuff feels like filler, but we never get to the shows that we're supposed to be filling time until. In theory it's Turning Point or Genesis, but Turning Point is mainly tournament matches which is just filler until we get to the winner of the tournament vs. AJ. That's not good when it feels like everything is just filler until BFG time. In case you couldn't tell, there wasn't much to this match.

Ray promises to beat Anderson next week.

Norv Fernum/Dewey Barnes vs. Ethan Carter III

Carter is now 7-0 after winning on some house shows this weekend. The jobbers work on the arm to start until Carter takes Barnes' head off with a clothesline out of the corner. A snap suplex sets up a belly to back suplex on Dewey before the tag is off to Fernum for some top rope dropkicks. Norv gets two off a tornado DDT but Carter hits 1 Percenters on both guys for the double pin at 3:29.

Rating: D+. Carter is still working for me as a character but they need to do more for him soon before he gets boring. I still think he winds up in the title scene sooner rather than later and shockingly enough, that doesn't sound too bad. He's definitely playing the character well but he needs a few decent wins for credibility.

We see another AJ in Mexico video, with Styles saying he's an awesome wrestler.

Dixie freaks out on the production team for letting that video air.

Jeff Hardy talks about his injuries in the match last week but saying it's just step one to winning the title.

Here's Dixie to proclaim how great she is. Sometimes it feels great to say how amazing you are, such as when she kicked AJ off the show and raised the quality of the show. It also proves her point that no one is irreplaceable. AJ left in her car with her title but in a few weeks we'll have a new champion to replace Styles. Dixie talks about the tournament being all gimmicky and calls out the four people in the matches next week: Bobby Roode, James Storm, Magnus and Samoa Joe.

She spun the Wheel of Dixie earlier and it's Roode vs. Storm in a bullrope match, with Dixie picking Roode to win. Dixie talks about Storm not doing anything for her lately, so Storm talks about being a cowboy and says his catchphrase. On the other hand, Joe vs. Magnus is going to be falls count anywhere. Joe says the only reason this tournament is going on is to cover for her inability to sign AJ to a new deal. Once he runs through the tournament, AJ gets the first title shot whether it's here or anywhere else in the world. Magnus cuts Joe off and says he'll win, but Dixie says this is all about finding her one true champion. Nice segment.

Anderson beats up Bischoff in the back and handcuffs him to a metal cart.

Video on Angle's submission skills.

Gail Kim vs. Hannah Blossom

This is the Gail Kim open challenge to anyone from outside of the company. If Hannah wins, she gets a title shot down the line. Gail kicks her in the head to start and rams Hannah into a buckle. More kicks put Blossom down and there's the Figure Four around the post for good measure. Hannah makes the jobber comeback but misses a charge and Eats Defeat for the pin at 3:28.

Rating: D. Nothing to see here as usual with Kim. She's decent in the ring but I just do not care about her at all and haven't in years. It's another case of something we've seen so many times that there's no reason to get interested in it at all. At least we're getting some fresh Knockouts for the time being though.

Joseph Park comes out again and talks about how he doesn't know where Abyss is. All he knows is that Abyss is a future TNA Hall of Famer and issues an open challenge to Abyss for next week. That should be interesting.

Anderson carries Bischoff away on his shoulders.

TNA World Title Tournament First Round: Kurt Angle vs. Austin Aries

Submission match. Feeling out process to start with Angle taking it to the mat and putting on a headscissors. Aries rolls out of the ankle lock but Kurt bails to the floor to avoid the Last Chancery. Back in and Aries grabs a quick STF but Angle is in the ropes even faster. Angle comes back with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker but Roode comes out with a chair to watch from the stage. Kurt gets distracted, allowing Aries to dive off the top, only to be caught in a belly to belly. Aries dropkicks him to the floor and we take a break.

