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Monday Night Open Mic

Howdy Blog O'Doomers!

After having a decent rise in viewership last week RAW is back for more tonight. So let's get ready for some Big Show-Orton excitement!

Enjoy the show and come out swinging but always remember to keep it clean.


  1. I didn't watch... so I'll leave the civil disagreements with your opinion to others.

  2. Love your reviews but think you you skewed high on the first two hours, especially the Punk match. It was good, but seemes no different then any other throw away top card guy match.

    The Heyman call in and corporate Miz made for the funniest shit on Raw since Mizs dad.

  3. Worst wrestling show since last week's Impact.

  4. Corporate Miz? Miz wasn't on the show.

  5. Sorry, meant corporaye Kane

  6. I know, it's so easy to confuse them.

  7. Love these - I can watch wrestling and have an opinion without actually being present for the show!


  8. Agreed that the first two hours tonight were really fun. The Bryan/Punk mega powers moment was AWESOME, and that Cena 6-man was a great main event. The authority storyline is just absolute death though. I'd gladly buy Survivor Series if I could pay less and just not get the Big Show match.

  9. This show was mediocre at best, and the only reason I'm not saying it sucked was the six man tag was fantastic and worth everyone's time to watch.

    The closing segment was a heatless mess and so bad I'm embarrassed for myself that I watched it. Awful acting by hhh and Steph leading up to it, awful promos with no heat during it, and big show getting hhh to repeat the match to a smaller pop every time was awful.

    On the good side Orton cut a really good promo and his match solid and the finish was great. Also I enjoyed adr and Dutch on commentary during the awesome six man. Punk and Bryan are all kinds of awesome but to feature them as a little as they did is a crime.

    So I'd say good first two hours if you overlook the treatment of the two biggest new stars in wrestling, and a dog shit third hour

  10. Man you are dumb ;)

  11. That's how I thought I'd feel, but the truth is that Orton saved the last segment with his taunting of Show and his ordering everyone around. He needs to be a boss to be a heel champ. Plus, Show took like 50 chair shots. That always makes me happy. (I do not like the Pauls, though, so I share your sentiment at how messy the last hour felt.)

  12. Just got back from Raw. Man f--- the third hour. After that six-man I checked the time and good grief one hour to go. Though a good bit of people said screw this and left anyway.

  13. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 4, 2013 at 10:45 PM

    No Miz? That means this show gets a thumbs up from me, and I didn't even watch it.

  14. Worst part about the last segment was them going to break in the middle of it. Everyone is just standing there waiting for the commercial to end. After the break no one in the crowd cared anymore.

  15. In other news, Triple H signed Richie Incognito to a short term deal to help JBL improve morale on the roster.

  16. What did you get for the post show dark match, or did they even bother doing one?

  17. The people have spoken, and Big Show is clearly the new Stone Cold Steven Austin. His catchphrase "Yes" is the new "What". Crazy how a little thing like that can get a guy so over.

  18. Orton can work.

  19. only you would know.

  20. Hell no. Spends the whole time getting beat only to finish abruptly.

  21. Knickerbocker SchnoodlesnookNovember 5, 2013 at 1:29 AM

    Paul "Harley Race" Meekin

  22. Knickerbocker SchnoodlesnookNovember 5, 2013 at 1:30 AM

    No he can't, and now I have to change my name again.

  23. Knickerbocker SchnoodlesnookNovember 5, 2013 at 1:31 AM

    A good show = four bad ones to follow.

    It's a WWE life, for us
    It's a WWE life, for us
    Insteada gettin' treated
    We get tricked
    Insteada kisses
    We get kicked

  24. Proof is in the stars and he has been providing them almost every week

  25. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!November 5, 2013 at 1:41 AM

    Yep, only took him 13 short years.

    I wish it was Bob Orton's dick that was in a cast, not his arm.

  26. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!November 5, 2013 at 1:45 AM

    He looks like Steve Austin if he evolved to the next level, like a Pokemon.


    (You probably need a Masterball to catch him)

  27. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!November 5, 2013 at 1:47 AM

    ...You beat him and he finishes too quick?

  28. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!November 5, 2013 at 1:48 AM

    I'm gonna say it right now, even though Scott's trying to keep these sorts of comments down:

    By this time next year, this place will be Andy's Blog Of Doom.

  29. Sh! Don't say that! You know Scott will put me in a handicap match against the Shield if you keep that up!

  30. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!November 5, 2013 at 2:19 AM

    You just beat Mike Mears, and Caliber Winfield has the Money In The Bank.

