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MOTD candidate

Mr. Perfect vs "Terrific" Terry Taylor from 1/18/1993.  I wasn't actively watching at this time and I find this match, in addition to being just a generally good solid wrestling match, to be fascinating television for a number of reasons.  One, I didn't realize that Terry Taylor returned to WWF for anything more than 24 seconds in the Royal Rumble, and it's an interesting dynamic to watch heel Terry Taylor vs face Mr Perfect in WWF.  Two, he looked pretty good and motivated here (gutwrench powerbomb, proving Jack Swagger has nothing on Terry Taylor). Three, Macho Man is on commentary reacting to the infamous Repo Man hat theft.  Four, we see one thing at which Hennig is not perfect, and that is doing a hulk-up segment.  On the downside, we're constantly reminded that Rob Bartlett is the hackiest hack ever, with his completely arbitrary Tom Arnold and Joey Buttafuoco references. 

I think this was actually the review where Bartlett replied on the blog to apologize for his terrible commentary non-skills.  This show also featured Glen "Thrasher" Ruth as a jobber and a Flair-Santana main event that was also pretty decent.  

Here's my review of that match, by the way:

Terrific Terry Taylor v. Mr Perfect

Man, I'd totally forgotten about Taylor's failed comeback attempt in 1993.  I should point out that the absence of Randy Savage leaves us with Vince McMahon and Rob Bartlett on commentary.  ALONE.   Luckily that only lasts about 15 seconds before Savage returns to save the broadcast from infamy.  They trade cheapshots to start and Perfect sends Taylor out with a dropkick, and we get into a chase before Taylor begs off and runs away.  Back in the ring, Perfect works on a headlock and takes Taylor down with an armbar, but they trade some kinda lame mat stuff before Perfect goes back to the armbar.  We take a break and return with Perfect throwing chops in the corner until Taylor finally dumps him and takes over with a jawbreaker.  Backbreaker gets two.  Taylor hits the chinlock and follows with a spinebuster for two.  Gut wrench powerbomb gets two.  They slug it out and Perfect rings the ears to come back, followed by an atomic drop.  Necksnap and Perfect slugs away, but Ric Flair heads down to ringside for the attack.  Back in we get a cute finish, as Taylor tries a suplex, but Perfect easily reverses to the Perfectplex at 7:54 to finish.  Decent little TV match, but these two just couldn't get chemistry together.  **1/2


  1. It's strange that these two couldn't click given how they wrestled each other a hundred times in the late 80s. Oddly, I think this was their best match. They worked better with the face/heel roles reversed.

  2. The match was all angle anyway, to set up the Perfect-Flair "Loser-Leaves-WWF" match for the next week, which I found odd to have on Raw when there was a Pay-Per-View the night before.

  3. Taylor is a great example of the Mason-Dixon line in wrestling. He was great in UWF/WCW, but his talents just didn't translate into the WWF world. I did always find it odd how the Minnesota guys seemed to work well North or South considering how different Midwestern wrestling was.

  4. Being made to be a fucking rooster probably didn't help his cause any...

  5. Stranger in the AlpsNovember 13, 2013 at 8:24 AM

    Question: Is there a story behind The Red Rooster name? I understand the gimmick, in the beginning, was a guy who could not work his way through a match without instructions from The Brain. But what's behind the name? Was that insider jargon for a rookie back in the day?
    Anyone? ....anyone?.......Bueller?

  6. Rob Bartlett is hysterical. Furthest thing from a hack comic. He of course was awful on raw but he's very funny otherwise.

  7. Stranger in the AlpsNovember 13, 2013 at 9:02 AM

    Vince loves cock!

  8. Sometimes the obvious jokes are the best ones.

  9. I had to look up the Bartlett post. The original page is gone but I found an archived copy:


    Imagine my delight upon seeing my name come across Google Alerts, and actually being COMPLIMENTED for something I did while I was on RAW. I know I have the reputation of being one of the top ten WORST announcers in Professional Wrestling History. I must take umbrage with that status. First of all, I was a ‘color’ commentator, NOT an announcer, and secondly, I was absolutely THE worst. Ever. A busload of asthmatic orphans slamming into a tractor trailer filled with puppies would have been more amusing. My ‘comedy’ (and the quotes are mine) and the style of programming at the time, on what was then still known as the WWF,
    (before those whiny Panda Lovers got all territorial and shit) were obviously not a good fit. You can’t blame Vince for wanting to try something new. The man is the P.T. Barnum of our time, TRULY a promotional GENIUS. I just don’t know what he thought I was going to bring to the table. To be fair, I didn’t give him all that much help figuring it out, and you can say all you want about him, but the man really does know how to put on a show. Better than any Rock promoter, movie director or Broadway producer. No question. End of story. I mean, just after my departure from RAW, (itself a living example of the existence of God’s infinite mercy) there was all that talk about how TedTurner was going to put Vince out of business. 20 years later, look who’s still bringing it, while sitting on a diamond encrusted toilet seat.

