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The Genetic Jackhammer Pounds the Feds...

Whoa, busy day all around these parts yesterday.  Good shit on the HBK what if. Loved the thread.  Most of these "what ifs" are fun to speculate, but have only a few real plausible scenarios.  Pre Jesus HBK was such an unpredictable blackhole of destruction, chaos, and talent that almost every scenario you guys laid out I could see unfolding.  Interesting stuff.

Im gonna try to throw in some WcW questions to even it out but got this one from "kbjone" and wanted to run with it...

What if Vince McMahon is found gulity in 1994?  Things to consider...

- Vince was indicted on Nov. 19, 1993.  He was found not guilty on July 22, 1994 (just for a time reference, WM X was in 94.)  He was facing a maximum sentence of 11 years, speculation is he would have done 2-4 years, a 2 million dollar fine, and the seizure of Titan Towers.

- Does Linda do well leading the WWF?  What changes does she make to the company?

- Do wrestlers freak out and jump to WcW?

- Does Turner see an opening and do everything he can to weaken and eventually destory WWF while Vince is gone?

- Does Vince start a "Kiss My Ass Club" in jail?

- If WWF does hang on until Vince is released, does Vince ever take a prominent role on tv or strictly stay behind the scenes when he comes back? Does Vince ever push to go public, or does the stigma from being a convicted felon concince them to stay private?

I know I missed other scenarios, but go in any direction you like.

*Personal sidebar.  Just to weigh in on a sentiment a fair amount of you seemed to have yesterday.  I think all the posters here are "heard."  While wrestling is the obvious interest we all share, theres is only so much "Why isnt Bryan getting the rocket push" stuff I can read, so enjoy and encourage the other random conversations that go on here.  I equate it to going to a sports bar to watch a game, sure youre there to watch the game, but youre not going to talk strictly about sports the entire time you are there.

* My girlfriend just sent me "tub girl" in an email but retitled it "my hot friend."  I want to fucking gouge my eyeballs out now.

Tootaloo motherfluckers


  1. I'm slowly sticking my toes in NJPW, so I'd selfishly like Devitt to stay put for a fair while longer, but hey, get paid, dude.

  2. Can't say I'm surprised that Boston ranks basketball as its least favorite sport

  3. Well, to be fair a bitchy, annoying shriek actually fits when she's slapping an employee and trying to break him down mentally.

  4. No those are the jobbiest-of jobbers but I was referring to the blurb in the beginning about wcw having so many losers and a bloated roster.

  5. Different one. But the BoD Mod DOES write Glee.

  6. Oh goody, a "Boston is racist" implication! How fresh!
    It's always fun to have a dialogue where you refute someone's assertions chapter-and-verse, so they throw a grenade into the conversation rather than address the point. Hey look, we're grown-ups!

  7. YankeesHoganTripleHFanNovember 5, 2013 at 11:42 AM can't make fun of El Dandy! That's our joke!! OUR JOKE!!!

  8. Very true. That doesn't change the fact that seeing/hearing that clip will, without fail, cause my penis to shrivel.

    Hm. I suppose if we can have X-Pax heat, we can call that a Stephanie boner.

  9. They DID have a bloated roster, though! I mean, maybe it's classless to kick a promotion when it's been dead - RIP - for more than a decade, but they aren't really saying anything untrue. WCW hung on to a lot of jobbers even after the TV era went wild, while WWF was putting on less and less enhancement matches.

    I get what you're saying, jobber, but to me, it doesn't seem that far out of line.

  10. The simplification of the situation in the first sentence is part of the problem. Even if you are aware of the particulars (and it seems like you are), this "be a man" mentality is absurd in this case. He WAS being a man when he went to the higher ups and reported this loon he was dealing with. That's what people do in the adult world when dealing with psychotic, disruptive, and unethical co-workers.

    This frat/jock mentality that some guys still hold onto in the league is just insane. Carrying the bags of vets or singing a school fight song in the locker room in front of everyone? Good-natured initiation and team bonding. Most of the things beyond that are just insane.

    I rather deal with competitive sociopaths like Michael Jordan and Bob Knight because they deal with stuff on the field/court. I rather deal with them than a locker room full of JBLs and Icognitos.

  11. YankeesHoganTripleHFanNovember 5, 2013 at 11:50 AM

    Who do you suppose is in, and who wins a 16 man jobber tournament?

  12. Yeah, fair enough.

    Steph has always been a person who to me sometimes looks very cute, sometimes not so much. Sometimes she does it for me - but not when she's shrieking.

    I always thought she was attractive, but I also thought it was ridiculous when she was the Smackdown GM and being portrayed as the sexiest woman on the face of the earth by a company that also had Stacy Kiebler and Trish Stratus on thei payroll...