  31. First of all everybody isn't going to be a prodigy like Rock, Angle or Lesnar.

    Orton came up through the OVW/WWE system, with obvious pointers from his dad and his fathers peers (Piper, Muraco, Race etc)

    Wrestling is an artform that isn't supposed or going to be learned in a few short years. Many of the greats had to travel through various territories and became good to great in their mid to late 30s and into their 40s, so Orton taking 13 short years to have matches (I believe he has been having consistently good matches since 08 personally) is right on schedule.

    The wrestling landscape is controlled by one guy and the performers dont have the oppurtunities to work Memphis or the AWA to get seasoned. Its either WWE, TNA, or leave the country if you wanna be on TV and make money while honing their craft.

    Opinions are opinions and I wont begrudge yours, but to say Orton can't work when he has been putting on matches that are very decent at the very least is just blind hate... and thats fair.

  32. 1) It is downright childish to not name the city you're in due to it not being 'big' enough.
    2) Who's in the dog house for ruining a Wrestlemania main event?
    3) I don't care about Big Show.
    4) I reeeeeallllly don't care about Big Show.

  33. Huh?

    Orton, for a long while was basically just like Cena - he could work 'up' to a good opponent.

    Since 2008, he's been beyond that, and able to have 3-3.5 star matches with just about ANYBODY. He's probably never going to have that legit, show-stealing, MOTYC outside of a hardcore setting (and the PG era kind of makes that an impossibility) because of his style, but he's a great worker that can tell in-ring stories with the best of them.

  34. If I read that right, Kane attacked the Big Show. Because Kane v Big Show is a match we want in 2013.

  35. Even as one of the bigger Orton fans around here, I don't think he has charisma on the mic to make this whole Rick-Rude narcissist/golden-boy schtick believable.

    He just doesn't come across as somebody that genuinely relishes the spotlight and thinks he's king shit.

    He comes off as an asshole, sure, but it feels forced and most of it is basic cheap heat that anybody could get with the exact same material.

    He's a better asshole as the cold, detached, violent psychotic than he is the guy putting down the crowd and telling everybody how sexy and awesome he is. Somebody who relishes hurting people? That he does very believably, from the promos to the mannerisms in the ring.

    Moreover, that gimmick shelters his biggest weakness, because there is something believable and credible about a violent psychotic staring coldly at/through you and speaking in a detached, precise, slow manner. Comparatively, an uncharasmatic (at least in the traditional, promo-cutting sense) person trying to sell himself as hot shit falls flat.

  36. Del Rio vs Cena. Del Rio got the upper hand but Cena made a quick comeback. Five knuckle shuffle, AA, and we were out. He talked to the crowd for a few then thanked us and left.

  37. Even straight after Summerslam I knew and accepted that this whole HHH/Orton thing would stretch out till 2014, maybe till wrestlemania, and i understood a long time ago that Show/Orton would be a program heading into one of the PPV's, but they really need to realise that it's not good or big enough to center an entire raw around. People like the big show, they hate HHH they want Big show to get an upper hand, but no one wants to see Big Show as the face of the company, no one believes he's going to win, that's your main problem with putting this fued in the absolute forefront. Yes it's quite hypocritical to want the WWE title to always be front and center and then come out and complain when they do it, but ultimately...Big show is not going to be face of the wwe, everyone knows immediately kills any real tension in this angle.

    The bryan/Punk stuff was good, I hope they start interacting and give us that great megapowers moment we've been waiting for. Orton can work and work good he does, big E has much more potential than Ryback could ever dream of, the tag match was tremendous. Overall another great raw for people who DVR'd, another crappy RAW for people who still watch it LIVE.

    Either way Bryan is back in action on Smackdown, I might actually catch that one.

  38. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!November 5, 2013 at 5:03 AM

    Oh, I've admitted before that Orton's okay now, but one of the reasons I lost faith in WWE (Minor aside: I hate when people call it 'the WWE'. 'The World Wrestling Entertainment sounds retarded.) was their incessant handling of Orton with kid gloves despite being mediocre for years.

    You're correct in that he's just about on schedule, age-wise, in being good now. However, he won his first world title in 2004 and has been pushed pretty heavily since then... on television.

    Basically, my gripe about Orton is not Orton himself, but WWE. They spent all that energy and money into pushing a moderately talented hack, and probably at the expense of more deserving stars. WWE have always had a hard-on for him (Supposedly he has 'The Look', he has the lineage, and is still a young guy.) and I chalk that up to their shortsightedness an inability to stay relevant with... anything, actually.

