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QOTD 52: Basic Cable Classics

Time to talk about movies again! Well, a specific type of movie - the basic cable classic. Movies that are infinitely watchable that you've seen countless times on networks like TBS, AMC, TNT, USA, and even Bravo, occasionally.

What are your 'Basic Cable Classics'? Movies you can watch over and over again? Bonus points if you found them on basic cable.

To qualify as a basic cable classic, in my humble opinion, you (typically) need a couple of things:

1) Process - the movie shows you something cool / interesting while telling a great story - normally through narration. "The Shawkshank Redemption" shows you the inner workings of prison life in a cool way, "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" shows you the process of how to properly play hookey, and "Dawn of The Dead" (the remake), gives you several slice of life segments inside a shopping mall while trying to avoid evil zombie folk. "Goodfellas" and "Casino" do the same thing.

This makes these movies easy to watch and enjoy because even if you come in half way through, there's enough interesting stuff going on.

2) Ensemble - memorable characters are super important, even if they're not super fleshed out. We remember Brooks and the Warden from the Shawshank redemption, despite them both being relatively two dimensional. Same with Dawn of the Dead - there's the big angry black guy, the douchey dude with the boat, the guy with the weird ass mustache, the old guy, and the blonde bad ass dude.The Dark Knight had Harvey Dent, Jim Gordon, Alfred, The Joker, and fuckin' Batman.

Memorable doesn't always mean 'good' but you can point to any number of characters in a basic cable classic with fondness - Charlie Sheen from "Day off", Joe Peschi from "Goodfellas" and "Casino", that guy from Star Trek: TNG in "Dawn of The Dead"

3) Watch-ability - Typically basic cable classics focus on entertainment FIRST. While classic and great movies can be slow and a little self-important - to great affect, I don't think anyone is carving four hours out of their Thursday night to watch "The Tree of Life" or a Goddard film. Goodfellas is an amazing movie, but it's primary focus is entertaining the audience, versus telling some nuanced and symbolic story.

Thus here are some of my favorite 'basic cable classics':

The Dark Knight, The Shawshank Redemption, Dawn of The Dead, Casino, Goodfellas, Ferris Beuller's Day Off, Limitless, Lethal Weapon 4, The 40 Year old Virgin, X2: X-men United, Iron Man.


  1. I swear I must have watched The Breakfast Club on the SuperStation every weekend for the first fifteen years of my life. Now when I watch it on NetFlix or something I'm always shocked at the language and am surprised when it doesn't cut to commercial. Fulfills all the criteria too, process of surviving Saturday School, kick ass ensemble, and if that damn thing isn't rewatchable I've no idea what is.

    Shawshank's a great pick, it's basically on every single day on one of the Turner channels. It's hack but I still consider it one of the top three movies ever made, just for the message alone.

  2. Definitely Shawshank.

  3. Yeah it's one of those situations where it becomes profound because it's not trying too hard. I take any chance I can to mis-quote "Almost Famous" (Which would be a basic cable classic if it weren't a little long and 'insider-baseball"-y)

    "The Doors are a bunch of drunken buffoons pretending to be poets, and the Guess Who have the courage to be drunken buffoons, which make them poetic".

    The Shawshank Redemption has the courage to be a drunken buffoon occasionally, which makes it poetic.

  4. Guilty pleasures on TBS back in the day were They Live and Maximum Overdrive. Young Guns was another frequent viewer on cable. But my all-time favorite would have to be Point Break. I would watch that shit every time it was on. My girlfriend would roll her eyes at me and plead with me not to watch it again. I loved the cinematography, Gary Busey as the veteran cop, Keanu and Swayze, throw in a cameo by the red hot chili peppers. Just gold. It was so good that the Fast and the Furious practically ripped of the storyline almost play by play for the first movie in that series.

  5. Major League. The way they edit out the swearing is more ingrained in my memory than the original profane version which is of course, not BULL FLIPPIN SPIT1

  6. YES! Point Break is awesome. You think it's this dumb surfer movie, then you care about it, then you feel bad, then they fight while skydiving, then the chick from A League of Their Own (DEFINITELY a Basic Cable Classic) is all bummed out, then they make out or something.