  13. 1. I don't give a fuck about your old ass, freezing cold, racist city.
    2. By citing some vague ticket sales stats that proves nothing about Boston not being frontrunners or having a dead crowd for survivor series. Yeah, great going to red Sox is a place to be seen. Sing along to some songs, get your picture taken by the green monster etc etc. And every nfl team basically sells out, but not every team sits on its hands during a game.
    3. If you want to pretend Boston isn't racist no one is stopping you so calm down.

    My point is that its not going to be a snarky crowd at survivor series. Some NFL team selling tickets has nothing to do with that. Maybe you should utilize one of those law schools in Boston to learn how to argue a point?

  14. Renee Goulet vs Iron Mike Sharpe in the finals

  15. But... reading the description even induced nausea for me.

  16. YankeesHoganTripleHFanNovember 5, 2013 at 11:57 AM

    Kudos to you for understanding that I meant straight up jobbers and not JTTS. I want to enter Scott Casey. The man gave 1988 Bad News Brown all he could handle on an episode of Prime Time and was in the 88 Survivor series.

  17. Vince would've loved prison.

  18. He left his job, and forced his teammates to do his work, because someone called him names/picked on him. He went to his mom and dad first. That seems pathetic to me

  19. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANNovember 5, 2013 at 11:59 AM

    Seriously, they should look at their ME business meeting from last night first.

  20. She is a little butchy, but your statement leads me to believe that you know a lot of very attractive woman in their late 30s.
    Good on ya.

  21. Your_Favourite_LoserNovember 5, 2013 at 12:00 PM

    'Wasn't the plan for Jerry Jarrett to take over?'

    came here to see if anyone has posted this owen of info

  22. Oh Scott Casey was a classic. Plus Dusty Wolfe,Terry Gibbs, and the classic Steve Lombardi

  23. Seeing it would be worse. So much worse.

  24. 1. " I don't give a fuck about your old ass, freezing cold, racist city." But you'll spend multiple paragraphs pretending that you know the city better than someone who actually lives here. Got it.
    2. "By citing some vague ticket sales stats that proves nothing about Boston not being frontrunners or having a dead crowd for survivor series." If citing the longest sellout streak in pro sports history is somehow "vague," I'd suggest you purchase a dictionary and leaf through the "v" section. As for the connection between the sports crowds and the wrestling crowds, I agree there probably isn't one. Inconvenient for you, though, is your own quote: "There's nothing I've seen from polite pats fans, and fun loving red Sox fans that would make me think they belong in the philly/NYC/Montreal/Toronto/Chicago/LA smark fan base." Looks like you're the one who drew the parallel that started this conversation, sweetheart.
    3. I won't bother addressing the "racist" garbage again, since it has literally nothing to do with the point. If it makes you feel better to try and play some moral high-ground, go for it. Doesn't mean you have a clue what you're talking about.
    My point is that its not going to be a snarky crowd at survivor series. Some NFL team selling tickets has nothing to do with that. Maybe you should utilize one of those law schools in Boston to learn how to argue a point?" Again, hilariously, you were the one that tried to draw a parallel between Boston sports fans and wrestling crowds. That's the thing that sucks about having a debate in print, it's too easy to be called on your own bullshit. Better luck next time.

  25. You just restated the first sentence of your previous post. And it's still a simplification of what went on. In other businesses, this would be deemed an unsafe work environment filled with harassment from unethical, borderline psychotic co-workers. I've had situations where a fellow teacher felt like she wasn't being supported by administration in an unfair/unsafe work environment. This teacher, on two separate occasions, felt a minor sabbatical was needed to sort things out on both sides. Guess what? I picked up the slack and felt compassion for the position she was in.

  26. YankeesHoganTripleHFanNovember 5, 2013 at 12:05 PM

    Do we invite Jack Foley or does the Dynamite Kid just show up and haze him from his wheelchair?

  27. Does Barry Horowitz count? If so, I pick him.

  28. That sentence sums it all up though. I don't know all the facts in your example but I've read nothing that says--he went to the coach or gm first to complain. He just up and quit on his tram. People fucking with someone is part of life. You have to stand up for yourself. That doesn't mean hitting someone. That means don't let people treat you like shit. Instead he ran off like a baby. Martins behavior is pretty much as reprehensible as oncognitos.

  29. Which is why I thought it was our Ryan Murphy. He WROTE THAT ONE! We're definitely going to have to tune in to Nitro to find out what's going on! It will be the greatest night in the history of our Blog.

  30. While I personally think Martin should have stood up for himself (and I don't know if he did), there is no way walking away from a bully is as reprehensible as a bully's behavior. THat's lunacy.

  31. That info won a Slammy for Best Bow-Tie?

  32. I don't know, they hired PAC because of his match with Devitt so it makes sense they try and sign him too. And it's never a guaranteed thing that he'll be stuck in NXT forever.