    I think that the concept of parodying something that’s already larger than life, while still being respectful of the rich tradition of the industry, was problematic. And just to keep the record straight, I quit, although Vince didn’t try to stop me. (Nor should he have) Kevin Dunn tried to convince me to stay, but I knew it wasn’t a good blend. It’s never bothered me that Vince said I was fired because I didn’t think my Limo was big enough. I at least got my own Wrestling storyline. Which is more than Todd Pettingill can ever say.

    Since those long lost days of yore, World Wrestling Entertainment has grown leaps and bounds, and broken through barriers that, at one time would have been an unthinkably impossible task. If I had the opportunity now (that I’m older, wiser, and…okay, much fatter) I would do things differently. I would try to be more than just a wiseass wearing a tuxedo with sneakers. I might wear a cool T-Shirt. Or maybe
    a silly hat. You know, comedy.

    I have no regrets about my time on RAW, other than my inability to make my contribution work. I have many fond memories of being on live T.V. every week for almost three months. I got pied by Doink, had my clothes torn off by The Sensational Sherri and Luna Vachon, and remain the only person to parody Mr. McMahon himself, and live to tell the tale. During my brief tenure, I had the honor to meet some of the greatest people I will ever know: Randy Savage, Bobby Heenan, Virgil,
    and the late, great Bam Bam Bigelow, (A fine family man who was tragically taken way too soon) I have great respect and admiration for their incredible athletic artistry…all they all do to bring it to the fans every night.

    Who, as you are a perfect example of, are the most dedicated, loyal fans in the world. I have fans from my years on Imus in the Morning, from my couple stints on Broadway, the odd shots on Law and Order and Ugly Betty, even of my stand – up act, (I swear, there’s at least two not including my wife and mother) but none of them will ever hold a candle to those of you out there who honor and support those who enter the squared circle.

    Now, if any of you could help me find somewhere I can still get an ICO PRO bar. I got addicted to those things, and I’m Jonesing. Real bad.

    Yours, uncut, unpredictable, unmatched,

    Rob Bartlett

    P.S. I actually ‘Named’ Friar Ferguson. He lasted longer than I did."

  10. Yes, one of the most hated teams in all of sports nationwide will definitely help get Cena cheered.

    I guess between that and RAW GOES COUNTRY, YA'LL, HERE'S SOME DIPSHITS WHO PLAY TARDBILLY MUSIC DOIN' 30 SECOND ON-CAMERAS, Vince must be jonesing for a hit of that sweet, sweet mainstream celebrity acknowledgement.

  11. RAW: (skip)
    SurSer: I'd rather watch those teams, yes, even the Four Doinks, over this year's event.
    Cena: Mick Foley is looking into legal action, over theft of the concept "Cheap Pop". He'll settle for a couple RAW segments to plug whatever he's doing now. ;)

  12. I wasn't aware the World Series champs were hated in their own home town... you know, where the event is being held.

    Yeah, it'll help fuel future boos... but it wouldn't hurt him that night.

    And you should know Vince is ALWAYS jonesing for mainstream attention. ALWAYS. Or, in the case of next week's Raw: FOREVER AND EVER, AMEN.

  13. I'd take some of those shitty survivor series matches over the show your getting next Sunday. At least they had a few weeks of build and characters you knew and some investment in. I'm guessing they slap together one or two traditional survivor series matches Monday with no build and then blame Orton when ss does 125k buys.

  14. Blame Orton? Wait, did he shit in Steph's bag last week or something?

  15. You actually think they are going to boo the Red Sox in Boston?

  16. If the Red Sox associate themselves with John Cena, I'm throwing my fan card away and rooting for the Houston Astros. Because fuck.

  17. I put this on the Smark Raw Rant....think I'll leave it here as well.

    Anyone else feel like a battered wife to WWE's wife beater?

    WWE: Shut the fuck up, net geek! You'll get Big Show and you'll like him! *backhand*

    IWF: I'm so sorry! Please, please, please don't build up anyone I really love and undercut them at every turn again! It is just so frustrating!!!

    WWE: Didn't I just tell you to shut the fuck up? Here's a couple of guys dressed as our version of matadors (yeah, we know they don't actually wears masks. Fuck you) and a midget in a bull costume. Cheer, bitch. I SAID CHEER!!!

    IWF:'s so bad on so many levels....

    WWE: Here's Cena back two months early. Suck on that.

    IWF: Noooooooooooooo!!!!

    WWE: And we're going to repackage Kane again, as a corporate authority figure (because we clearly don't have enough), and then he and Maddox will redo the Hell No schtick. We might even bring back that psychiatrist guy.

    IWF: Why do you hate me? Why do you hate me so much? *tears*

  18. Despite all the shit Rob Bartlett got for his run on Raw, this was absolutely first class all the way.

    And honestly, there were times I enjoyed Bartlett. He sounded like he was having fun, and it gave a good vibe to the announce crew at first.

  19. Ok, I'm not a baseball guy, and that made me chuckle. Nice.

  20. I can't believe that with only one raw left before the show they've only set up 3 matches. I guess we'll get aj vs a Bella again which should excite some of you, and maybe a traditional ss match. Usos and Rhodes vs shield and Sandow? I dunno but I just hope they set the fucking match up on raw and don't just do it at the ppv with literally zero build.