    I caught that one during a free HBO weekend with my dad and we both loved it, which is rare as we have really different taste - though we both stumbled across Shawshank at like 11pm on a Tuesday, finished it, I played hookey the next day, we rented it, watched it, and loved it.

  7. I gotta see that one. I think when that came out it was around the time of "Rookie Of The Year", "Angels in The Outfield" and...that one where the kid runs the team? So I never really got a chance to watch it.

  8. Zoolander or Meet the Parents motherfuckers!!!

  9. Those are children's movies. This is totally different, it is an adult comedy. It also came out several years before those... you should check it out right away it is hilarious.

  10. "Meet the Parents Motherfuckers" that would be a hell of a movie title

  11. Ha. Greenlight it!!

  12. I actually re-watched Zoolander for the first time a few weeks after 9/11? And I liked it because of how fucking dated it was. Me and my buddies were trying to remember some of the cameos we didn't get "Wait who's that?" "Oh I remember them!" and so on. Instant period piece, it's great.

    Meet the Parents is okay, I'm not a HUGE fan of like, awkward make the good guy look like a fucking dweeb humor, but I didn't think it was bad.

    Little Fockers on the other hand....

  13. haha I guess what I'm saying is I was a kid when it came out so I saw all those other ones first, and then saw Major League on TV around the time I was like, into those kids movies and was like "OH IS THIS THE ONE WITH THE ANGELS? OR SUPER POWERED ARM?'s just adults being silly"

  14. Oh man. Im SUCH a fucking Ben Stiller fanboy. Its so easy, cast him as an over the top character, make fun of him for 90 minutes, BAM theres a movie. Zoolander, Meet the Parents, Starsky and Hutch, Tropic Thunder...

  15. Oh I completely agree. The guy's talented as hell - Tropic Thunder is almost *too* good to be a straight comedy, for example. I'm excited for Walter Mitty.

  16. Zoolander is absolutely one of the funniest fucking movies ever. Not a big Ben Stiller guy (kind of hate him actually) but goddamn that movie makes me laugh hard.

  17. I watched a League of Their Own just a few weeks ago on TBS (apparently TBS really was a draw back then because it's been mentioned 100 times in this thread already) all I could think while it was playing was, "Wait...Rosie had to ANNOUNCE she was a lesbian?!"

  18. Coming to America.

    A Classic Movie.....though it has been shown on cable probably more than any movie in history

  19. Have you seen "Dont Mess With The Zohan" it's a similar kind of "I will make you laugh in any way I can, motherfucker!" movie. Just ridiculous shit.

  20. hahahaha. I fuckin' love that movie. And I feel a little bad for Rosie O'Donnell too, she did that thing where she realized she had a platform, and wanted to do good with it, and it kind of cost her her 'cred' as a lovable every-woman comedianne

  21. I can't watch Sandler, ever since I figured out that he's putting out shitty movies on purpose. Punch Drunk Love or gtfo.

  22. haha Zohan is really good though - I mean it's a movie that has...kitten hacky-sack, mossad agents, testicle eating piranhas, Hair-dressing, Dave Matthews, a hummus obsession, and Sloan from Entourage.

  23. Yeah I wonder what that was really about, were her ratings starting to slide at all? I know Ellen's original show being cancelled is always blamed on her coming out but the truth was the show was dead in the water with no ratings and her coming out was a last attempt at building an audience.

    I wonder if Rosie's coming out is similar, done for practical purposes but sold as "being for the greater good" or whatever. I do really commend her for basically being the poster child for gay parenting though, I thought that was a very hard stand to take in such a public way.

  24. Strike this ...GUY...out!!! .. made me laugh harder than any other movie edit for TV I've seen.

  25. Ocean's Eleven. I can watch it with my kids around, there's not much that gets lost with editing (unlike every R movie ever edited for television), and overall, it's just a kick-ass movie. I do work in a casino, though, so I'm most likely biased.

