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QOTD 57: "In the long run, the public interest depends on...

Private virtue." When playing Assassin's Creed IV this past week for review I kept finding myself put off. I like to think I take 'gaming' more 'seriously' than most in terms of what a game is trying to communicate, and I just kept coming up empty with ACIV. What is this? Who exactly wants to play a semi-historically accurate stealth...brawler, that's about viciously murdering people?

Then I started to think about the public interest. The idea that media creators, writers, actors, anyone in a position to communicate a message, should in some way, shape, or form, be attempting to enrich some aspect of the general public's lives. It can be through a strong message of friendship like in Entourage, or hard work being its own reward like in Rudy, or even simply be about entertaining the audience in a creative way like in the Lethal Weapon movies.

Honestly I think even most of the stuff that's like, really fucking terrible and vapid - Like E! Shows or Honey Boo Boo are enriching in their own way. It's *fun* to watch C-list celebrities bicker, and there's certainly more people in this world like Honey Boo Boo's family than there are high-minded characters Aaron Sorkin or David E. Kelly come up with.

But you get into trouble when your movie, or show, or book, or game doesn't know *what* it is, but is still executed with something resembling technical prowess. Anyone remember how dissapointing The Dark Knight Rises was? Comic Book Men on AMC has this problem, as it's part podcast, part comic-book pawn stars, and part...I don't know what. A better example would be the Star Wars prequels, which are action movies about an intergalactic power struggle in which we see absolutely zero effects of suffering, and the plan is so convoluted there's a 3 hour review about it online - what is that movie *about* ya know? The "Son Of The Mask" is simply bizarre because it has no idea what kind of comedy it wants to be. 


What are movies, books, TV shows, games, or wrestlers you view as hollow? Sure, they may look good, but there's absolutely *nothing* going for it below the surface.

For the record this is the reason I can't do strip clubs. I know what boobies look like, I know what booties look like, I care about what kind of person is behind those boobies and booties, and a strip club ain't a fun place to find out.

My biggest gripe is how Sci-Fi has made a literal mountain of money off of intentionally bad films. They somehow figured out a way to make movies that are supposed to be cheesy, and C-level in terms of acting and affects, and people love em'. I don't get it. Bad on purpose is bad. Bad on accident can be good!

Also Randy Orton does nothing for me. He's had good matches, but I don't think there's ever been a time in my life - save a few matches in Booking Revolution, where I looked upon Randy Orton with anything other than a "meh" in terms of character. He's a pretty good wrestler, I just don't care about him because he's a blank slate. 

But back to Assassin's Creed. Somewhere between the disclaimer that says Assassin’s Creed IV  is made from a mix of cultural and religious backgrounds, and the end of a story that takes so few risks it was probably written by the legal department, I came to realization that whatever “Assassin’s Creed” has been putting down, I’m not picking up. I don’t get it.

But when both my mom and dad take note of the game, marveling at its beauty and animation, and I’m underwhelmed, I’m starting to think this is a me problem. So, what’s my problem with Assassin’s Creed? A lot, actually. Quite a lot.

 I hate how it attempts to combine historical settings with brutal violence, then claims that the mass-murdering character you play as, is the hero of an organization fighting for the freedom of all peoples.

 I hate that the game constantly makes you tail, then eavesdrop on characters who are saying very important things that you can’t listen to because you’re too busy trying to hide or blend in.

I hate the suspension of disbelief I need to make in order to accept that the character I’m playing as has already had all these things happen to him, and I’m just reliving his memories, like a bloody freedom trail.

I hate that this is seemingly now the ONLY game without some sort of moral choice system.

I hate the countless moments where you’ll stand upon the ledge of a garrison, looking down upon two guards having a chat, drop down upon their necks with furious anger and piercing steel, hop into a nearby hay bale to avoid being spotted, then catch the fact you're half smirking with triumph like a mini-Walter White. This happens *all* the time. Every silent infiltration, every distracted guard, every rooftop murder, makes you feel like a king.

I hate Assassin's Creed IV does pretty much everything it can to extract dopamine from the player as often as possible. I feel violated.

Anyway, it's a fun game, but junk food. 


1. Hope you don't mind the double dip QOTDs! I'm trying to make up for missing days so I'm on track to hit 100 on the 100th day.