  21. I found a link detailing the Red Rooster origins, apparently told by JBL:

  22. Maybe if they come out with cena? But I see cena getting the cheapest of pops

  23. Toby Keith hitting Cena with an Oklahoma Stampede would be okay. Beyond that... NAAAAAAHHHH.

  24. If David Ortiz came out, the crowd would flip the fuck out. He would easily get the biggest pop of the night.

  25. Corporate Kane is awesome. The Matadores are a low-rent comedy gimmick. I don't see the problem

  26. On the five lamest SS teams...someone had to job to the Jumping Bomb Angels. Man, I remember just being fucking *blown away* by those girls. And, of course, Vince couldn't be troubled to actually know which was which. I seem to recall he eventually made a token effort at their names.

  27. The Matadores are just the team designed to get over Torito. He is the star of the group, not the team. He is one of the best high-flying mini wrestlers you will ever see
    I have no problem with Corporate Kane at all but he hasnt really done anything yet, so I dont know how he is awesome. Its been about two weeks.

  28. Because Kane with bad hair and in a suit is awesome.

  29. I actually like baby face cena. I have never wanted to see him turn heel. But if the wwe would just subtly adjust his booking they wouldn't have to be so desperate to get him cheers. For instance anyone remember the time ziggler tried to cash in his mitb on adr and cena ran down and just kicked zigglers ass? How the fuck does that make cena look like a good guy? Why not have some other heel come down and beat up ziggler to protect adr and then cena comes out and saves ziggler and beats up the other guy. Everything they wanted to achieve occurs and cena looks like a face. Theres too many lazy things creative does that hinders cena from getting cheered by more people. Another example is the ryback turn. Cena really did just leave him to several beatings, so why are we cheering him?

  30. Supercuts Kane is a funny visual, I will give you that.

  31. No one says you have to see the problem; you're entitled to your own tastes and opinions. More power to you.

    As for me, while I will grudgingly acknowledge that Corp Kane *could* be awesome, he certainly hasn't been so far. As for the fucking matadors, I actually find them racist and offensive, and I'm not one to throw those words around lightly.

    Even if one doesn't, they are complete crap. To me, they are worse than Repo Man, The Goon, Outback Jack (thought it's pretty close) and The Gobbledygooker. At least the last one never wrestled...aside from the "gimmick battle royal" at whichever WM. I don't find the matadors to be funny on any level.

    But, that's just me. Your mileage may vary.

  32. I'm really hoping they're pulling a SurSer 1999 with this card, and simply waiting for the go-home show to announce a bunch of random-ass traditional elimination matches.

    I'm a total slut for traditional Survivor Series matches, and I'd mark for a surprise card full of them. Because as it stands now, this show is no buys. Hell, at this rate, it's anti-buys.

  33. Corporate Kane is the same thing we've seen 100x just with Kane now

  34. But it's a gimmick that will never go anywhere. It's a comedy gimmick to pop kids and curtain jerk house shows. If they were giving them some big push and were all over RAW, yea, that'd be an issue.

  35. In Boston, though. If they did it somewhere else, sure, but it'll draw a cheap pop in Boston. *I* will just hate him that much more, but whatever, I'm not in the crowd.

  36. Kane in a suit and bad hair. I love it.

  37. No, but they wouldn't boo Cena either. That's why it's kinda dumb. That's all.

  38. Stranger in the AlpsNovember 13, 2013 at 9:51 AM

    I dunno. JBL wasn't around then. Although, I guess it could have been told to him by someone. It seems Taylor hadn't been around long enough to be considered a "stooge", before they slapped the name on him. So I'm 50/50 on JBL's explanation. Thanks for the link, by the way.
    I guess the name itself can be chalked up to just slapping a stupid name and gimmick on someone Vince possibly didn't like.

  39. Cena gets booed in Boston

  40. Haven't read it yet but if team Doink isn't on the list I give up on life.

  41. I probably should have linked to the link the link links to, instead of the one I did. The above link links to JBL's blog, where he goes into detail.

  42. I don't care where their position is within the WWE hierarchy. Garbage is garbage, regardless of its location. I know comedy can be done reasonably well; Santino is an example of someone currently doing a comedy gimmick that I generally enjoy. I did not care for his match with the matadores, obviously. But, I found myself laughing at the match where Khali and Jinder Mahal battled for control of the cobra with dueling flutes. Go figure.

  43. If Daniel Bryan was responsible for the 2.7 because he's too small and not an "attraction", is Big Show responsible for the 2.7 because he's too big and fat and not able to fit on the marquee?

  44. I really look back fondly on the first couple of Survivor Series, especially the matches with 10 fucking tag teams. AWESOME.

    Even if we do get "traditional" elimination matches this year, when was the last time we had a good one? I don't mean that facetiously; it's an honest question. From what I recall of the last few, they go by too quickly with people being eliminated by moves that never get a pinfall or submission in a singles match. I remember the first few not working that way.