  26. You can't really blame Sandler though. Whenever he puts out something good like Punch Drunk Love, Spanglish or Funny People it doesn't do well at all. Meanwhile the guy puts out crap and the movies for the most part do amazing business.

  27. Second for Breakfast Club!

  28. House Party on USA is always a treat.

    So much editing on the foul language. I still say "Fickin" to this day

  29. I'd go with Goodman in Lebowski, beating up the car with a bat screaming "This is what happens when you find a stranger in the Alps!" instead of "This is what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass!"

    That edit always kills me.

  30. I really need to getting around to seeing that one in full - I always come in toward the end / middle - and keep watching it - so it fits!

  31. Oh no, I don't blame the guy at all, he's made a billion dollars trolling the American population, god bless him, I just don't want to participate is all haha.

  32. I thought funny people was a little meh. I understand Apatow is an artist, but I've always found the stuff he directs to be a little...hammy. Is it a comedy? is it a drama?

    I also think comedies about comedians can be irksome for people who fancy themselves creative.

  33. My favorite part of that movie: Somehow it's WAAAAAY easier to obtain a device that can send an Electromagnetic Pulse to disable all of Las Vegas than it is to steal money from a casino.

  34. Well even before Rosie came out, she had that show (which was essentially like what "Ellen" is, now) I.E Fun loving, lots of music, dancing, sight-gags, and so on, but after Columbine she had on Charlton Heston and kind of went ham on his gun policies.

    I don't think she came out until after that show went off the air.

  35. I didn't particularly care for Funny People, though I can't put my finger on why. It wasn't Sandler, though; I thought he was just fine. The last half hour or so just didn't work for me.

  36. I have an essay in me about how movies can be better in a given moment I.E: "Star Trek" "Oceans 11", etc, than when you think about em' afterwards, but I agree, lots of...suspension of disbelief in that one.

    Which is okay because it's so fucking slick.

  37. You know what movie(s) I would surprisingly watch on TBS all the time? The Toxic Avenger, they played that movie, and I think two of its sequals, all the time on TBS when I was around 9/10. Of course it was highly edited but for a few years I didn't know how much was cut out. When I was 13ish, I rented Toxic Avenger and the sequal and was shocked at how dirty (heh) the actual movies were.

  38. You were probably waiting for it be funny in some way.

  39. When I want my Ben Stiller fix, I go back to Mystery Men.

  40. Yeah - I mean I appreciated it, and you can tell a LOT of that movie is Sandler kind of mea-culping for a lot of his meh films, but it kind of went pair shaped with the Eric Bana stuff.

  41. Ha, if you want a lark look up that one he was in that was directed by David O. Russel of "Three Kings" (Also a Basic Cable Classic) and "The Fighter" fame.

  42. love all early troma films.

  43. Exactly. I like the idea of having the character who's set up as "the other man" actually turn out to be a good guy; it just worked a lot better with Russell Brand in "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" than it did with Eric Bana.

  44. Oh god, or the old USA edit for Die Hard: "Yippie Ki Yay Mr. Falcon!"

    Like....I'm sorry what? If there was a Mr. Falcon in the movie it would've been brilliant but the fucking guy's name is (SPOILER ALERT) Hans.

  45. Yeah, very good movie, just a fun movie. Oceans 13 is good too although Oceans 12 is kind of crappy. If you haven't seen the original, check it out. Another fun movie, although a bit different than the remake and a bit of a downer ending. But I'm a fan of The Rat Pack.

  46. Sandler fucking SUCKS. I, along with almost everyone else, outgrew his humor at like age 11

  47. I guess the Angry Video Game Nerd got Roma to pop up for his Toxic Avenger review and they just spend the entire video being as vulgar as possible.

  48. Was 2 the one where Julia Roberts pretended to be Julia Roberts because she looked like Julia Roberts but no one ever notices that George Clooney and Brad Pitt also happen to look exactly like George Clooney and Brad Pitt? I'm all for suspension of disbelief but holy ass was that idea terrible.