  1. Wonder Bread Curtis Axel.

  2. Most of the women I have ever dated

  3. Bella 1 and Bella 2

  4. Most of the Divas.

  5. I kind of feel that way about TNA. On the surface its the #2 wrestling company in america on a national TV channel with at least 8 or 9 really awesome guys and im someone who likes wrestling but is kind of over the wwe at the moment. It seem like something I could really get into. However its just soooooooooo fucking terrible I can't bring myself to watch it on any kind of regular basis

  6. I think Entourage is actually a lot more heartfelt than it leads on. There's a lot of good insider-baseball stuff that I guess pro athletes LOVE, it taps into a specific universe and is authentic to it. Kind of like a Hollywood King of The Hill.

  7. Rock vs Cena part 2

  8. Rock vs. Cena 1 for that matter.

  9. I disagree with the premise on this one. Not everything has to teach me something. I watch Ultimate Warrior promos for this exact reason. He's talking nonsense and I need that sometimes as an escape.

  10. Athletes? You mean actors?

    I agree though... the thing I always liked was the strong friendship bonds between the 4 of them. Like when Turtle was talking to Pauly Shore and Drama was all pissed... E asked him why he hated Paulie s much he said "It doesn't matter, we're family so I hate him you gotta hate him" and E was like "You're right. I hate him"

  11. Yea, It did have an undercurrent that gave it a little depth. I guess I view it as hollow because I knew exactly what I was gonna get each episode...Vince banging a hot chick (besides that Mandy Moore year), E having girl troubles, turtle trying to get paid, and Ari yelling at Lloyd and doing Ari things.

  12. Ari is one of the most entertaining characters ever... Jeremy Piven fucking NAILED that role from day 1

  13. For the record I'm not saying something needs to teach you something, but it has to have a point, or tone. I don't think Lethal Weapon 4 is trying to be a wholesome movie, but it has themes of survivors guilt, getting old, and a variety of other themes in there.

    A movie like Cop Out is kind of uh...not really sure. It's got a thing about cheating, then that guy who was supposed to be dead isn't, and the villain has a thing for baseball, and I start spinning around in my chair confused.

  14. Ha, not to drop a name on the floor but Many Moore is a fucking babe in person.

  15. I disagree. Not only did I think the match was great, I also really enjoyed some of the build. There was a few mark out moments IMO.

    The 2nd was so much worse for many reasons

  16. I was listening to the commentary for the show on one of the discs and it turns out a LOT of NBA players love the show - they come up from wherever, get huge and now have folks that kind of hang on with them - their entourage. If you can listen to the commentary, they're great.

  17. That whole Wrestlemania was a disaster save Punk V. Cena.

  18. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!November 9, 2013 at 6:54 PM

    The Beatles.

  19. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!November 9, 2013 at 6:55 PM

    Except for George Harrison.

  20. Agreed. She's Def hot. That was the only season he was ever faithful to 1 chick IIRC, then she fucked him up.

  21. Yea, one of my favorite TV characters ever. Few things are funnier then him yelling racial and homophobic insults at Lloyd

  22. Pat Patterson is hollow when he isn't filled with penis

  23. That I can agree on. I felt that way about Batman. Bane vs Batman was a nice storyline. Then the chick does a nonsensical heel turn and then Batman turns into Cena and starts no-selling everything. I just tuned out after Catwoman stormed in with guns ablaze.

  24. Exactly. Dark Knight had an actual like, message about in the name of protection some laws must be bent and broken, but DKR kinda had a weird, man's land...kind of thing?

  25. Then he drops a nuclear weapon in the river, retires, and moves to France with the woman that was stealing from him. He was still broke right? I swear it was written by Russo.

  26. give Honest Trailers and Dark Knight Rises a google. prepare to be validated.

  27. Yea, it is tough to watch at times, I've learned just to ignore most of the storylines and enjoy the good matches TNA pulls out fairly often, along with the Bad Influence promos/skits that are always gold.

  28. Stranger in the AlpsNovember 9, 2013 at 7:31 PM

    I got into legitimate fits of rage whenever a show like Entertainment Tonight comes on. TMZ....anything on the E! channel....embracing the celebrity lifestyle, or celebrating it. Before I switched channels the other night, ET was doing an "investigative" piece on "paparazzi harassment". I found it to rather ironic.

    Why should we give a fuck about the goings-ons in celebrity lives? "Look, these people are better than you, look better than you, and have problems that only rich people can have. And you watch because your lives suck."

  29. Awesome! Man there was so much nonsense that I forgot about most of it, especially the self-healing back injury and the magical knee brace.

  30. I'd like to toss Pacific Rim into the conversation. Is it a good bad movie? or a bad good movie?!

  31. Your_Favourite_LoserNovember 9, 2013 at 8:52 PM

    there's some feature on scott keith's blog of doom called "qotd"

    it's vapid, i tells ya~!

