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Shawn Michaels Mr. WrestleMania DVD set

It's just a compilation of all 17 of his WrestleMania matches. 

I for one am particularly stoked for the Orient Express-Rockers match at WM6 where the Rockers were practically smoking dope on the way to the ring.  Here's hoping for an Akio Sato alternate commmentary!  They sure do love repackaging their previously released matches, though, don't they?


  1. They could redub the commentary, but no idea on what they'd do about the camera angles.

  2. Its such a stupid thing. Its not like the viewer isn't gonna know it isn't Benoit. I understand WWE doesn't want to praise a child murderer, but history is history, and benoit was a major of WWE from 2000-2007.

  3. The best part of the first handful of Survivor Series cards was they gave these matches time to build. Four matches over three hours meant good 30-45 minute matches with an ebb and flow, where most of the 8, 10 or 20 participants got chances to stand out.

    Given the participants, this match had no right to be as good as it was, but they gave it time, let these guys tell a decent story and built it towards future plans without giving too much away.

    Absolutely love this match (and the whole first Survivor Series event in general).

  4. Most of the early matches are good. However, every single match after the ladder match is great. Some are even ***** or damn close to it. This will be an amazing DVD set.

  5. If they don't want to do tag team elimination matches of survival, they should have made the Elimination Chamber exclusive to SurSer instead of making it the February PPV. Same concept of survival, different setting.

    I agree with something someone else said either earlier or in a different thread. Kill SurSer, move Hell in a Cell to November and make the October PPV Halloween Havoc.

  6. I already have at least 2 copies of most of those matches anyway.... It's like they can't go a year without rereleasing the Iron Man match.

  7. I read somewhere that Michaels will be doing alternate commentary on every match, so that would be my main reason for picking this set up.

  8. Sato: I was so sick of that bastard by the time Wrestlemania came around, but I wanted that payoff. To tell the truth I wish they'd brought in Diamond before this. I can't count how many times that jackoff threw up on me during house show matches. ...wait, we're talking about Michaels? Well then replace puke with piss. Can I have my money now?

  9. Of those 17 matches, 11 are HBK losses. I wonder if that's the highest losing percentage for someone who had their own DVD (I know Macho Man had a weird loss ratio on his compilation, but I don't think it was that high.

    Still a set of "best matches on the card," so who cares, but I find that interesting. Am I the only one?

  10. My DVD collection

    Taker II: Best of PPV 09-10
    Taker I: My Story
    Flair: Definitive Ric Flair
    Shawn Michaels: nada
    Vince: nada
    Angle: My Story
    Triple Threat: nada
    Jericho: My Story
    Austin: nada
    Bret: Rivalries
    Diesel: nada
    Ladder: oh my jesus, everywhere
    and 9 down to 5 nowhere

    It's close, and it sucks that so many are on that My Story HBK set, but I think I can justify getting it.

  11. The 14 and 20 matches would be the most interesting to hear about from him

  12. I feel like we're overdue for another Iron Man match with the current roster. Granted, it probably means another hour of Cena, but seriously, with three hours to fill every Monday, I'm surprised they haven't done it yet.

    Throw Punk and Bryan in there for an hour. It couldn't possibly do any worse than Los Matadores vs. 3MB: The Eternal Struggle.

  13. Forget about Shawn Michaels compilations, I want more sets about the number one most exciting star going today, that's right, The Big Show!

  14. Agreed. I'd also like him to admit that he told Bret to get the fu©k out of "his ring" at WM 12 and why his body was so busted up that he had to dance down to the ring for commentary at WM 13, but I guess that isn't a match....In all seriousness though, I think his commentary will be interesting for all of these matches.

  15. I'd find it hard to believe there will be alt commentary on 20. It'd be way too awkward.

  16. If that is true, I'll for sure pick this up.

  17. On the WarGames dvd, they showed everything, just blanked out some commentary.

  18. I want to see this mythical Shawn Michaels vs. Shawn Michaels match you speak of.

  19. I really want a Paul Heyman doc/dvd. And the 50 year history of WWE doc that is coming out next week looks good but it sucks it's only 2 hours long.

  20. I'd pony up for a ken burns baseball/oliver stone us history style 10 hour doc about the full history going back to the capitol wrestling era. Theres so much they could do as far as talking about pre 84 stuff. I'd love to here it

  21. thanks for the heads up!