  49. Agreed - I never liked Billy Madison or much else he did during his heyday, but I think Zohan is more "Naked Gun" in terms of just crazy gags, versus the juvinile thing he typically went for.

    Also Jack and Jill has a great gag. Jill breaks Pacino's Oscar: "You must have tons of these lying around!" Pacino: "You would think!"

  50. Now THATS a basic cable classic. Forgetting Sarah Marshall is great. It even has a musical number, which gets it points.

    Plus that "Peter you suck," song is something I think we've all done, in some form or another.

  51. Worthless with editing.

  52. Some day we should do a thread called: Most Fun Ways To Kill De Niro and Pacino For Giving Up On Acting

  53. Haha I liked it for how stupid it was.

  54. I saw Punch Drunk in theaters in people were bitching like hell when it was over.

  55. Jesus is that where stranger from the alps gets his name?

  56. You may run like Hayes but you hit like... his sister!

  57. Yeah me too, my intrest was sparked by the Toxie movies and I rented a bunch more Troma movies around 13. By the way, check out a newer Troma movie, Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead. Great, fun movie that's also a very funny musical. I think it's still on Netflix.

  58. Funny people was awesome if you cut out all the crap with Apatow's wife.

  59. There were no Zany Antics!

  60. Apatow's wife.

  61. Never walked out of a PT Anderson movie that people didn't hate. When I saw The Master in Seattle (a place you'd think people would pretend to love the movie to keep in line with their hipster doucherry) people walked out complaining that it didn't have enough action or a clear ending. It's fucking PT Anderson guys, this is kind of how the man does his shit.

  62. FORGET you Jobu!

  63. I am very, very tired of Leslie Mann. Other than George of the Jungle (which I could watch pretty much any time), has she been in anything that didn't prominently involve her husband?

  64. Want me to drag him outside kick the CRAP out of him?

  65. Used to watch Jaws on TBS all the time. The Final Countdown was my dad's favorite movie of all time.

  66. Enter the Dragon, A League of Their Own, Hoosiers, The Last Dragon, Mystery Men, The Wedding Singer, Anchorman, I Love You Man.

    And of course, the movie that inspired the original joke about what HBO stands for: "Hey, Beastmaster's On!"

  67. Somewhat Threadjack: What is the oddest edit you've seen in a movie? When they showed Predator on Fox network back in the day they cut the Predator when he took his mask off. WTF??

  68. I've gotta think that Sandler must get a little hurt when he does a really good movie and it's not well recieved by the public. It would be funny if Sandler was like "oh, you people don't like it when I put out good movies. Well here's some real crap!" then proceeded to make that brother/sister movie.

  69. HBO isn't basic cable though. HBO movies are an entirely different category. Beastmaster, Time Bandits, Eddie and the Cruisers...

  70. Ghostbusters, Young Frankenstein, The Natural, Armageddon, and any episode of MASH.

  71. I started "complaining" really loud about how he didn't use a funny voice.

  72. Holy shit how did I forget JAWS. That was another Saturday routine, sitting on the floor eating chocolate chips out of a measuring cup and being utterly fucking terrified. The movie RULED as a little kid. "The sharks....they a'come a'cruisin..."

  73. I'm pretty sure I've seen Beastmaster on TBS at least once. Also, the HBO joke is just too good to let die.

  74. If Quint's monologue is about to come on I will absolutely stop and wait for it.

  75. Dude, I one hundred percent believe that's exactly what his mindset is. I honestly think he's having a contest with himself to see how little effort he can put into this garbage for that reason, every time he's actually done the work the public didn't give a shit. He's like a Samoa Joe, can be the best in the world when motivated but when not, just turns in utter dreck over and over and over. But who cares? Because the paycheck is the same either way.

  76. Nooooo distress signal had been SENT! It's absolutely fucking classic cinema right there.

  77. The Change Up (which wasn't bad, either)

  78. My boss just popped through my work-space with that on DVD a week ago. Fun little flick, haven't seen it in years.

  79. Scott Pilgrim vs The World
    The Avengers
    Lethal Weapon
    Toy Story (any of them)
    Does the 2.5 hour last episode of Mash count?