Back with Aries in control and going after the neck, only to wake Angle up in the process. Angle rolls some Germans but Aries armdrags Angle out to the floor. A big top rope ax handle to the floor puts Kurt down again but Aries hurts his ankle in the process. Aries comes back in with a missile dropkick but Angle grabs the ankle lock in midair to take over.

Aries counters by rolling Angle into the corner but Angle catches the running dropkick in another ankle lock. Austin rolls through again to send Angle outside but it's quickly back inside so Aries can hit the missile dropkick. The corner dropkick sets up the brainbuster and the Last Chancery but of course Angle doesn't tap.

Aries lets go of the hold and Angle snaps off another suplex, only to have Aries get up top. He throws Angle off to block a running suplex but Aries' 450 only hits mat and hurts the ankle again. The Angle Slam is countered twice but Aries misses a charge into the post and Angle Crossfaces him for the win at 16:45.

Rating: B-. I liked the match but it felt like it was just waiting until we got to the inevitable. That's a major problem for so much of TNA's stuff anymore as you can call most of what they're going to do anymore. Aries was trying but it was a lot of the same stuff we always see from him. Still way better than anything else tonight though.

Anderson drags Bischoff out to piledrive him on the stage to end the show.

Overall Rating: C-. The show wasn't bad tonight but it's clear that they've only got two stories at the moment. Luckily for them the stories aren't bad, but that's going to catch up to them in the long run, as it always does. The matches were rather bad for the most part though with mainly a night of squashes to set up the big show next week. The main event helped but Angle winning was somewhat obvious. Again, the show has no soul though and it's showing more and more every week.

Mr. Anderson b. Knux – Mic Check
Christopher Daniels b. Joseph Park – Low blow
Ethan Carter III b. Norv Fernum/Dewey Barnes – Double pin after 1 Perfecters to both men
Gail Kim b. Hannah Blossom – Eat Defeat
Kurt Angle b. Austin Aries – Crossface

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  1. Good point/wording with "the show has no soul", I get that feeling whenever I watch Impact lately. I don't think I would even bother watching it if it wasn't for the Live thread. TNA can probably thank that live thread for half it's ratings.

  2. So are you a newbie or somebody using a different name? If you are a newbie welcome to our disfunctional little family. Just don't shake somebody's hand the wrong way or you'll be jobbed out and turfed outta here.

  3. Even if the live threads focus isn't on TNA half the time.

  4. That's the beauty of the TNA Live threads. And Brooks ass, that's the beauty of those threads as well.

  5. But in the live thread, people obviously go out of their way NOT to give the show a chance and shit on it outright. It's not a good show by any means but it's not as bad as people there are making it out.

  6. Newbie, read the blog since 2010, and although I'll try not to get on anyone's bad side, in reality I have a weak handshake.

  7. Also what's nice about the Impact Live threads is there's only a handful of people involved. I enjoy the RAW Live thread but there's so many people posting its hard to keep up with it and the show at times.

  8. For me, it's not that I have a hard time keeping up with it, but just that after so many post my screen crashes and I have to start all over again.

  9. I never got that feeling from the Impact Live thread. Sure if there is something we don't like we rip on it but if there's a good match or promo there's praise as well. You'll see plenty of love for Bad Influence, Aries, Angle and something else....uh..oh yeah Brookes ass! It's not all just mindless hate.

  10. Yeah that's a big problem esspecially if you are using an ipad(a lower gen one). I usually use my laptop for the RAW threads. If you are using a computer I suggest using FireFox as a web browser for it. Works better than IE.

  11. I dunno, it sometimes reeks of WWE fanboy heaven there, hoping to see a small company rot episode by episode and acting as if WWE is doing everything right. Oh well, no skin off my back but let's be a little more balanced, here is all I'm saying.

  12. Yep my IPads the problem I guess.

  13. Well then, welcome sir. I was a lurker, rare poster for a while then just jumped right into the madness. Keep posting and I'm sure soon enough you'll be over enough to get made fun of over at NPP. That's when you know you've made it in THIS BUISNESS.