  45. Eh, put me down as someone who is fine with the existence of Los Matadores. They're fine in the ring, and the gimmick at least gives them something other "Epico & Primo, bland guys who are related to Carlito". They bounce around teh ring, they have colorful attire and masks that the kids could enjoy— it's harmless midcard stuff.

    El Torito on the other hand... BIG FAN. Seriously, when they pull the trigger on the Hornswaggle heel turn and set up Hornswaggle vs Torito, just take my money.

  46. Because...Cena. And fuck you. Bitch. Now cheer.


  47. Team Austin vs. Team Bischoff was the summit of the gimmick, in my opinion. In fact, SurSer 2003, in general, was a really well-booked PPV, putting over all the right guys in all the right ways, and doing it in damn entertaining fashion.

  48. Which one? Doink had two savagely awful Survivor Series teams. The Four Doinks and Doinks On A Mission (featuring the Doinkwhackers).

  49. Fine. Want to get over a high flying little person? There HAS to be a better fucking way. They used to have midget matches on a regular basis; why not go back to it? Or, have him beat guys in regular matches. They trotted out no name guys to job to Ryback by the truckload; why not offer up a few to this guy? Hell, the members of 3MB are practically his cows right now.

  50. Which one? Are you talking about Doink and the midgets, or Mabel and the the other guys dressing up like clowns?

  51. I have absolutely no problem with the wrestlers. I'm fine with Epico and Primo. I fucking despise the current gimmick. And,I'd be fine with a midget match; they have their place in wrestling.

    But to me, there is no justification for seeing any of them with this schtick. It really strikes me as completely fucking wrong and retarded on multiple levels. If I'm the only one who feels that way, so be it.

    And, anyone is free to enjoy or tolerate them according to their own tastes. It takes all kinds, so to speak.

  52. I think the wrestling world is ready for a Doinkwhacker revival. Think of the t-shirts you could sale!

  53. If all womens wrestling was like that match I wouldn't be constantly shitting on it.

  54. Fuck the whole Survivor Series gimmick at this point. Either build to a story that culminates to a 5-5 payoff at S'S or jjust book it like a normal ppv. The token 5 on 5 match of unused midcarders that they slap together on the go home raw is just a waste of time.

  55. I guess the midgets... I just remember there being a team with 4 Doinks and even as a kid thinking it was stupid

  56. Team Austin vs Team that the one where HBK lost, resulting in Austin's banishment? I recently watched that one match on youtube, and it was good. Very good.

    I don't have a lot of familiarity with wrestling in general between WM2000 and say...Punk's pipe bomb. I have gone back and watched a number of PPVs via Netflix rentals, but following week to week wasn't something I did.

  57. If you call referring to them by the color of their wrestling tights an "effort," then yes, he made one.

    By the way the snark here is intended for Vince, not your comment. I loved the Jumping Bomb Angels.

  58. He is a masked bull that is part of a Matador team. It is aimed at little kids as part of a lower card comedy act. I do not get the hatred over that.

  59. In all seriousness, why do you despise it? It's something they are trying to get them over. Honestly, I wish they would go the next step and actually get Tito Santana out there, but otherwise, it's really a harmless thing, a gimmick harkening back to the 1990s, where wrestlers had other jobs, too.

  60. Yup.

    To be fair, I've come around on AJ's ring work, and I like Tamina's Diesel impression. Also a Natalya Neidhart fan. NEVER going to watch the Divas program though. They could advertise 'llax popping each one of the married Divas and I still wouldn't tune in.

  61. "...and then somehow blame Bryan when ss does 125k buys."


  62. Either way there's no wrong way to answer that question.

  63. At least the Red Sox thing would make more sense than the HONOR GUARD that Cena got for playing a Marine in a shitty, C-level, direct-to-dvd "movie."

  64. The women's entry on there is very annoying, because that's not a lame team. I don't like Moolah's in-ring work, but she's iconic, and the Glamour Girls were bad-ass workers.

  65. Understood.

    I could be wrong; it's been awhile since I watched that match, but I could have sworn someone eventually fed him the names, but he gave up after trying once or twice.

  66. Totally, to each their own.

    I do think for real though that there's a way they could actually get to a Hornswaggle vs El Torito match where it would actually mean something. Hell, Hornswaggle has been pushed as a kiddie favorite on this roster for what, 8-9 years now? Dumb as the gimmick is, he's for sure over to some degree. If they ever actually went for it and had him just completely turn heel, like murderize El Torito from behind, I seriously think people would be interested in seeing that match. Especially if they really went for it and played it seriously, did a dramatic video package on the feud leading into the match. It'd be fun as hell.

    If nothing else, their paths have to cross EVENTUALLY, right?

  67. I'll say it again, the ROLLING STONES had a hard time getting folks to show up for a concert during a Bruins play off game, so I can't imagine Survivor Series having any kind of quality crowd.

    Though it may do the reverse where it's all people who got free and cheap tickets that LOVE wrestling. We shall see.

  68. Also, my anticipation for MITB has far surpassed my anticipation for Survivor Series. I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels this way. Deadly Games was the fucking shit tho. Best booked ppv from the "telling a story" perspective, ever IMO

  69. If the Bruins are playing that night, wouldn't it just be a regular season game? NHL season just started, right?

  70. It was during last year's playoffs. So I figure if you do a little soft math and figure the Patriots are more popular than the Bruins, and toss in the fact their playing The Broncos and Peyton Manning, you have similar circumstances.