  80. Shawshank is the best. I bought it on DVD but we've never watched the DVD.... Yet when I see it on cable we never turn it off.

  81. I was watching "The Rock" last week and they edited Sean Connery's line to: "Their best? Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home and [date] the prom queen!"

    Seriously, date?

    Best edit is Die Hard 2: "Yippie-Ki-Eh Mellon Farmer!"

  82. In Lethal Weapon

    This is a real FIRING gun!

    TBS classics

  83. Any of the Rocky movies, Escape From New York, Superbad, Shallow Hal, Pineapple Express, Christmas Vacation, Funny Farm and the original National Lampoons Vacation.

  84. Drop. Dead. Fred.

  85. Body Slam and Three O'Clock High. HBO ALWAYS had those on in the '80s.

  86. Wasn't that "Mr. Falcon"?

  87. Grease 2, when it was seen on ABC, cut out 2-3 musical sequences for content. I also recall a TBS (TNT?) airing of the Cronenberg version of The Fly that cuts out all of Brundle's final transformation, so one scene he is still humanoid, then all of a sudden he is completely the Fly.

    Oh, and the simple mutes in "Carrie" on TBS, resulting in John Travolta slapping his girlfriend for calling him a "". HOWEVER, the funny part was that these airings would always miss the "Carrie White eats shit" epithet painted on the door.

  88. My best friend would crush this question... I'm not so big into watching movies on TV. But from my younger days:

    Star Trek: Wrath of Khan. One of the channels would play it pretty much every other Sunday at noon in rotation with a few other movies.
    Con Air: Both of us LOVE this movie, eminently quotable, and not too badly butchered by editing.
    Major League: This one does get a little hurt by editing, but it's almost like Ted Woolsey's translations of SNES Final Fantasy games: Funny enough, even edited, to be solid. If a little too silly at times.

  89. When I was a kid, catching kung fu movies on Saturday late mornings/early afternoons was great..Master of the Flying Guillotine RULES. Also, Godzilla and Gamera movies. And, I remember a movie featuring Giant Robot every Thanksgiving. I didn't know it was episodes of a TV show edited together...said show wasn't available to me, or I would have watched.

  90. One of my all time favorite movies. The blu-ray transfer is nice.

  91. Yup, from Die Hard 1, at least the edit USA always showed through the 90's.

  92. Stranger in the AlpsNovember 2, 2013 at 3:15 PM

    In the 90's, TBS would inundate us with "Movies for Guys Who Like Movies". Action movies like Cobra...Roadhouse...Above the Law...Kickboxer....Missing in Action; your typical one-dimensional action yarn with Stallone, Norris, Seagal, Van Damme.

    What I want to know is this: how could you fuckers NOT mention The Motherfuckin' Running Man....or Motherfucking Commando. NUT UP, ASSHOLES!

  93. Oh! Terminator 2 goes on this list, too.

  94. I don't know if I'd personally count Godzilla movies because a lot of it is like...20 minutes of actual Godzilla time and the rest is kind of meh exposition.

    The Godzilla remake is so bad its good, though.

  95. Fuck the remake. Piece of shit. I was so jazzed for it, just like I'll be jazzed for the one due in 2014.

    The thing is that as a kid, I didn't know how bad they were. That's part of the point. The first time I ran into that was with Speed Racer. Fuck, I *loved* that show as a kid. Then MTV ran the original cartoons at some point in my early 20s, and they were just. horrific.

    I actually like the movie though.

  96. Stranger in the AlpsNovember 2, 2013 at 3:29 PM

    In the uncut version of Commando, Sully is harassing Rae Dawn Chong in the parking garage, and she yells at him to leave her alone, and before he walks away, he says "You fucking whore." In the edited version, he just looks at her and leaves. They cut Sully's nuts off!

  97. Godzilla remake SUCKS. It has the same problem as all those Devlin and Emmmerich movies, they focus too much on human characters nobody gives a shit about (a huge problem with the Transformer movies too).

  98. I know it does. It broke my heard worse than Fredo.

    I never was a Transformers guy. Thought the first film wa sok.