  32. Your_Favourite_LoserNovember 9, 2013 at 9:23 PM

    'I know what boobies look like, I know what booties look like'


  33. I actually thought Pacific Rim was pretty well written. The acting was below average but it was logically consistent and the giant monster fights were fun to see.

  34. A lot of Lance Storm matches ring "hollow" like that- like he's a great worker with pretty-looking moves, but there's no EMOTION behind any of his stuff, ya know? It's like an exhibition of nice moves and that's it.

    A lot of Ring Of Honor matches I've seen have the same problem- it's basically a bunch of spotfests except you replace flippy-flop moves with head-drops and mid-90s NJPW/AJPW offense.

  35. I feel this way about a lot of things. BBT and a bunch of other sit-coms just feel pointless to me, not funny, not dramatic, they're just there, filling space and wasting time.

    Also, a good deal of music is unappealing to me because of this. There are a bunch of talented rappers that just don't rap about anything interesting or important (Jay-Z is a great lyricist, but most of his songs are just dull). Art needs vigor to it, it's all to easy to just go through the motions.

    Basic, by the numbers wrestling matches do this to me too. Watching Curtis Axel take on Dolph Ziggler in a five minute match is not something that holds any appeal to me.

  36. Agreed. A belly-to-back suplex done with hatred is way more interesting than an Avalanche Ocean Cyclone Powerbomb done by a guy with no heart in it.

  37. That's why I love Women's Wrestling in Japan. You get an Avalanche Ocean Cyclone Powerbomb but with crazy fucking bitches screaming their goddamn heads off and putting HATRED into everything.

  38. I kept hearing about how good Ziggler was. Then I saw him wrestle. I haven't been this non-plussed by a guy since Billy Gunn.

  39. I hate when people brag about small things like owning a mirror.

  40. I'm not sure he deserves name-brand bread. Maybe Market Pantry Curtis Axel?

  41. He's got good cardio and he knows how to amateur wrestle, but his offense is entirely unimpressive.

  42. Joshi is incredibly awesome, I usually prefer to male poruresu.

  43. He gets offense?!

  44. I couldn't even get in to Punk/Taker (I assume that's what you meant). Never felt like the streak was in any real danger.

  45. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!November 10, 2013 at 1:26 AM

    "If yo ass battles with hos, see to it that yo ass don't be a ho yoself. And tho, you gaze into a muthafuckin' abyss an' shit? That fuckin' abyss gazes at yo ass n' shit."

    - Freddy 'Muthafuckin'' Nietzsche

  46. Sometimes, and it's a good thing they hide it's so shitty.

    Dolph is very much a trainee of Lance Storm, their moves just don't look like they hurt.

  47. Great Value Curtis Axel. Or perhaps Aldi brand Curtis Axel.

  48. Sorry, I did mean Taker Punk. I took..110 calls at work yesterday and my brain stopped functioning properly.

  49. I am so glad people are not pretending this dweeb is actually good anymore. Swagger-level amounts of projection on that one.

  50. I totally agree on Lance Storm. Its sort of remarkable he had the success he did, because he just wrestled like a weak hitting robot. I mean, what offensive moves did he really have? Superkick and flying spin kick, but by the time he hit WWE he didn't really do those much, and then his half crab where he just looked like he was holding the knee and not pulling. His ROH match with Danielson is so long and boring, because that's back when D-Bry was the same kind of worker. Thank God he broke that habit.

  51. I feel this way about most metal and hardcore. Maybe I'm missing something because I'm not pre-disposed to being a fan, but it seems like most people really love the act of liking a band and saying they like them more than anything. Because seriously, all you can really say about Children of Bodom or Devildriver or The Devil Wears Prada or whoever is that they are really good at being a metal band, not that they're a metal band that has really good songs. It seems like none of them try to strive for anything great and just work at being a good example of their genre. It doesn't help that most metalheads are the smuggest, most self righteous opppression complex-y people around. I seriously think people who only listen to metal and hate all other music have a mental disorder that makes melody and rhythm sound terrible.

    All that said, I fucking love Every Time I Die.

  52. Yeah, Storm was more of a clinically-applied-move kind of guy, and was actually TOO safe for TV. Probably makes him a hell of a trainer, but none of his matches had much intensity to them.

  53. Then what part wasn't a disaster??? haha

  54. It wasn't a bad match, I liked the elbow from the top rope to the table and that the table didn't break. It was cool.

  55. Oh...whoops. I misread your last comment as "I didn't mean Taker Punk." I guess we're both not paying attention. haha

    But, yeah, that was the only redeemable part of that show. My point was just that it was tough to get into b/c the conclusion was absolutely telegraphed so it took something away from it.


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