  71. I wish that they had cause to advertisesuch episode

  72. I've actually liked a lot of Mschif's matches. Then again, I might just be saying that because she's married to Michael Elgin and I don't want to die. At least not today.

  73. Could be, I don't think I've seen that match since it first aired. I just have this horrendous memory of Vince calling them "Red Angel" and "Blue Angel" and Ventura getting on him for it (rightfully so). But I freely admit that my memory is probably fueled more by the RR match than SurSer, since I probably watched the RR match 10+ times.

  74. In my opinions, MITB has replaced survivor series as one of the "big four." It has certainly been that way the last few years at least.

  75. TJ: The Sabres FINALLY shitcanned Darcy Regier. Of course, a team not run by fucking morons would have done that 10 years ago, but fuck it, it's progress.

  76. Oh shit, that's the Sunday night game the same night as Survivor Series? Wow. That's rough. At Foxboro? Man, they actually might not sell out the arena. That's rough.

    No wonder they're trying to get David Ortiz there— they actually might need him to draw some people to the arena.

  77. I once found a torrent that had several other Glamour Girls vs JBA match-ups and the work is equally good every time. From both sides... Judy Martin busting out gutwrench powerbombs, the JBAs using the octopus stretch.. all that shit in like 1987.

  78. You have no idea how torn I am from getting 10 dollar tickets to a PPV and watching that game.

  79. They couldn't come up with a fifth team to include other than the heel women's team? I haven't clicked the link yet, but I'm not sure I want to. I'm already annoyed with the day and not sure I need more agitation.

  80. :: shrug :: I find it demeaning and offensive, and did from the moment I saw it. The whole thing; the whole presentation. Maybe I'm alone, and that's fine. Could be the guys are thrilled to be making money with it; that's fine too. Doesn't mean I have to like the gimmick.

  81. You live in Boston? Normally my advice would be go the wrestling show and DVR the game, but the card this year is soooo fucking bad.

    It's obvious over there that tickets aren't moving?

  82. Still love the semi-smart crowd for chanting "Rooster" at him mid-match. He was even using the Rooster theme music, minus the bird call at the start.

  83. Agreed with this (and your comment above)...the Glamour Girls could GO. The inclusion of that team on the WWE list is horseshit. Yes, Donna Christenello and Dawn Marie were pure cannon fodder, but 3/5 of that team were legit all-time greats among women wrestlers.

  84. I guess that 2.7 was Bryan's faylt too right?

  85. Check out Stub Hub and Ticketmaster. Couple that with Ace Ticket people who ALWAYS walk around outside the TD Garden with tickets to scalp (it's my favorite thing ever), it's obvious.

  86. Blame Punk and Bryan

  87. How is a 2.7 compared to all the other shows on cable and such? Sure it gets wrecked by MNF, but I'm curious how it ranks compared to whatever other programming is on during that time.

  88. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANNovember 13, 2013 at 10:33 AM

    Heavily. Then again facing Alberto Del Boring I'm not sure he's gonna get booed out of the building. Probably just a "meh".

  89. Bartlett was always a guilty pleasure of mine. He's like the WWF version of Don West - no one will confuse him with Gordon Solie but he had a ton of energy and seemed to be having a ball. I'll take that over today's neutered announcers.

  90. If you get a TNA invasion, I think basically you could take the ratings for each show on their respective networks, combine them, then average them out, you will get an idea of what the ratings would look like for such a hot angle.
    So with that said, 2.7 + 0.87 = 3.57/2 = 1.78.
    A TNA Invasion angle will garner FEWER ratings. And that, good sirs, is MATH!

  91. So you take offence to racism, but use retarded as an insult? Classy.

  92. Dude, go to the wrestling show. TLC is going to be in Houston this year, and that is usually one of the lowest buys of the year. And I'm going to try and score! And get some tickets!

  93. Good lord. I didn't expect this kind of reaction. But, I will do my best to try and explain my feelings.

    First, the whole thing rubbed me the wrong way from the start. I thought the promos were bad, and reminded me of previous crappy gimmicks I've mentioned.

    Second, when they finally came out, I thought it was stupid. When they brought out the bull, it *instantly* rubbed me the wrong way. Fucking hated it. Why? Honestly, I didn't have any rational reason. It was an immediate visceral reaction. But, the following probably contributes to my feelings.

    Could be that they are making light of a sport that I find to be horrendously cruel. After all, it ain't over til an animal dies or the human being trying to kill the animal is seriously injured...though they also injure the crap out of the bull before the matador ever steps foot in the ring. We might as well have a character called "Michael Dick" and have him come out dressed like a "gangsta" with a little person dressed in a pit bull costume.

    Beyond that, I find the whole thing somewhat demeaning to Mexican culture in general. I was also bothered by much of the Latino Heat gimmick. Remember that I grew up on the Mexican border. I'm not saying I *am* Mexican, or that I understand all of the traditions. But, where I grew up is likely to figure into my opinion.