  22. Official can't be argued scientific rankings:
    1. XX1
    2. XXV
    3. XXVI
    5. XII
    6. X
    7. XIX
    8. XIV
    9. XXIII
    10. XI
    11. XXIV
    12. IX
    13. XXIII
    15. V
    16. VIII
    17. VI

  23. I wouldn't be shocked if they announced a Shield/Wyatts vs. Bryan/Punk/Rhodes/Usos elimination match on RAW. They generally announce the top matches on a card through some annoucement on RAW, and they may have been waiting for HHH/Steph to be on TV to do so.
    Although tying up that much in one match does leave a pretty thin card. There isn't much else going on other than continuing the never ending AJ/Bella feud and going wherever the fuck they're going with Fandango/Summer Rae vs. Kidd/Natalya.

  24. So is the Benoit triple threat going to be on it?

  25. They could even just do a disclaimer saying hey this guy was a part of our history and also a murderer. Muting the commentary almost seems like it draws more attention.

  26. Stranger in the AlpsNovember 13, 2013 at 6:50 PM

    I am eagerly anticipating the Chuck Palumbo set. With alternate commentary from Mike Adamle.

  27. I'm surprised they haven't done more gimmick matches to try and boost ratings. I thought for sure we'd see an Elimination Chamber match on Raw by now.

  28. Stranger in the AlpsNovember 13, 2013 at 6:53 PM

    Revisionist history is a bitch sometimes, but I'm surprised that WWE has not found a way to re-write that ending and have Triple H make Benoit tap to the crossface.

  29. Stranger in the AlpsNovember 13, 2013 at 6:55 PM

    I thought I was the only one that thought the 21 match was superior to the second Undertaker match.

  30. This is pretty solid, I'd swap taker matches but that's nitpicking. The only big disagreement is I would move the cena match to 6th if we're just talking pure match quality, if not then I'd move wm14 to 7th and just move cena to 8 and Jericho to 9

  31. I'm sorry sir, but as it clearly states, this can't be argued.

  32. A decent amount of the old guys are still around, considering - Bruno, Bobby Davis, Morales and other randoms.

  33. Angle vs HBK is one of the best matches of all time. I remember watching that live with a room full of buddies. We were split rooting for HBK or Angle and the extended ankle lock at the end was awesome as fuck. Everyone was yelling at the TV.

  34. Plus, commentary praising a crisp suplex or a hard chop or whatever is not at all endorsing what he did in his final days. Apples and oranges.

  35. I'm assuming you meant wm xxii at 13th? I could a rockers match being better but I haven't seen the Vince match for awhile

  36. Yes. With Benoit digitally replaced with Bo Dallas.

  37. I'd argue the top 6 matches are all five stars. A lot of people hate the iron man match. I am-not one of them. Huge fan of that match.

  38. Patterson too. I'd like to see them do that while these guys are still alive

  39. Have I told you of how Triple H will eventually revision WWE History when he has full control?

  40. Can it be argued that science lists 23 twice, and not 22 at all?

  41. Man whan I was a kid I was upset that Hogan's music played at the end because Andre the Giant won and he should have his moment of standing victorious but no that sore loser Hogan had to come out and hog the spotlight.

  42. This is the same company with like 30 years of wcw-nwa footage right? And 50 years of wwf? What the hell...

  43. The WWE needs a Honky Tonk Man type heel, although interestingly, AJ is kind of playing that role in the Diva's division but she outclasses most of the other Divas at this point it is hard to buy her as a chicken shit heel who only gets by due to a fluke.

  44. Also in my book the top 10 matches average out to 4.7 stars. Hbk was kind of good

  45. But fat sandwich eater Muraco had so much more personality.

  46. That isn't the type of stuff that wipe out. Shit like announcers calling him the crippler gets edited.

  47. They should re-do what they did with Cena/Michaels, where they had an advertised match (in that case Edge vs. Orton) scheduled afterwards, so it was a genuine surprise when the Cena/Michaels match kept going.

    Surely if you started, say, a Bryan vs. Cena match at the top of the 3rd hour and just had it continue all the way through, you wouldn't LOSE viewers? You can't do that too often, obviously, but it wouldn't be too bad a way to kill time on a show that seems to revert to "Matadors vs. 3MB" whenever they run short.