    Look at this way: CM Punk not only was having ***** matches a decade ago, but actually looked like a WWE main eventer except he was in the indies in the way he carried himself. Bryan Danielson has probably been the best North American technical wrestler for about a decade, and quite clearly he's proven himself as a guy who can connect with fans young and old.

    What about Randy Orton? It's not fair to compare him to other prodigies in wrestling, but he doesn't have any tangible traits that anybody else could have that can justify his position in the company. At least with Cena I can say, "well, he's not for me, but he's a great athlete, his matches are great and kids are drawn to him". Orton's just a dude who's had ten years' worth of heat handed to him, and they use that to warrant the millions they pay him.

    So, as usual, I just blame WWE. But Orton's a regular guy, and a lot of other people could've been him and you can't say that about other main event talent. So, that's where I stand on that.

  39. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!November 5, 2013 at 5:04 AM

    See my reply to Fuj.

  40. You have to chalk up to two things.

    1. One Major North American Promotion
    2. Vince having his pet projects.

    Orton was going to get the shove just based on his look. We may disagree but the talent was always there. It just had to develop. He was put in a position to draw and he failed. As much as he got pushed, the fans never responded to him like they did Cena and Batista. Shame really, because I feel he is the best worker of the three.

    Treating him with kid gloves is just that. Early in his career he was just that. He was a kid. All his life, he grew up hearing stories of how his dad and Piper got high/drunk, fucked rats and ribbed people. He was going to follow suit. I cant blame him for that. That was wrestling in the 80s and he was following in his daddys footsteps.

    Another thing you have to take into consideration. He been in the presence of wrestlers we can only dream of being around. He was around Andre. He knows Piper and Harley personally and have known them since a kid. He has been brought completely different than his peers. While Miz was dreaming of being a world champion, he was being groomed for it.

    Saying all that, I can give him a huge pass.

    That being said, he is not a draw and has had some stinkers, but since 08, he has really been the most consistent performer they have had on TV whether heel or face.

  41. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!November 5, 2013 at 5:41 AM

    You're going to give him a pass for having an indulgent and spoiled upbringing?

    I think Randy's desire in life is unfulfilled or unexplained (gay male model) but because he was given such a leg-up into wrestling, he chose to take the path of least resistance and do the least amount of work possible in order to succeed in it. He looks slick in the ring now, but he's still a paint-by-numbers talker at best. He is not compelling to viewers, but he is able to survive in a situation where ratings are not paramount.

    Now I know you disagree, but I'd say Orton is even the least worker of the three. Cena's a freak of nature when it comes to athleticism, and I have to give it to him, he very rarely bombs in big matches; his track record is just about as good as they come. Batista, unfortunately, probably made his debut ten years too late, but he developed into a pretty good power wrestler and he gained a knack for psychology towards the end. Either way, Orton ain't got shit on those two on the mic.

    Again, my point is this: take almost any wrestler there is, find a schtick that fits him, and give him all the advantages - without having earned it - that Randy has had. Not only will they do just as well, but they'll probably do better, if only because they weren't born with a silver spoon in their mouth and will work extra hard to be successful.

  42. "He was put in a position to draw and he failed. As much as he got pushed, the fans never responded to him like they did Cena and Batista. Shame really, because I feel he is the best worker of the three."

    I take some issue with this. At some point it falls on the booking to put a person in a position to succeed. Blaming Orton for failing to get over as a face in 2004 when his entire turn was getting beaten up and then losing to HHH three times is like blaming Daniel Bryan for having less heat now than he had before this botched Orton/HHH feud.

    Orton was certainly over in 2004 as a heel, before the horrific botching of his face turn. In 2005 he was given TV time against the Undertaker sure, but he was saddled with the 'working with his Dad' angle that made him look like an unbelievable wuss. There's a difference between being put into a major feud or getting a ton of TV time, and being put in a position to actually get something out of that TV time. Orton was disliked as a heel, but never treated as a credible threat to Taker, so obviously he wasn't going to ascend anywhere from that.

    Then in 2006, he basically was given nothing to do. Tag team with Edge here, Money in the Bank match there, random entry into a mutli-person World Title match that everybody knew he had no chance of winning. Orton did himself no favors by getting suspended for drug use, but it's not as though he was being put in a position to actually get traction either.

