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Poor Zack…

Remember, this could be Dolph Ziggler soon.  Probably by next month, actually.


  1. Has it come out just what Ziggler did that has earned him the burial he's received? Meanwhile, that's COLD, HellHunterPM.

  2. Ryder has built in motives for a heel turn with the way he's been shafted. Lose the WWWYKI schtick, grow a beard (wait, did he already do that?), take care and cut the hair, and start kicking ass. I think it could work.

  3. I'll never understand the Zach Ryder situation.

    He was never going to be the new top guy, or someone who bumped ratings but he was over as hell and I'm guessing sold a lot of merch.

    To totally bury the guy when crowds where chanting his name? I don't get it. They've been trying to get guys that over for years and failing.

    Maybe that was the problem.

  4. But the majority of the crowd would go 'Zach Ryder? Yeah he was a thing two years ago but he means nothing now.'

  5. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANNovember 16, 2013 at 12:27 AM

    He's openly critical of them. This is not good for you unless you're Punk. And his brother sure didn't help his cause.

  6. Rumor is he bad-mouthed Total Divas and God knows you can't say anything bad about those bastions of talents, the Bellas.

  7. Ziegler can actually wrestle!

  8. Because he whines on Twitter.

  9. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!November 16, 2013 at 2:12 AM

    Yeah, but what about Ziggler?

  10. He could have opened house shows for years and years with that character.

  11. He was always the Marty Jannetty of ZZ Drop!

  12. Exactly, they roll out santino and khali on a weekly basis for 'comedy' filler are they really a better option than Ryder?

  13. It's not funny, but it's funny. Zack actually won a match on Superstars last week against one of the 3MB guys. It's like someone forgot they were burying him.

    Two ways to look at this, well there is more than two ways, but I'm only looking at two. One is to say he's a six figure job guy and what's wrong with that? The second is to say his career is going nowhere and with every job he does his future value significantly decreases. That doesn't take into account his ability or willingness to grind on the indies.

    tl:dr I don't know anything

  14. Your_Favourite_LoserNovember 16, 2013 at 4:34 AM

    'he's a six figure job guy'

    pretty sure his collection is bigger than that


    hard to believe wwe has made that many ryder figs!

  15. What I don't get is why they destroyed him. I can understand moving the title off of him, but they went out of their way to make him look like a fool. It's like they didn't want the extra merchandising money he was bringing in with zero effort or work from WWE. That's just dumb business all around.

  16. Power_of_Hogans_HOF_RingNovember 16, 2013 at 5:22 AM

    "ARRRRGH THE BARBARIAN," - best name on the board. Laughed lout loud at that one.

  17. It was all ego and "let's set an example" driven.

    He did move merchandise, it wasn't enough in the big revenue picture for them to back off that thought process.

    Just a dumb move all the way around though.

  18. Yea, he's in a tough spot. You're collecting a good paycheck, but you know you're essentially gone at any time and have 0 long term potential with the WWE. I'd personally would keep collecting the checks, but can see both sides.

  19. So I always assumed Dolphs recent punishment would definitely have an "end date" just based on his talent level...he'd then go back to his upper mid card act. Do we now this think this is a permanent thing, like Ryder, as Scott said?

  20. Of course they are! Santino and Khali got that over because of the wwe creative braintrust, while Ryder got over on his own. Clearly the first is better.

  21. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 16, 2013 at 7:58 AM

    "end date" = end of contract or death. (They'll treat him like this even if he got a Legends deal.

  22. Ugh. Just apologize to the WWE and join the kiss my ass club Dolph. Best career move for ya

  23. Well, that's the issue with these kinds of punishments. You take a guy who is an upper midcarder and trash him on TV on a regular basis, job him to everyone from ADR to fucking Curtis Axel for months and then... What?

    You can't just put him back in the upper midcard. He's a jobber now. You'd have to rebuild him.

    That takes time. And in Vince's warped view, why waste time promoting a guy who can't get any crowd reaction anymore?

    And really, I can't feel too sorry for him if the reason he's being buried is true. I get it, freedom of speech and all that shit, but you have to be a special kind of dumb to say, to the press, during the second biggest weekend of your employer's year, that the show they consider to be a jewel in the broadcasting crown

  24. Do u think in his down time he learned how to finally change a tire?? Funniest RAW moment of this decade so far.

  25. (Phone cut me off)

    Sucks. You can THINK it, but if you're smart, you only say it to your traveling buddy in the car.

  26. I think you can overcome a burial...Look at how they book the MITB gut. Complete useless jobber, cashes in a briefcase, booked like an upper mid card guy. But yea, Dolphs career trajectory isn't looking good.

  27. It's doable, but the only guy coming to mind who fits your scenario is Sandow and Sandow is no better off now than he was before winning the case.

  28. Sandow, Dolph was booked the same way IIRC, think Del Rio also. It's just a strange irrelevant booking quirk your post made me think of

  29. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 16, 2013 at 8:23 AM

    Indy crowds would eat him alive.

  30. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 16, 2013 at 8:24 AM

    And he sucks.

  31. If he wants to make a go at it in THIS BUSINESS then he's got to get out there and "learn to work". Honestly, I think working indies can only help him in the long run.

  32. Agreed. I guess because he was not a Vince or HHH pet project and circumvented the typical WWE process to get himself somewhat over, he deserved to get buried. That and now EVERYONE uses Twitter.