  14. Yeah, I'm aware of how this place works, but if I get over to the point where I'm getting make fun of I won't go to Scott and complain about it like some others have.

  15. I don't think anybody around here wants TNA to fail, we want a solid #2 promotion. But it's hard to see a company make mistakes like they do when you know with the talent they have they can be so much better. And you really think ANYBODY around here think WWE is doing everything right? There's a few hundred threads talking about Bryan/HHH that beg to differ.

  16. I'll take your word about the WWE criticism. To be honest, I'm more a fan of this website than I am a wrestling fan, anymore. This site does make the goings on in both promotions more entertaining regardless if I agree with the takes or not.

  17. Y0u relize every one of them shits on WWE in THE EXACT SAME WAY in the live raw thread

  18. Oh TAG!

    That burn was of a high - Caliber

  19. Speaking of low Caliber work:

    I like the "e-mail" that he included, which was obviously just him writing that in to make his new readers seem like he has a big following.

  20. In Raw/PPV live threads, WWE gets ripped to shreds.

  21. Forget the e-mail, what the fuck was with that article. I beat the shit out of a women, yeah me?

    Fucking Christ that was hard to read

  22. Forget the email, what the fuck was with that article!? I beat the shit out of a women, yay me?

    Articles that hard to read are proof there is no heaven and Jesus changed his middle name to "fucking"

  23. I enjoy mocking TNA because I enjoy mocking things.

    But as a wrestling show I just find it hard to really get invested. The simple way to explain it is that I appreciate Angle vs Aries, but I want to see CM Punk beat Brock or whoever.

  24. Was that supposed to be funny? That was idiotic and coming from a guy who claimed that no one who wrote here could be as funny as him

  25. semester I'm going to have free time in bundles.

    I better start getting in shape for my comeback; cause I KNOW I can write better then that!

  26. "Tonight's main event is Angle vs. Aries in a submission match which isn't the most
    interesting match in the world."

    That's a weird comment. I don't even watch TNA but that totally sounds like a match I would want to check out. Are you speaking literally? Because CM Punk vs. Seth Rollins in a 2/3 match would probably be very good but would also not be THE most interesting match in the world. Hell even Punk vs. Bryan might not technically be as interesting as something like HHH vs. Chris Hero, if you want to bring backstage drama into the mix. My point is, that was a weirdly negative shade to cast upon a match that otherwise sounds very good on paper.

  27. I second this. What be thy explanation?

  28. What... in the fuck was that?

  29. I'm debating whether or not ot needs it's own thread?

  30. I never found him funny at all. I'm funnier than Caliber, and he's not even in the same league as Scott or Kyle Warne.

  31. Speaking of us being funny. We should look into doing a collaboration for Final Battle.

  32. Hey, why the fuck not? When is the show?

  33. To be fair, a lot of people, myself included were very high on this show for months. They squandered that goodwill.

  34. December 14th

    But I ain't watching it live with their streaming.

    Main event is World champ Adam Cole vs Self proclaimed real world champion Jay Briscoe vs Uncrowned world champion Michael Elgin.

    Also featuring:

    TD and ACH vs the young bucks

    Steen vs Bennet in a stretcher match, loser must stop using the piledriver.

    Tommaso Ciampa vs Matt Taven for the TV title.

    Rest of card TBA

    apologies for any typos, phone post.

  35. My problem with it was I absolutely couldn't see Aries making Angle submit at all. It would be similar to seeing Cena in an I Quit match. You almost automatically know who is going to win and that sucks a lot of the fun out of matches with me.

    To clarify: I wasn't dreading the match at all, but the gimmick wasn't a great pick to me.

  36. The build to BFG 2012 was WONDERFULL.

    Then Hardy won, and the 0.8's slaughtered any interest in the show

  37. Man, I haven't watched in a while, has Aries fallen that far? I would have had no problem seeing him make anyone tap out during his ME run in 2012

  38. A quick search shows his last televised/PPV submission win was in May of last year, which is one of three such wins he's had in TNA.