  48. You have to go to the bottom of the list to find anything below 4 stars. That is fucking amazing.

  49. According to Bigelows shoot (very good BTW) he was going to get a big face push but he refused to work hurt and got canned

  50. He was reasonably adequate, yes.

  51. Unfortunately they don't want to

  52. That's what they should have done with Bret/Shawn at 12.

  53. What's the consensus here on the match with Nash at wm11? Now I've seen it get under 4 stars from meltzer and I think Scott gave it 3.75 (I didn't double check that). Ive seen it many times and I have it right at 4 stars. I think Shawn does something pretty fucking amazing in that match. In your typical big vs small match its David and Goliath pinball bumping etc. That is a fantastic formula that works best when the small is a face. But in this match they flipped it on its head with Shawn dominating by being faster and more athletic putting Nash at the disadvantage in the match. Its a great story of diesel having to overcome this uber talented heel whos too fast and athletic for him.

  54. awesome user name btw

  55. The easy fix to the "thin card" program is to book the 12-man elimination to go 60 minutes.

    Orton/Big Show is probably going to be the drizzling shits anyway, might as well give the best potential match on the show a crazy amount of time and make it awesome.

  56. You know what, heel HBK is so fucking cool I don't care even about the quality.

  57. Pamela Anderson gets that match to 4 stars just by herself.

  58. One of the major problems of the audience smartening up is that people will cheer talent, regardless of if they're heel or face.

    I can't criticize them because I cheer AJ too.

  59. If it's just the matches, I'm not interested. If it features Shawn giving his opinion, however (or, even better, alternate commentary), then this is a day-one buy for me.

  60. Every match that comes out, for any release, that has already been released previously, should have alternate commentary, just so they aren't always rehashing the same thing. One caveat to that, I don't want to hear kayfabe commentary, like Steamboat or Arn always seem to do, because it's pretty pointless.

  61. I love that match too, and I think it gets unfairly maligned compared to their "good friends better enemies" match.

  62. Plus, a chickenshit heel doesnt make people tap out

  63. I remember this vividly, and loved all four matches :
    - My mind was blown watching Steamboat and Savage ON THE SAME TEAM. Loved watching them shred HTM. With Steamboat my favourite wrestler (still is), I LOATHED Honkytonk with the fire of a thousand suns.
    - The tag match was unbelievable. Great talent, great booking, great performances, everything.
    - The woman's match had my mouth hanging open. The Jumping Bomb Angels (fantastic name) pulled out stuff that was earth-shattering and original for the day.
    - The main event was my first real distaste of Hogan. He tried to cheat, took things outside the ring, didn't actually achieve squat, smothered Bigelow's moment and tried a cheap-shot with the belt. And he's the HERO???

  64. I think my issue was that they didn't do much of anything to get the Nexus guys over. Their pinfalls came from Jericho or Edge fucking over the team and even Daniel Bryan got eliminated from the Miz. And when they could have gotten Barrett over with the DDT to Cena on the floor he just pops up like magic and pins them both. It really pointed out that those seven rookies weren't worth a shit.

  65. Not a fan of the match. This was Shawn going into business for himself on the grandest stage. Check out him botching the sell of that powerbomb at the end. Also, Nash "hulking up" at the end to a fairly heatless crowd is just odd.

  66. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 13, 2013 at 8:40 PM

    Two things:

    1.) Hogan stole Andres moment...AGAIN.
    2.) Muraco was roided to the gills here.

  67. I'd be interested in buying this but I'm pretty sure I can just find all of these on YouTube.

  68. Plenty of guys around to do at least 3 hours from the time Buddy Rogers was declared champion up until the first WM.

  69. Lol don't forger the purple mic in the preinterview not working.

  70. Lol. Many think he was so pilled up during that time that McMahon just caved and gave him time off before mania.

  71. We an hear about Taker and how well he tapes up his fists.

  72. Bo-dacious

  73. You will Bo-lieve a man can fly.

  74. Steamboat kayfabes? I thought it was just Arn. He's seriously the only holdout I've ever seen, where kayfabe is concerned. It's endearing but also vigorously absurd.

  75. Yeah on the Steamboat DVD he has alternate commentary on some of the matches. Matt Striker is on there with him, at first Striker tries to get shoot comments out of him, but Steamboat just kayfabes the whole time and Striker eventually just gives up and goes along with it. For instance, in one of the matches Striker praises Steamboat's psychology in working on one body part and Steamboat proceeds to tell him that it's easier to take out an opponent if you wear them down first lol

  76. That's adorable.

  77. I think it is indeed the highest percentage.

  78. I hate this show for ruining my chance to watch Starrcade 87.

  79. They had that in Dolph Ziggler.

    Now he's been buried so far underground he can view the tectonic platesmoving.