    Then, in mid/late 2007, he's given something to sink his teeth into. They need to write RVD off TV, he's given the nod to do so. We start seeing the first stages of the head-punting, vicious psychotic Randy Orton, and he starts getting good heat. Good enough that he becomes the obvious choice for the Summer feud with Cena. Then good luck happens (for him): Cena gets injured, Orton is the logical guy to take the title. He has a solid title reign and continues to build heat as a heel against HHH, HBK, Jeff Hardy, and Cena before losing the title to HHH and getting injured himself.

    He comes back from injury in 2008, turns up the vicious psychotic factor, takes out Batista, tortures the mcmahons, takes out HHH at Backlash (though it should have been WM), and feuds with Cena as one of the most molten-hot and super-over heels in years. He was booked into a position to succeed, into a position where he could make the most of a character that suited him (his own personality turned up to 11? Maybe.... if so, I really don't ever want to hang out with Randy Orton), and he thrived.

    He thrived so well that fans got behind him by virtue of the fact that he was so engaging and magnetic as this dark character. And then WWE got stupid and turned him. He retained his heat for awhile, but they took everything that made the character engaging away from him, cause in the PG era, you can't really have a face that maims people and cuts promos about enjoying injuring people. The only two times we really saw that from face Orton was in the feud against Sheamus, where he was molten over (though Sheamus wasn't at that point), and in the WM with CM Punk, where again, he was molten over. After that, his character got bland and people stopped caring. He was a guy with a look and a finishing move and nothing else happening.

    Orton is not the most charismatic or versatile performer. He plays a great heel (and one particular kind of heel as well as anybody ever has), and doesn't have the likeability factor to hit the upper echelons as a face in the PG era. But he's been undercut by horrific booking many times in his career. Replace his face turn in 2004 with Batistas... imagine him going over HHH in 3 straight PPVs after getting turned on. You think he would have suffered as much? No. He would have gotten over every bit as hard as Batista did.

  43. I think Orton is the best of the three in that he's more consistent and he has better in-ring storytelling, psychology and selling skills*. The other two have had better matches, no doubt, but they typically involve working 'up' to the opponent.

    The Cena you get facing HBK or Punk isn't the Cena you get facing the other 90% of the time. Batista is even more so that way - 99% of his matches are pretty bad, he gets up for matches with Taker and such though.

    Orton has less MOTYC, but he also is more consistent. He can had a 3-3.5 star match with pretty much ANYBODY, night-in, night-out.

    *I will say, he sells about half as much as a face as he did/does as a heel. One of many reasons he's much less interesting to watch as a face than he is as a heel.

  44. This was an interesting sentence - can someone clarify for me who we're discussing?

    "You have a perennial midcarder, a pure gimmick who was written off the week before, a man in the doghouse for ruining a WrestleMania main event, an indy man who never sniffed the upper midcard before now, and Goldust."

    Perennial midcarder - Cody?

    Pure gimmick who was written off the week before - Sandow?

    A man in the doghouse for ruining a WrestleMania main event - no idea, so I'm curious who he's referring to. By process of elimination, I'm guessing Swagger?

    An indy man who never sniffed the upper midcard before now - Cesaro?

    Goldust - I was able to figure that one out.

  45. YankeesHoganTripleHFanNovember 5, 2013 at 7:05 AM

    I guess this is the Triple H fan in me talking but Big Show was being a smarmy dick last night. He deserved that beatdown.

    Rest of the show was good stuff. I see the Punk/Bryan alliance, (the bearded-powers perhaps? ) making their way though the Wyatt's then getting back to the main event scene.

  46. 2) Swagger was. He was fighting for the WHC at Mania and put a black eye on the WWE when he got busted for DUI-marijuana.

  47. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 5, 2013 at 7:14 AM

    "I see the Punk/Bryan alliance, (the bearded-powers perhaps? )"
    SES v2.0 or GTFO.

  48. He's also good as the cowardly Marine.

  49. I'm just trying to figure out...why Big Show? It's nice that the angle revitalized him and got him over again, but why shift everything over to him now? I guess it's possible that they want to feed Orton a line of faces to weasley overcome leading up to whoever finally dethrones him, and people have gone on record saying that Vince does things to be nice sometimes, like give aging guys like Show a run on top b/c their days are numbered. I just want there to be SOME method to the madness other than "too afraid to try someone new" or "save it for when Roman Reigns is ready b/c he's big".

  50. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 5, 2013 at 7:17 AM

    LOL @ the name.

  51. When Bryan came out for the save at the end of the Punk match I had legit goosebumps, they could create something really special along the lines of the Megapowers here. Let them side with each other for the next year and let them 'explode' at Wrestlemania 31.