  39. Looks like a decent card.

  40. My thoughts exactly.

    The main event angle has sound booking, the Steen--Bennett feud has been carrying the TV show, you know how I feel about Ciampa, and if there is a bigger Young Bucks mark then me--I've never met them

  41. Caliber_Winfield_The_3rdNovember 15, 2013 at 3:27 AM

    *looks around*

    Place looks the same. I'm still as popular as ever. Although Ark, I usually put more effort into my shameless plugs. I do appreciate it though.

    I've been spoken of a lot lately, which someone, I won't say who, came to me about and said it's time for a return. Then another person said I should return. I hate to break some hearts, but it can't happen. But you guys can always find me, every Wednesday, at P2BN. Along with Str8 Gangster.

    Oh, and Kyle, you'll be funnier than me the day you stop stealing jokes from The Angry Video Game Nerd. If you're gonna steal, at least steal from a very popular source like Cracked, so then you can feign ignorance and be all "Yeah, like I'd steal from something that popular!"

  42. Yup, I stole the joke! It was also 2:00 in the morning and a throwaway comment, not a published article I expect to be taken seriously.

    At least my idea of a good time isn't fabricating a story where I beat up a women over A traffic violation. THAT'S the fantasy that makes you feel like a man?


  43. Does Aries even have a submission move?

    I mean my guess is that Dixie is booking Angle to be HER champion and intentionally setting up situations where he'll win. Then swerve at the end ala SS 98, and have Magnus win.

  44. Dr. Evil reference is approved, signed, and sent the the executive for his signature.

  45. We'll give credit to the good things. The problem is, the good things have become few and far between. Mainly, Brooke's ass.

  46. I'd really like to check out RoH at some point as I have never seen any of it at all... like seriously 1 match. Any suggestions on where to start?

  47. I know I have a reputation as the blog's woman hater... but that is a gimmick (that I am rapidly tiring of) that started because flair4dagold and some others got mad that I made 1 off hand comment about not liking women... it is an extreme exaggeration of how I actually am... this was... wow.

  48. For TNA or RAw or just in general? I actually agree with this on RAW as everyone shit on corporate Kane the moment he walked out while I was actually optimistic... it looks like they are going to turn out to have been right, but still the "This auto sucks" does get old... but the Impact tread we barely talk about the show so I don't think this applies.

  49. Some selection. I'd do Scorpio, you know what you're going to get with Storm.

  50. To me what I dislike about it is A) How much they seem to love red neck culture B) How much they are trying to be like WWE when they shouldn't be... and aren't doing it well anyway. I wish they would go back to the way they were around 2006 or so when it seemed different (they even had a different ring for fucks sake) instead of just being WWE Lite featuring Brooke's Ass

  51. Very apt. Even when TNA puts on something with quality... I just don't care.

    I also wish they weren't so damned southern. AJ, Dixie, Storm etc... if I wanted to deal with that shit I would talk to people in "real life" not on the internet.

  52. Even Aces & 8's started of interesting... but quickly went to shit. TNA just can't do stables.

  53. Legit question, are you and kbjone the same person?

  54. Thank you for posting these, I know it doesn't often get acknowledged, but I know it isn't an easy task, and it is appreciated.

  55. I'm not even sure I know who Doring is... Storm is interesting, but at this point I know where he stands on just about everything so Scorpio got my vote by default.

  56. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 15, 2013 at 7:09 AM

    Brooke's Ass featuring WWE Lite
    FTFY. Her ass should get top billing.

  57. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 15, 2013 at 7:11 AM

    Actually I WANT them to have a more Southern style. Fuck it. Southern style produced some of the best hardcore and tag matches in history. It is definitely an alternative to the WWE style.

  58. I wasn't talking about the wrestling so much as I was their fascination with red necks... or the fact that thy are red necks and don't hide it. I would love for it to be an old style JCP type fed... but even those weren't built around a bunch of people I could go see at Wal Mart or some shit (I really hate it here)

  59. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 15, 2013 at 7:15 AM

    The Last Chancery.