  80. He was a decent sports entertainer. Too bad he never went on to become much of anything...

  81. I've always considered it a great match(****) As you said, it was pretty cool as they had Shawn dominate whole stretches of the match due to his quickness.

  82. God knows how much he remembers from that time. Hopefully lots of anecdotes about Sid turning into a talking wallaby called Rocko.

  83. at the very least, I'm pretty okay with them turning off any discussion of his finisher.

  84. For the first 9 matches, at least, he could probably give a count as to how many Somas he was on during the match. I'm guessing X had the most, especially if you count how many Hall was on too lol

  85. They should do an Iron Man triple threat. Unique idea and they could do it with Census, Punk, and Bryan.

  86. If I was Steamboat, I'd kayfab Striker too.

  87. I'm not sure if Striker knows what kayfabe is. I think it might still be real to him, damn it.

  88. Ooh, good question. I suspect no...if Shawn or even HHH had won the match, it probably gets in there and they pull the crap they did with MitB where they edit out any commentary mentioning him and tone down the crowd noise when he's doing something, but it's his big win, so I imagine they'll just skip it. Which is unfortunate for completions sake, but whatever.

  89. I don't hate the Iron Man, but I'm not in love with it either. Did you watch it live, out of curiosity? I didn't watch it until years later (wasn't watching wrestling at the time) and I wonder if I would have liked it better if I didn't go in knowing there would be no falls for 60 minutes. With that knowledge and without the nostalgia, it's not my favorite. Not a bad match by any means though.

  90. I always hoped they'd do Punk/Bryan Iron Man when they were feuding. As you said, with Raw being so long, you can get a ton of stuff in from 8-10 and still do the match.

  91. I think that's a great idea. Not sure if it'd end up working out as well in reality, but on paper I love the idea of a triple threat Iron Man, and it gives guys a chance to rest without rest holds or a lot of lying around from everyone.

  92. It's a shame that the only time Hogan and Bam Bam ever faced each other was in a throwaway six-man tag on Nitro in mid-to-late 1999 (I don't remember the exact date but I remember that Hogan teamed up with Goldberg and Sting to take on Bam Bam, DDP and Kanyon; the match had the usual Nitro main event non-finish and it had to have taken place before Fall Brawl because Sting hadn't turned heel yet and Goldberg was still using that godawful Megadeth song as his music) because Hogan vs. Bam Bam when both were in their primes would have been a pretty fun match.
    I imagine that Bigelow would have made Hogan work a different kind of match than his usual formula.

  93. Here ya go:
    Pretty good show too although I still prefer Survivor Series.

  94. 1.) Gorilla trying to defend Hogan's blatant cheating is still funny as hell.
    2.) Not only was Muraco roided to the gills but it's painfully obvious from the pre-match promo that EVERYONE on Hogan's team was coked up to the gills.
    3.) Bam Bam (RIP) definitely did a GREAT job. If that 10 team tag match never happened, he would have had the best performance of the entire show.

  95. Hrm, I'm trying to think of who could do an Iron Man Match on the roster.

    Cena (Dude's a machine)
    Bryan (Duh)
    Punk (Even if he's banged up, Punk would kill himself to emulate Flair)
    Rollins (Went an hour regularly in RoH)

    Those four are the only ones cardio wise I would bet money on being capable of going for an hour. Now for the "well maybe list".

    ADR (Just because he's a great wrestler)
    Ziggler (Conditioning is ALL he has)
    Cesaro (This one is doubtful, but he's Old School, so I'm putting him in the list)

    Not a terrible collection, all things considered.

  96. Of course, how much of that is actual dedication to kayfabe, and how much is dedication to being a ribber.

  97. Can I mention how much I loved this design of the heavyweight championship?

  98. I give it ****1/2, though I should say that I'm a huge mark for both guys.

  99. -- The Hogan-Andre segment was a tremendous 60 seconds of heat.
    -- I love the crowd reaction every time Bam Bam got in the ring.
    -- I knocked Patera earlier but he brought great intensity for his segments.
    -- This was as good as I remember. The faces tagging their asses off and everyone worked hard. The 10-man idea worked with these guys because none of them got blown up for being in the ring more than a minute or so.

  100. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!November 14, 2013 at 12:32 AM

    No, we need to know who's wrestling in them!