  33. Seriously, this was a promotion that was paying a 100 PERSON ROSTER and using only 20 or 30 per show, and up until about 2000 they were flying ALL OF THEM IN for shows that they were never on. Say what you will about the current WWE product jobber but at least they don't blow money like a 9 year old who just won the lottery.

  34. Bullying is children thing. These are all grown men we are discussing. A grown adult cannot be bullied. Only a little kid can be bullied. The fact this guy curled up into a victims mentality and ran to his mom and dad instead of his bosses is terrible. The fact that without any warning, he walked out and quit was even worse. No one was assaulting him, no one was stealing his stuff, at worst they didn't like him so they gave him a hard time. And then incognito was being a gigantic prick. If he had told them to fuck off, or if he told the coach and it continued at the same level then yeah, maybe you have a point. But to just quit like that, this guy is a dick too.

  35. I think more will come out. Martin really didnt have an out. He punches Incognito, he becomes the rookie who doesnt fall in line, and shit gets worse for him. gucking Dez Bryant got shit on a few years ago FOR NOT CARRYING SOMEONE ELSES SHOULDER PADS . He goes to coaches, he jisy becomes a snitch.

    Im assuming that there must have been more shit going on that we know about also. For a dude to literally give up an nfl paycheck and just go home, it must have been bad

  36. True, but it's also the reason why we get Los Matadores vs. 3MB twice a week for a month.

    Ideally there'd be a better middle ground.

  37. The Collins...blanking on the other set?

  38. Read somewhere thats like the number one sign of a sociopath in young kids.

  39. Brook and robin Lopez... definitely the more successful set

  40. I also disagree that walking out of the lunch room or even leaving him that voicemail is psychopathic behavior.

  41. Jobber, your vehement defending of Incognito and bashing of Martin is a dead giveaway to the type of person you are. Just Sayin.

  42. Yeah they had way too many matches together. I mean I'm glad they're putting forth real effort to re-strengthen their tag division but mix up the teams a bit more please.

  43. It's one of the signs, and is reflective of a lack of empathy...which is really the ultimate indicator of a sociopath. Goddamn it. Now I'm getting all pissed off thinking about what they did to the kitten. It's not so much that it's a *kitten* as much as it's a helpless creature. I'd lose my fucking shit if I stumbled onto anyone doing something like that, and then probably wind up in jail myself. Fuckers.

  44. I wouldn't condone him hitting the guy (but I definitely remember incognito having that melt down on the rams so maybe he should have) but it seems like if he would have just said, like fuck you fatso it could have won some people over. The impression I'm getting is this guy was a little off and got shit on constantly for it.

    Although could you imagine if we got our first ever pro team mass shooting?

  45. Im sure Vince would be able to essentially run the company from behind bars...Id assume hed be in a low security prison and. I think just not having his presence around really fucks them up. The biggest difference between WcW and WWE was always that WWE had someone that ruled with an iron fist, and the clear cut head honcho.

  46. Like are you saying I'm a bully? Look I think incognito is a prick but I find this guys reaction to be far worse. I'm just tired of everyone having a me, me, me victim mentality. What did this guy suffer through? A mean voice mail? A lunchroom walkout? To me that doesn't justify quitting out of the blue.;

  47. I'm just gonna try and move this in

  48. Dude the fucking internet and shows like PTI would explode like a cloud of dust.

    I definitely agree he was "different" then the normal nfl jock. I bet he was introverted, quiet, and really really cultured. I dont want to speculate, but Stephen A said that maybe his sexual orientation may have beem questioned.

    dont know if you read my initial commenr but I bet Incognito was "encouraged" to "toughen the guy up mentally" by someone in the front office. Im sure the cosching staff knew what was going on and just looked away. If thats the caee, cant really fight back or report the behavior to anyone bc the organization itself is promoting it

  49. I can understand what you're saying, and a small part of everyone on that team would feel somewhat "abandoned" after Martin left. I just think this testosterone driven business still needs to be dealt with like a business. Fan and players need to broaden their scope. They need to realize that we'd feel a whole lot differently if we were talking about white collar men or women and not 300-pound millionaires. We need to know that "because this is how it's always been done" is not a good excuse to extort thousands of dollars from others (the list of oddities and stupidities seems to grow by the day with these reports that are filtering in).

  50. Same commenr from below...wasnt sure if youd read it since its at the very bottom.

    Dude the fucking internet and shows like PTI would explode like a cloud of dust.