  60. Danny Doring was an ECW House of Hardcore "graduate" who teamed with Roadkill to win the ECW tag team titles in December 2000.

  61. Ah ok... that would probably make for a predictable shoot also

  62. Hey Calimari! You know, you can just come back and just post in the comment section. Wouldn't be bad to see you in the live threads or QOTDs.

    Now, about that "article".... What the fuck Caliber? I mean, what was the point of the article? It was kinda uncomfortable to read, not funny and not informative. If it was a quicky sentence about a women cutting you off and you giving her a stunner, I could get it. It's not great but it's a wild exaggeration of what you want to do when in traffic. This, you had her bleeding and shit. It's not even that it was just offensive but it was unoriginal and unfunny man. I know you're better than that.

    Sorry, I know I sound harsh, just trying to help in some way.

  63. Yeah, your joke/gimmick never went to THAT level and always seemed like silly exagerations. That "piece" was just uncomfortable to read.

  64. Lob pass to you...just saw a survey of 500 men and 500 women on who they preferred as bosses and had approval ratings of 78% and 72% respectively

  65. Its ok. I know lots of MR people who could cut a better promo than Elgin. He's probably the worst in the business.

  66. If you want a taste of old school ROH start with guys you know, I would suggest the Punk/Joe trilogy. As well as Joe/Kobashi.

  67. Bosses I can see... but teachers?

  68. If I still lived in Florida, i'd be there.

    BTW, I fucking hate RyTheMurph as a handle, but every time I go to change it it won't save. Its on there because its my email address and its only that because it was the only "Ryan Murphy" variant that didn't have a bunch of unwieldy numbers in it. I need to change my damn name, I can personally name at least half a dozen other ones.

  69. I don't remember who I preferred like in HS but in college and med school I Def preferred guys. More laid back and flexible, at least in my experiences

  70. Bingo. A humble person with no ego doesn't decide to make a living pretending to win fights against other men while half naked. I'd rather someone like Bret feed his ego in print than someone like Hogan or HHH still going out and beating up guys in their primes.

  71. Can't help but think Marty is a grown man and its not Honky's job to babysit him. You ever try to tell an addict you won't give them what they want, for their own good? Not worth the fight that inevitably ensues, unless they're begging you for money or they want all of what you have.

  72. Even worse, everyone in ECW started to copy him, and he had to switch to those weird leather shorts and, eventually, a skirt.

  73. I said it with his last shoot and I'll say it again: I respect the hell out of Honky for coming out & admitting he refused jobs for his own self interest. Everyone else acts like they are some pious saint who was put into an unwinnable situation. Honky just was looking out for Honky. And he continued to do so, hence why he managed to score a supposedly huge high paying Legends contract that probably outmatches what some guys on the regular roster make. He should really run a wrestling school that doesn't so much teach in ring skills as teaches guys how to navigate the business and take care of themselves.

  74. I fucking hate having men as bosses. I tend to get standoffish and alpha male-ish when I have to answer to a guy. Women I just try to sweet talk to keep myself in good graces. Of course, I am a supervisor, so woe betide the subordinate who gives me th kind of attitude I give my higher ups. Wonderful how the world works.

  75. Scorpio easily. Storm is a boring interview and Doring is basically a curtain jerker which I guess might be okay from a certain perspective. I'm just not interested in hearing it.

  76. You people must not be aware of how fantastically entertaining Danny Doring is. Weird that he never translated that into good mic skills or a character that made sense beyond his move names all being sex puns. His old blog was glorious.

  77. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 15, 2013 at 8:41 AM


  78. He was talking about Warrior lacking facial expressions in the ring, along with body movements telling the story. And I mostly agree with that.

  79. Storm. I always enjoyed his perspective on the business, and think he has a very good mind for it.

    That said, the Doring shoot is pure brilliance.