  33. He should have taken the initiative to step up and get himself over like the company says he should.

  34. Ryder reminded me a lot of "Too Cool." Scotty 2 Hotty, Brian Christopher and Rikiski found something big and they let it ride. They were never going to be main event players (and they didn't have to be), but they were entertaining as hell, could put on good matches, and helped fill in the rest of card where it was needed. It's one of the many reasons why, for example, 2000 WWE PPVs and shows were loaded top-to-bottom.

  35. Zack was a great midcard champion when he won the US title. The fans actually cared that someone won the US title. They were invested in the character and he could have decent matches with a talented midcard. Seemed to make too much sense.

  36. Daniel Bryan proved that anyone can overcome a burial.

    18 seconds. He wasn't supposed to come back from that.

  37. Six man tag matches were fun when they were involved.

  38. You know, I used to argue against that point. But then I remember that Daniel Bryan lost to Sheamus in 18 seconds at Wrestlemania, while Ryder actually got offense and was a part of the deciding fall in the GM match.

    One of those guys is now one of the most over guy in the company, while the other barely gets television time.

  39. When Bryan gets 'buried' he busts his ass getting the 'burials' over and shuts the fuck up about it. Ryder complains.

  40. Your_Favourite_LoserNovember 16, 2013 at 3:54 PM

    quit downvoting me, bro. are you serious?

  41. His brother was in developmental and was involved in that sexual harassment thing. As in he wanted to rat out the harasser and he kinda maybe got fired for it.

  42. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 16, 2013 at 4:42 PM

    And Bryan doesn't suck to begin with.

  43. I don't agree. Trust me, I'm against this nonsense where they bury talent that could be utilized, but fans tend to have a very short memory. Just look at Cody Rhodes. He was jobbing regularly (how often did they have him tapping to crappy face Miz's crappy figure four?) Then he turned face, looked tough, and in less than a month fans were super digging him again. I'm not saying EVERYBODY can recover from a burial, but I don't think a burial makes you damaged goods that you can't come back from.

  44. I don't agree.

    Some indy crowds would eat him alive, but Regional shows? I've BEEN to local indys and their talent makes Zack Ryder look like Ric fucking Flair. Ryder is no worse then Joey Ryan, who did fine in PWG.

  45. Based on...?

    Ryder was a fine hand, and his internet show was fun before WWE bastardized it.

    The Ryder burial was when I stopped watching Raw every week because I just couldn't deal with their bullshit anymore.

  46. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 16, 2013 at 5:43 PM

    I just don't see any talent there. He's average at best in the ring and I think he's terrible on the mic. And he's a whiny little bitch, if he wants to act like that he should go on tour with Staind or something.

  47. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 16, 2013 at 5:49 PM

    Joey Ryan isn't a WWE reject. PWG and other indy crowds would shit all over Ryder. He's like the Miz, only with Ryder I can tell there's at least some ability under the surface just waiting to break out. None of the guys that were totally trained under the WWE style have a chance in hell on the indy circuit.

  48. The thing that bothers me about Ryder are these half assed attempts at reinventing himself. It's as if he says to himself, "This current gimmick isn't getting me recognized. I need a change. Let me wear tights instead of trunks! Let me stop spiking my hair! Let me grow a goatee!" But he does EVERYTHING else exactly the same.

    Compare that to Chris Jericho. He had a hugely popular and successful character, but when he wanted to reinvent himself he stopped using all of the nicknames and catch phrases, in addition to changing his look. Obviously Jericho had a great opportunity to make something of himself, but the point remains.

  49. Hey, sorry, could you finish this last part?

    "but you have to be a special kind of dumb to say, to the press, during the second biggest weekend of your employer's year, that the show they consider to be a jewel in the broadcasting crown"

    What did he say? (Ziggler or Ryder)?

  50. Jericho got the screen time to do it. Does Ryder still appear on television anywhere? And if I were him, I wouldn't have a lot of motivation to come up with a new character after seeing how well his last effort went over.

  51. Someone up-thread mentioned that during the Summerslam promotional tour he said the show sucked? Or something of that nature. That actually makes sense to me then.

  52. I just wish Ryder would quit attempting to get "SSSIIICCCKK" over as a catchphrase. It's not working and it's not a pleasant term that people would want to repeat.

  53. Haha, I hadn't heard that.

    B. A. STAR, WWE!

  54. I don't care for Jericho, but if he has a problem with his booking he confronts Vincr directly. Vince respects that, he doesn't respect complaintsin public.

  55. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANNovember 17, 2013 at 2:25 AM

    Yeah, Briley Pierce. The issue isn't so much the Bill Demott thing, it's the copious amount of shit he's talked about Trips too. If you work somewhere with your brother, he gets fired, and he just goes scorched earth on your employer AND YOUR BOSS... yeah, good luck. Couple that with his passive aggressive comments, and I'm half surprised he's still working there. He'd be one of the, if not the biggest star in TNA but they can't possibly care about that. And if he went to Japan it's no skin of their back.

    I wouldn't be that surprised if he gets laid off eventually

  56. Let's wait until Cody isn't one of the only people standing up to the super heel faction before we decide how much people are digging him.

  57. Yeah, I don't care how pissed you get. Shitting on the company when you really offer them nothing is not a good career move.

  58. With Dolph it'll be a shame, though. Ryder brings zero to the table.

  59. Wasn't aware. Thanks for the info.


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