  52. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 5, 2013 at 7:19 AM

    "He may not beeeeeeeeeeeeeee the best, but he's LARGE."

  53. I really hope we get some good old fashioned SS matches and one or two other quality matches at the PPV because the idea of Orton/Show is nauseating (Orton's improvement notwithstanding).

    I can't believe they've essentially replaced Bryan with Show, Yes chants and all. Not worried about Bryan at all, just saying.

  54. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 5, 2013 at 7:21 AM

    But...we chose DBry.

  55. I hated it when the crowd was going Yes! Yes! Yes! waiting for Bryan to come help Punk, and the announcers, who would have pointed it out before, just sat there ignoring that the crowd was calling for Bryan. If you needed more evidence that they're trying to separate the chant from who it's for...there ya go.

  56. YankeesHoganTripleHFanNovember 5, 2013 at 7:28 AM

    Yeah I hated it that Show was using it during the main event interview.

  57. You know, if you just eliminate all the Authority/Big Show stuff (especially the damned recaps), it was actually a good show.

  58. Swagger got a DUI right after being put in the WHC feud with Del Rio.

  59. I know Boston isn't at NYC/Chicago/Philly level in terms of smarky crowds, but it's still a Northeast city AND a PPV crowd, and I was wondering... what are the chances that the fans totally shit on the Orton/Show main event at Survivor Series? This Big-Show-Main-Event-Push is so awful, and the match quality has a chance to be pretty bad (Orton chinlock! Show lumbers around!), I wonder if there's any chance the crowd just turns on the match and gives it the Orton/Sheamus Raw after mania treatment. "Boring", "We want (whoever)" etc etc.

    I'm guessing that they'll give it enough bells and whistles (Shield run-ins) to stave off the boredom, but if Orton and Show try to have a straight wrestling match after a month of this terrible lawsuit feud, I dunno, crowd might check out.

  60. Cena right now is gonna have the good/great workrate matches at the ppv w the whc which is a little redeeming. That 6 man last night was the tag match of the year imo.

  61. Yeah I've been saying this here for weeks, but it's painfully obvious now that want to separate "Yes" from Bryan and turn it into an all-purpose good guy cheer. I think Vince's dream right now is for Wrestlemania to end with John Cena beating Randy Orton as 70,000 people happily chant YES for Cena.

  62. Oh I hate Triple H as much as any typical BODer, but I'm with you on this one--- as a fan, I really wanna see The Authority kick Shows fat ass at every turn.
    FIrst of all, just in storyline terms... this guy blew MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. Why should any fan feel bad for him? And then his big heroic stand is.. a lawsuit? And yeah, he was a smarmy dick about it too.
    And of course, he's straight up stealing the Yes chant. Which all adds up to I hope HHH pedigrees his fat ass back to the midcard.

  63. I agree that Orton doesn't have nearly teh charisma to pull off the "Ravishing" Randy Orton act anywhere as well as Rick Rude did, buuuuut I still think it's a good direction to head in with him. I think the super violent sociopath gimmick actually leads to too many cheers from the crowd, since pretty much everyone in WWE now comes off as a big pussy so it's kinda hard to hate on one of the few guys whose gimmick is "Imma kick your ass." So adding the "your girlfriend wants to fuck me" stuff will at least get the guys in the crowd to hate on Orton.

  64. YankeesHoganTripleHFanNovember 5, 2013 at 8:33 AM

    Or Orton punts his fat ass back.

  65. I'd go one step further. He's clearly out of his comfort zone as a heel and as a character and shoehorning himself into the face of the WWE bit. He sold out!

  66. Holy crap, I said the same thing. As someone who probably sides with management a bit too much, I was thinking to myself, "Why should Triple H give this guy anything? He's being a dick!" I would've fired Show had he not already been banned!

  67. Man, that line about Stephanie getting on a broom and going back to Connecticut suh-layed me.

  68. HHH pedigrees his ass, then Show bounces just enough for Orton to punt him.

    Basically... let's go AUTHORITY!

  69. Because she's a witch you see. And she lives in Connecticut.
    Man that Big Show sure is entertaining.

  70. YankeesHoganTripleHFanNovember 5, 2013 at 8:58 AM

    Wow, people other then me are actually siding with Triple H, Well done Big Show.