  99. I think that was Tom Selleck, not Heston.

  100. Hated the first one. It isn't even close to as bad as 2, but it sucks all the same. It would have been fine with Laboof being the main human, but why did they need to feature his parents, the hackers, the military guys, and Turturo (who somehow sucks in this) in significant roles as well?

  101. I know it happened with Sellek, may have with Heston too.

  102. I worked in a theater at the time, and people walked out/demanded refunds during every showing.

    I think the best 'serious Sandler' film is Reign Over Me.

  103. Because fuck you. Apparently, film studios are a lot like WWE creative. Or vice versa. I tried watching the 3rd one on Netflix. I think I made it about 10 mins.

  104. I don't know... Billy Madison is an outright classic. Around 2 or 3am, it's the perfect DVD to throw in.

  105. The problem with The Transformers movie is that while there's a passionate fanbase, they're not like, ya know, 300 million dollar budget big? So they had to go in and change a bunch of stuff, make the movie 'make sense' and all that, not to mention they had to develop that technology that lets the transformers transform 'realistically' from scratch because it was being done digitally and if it didn't look right, folks would balk.

    Plus I don't think many people had faith in the ability of a bunch of CGI Robot's acting to carry a movie. As a result they tossed in all those actors and so on.

    The second one ran into problems because they were literally NOT allowed to re-write because of the writers strike.

    The third one I liked because it was so fucking over-the-top.weird and pleasant about this film is that it is literally packed with
    homage after homage to past summer blockbusters. Star Trek is referenced a half dozen times, partly by Nimoy's character, and those little in-jokes and makes me believe Michael Bay *gets it*.

  106. Wasn't a fan of that one. Punch Drunk is great though.

  107. Who cares? 3 O'clock High makes me happy. Now THAT is how to book a fight that people want to see.

  108. Bad Boys 1 or 2. Always on, always fucking awesome

  109. There are hardly any movies that I've seen more than once.
    Jurassic Park, Oh Brother Where Art Thou, Cool Hand Luke, Boyz in tha Hood, Groundhog Day.
    I'm probably missing a couple, but that's about it.

  110. Jurrasic Park is another movie that's awesome for TV. Groundhog Day, too!

  111. Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle... it makes me homesick for NJ and I will drop everything and watch it if it's on

  112. Theres tons of movies I'll watch over and over but I wouldn't bother watching anything on basic cable. Censorship, time edits, commercial breaks...fuck that

  113. I agree, but I mean as a kid didn't you ever stumble across some movie on a boring Wednesday night and find yourself transfixed despite those hamperings?

  114. Knickerbocker SchnoodlesnookNovember 2, 2013 at 7:03 PM

    Terry Funk: You gunna fight us?

    Sam Elliott: Well, I sure ain't gunna show you my dick.

  115. Not really....theres still plenty of funny parts (Randy Watson??????) Friday, on the other hand, gets chopped to bits with editing, and is TRULY worthless

  116. Random thought: Why not just MUTE the cusswords, instead of saying something having a voiceover say "forget you" when you can clearly see mouth forming the word "f**k"....Just saying.

  117. I think it has to do with how network execs think people are stupid. If the words keep going out it would be either A) There's something wrong with my TV or B) "Well that's just as bad as saying it! What about poor Timmy!"

  118. You owe us... or more importantly me a story...

  119. Come on, who's downvoting The Shoveler and Captain Amazing?

  120. Christmas Vacation, Dumb & Dumber, Tombstone and those classic John Candy '80s comedies like Uncle Buck, Plains, Trains and Automobiles and The Great Outdoors...

  121. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 2, 2013 at 8:06 PM

    In no particular order

    Oceans's 11 or 13
    Any Beverly Hills Cop movie
    Any Transporter Movie

    That's all I got at the moment.

  122. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 2, 2013 at 8:10 PM

    Um... a lot of movies do just mute the cuss words, and that's even worse. At least Zeus calling John McClane a "racist melon-farmer" was funny, as was "Did you ever suck feet for weed?"


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