  80. Danny Doring is a hidden treasure. He is funny as hell, pretty sharp, and said Muffin Ass on his tights.

  81. Flair puts down guys all the time too. As do most wrestlers.

    Both guys are among the best ever in their chosen profession. Bret didn't cut great promos (for the most part), but he had some of the greatest performances of all time, matches and feuds that will stand the test of time.

  82. Regardless, he was a great wrestler.

  83. I think in one of Sandman's shoots he said if you want ECW rat stories, ask Chris Chetti or Danny Doring... So yeah.

  84. I think in one of Sandman's shoots, he said if you want ECW rat stories, ask Chris Chetti or Danny Doring... so yeah.

  85. I remember reading about that huge contract he recently signed, but then we've seen or heard nothing from him. Does anyone have any info about what he's actually doing, assuming the contract is legit?

  86. I had a similar problem; see if this helps you.

    From the Edit Your Profile screen on the Disqus page, click on Profile - just below Merging and above Avatar. Then, change your Full Name to whatever you'd like your handle to be.

    That's how I managed to change mine. If it doesn't work for you....well, sorry about that.

  87. Did Chris Walker do a shoot? j/k....but try to get a copy of the Paul Roma one. Sounds like fun, batshit insane BSing.

  88. He is hilarious. A great storyteller too.

  89. If you are dismissing someone's shoot interview simply due to their position on the card, then you are missing out on a lot of great shoots.

  90. That's pretty much where I come down on the whole thing. I liked Bret a lot, and sided with him over Austin. But refusing to job the belt when you're leaving the promotion seems ridiculous to me. Other folks here have said that he was entitled to protect himself, his image, and his ability to be be a draw, and that many other wrestlers have done the same. That may all be true, but to me, it doesn't justify his state of mind and his refusal to lose the strap.

  91. Yeah, the Roma one seems on the level of the Billy Jack Haynes shoot. Seems entertaining.

  92. Marty is a big boy. It's not up to Honky to police him from himself.

  93. I have actually, since you ask. And let's be honest pro wrestlers are (mostly) assholes. Especially that era. Honky himself says he offered him a drink. Why would you offer a drink to a friend you knew was an addict? And then he rationalises it as "we all had our problems so no biggie".

    Not saying he should have 'babysat' him, I only said he could've done more.

  94. Yeah perhaps, but I still think Honky could have done more, like not offer him the drink in the first place!

  95. Much appreciated.

  96. No but I have read through the comments and thought he was me for a second on more than one occasion.

  97. I agree with this.

  98. Why would he do that?

  99. Is that a serious question?

  100. The Doring shoot is great. His YouShoot is pretty funny too.

  101. Whoaaaaa. A burn so early on in your BoD career. I feel we will get along

  102. Is the Scorpio one the one where he calls Flair and Steamboat "bitch ass motherfuckers"? If so, that one.

  103. He used to be really sloppy and stiff with the other wrestlers and nobody could retaliate cause his dad was the promoter. He also refused to job because "he said so," even to veterans.

  104. I don't think it's that Aries has fallen off, more that you're never gonna see Angle lose a submission match because that's supposed to be his whole thing. Just like Cena won't lose an I Quit or a submission match because he's all "never give up."

  105. Yes and no I suppose.
    I don't believe in trying to save self destructive types from themselves. They either pull themselves together of their own accord, or they self destruct. And no matter to me.
    But I'm pretty sure that I know your opinion.

  106. Huh. Well, I have no idea if the main kept that attitude throughout his career, but I had the chance to meet him after an indie show near my hometown (Imperial Valley, CA) back around...1994 or 1995. He was gracious to everyone with whom I saw him interact. I don't remember the whole card, but among the notables were:

    Kevin Von Erich
    Honky Tonk Man
    Abdullah the Butcher
    Manny Fernandez

    There were a number of guys who were unknown to me. Coincidentally, Kevin won his bout and HTM lost...they did not wrestle each other. Zeus and Abdullah had a wild brawl, and I remember a sea of people around them while tables and chairs kind of flew everywhere.