  94. Oh you should man. I went to TLC in Brooklyn last year and it was one of the best shows Ive ever seen, just for the Cena/Ziggler and Shield/HellNo&Ryback matches.

    With all the ladder matches, you know you're at least getting something interesting, even if the show itself isn't that important.

  95. Agreed. I'm not sure why they were listed, other than the post talks about their being outclassed. But as I remember, they worked a good match. It's not like the Angels were carrying broomsticks.

  96. The music really made me want them to be cool, like characters out of a really well-made "time piece" flick, probably starring Benicio del Toro (not to be confused with Benicio del Torito). They're not very cool though.

  97. I would watch. Could do without the bull costume.

    And, one would think they would eventually cross. But, this is the same company that never really gave us Hogan vs Flair at a time when it really meant something.

  98. I almost went to TLC last year, but my friend offered me a free ticket to a live stage rendition of A Charlie Brown Christmas, just down the street from Barclays. I couldn't resist.

  99. Dunno who that is, actually. A quick search reveals...intrigue.

  100. I will sign a petition on your behalf.

    Still not watching.

  101. If he comes out with David Ortiz as his second, he'll only get booed once Papi sits down. You could put Ortiz with Triple H, or Iraqi sympathizer Sgt. Slaughter and the place would go nuts.

  102. An absolutely fair defense. I approve this message.

  103. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANNovember 13, 2013 at 10:50 AM

    They have to get Ortiz there first. It's just pretty lame though that they're resorting to that. He's not even facing someone people *like*.

  104. Royal Rumble (88). You might be kidding with that question, I can't tell. Tongue-in-cheek is tough to gauge without context.

  105. It's not the first time they've had members of championship teams in the audience during a post-championship PPV, although this is the first time I've seen a news item about a negotiation for it. Usually, they keep that stuff under wraps.

    Although, the Red Sox organization seems to be prone to leaks, so I guess this isn't a surprise.

  106. Yup. Feel free to be offended or not, and feel free to substitute the word "ridiculous" or "stupid" for "retarded" if it will make you feel any better.

    And, I never claimed to be classy.

  107. Totally agree, it's nice to have announcers who actually seem to be having fun, like JR back in the NWA days. Now they all sound as bored with the show as we are.

  108. " Corp Kane *could* be awesome, he certainly hasn't been so far."
    To be fair, he has played the role for one full episode of RAW. That is not exactly a large sample to judge from

  109. No, I was serious, because I had kind of a thing for Rockin' Robin...and actually, you might be right. The Angels debuted on that first Rumble, which was on USA, yes? And I just had a recollection of Vince trying the names after coming back from commercial, which wouldn't happen during a PPV. Well done. Totally forgot about that.

  110. There's our big Wrestlemania main event/moment! Torito v. Horny! They'll be hanging from the rafters for that match. A main event anywhere in the world!!

  111. 3. Man, WWE is doing everything in their power to make me not want to order Survivor Series. Well done. Funny enough I'll be in Boston that week to visit family for Thanksgiving. I thought about getting tickets to SS but I really don't think I will.

  112. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 13, 2013 at 11:03 AM

    He wasn't around that long (About 35 years) I'd blame the Catholic Church. They REALLY know how to hold a motherfucker down and write revisionist history.
    HHH ain't got nothin' on them.

  113. I feel the same way, for the past few years I've ordered the same four PPVs everytime, RR, WM, SummerSlam and MitB. I have a few friends who come over when I order a PPV and they all love the MitB PPV and matches.

  114. I wonder if they have anything that resembles a plan for Corporate Kane. I love the idea and think it's awesome to see the dude in a suit on Raw, but once the Authority thing is over, where does Kane go from there? Maybe it's an exit strategy for Glenn Jacobs?

  115. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 13, 2013 at 11:04 AM

    "Reviving my Doinkwacker" sounds so...dirty.

  116. Well, the Rumble was after this Survivor Series, but yes, it was on USA. I taped the original broadcast, which was how I ended up seeing that 2/3 falls match so many times (can't believe that was 25 years ago, yikes).

    Robin was cute, but I can't get past her version of "America The Beautiful" from WM V. It's a tour de force in unintentional comedy. Not sure if it's on You Tube or not, but it's worth checking out. The dramatic pause she inserts on the "and crown thy good with...brotherhood" absolutely slays me.

  117. You should go! You could probably get tickets for turkey stuffing!

  118. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 13, 2013 at 11:08 AM

    Is there an echo in here?

  119. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 13, 2013 at 11:09 AM

    Why are posts printing twice? Oh well It means I'll catch up to Fuj a lot faster..

  120. In order to replace the heel women's team from 1987 (yes, I finally read the link, down time at work over lunch), I nominate HBK's knights or Lawler and his midgets.

  121. Afterwards the exchange is something like --
    Jesse: "She better not quit her day job!"
    Gorilla: "GIVE me a break!"

    and I find it really funny to pretend Gorilla was agreeing with Jesse and saying give me a break to Robin's singing.