  101. I mean watch it live.

  102. Maybe it's just me, but for a Steamboat match I'd rather they call it as it is to avoid taking away from the quality of the match.

  103. Crowd is dead, Shawn's overselling, Nash is playing a role ill-suited to him. Shawn bumping all over the place does establish Nash is a monster, but puts more focus on Shawn when it should be on the guy going over. For all his faults, Bret Hart played more to Nash's strengths in their Survivor Series match.

    Course, Shawn as face vs Diesel as heel was by far Nash's best match.

  104. Can you blame Shawn for that?

    I mean they had precedence with Hogan of someone stealing the new champs thunder at Mania; and Hart openly admits he campaigned against Hogan after WM 9. I wouldn't have trusted Hart to do the noble thing either.

  105. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!November 14, 2013 at 1:05 AM

    Yeah! I want a Best Of Ronnie Garvin DVD! They'd sell like hotcakes!

  106. Maybe Mick Foleys sets have more. ;-)

  107. I barely even remember that the Bash was originally supposed to feature Goldberg and Greene teaming together. We're ratings getting that bad that they just decided for the hotshot title change, instead?

  108. If my memory is right they announce the title match on the Thunder before the night it happened. Tony said something to the effect of all the tickets were sold between the announcement and the start of the following Nitro which made me chuckle.

  109. The Ghost of Faffner HallNovember 14, 2013 at 2:16 AM

    "Just let him submit say....El Dandy. I'd take that at this point."
    Who are you to question El Dandy???

  110. Winning and losing doesn't matter, even the champs are jobbing on a weekly basis.

    So why should we/the wrestlers care about losing in a 10 man tag match? There are no stakes anymore hence the ridiculous situation we're in now where no one gets oover.

  111. Of course, AJ will also get cheered because she's fucking hot. That has nothing to do with smartened-up fans. Hell, the WWF had to make Sherri look as ugly as possible back in the day so that "Scary Sherri" was a proper heel.

  112. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 14, 2013 at 5:39 AM

    That wild card match was fucking great.

  113. Watching this now, it's hard to believe that some of those moves were considered "finishers" back in the day.

    * What the hell was that with Patera and OMG? A double-clothesline...and Patera gets pinned?

    * Muraco's "powerslam" on Rude looked safer than a box of kittens.

    * OMG couldn't have fit a credit card under his toes when he "flew" through the air for his big splash.

    Still - good nostalgia. I remember watching this on tape, and being amazed that the Conquistadores were the last tag team remaining in their match, and that Hogan was a total jerk this whole match.

  114. That Rockers-Orient Express match has a special place in my heart. The Rockers were my first favorite tag team and the match that got me into wrestling was an AWA Tage Team Championship match between Badd Company (aka the Orients) and the Top Guns. I've been a mark ever since.

  115. If the emotion you're trying to get is sadness because Flair clearly couldn't go anymore, it was a roaring success.

  116. Gah I'm anxiously awaiting the show to air in 2 weeks. Really need to see the match from that show over again, definitely a MOTY candidate.

  117. Didn't mean to down vote that. Damn my fat fingers!

  118. Somebody doing one of those, covering Pro Wrestling as a whole from... the AWA split in 1960? Maybe with a short intro to the key wrestlers before that time.

    As long as it wasn't "WWE-washed", I'd pay... $200+ for it. And that + has a lot of room in it if done well.

  119. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 14, 2013 at 6:26 AM

    I guess Hogan decided to counter fat with pharmaceutical drugs.

  120. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 14, 2013 at 6:28 AM

    I REALLY Wish they'd bring the 88 Hogan belt back.

  121. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 14, 2013 at 6:30 AM

    Andre swinging his pimp hand and telling everyone to "SHUT UP!!" beforehand was classic.

  122. Sheamus/Bryan at Extreme Rules last year?

  123. I hope they load up this DVD. It should have interviews with his opponents about the matches. Vignettes and recaps describing why exactly the match is taking place. And maybe even commentaries for the matches with Razor, Nash, and Flair.

  124. It's sad that Charlotte turning on Bayley was more nefarious to me than just about any WWE angle in years.

  125. Bam Bam for me is as big of a missed opportunity as Luger and maybe a hair below Magnum. An incredible worker, look, and natural charisma. The only place he was a consistent main eventer was ECW. Just look at what he was able to get out of LT on a huge stage.