    Some of the guys stayed at a Ramada Inn where my mother was working at the time. As I mentioned, Kevin was cool, and so was Zeus...I believe his real time is Tony Lister. I said it looked like he really didn't care for chairs...he laughed and said "Chairs get in my way, man!" I said something to Manny about putting on a good show, and he seemed a bit bothered by the comment, replying with something like "Show? What show?" while he puffed up his chest. Kayfabe, I guess.

    I did not meet anyone else, and it was a pretty fun night.

  107. They could have something with Ethan Carter, but a couple more weeks of this jobber parade -- and the same two jobbers, at that -- and I could see the fan base getting bored with him. Put him in there with somebody like Eric Young and let him get a legit win, and let him say more than his catchphrase. If they play it right, Carter can be a main-event level heel, even if it has to be as Dixie's avatar.

  108. Not trying to stop them is the same thing as not enabling them?

  109. Go read a Raw live thread. It gets crushed just as much, just for different reason. The BoD does not do tact.

  110. Yeah, they even have Chavo that can job to him too.

  111. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 15, 2013 at 2:21 PM

    So with the exchange rate are they 96% as strong as American retards?

  112. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 15, 2013 at 2:22 PM

    Stop down voting me Sick Boy.

  113. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 15, 2013 at 2:23 PM

    He said that DDP came up with the look after he watched "Point Break."

  114. That's the main reason I can't get behind the Elgin train...well that and the skullet.

  115. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!November 15, 2013 at 3:21 PM

    Maybe he resented the fact that his son was gay. Come to think of it, Zarbon and the entire Ginyu Force were some kind of homosexual bandits.

    Oh well, King Cold got his comeuppance pretty goddamn quick too.

  116. Hey, I'd be mad at inert balls too, doesn't mean he's gay!

  117. As opposed to WCW, where people losing their signature match is the way of the world.

  118. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!November 15, 2013 at 4:05 PM

    He *was* voiced by a woman. At the very least, he was an effeminate intergalactic warlord who happened to be capable of destroying planets quite easily.

    Now Dabura was definitely gay, as we all found out.

  119. I suppose you could call his voice actor a woman...

  120. He's improved. He's still not even remotely good, but he isn't worst in the business.

  121. But wrestlers ALWAYS lose at their own thing

    Look at the Hardys win/loss record in Ladder matches

  122. Sadly, I may get my first down vote by saying that before he left, I was a fan of his QOTD's

  123. Caliber, you wrote a thing with your top summer movies, yet you had Pain and Gain #1.

    Pain and Gain came out in April. The summer movie season begins in May.

  124. True, but there's a difference between something being part of your gimmick and part of your character. Fire is part of Kane's gimmick, but being an expert in fire is not necessarily part of his character, so him participating in Inferno Matches is more important than him actually winning them. (Plus his history is more about having been set on fire, not setting fires himself.)
    The Hardys' characters are that they're risk-takers and daredevils, so them participating in ladder matches is more important than winning ladder matches. (The Hardys might even lose a ladder match because they'll go for a high spot at a time when they could just win the match.)
    With Angle, his character is that of a submission specialist and a guy who would never tap. It's not just his gimmick, therefore he's not going to lose a submission match.

  125. Cena vs Taker, Rock vs Lesnar should be on the mania card. Hell if Rock is really out of ring shape (LOL, like that stopped him last year) or just doesn't want to do it, I'd even go Jericho vs Lesnar simply for something different.


  126. Well Eddie Edwards has slightly improved, so I'm surious who you thiank is the worst.

  127. Whoever the fat fuck at the last GCW show I attended was.

  128. It's not just his gimmick, therefore he's not going to lose a submission match.

    Like Andre's gimmick was not getting slammed?
    All "rules" in wrestling exist for to be "shockingly" broken

  129. Not necessarily doubting, but where's the sourcing on this?


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