  122. I'm just pissed that this means there are 3 less of them out pick avocados for real Americans.

    Now THAT is how you do racism

  123. Well Jesus would only be responsible for the last 2013 years or so. Before that we had to suffer through the pushes of Noah and Moses which while looked back on fondly didnt do much for buisness. Even then Jesus was a jobber until he hit 33 and got a rocket strapped to his ass push after he drew big ratings at the Mount of Beatitudes

  124. This is America damn it! A man has a RIGHT to be insensitive!

    Gawd how I wish my attempt at wrestling had worked out I would have been so good at a right wing asshole character... though it probably would have gotten a face pop here in SC.

  125. Around 2004/2005 my friend and I used to joke that in the future Miz (during his OOOORAH) phase would someday main event 'Mania against Hornswaggle... we already made half of that come true (as far as them participating in Wrestlemania main events)

  126. Haven't seen the list yet...I bet some selections include A) Jeff Jarrett, B) Marc Mero, or C) Kurt Angle.

  127. For me it is already dead. I wanted RepubliKane badly and we are clearly not getting that.

  128. Although '93 Team Doink was bad, I do think the match itself was entertaining.

  129. Agreed, that was a HELL of a match.

  130. Absolutely. However, I am skeptical at best. I was hoping for a brainwashing gimmick from Bray Wyatt, so you might see how this was a further disappointment.

  131. She's basically the entire ROH women's division.

  132. Eh, I'm not at a definite no, we'll see. I do want to spend as much time with my father, little brothers and sister as much as possible as I haven't seen them in a couple of years. If I do go and you end up going do you want to meet up? We can hold hands or do whatever two guys do when they meet up from a wrestling blog.

  133. He does, but if the WWE sends him out wrestling a Hispanic guy and has the Red Sox come out with Cena he ain't getting booed.

  134. Oh, I'm offended. Few things on this planet offend me, but, knowingly or not, poking fun at people born with those type of conditions is my line. Cross it, and I'll call you out every fucking time.

  135. Because it sounds like a masturbation reference is what you mean here.

  136. I don't see that... and I have already accepted that you will catch Fuj... and then I will have to pass HIM to make the top list... which I guess would probably me more apropos anyway.

    (Unless they expand it back to top 5 like it used to be)

  137. I find it demeaning and offensive, and did from the moment I saw it.

    But comparing the WWE and fans to an abusive relationship is...?

  138. Yeah I can think of worse teams:

    *Doink's midget team
    *Lawler's midget team
    *The "Knights" + Shawn Michaels
    *The Four Royals (Lawler, Mabel, Triple H, and Isaac Yankem) from SS '95
    *Farooq's 1996 team (Faarooq, Vader & Fake Razor & Fake Diesel)
    *Yokozuna's 1996 team (Yoko, a washed up Jimmy Snuka, Savio Vega, and Flash Funk)
    *Bart Gunn's 1996 pre-show team (Bart, The Real Double J Jesse James, Bob Holly & Aldo Montoya)
    *Billy Gunn's 1996 pre-show team (Billy, Bradshaw, the Sultan, and Salvatore Sincere).

    In fact, that 1996 pre-show match is like a combination of all those horrid 1996 gimmicks under one roof.

  139. I have blocked said performance from memory, thank you. :-)

  140. It lost to Love & Hip Hop 4.

  141. Since their bright line is "no one heard of these women" then they should've put Alundra Blayze AND Bertha Faye's teams on there from the 1995 Survivor Series.

  142. Yea. Even though I'm not a huge fan of the ladder match, the gimmick of the ladder match + the briefcase is essentially a can't miss. Definitely more appealing then a sloppily thrown together 5-5 match.

  143. Well...except for this is how my mind works, having grown up in a farming community on the Mexican border.

    You are correct.

    And if I were guessing, I would say the guys would rather be working that gimmick instead of working in fields.

    Except...they are Puerto Rican. Not sure how much picking they do or don't.

  144. :: cheap pop on behalf of South Carolinians ::

  145. Overall, no. 18-49, yes.

  146. Feel free to do as you see fit.

    For what it's worth, the dictionary definition of the word "retard" includes the following:

    4. Slang: Disparaging.
    a. a mentally retarded person.
    b. a person who is stupid, obtuse, or ineffective in some way: a hopeless social retard.


    I understand that today, many people find it to be an offensive, politically incorrect term. It was not always so, while I intended it to be disparaging, I did not intend it to be a slight against those who truly are mentally retarded...assuming I can use that phrase without offense.

  147. Ah, the old 'have the unpopular face show up with local sports heros to make sure he gets cheered' gambit.

    It's been a while since I remember seeing that. I'd have to go all the way back to Hulk Hogan having Shaquille O'Neal in his corner so fans wouldn't cheer Flair.

  148. This guy?

  149. And I'll ride your coat tails to the #2 spot. Then turn on you, throw you through a barbershop window and claim my spot as the #1 draw of the BOD.

  150. Yeah, because having the Red Sox show up in Boston to cheer on a dude from the state Boston is in is just unreasonable.

  151. Yeah...I'm guessing that the WWE is trying to use this format based on the success of other sites, but they seem to be a mixed bag at best right now.