  126. Paging Mr. Manna...

  127. Does that make Mabel Heffer?

  128. I thought they addressed the first matter on the Rivalries DVD.

  129. They could film the last pedigree attempt, then splice in him hitting it and getting the pin at whatever PPV they faced each other at in 2000.

  130. Again, that falls on creative, for creating that situation.

  131. I'm frankly shocked that they didn't go with a Flair/Sting turn with Charlotte/Bayley, complete with Horsemen beating.

  132. I love Perfect's shoot comments in that match "He [Shawn] probably gave the belt to Dean Douglas so he wouldn't get pinned!"

  133. I wonder how well these things still sell.

  134. Thank you for this awesome post. One of my all time favorite matches and PPVs. Hell I used to know the commentary by heart I watched it so often. Damn I miss 80s WWF so much.

  135. The best thing for me is the continuity as Heenan's guy lead the team and Slick's guy is the first one out. Next year Slick's guy is leading (Bossman) and Heenan's guy is first out (Rooster). Even back then I thought that was a cute touch, although probably not as intentional as I like to think.

  136. No they don't. We need to accept the fact that it's gonna be Cena versus Orton at Mania.

  137. Better idea, kill all the stupid theme PPVs (Chamber, HITC, MITB) and just make the matches happen organically at different time of the year. These forced matches are just annoying, but the writing sucks so it's easier to just make the match because that's what the PPV calls for.

  138. Well, yeah, that would be the ideal situation, but I don't see that happening anytime soon, so I go with something the WWE might actually do...

  139. ....and that right there is the thing that killed Wade and the Nexus dead. It also cement my absolute hatred for Cena. Popping up from a DDT on the floor and beating two guys within sixty seconds just pissed me off. This was the final PPV I kept recorded, and was the final straw for me. Cena could not just stay down and take the countout loss? It would have done so much more for Wade/Nexus then to just beat them.

  140. That was one of the most fun matches ever. I would love to see them do a Survivor Series PPV with all five matches like that. Now I need to go rewatch that on YT.

  141. Hate to be that guy....but the Conquistador match was the following year, 88. Which was still a kick ass awesome show. Glad I have the original PPV versions of these shows with the preshows on DVD! Viva la Internet!!!!

  142. True, just saying. I've basically given up hope on the WWE doing anything right anymore. Just send me back to my WWF 80s days. Hell I just dropped 5$ on a Corporal Kirchner figure last weekend, just because it;s from the 80s!

  143. Can I go on record and say I HATE THAT IRON MAN MATCH. Seriously, it's so boring. They just aired it a couple months ago on Vintage and even then I was bored. The best Iron Man match has to go to either Rude/Steamboat or Rude/Dustin.

  144. Hell, imagine a six man elimination match with Cena/Punk/Bryan v. Rollins/Ziggler/Cesaro. Well, maybe switch Punk and Ziggler, so the heels have someone in the uppers. But it would still be a fun match.

  145. Where's my best of the Ding Dongs DVD!!! Ding Dong mania running wild!

  146. I remember watching Nash "hulk up" and thinking just how sad it was that someone told him to duplicate Hogan as closely as possible.

  147. I watched it live on PPV, and it was the first PPV I'd watched since WM9. I was not a smark on any level whatsoever, and I found the match to be a bit underwhelming, in that even then, I thought that there should have been pinfalls before the 60 minutes was up.

    Do I think the match was bad? No. Do I list it among my favorites. Nope.

  148. I'm pretty sure *I* was yelling at my TV when I watched on DVD.

  149. I will suck on Show's forearm if I can have Bryan/Punk in an Iron Man match on PPV. NO fucking commercial interruptions, please.

  150. Good list, and I have no problem including Cesaro. I would require, however, that the Swing eat up at least 37 minutes of the match.

  151. I'd believe Bundy being Filburt, personally. Am I the only one that thought he looked nauseous all the time?

  152. I think the fact that she has talent and actually possesses a personality is more important than that.

    There are plenty of attractive women on the roster, not one of them is getting the reaction AJ is. Hell, plenty of men don't get the reaction she does.

  153. That'd be phenomenal. Three man tag Iron Man match? That's the sort of crazy wrestling booking we need.

  154. Vince for Mr. Bighead!

  155. Most of the Divas are pretty "Cookie Cutter" hot girls, and everyone I know things AJ is by FAR the hottest. Plus she's a legit nerd in real life, so all the dorks in the audience are gonna crush on her.

  156. I do agree that hotness is more than just physical appearance. AJ has personality, and the nerd stuff helps as well.


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