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Tanahashi v AJ

What do you get when you have two great wrestlers in a match? In this case, a pretty average match. Still, with all the Tanahashi love going around lately and AJ flying around the world "defending" the belt thought some folks might want to see it...

Additional topic:  Tanahashi made it into the WON Hall this year.  Deserved already ?  


  1. Speaking of WON, has Sting been put in yet? If no, than why?

  2. I see Bret Hart got inducted in 1996, so by that measure yes Tanahashi deserves it.

  3. Whether it's too much, too soon is debatable; what's not debatable is Tanahashi has had one of the greatest years in terms of insane matches. At this rate, he may lay claim to one of Japan's greatest.

  4. Oh. THAT AJ. :: Sadface ::

  5. I think Tanahashi deserves it, but that's strictly from a casual Japan wrestling observer/fan.

  6. Talent-wise I would say he deserves it, but I feel like HoF should be reserved for people after (or possibly in the twilight of) their careers. Sort of a means of stepping back and saying "Let's enjoy the scope of this guy's career," rather than "This guy has been putting on incredible matches for several years, so let's recognize him." That being said, this "Hall of Fame" is really just having his name printed in a newsletter. And it's Dave's newsletter, so he gets to make the rules.

  7. Historical curiosity II: Tanahashi Vs. Scott Hall from 2001

  8. No. Never drew any serious money ( NWO gets credit not him during that period) and not a good enough worker in their eyes.

  9. I saw Tanihashi live in The Budokan back around 2003 or 2004. I really hated him live, especially the Sling Blade as a finisher. I have tried, and probably need to hand over my smark card for this, but I still can't stand him. Maybe part of it is the announcers though...I'm fluent in Japanese and they just aggravate the crap out of me during his matches.

  10. How so? Are they just verbally blowing him non-stop?

  11. Combination of that and the obnoxious calls of the ridiculous names for his moves - "High Fly Flow??"

  12. Ah, I gotcha. I do find the commentary goes off the chart for his matches, so if I could actually understand it, it would probably get taxing.


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