  152. Who said it was unreasonable? He's just calling it cheap heat, which is exactly what it is. He never said they shouldn't do it. How is this something you can disagree with?

  153. An attempt to show my level of frustration by comparing it to a more dramatic situation.

  154. Then what is the current PC term for that condition? That is an honest question. I figured it would be safe, considering it is part of a definition clearly not meant to offend.

    Mentally challenged?

  155. So is that rating better or worse than last weeks lawyerthon?

  156. I saw some hate this potential thing happening was getting lower in the comments and I was too lazy to scroll back down.

  157. I wouldn't bother. She's good, but damn near everyone she wrestles has been terrible. Then again, I hate womens wrestling to begin with, so I'm not the best person to ask. If you do seek out her stuff, look for her matches in Shimmer, not ROH.

    Cheerleader Melissa is pretty good too.

  158. The pizza was all part of your ploy to kick me out of the... uh team?


  160. Are you being serious? That seems waaaay to vague.

  161. Yes. That is what they refer to the short bus kids as now. "Special needs children" at the last indy show I went to one of the heels mentioned something insulting about special needs kids and one of the "special needs" families left they were so mad.

  162. Women don't deserve respect so that particular form of bigotry is acceptable.

  163. it specifically meant for those with mental issues, or does it apply to any kind of handicap?

  164. I only watched about 35% of that video, because I caught it about 1.5 years ago. But that 35% still made me laugh 97% of the time. Add that to RAW's 2.7 rating, and you got yourself an 83% chance of being entertained no matter what you watch. I will take 78% of those odds any of the 7 days of the week. Except the last 1/2 of Sunday.

  165. All part of my plan to gain your trust...and uh use that trust to...uh betray you and....wait, I don't think I thought this plan out well enough.

  166. How did they not include Kurt Angle's 2004 team of Carlito, Luther Reigns, and Mark Jindrak?

  167. There's a really great hardcore match with Cheerleader Melissa and some other chick (might have been Mschif but I'm too lazy and hung over to look it up) from Shimmer that's fucking insane. Definitely worth watching, and again, I say that as a guy that hates women's wrestling.

  168. Johhny Ace must still think that Luther Reigns will come back and be a huge star.

  169. Hm. That's some crappy scheduling on behalf of the WWE. Wonder if they did it before or after the NFL schedule came out?

  170. And you are right.

  171. Found it:

  172. SS jumped the shark since 1996 when they weren't even trying anymore with the tag matches.

  173. Dude, more people care about wrestling then the nba.

  174. Ha, they're going to need David Ortiz as a part of a 5 vs 5 elimination tag to sell the building out.

  175. I too am in favor of blaspheming as long as it doesn't involve Hillbilly Jim breaking his leg. The fallout from that was way too much for even the most deviant souls to endure.

  176. As a kid, and still today, I feel cheated we didn't get four actual Doinks out there. Oh, and four HEEL Doinks could have been amazing.

  177. Hm. I am afraid that reference is lost on me, sir.

  178. I hate that match just for the fact that they didn't give us any Steiner vs Michaels. I've always wanted to see them match up.

  179. Eh, the match was OK... Shawn Michaels, however, was fan fucking tastic.

    Also, I thought they were on to something where Randy Orton was always the survivor in these matches... then they ended up throwing that away too. Again, something they could have built future PPVs on, but decided to toss it.

  180. Wow, I forgot about the false-start to the whole thing on the PPV broadcast! I wasn't even talking about that, I was talking about the actual "performance." Wow, that whole idea was a total boondoggle.

  181. Hillbilly Jim legitimately broke his leg in a match against King Kong Bundy in 1985. Because they were advertising him for upcoming house shows, they turned the real injury into an angle and they brought in Stan Frazier to play Uncle Elmer and fill in for Jim at the house shows.
    Amazingly, Elmer was an even worse worker than Jim but Vince then decided that two hillbillies were not enough so he then created Cousin Luke and Cousin Junior which resulted in one of the worst stables of all time (a stable that got their very own Coliseum Video no less).

  182. I know I'm gonna botch this, but it's worth the try:

    Evolution vs. Jericho/Benoit/Maven/Orton(? I really have NO clue who the fourth guy was right now), winners get to be RAW GM for the next month.

    Was that even a SurSer match, or am I just off the rails here? I know a match along those lines exists, and that the faces won... but hell if I can remember who all the faces were.

  183. Beard Money, that you?

    If so, why the gimmick change?

  184. Yeah but I thought one individual November game getting 60% of ratings of raw definitively proved wrestling is more popular? Doesn't the NBA only run some game at time, per week?

  185. Huh. This was a couple of years before my time, but I remember the video...pretty sure I rented it. Interesting. And, I am now enlightened. Thanks!

  186. I'm not sure. I've had a couple of hiatuses from wrestling; from roughly WM9 until Jake's comeback in 96, and from shortly after WM2000 until Punk's Pipe Bomb. I've watched as much as I can in between via Netflix, but I can't answer that. Maybe someone else will chime in.

  187. I sense a promotional crossover coming....


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