  71. I was watching the show this morning, hoping to get through it before my girlfriend woke up. She's in her third year of law school, and came out and watched the show with me just as the Show-Triple H interaction started. She was not able to suspend her disbelief (or what she learned in Contracts) for the duration of the segment. "That's not how that works" was uttered more than once.

    I don't understand why people booking wrestling shows (sorry, SPORTZ ENTERTAINMENT) think these legal angles are good for business. One, they usually end up being stupid and incomprehensible, because they can't stick to their own continuity. And two, we're tuning in to watch dudes beat the crap out of each other, not threaten lawsuits. Just let them fight!

    And I agree with what was said earlier, Show was a dick. From demanding things be discussed in the ring to being a smarmy prick when he got what he wanted, he was not at all being a good guy last night. I was absolutely cheering for The Shield, Corporate Kane and Orton to beat the crap out of him.

    I'd love to discuss with WWE workers what they think it means to be a good guy and a bad guy. Their definitions must be a fascinating social experiment.

  72. The whole thing seems rather perplexing. I know we all consider Orton a Golden Boy, but it's easy to forget that he's been rather forgettable for the past two years. Look at his 2012. Did he have one significant feud? He jobbed clean to Kane at WrestleMania. He tapped out to heel Alberto Del Rio while he was a babyface. WWE didn't seem to care a whole lot about him....and then here they have Daniel Bryan at their finger tips, and they use HIS popularity to help get Orton over again as a main event heel, and Big Show over again as a main event face. I'm not in the camp that Bryan was buried, but the fact remains that at the end of the feud, Bryan is feuding with the Wyatts while Orton and Big Show are fighting for the title. Odd.

  73. Why? Orton Show had a really good match at Extreme Rules.


  75. I TOTALLY agree with this, but I'll never fault anyone who goes out of their comfort zone and tries something new. Maybe he'll get better at it with practice and repetition, but as of right now, you're totally right.

  76. I side with management more often than not.

  77. If they are going the full courtroom route with their storylines, why don't they just have Daniel Bryan reveal he trademarked "YES!" and sue Big Show for copyright infringement?

  78. True, but that was helped by A) Orton always being crazy over in his hometown, and B) Getting to use the trappings of a hardcore match. There's been plenty of mediocre-as-hell Orton/Show matches on Raw/Smackdown/Main-Event over the years to suggest that an exciting match between these two is an anomaly more than what to expect.

    Also, I'm just wondering if the crowd will just resent the idea of an Orton vs Big Show main event title match, especially one built around a freakin' LAWSUIT. Not saying I think it WILL happen, but I just think there's a chance— depending on how smarky the crowd is, and whether the pace of the match starts off really slow— that at least a portion of the crowd rejects the match. Probably just wishful thinking on my part since I personally hate the angle so much, but just a thought.

  79. Boston sports fans will lap up whatever dog shit they get fed. Ex. Sweet Caroline

    They will cheer whatever the wwe wants them too

  80. YankeesHoganTripleHFanNovember 5, 2013 at 9:57 AM

    I think the irony would be lost on most.

  81. So, HHH, Stephanie, Maddox, Vickie and the Board of Directors. The show needs more authority...

  82. You know it's an overbooked show when Kane comes out in a suit and no one notices.

  83. I side with HHH against Big Shown and HBK. I'm neutral to him against D-Bry though.

  84. Umm, no. Boston is one of the most cynical sports towns in the country. I live up here and legit can't name you a single person who doesn't want Sweet Caroline removed from the 7th-inning stretch. I think you're confusing regular Boston sports fans with the "Pink Hat" element that Meekin referred to recently.

  85. I've never seen a good football team play in front of a deader crowd than the patriots, and any Red Sox game I've ever seen has 15k people singing that song. Pink hats is just another phrase to describe a red Sox fan. There's nothing I've seen from polite pats fans, and fun loving red Sox fans that would make me think they belong in the philly/NYC/Montreal/Toronto/Chicago/LA smark fan base. I'm sure they will do the yes thing for big show, pop for orton, etc routine like a good crowd in Mississippi or Iowa.

  86. Considering that Sweet Caroline gets played in the 7th inning stretch, when the broadcast is on commercial break, you must be getting a different feed than the rest of the country. I'm gonna guess you've never actually attended a sporting event up here, am I right?
    I agree that the crowd noise for Pats games doesn't translate to TV for whatever reason (stadium acoustics, maybe?), but having been to 30+ games at Gillette, I can tell you it's not an issue in person.
    As for the wrestling crowds up here, go back and watch Foley beat Rock for his first title in December of '98. One of the loudest pops you'll ever hear.


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