    I definitely agree he was "different" then the normal nfl jock. I bet he was introverted, quiet, and really really cultured. I dont want to speculate, but Stephen A said that maybe his sexual orientation may have beem questioned.

    dont know if you read my initial commenr but I bet Incognito was "encouraged" to "toughen the guy up mentally" by someone in the front office. Im sure the cosching staff knew what was going on and just looked away. If thats the case, cant really fight back or report the behavior to anyone bc the organization itself is promoting it

  51. Your_Favourite_LoserNovember 5, 2013 at 12:55 PM

    tub girl: people rave about it, but i think it's kinda shitty

  52. Now that is an interesting point. Did the team order this, and maybe martin kind of new so he had nowhere to turn? Philbin seems too wishy-washy for some move like that, but Jeff Ireland....maybe. If that was the case I'd support his right to sue the team, they should have forseen how tgat would go. But if its just the o-line fucking with a "weirdo" I don't see where that's the teams fault.k

  53. "A grown adult cannot be bullied. Only a little kid can be bullied."

    Dude, grown adults get bullied all the time. It does happen.

    That's just one example of tons and tons and tons.

  54. My phone just did a disqus purge so I replied below (basically if Jeff Ireland told them to do this he should sue) but I just want to add icognito is under no obligation to be nice to anyone so IMO martin only has a. case if farvas worst case scenario is true

  55. Yea, im sure it was done in position meetings so am sure at least the position coach knew.The whole thing just smells like an organizational philosophy to me. Like seriously, Richie Incognito is on their "leadership council" whatever the fuck that is. Hes had the rep as one of the dirtiest players around for awhile.

  56. Theres a Cena poopy joke in here but I dont have it

  57. THread-Jack. Anybody getting the PS4 at launch?

    If so, what games are you getting?

  58. Dude there is no such thing as a magic ticket! The whole thing is stupid!

  59. @justicegrey

    That wiki page reads like a parody. If your not being injured/robbed/discrimated against as an adult you are fine. Adult "bullying" is a victims mentality taken way too far. The fact adults feel like they can be bullied shows me another reason why our country is fucked

  60. The WWF was already regional as far their touring was concerned. From 94-96 they were basically running shows primarily in the Northeast and then going over to Europe to make money.

    Cable was just very strong at the time and USA was a powerhouse in the early days.

  61. OK so the 15k thing is probably the worst fact I've read, but it was last year, and it was every rookie. So So

  62. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANNovember 5, 2013 at 1:16 PM

    WWE is a much, much, much better business than WCW could ever dream of being, but let's not act like they don't find ways to blow copious amounts of money for no reason. XFL (hell, that's where alot of the money they got for going public went), WWE Films, WWE Network, Tout, etc...

  63. Did u see the tweets or hear the voicemail snippets? The 30k tab is way worse but the tweets seem like a good indication of how incognito acted towards him

  64. You spelled your name right.

  65. Scott isn't BEING A STAR.

  66. Ffgtdddf jhfdsrd gcxsrh cddrgg...regards, Ryan Murphy.

  67. Yeah I saw the voicemail transcript. Incognito is an idiot but I didn't really find it too threatening. My favorite incognito tweet was the one where he demanded the media clear his name lol. Now I thought the dinner thing was split between all the rookies?

  68. I've seen Lemon Party, 2 girls 1 cup, and
    Is tub girl any worse than those?

  69. Im not sure actually. I thought it was a Martin thing but it makes more sense that it was a rookie split thing now that you say it....

  70. OK and lastly I read that martin was also upset that tanenhill brought in 5 chiefs jerseys as Halloween costumes for his o line. He told them they could go as real lineman for Halloween. To me that's funny because he's been sacked more than anyone else, and its not like he singled martin out. The more I read the more I think martin is just a pussy.

  71. Ha that is funny. Thats not signaling Martin out either

  72. Adult bullying exists. If you have never met someone who can impose their physicality or mental manipulation on or towards you, then you have led a charmed life. Some people have a different mental makeup and would rather stand behind a code of ethics even when a co-worker is being unprofessional and unethical--they don't fight back, yet, are pressured not to report minor circumstances.

    I wish the people of different mental makeups--the natural born leaders--would have stepped in with the Miami Dolphins situation, however. If I see a co-worker doing unprofessional things to another co-worker, I step in. I don't care if I look dumb doing it or don't handle things 100% correctly, I feel it's necessary to step in and stop it. I don't know why the Dolphins players would let the "bully" and the "wuss" keep going on the paths they did.

  73. Yeah I saw the instagram thing of the bill. I'm pretty sure all the rookies split it. And there's probably 6 or 7 of them so that's not too bad. And now someone else is gonna pick up his tab if he stays in the league.

  74. Yeah, that's basically what I was getting at, and I agree with you.
    If Vince isn't on the ground each day then I think they suffer a great deal. Vince IS WWE.

  75. So what would you say happened to him that should cause others to be punished? Every rookie had to fork over 15k for that trip, every rookie had to split the dinner tab, the whole o-line got cheifs jerseys. Why is he so special and why don't the other ones quit the team over it? Some people are just too fragile to exist and its not the rest of the worlds problem

  76. Give me a real world example of adult bullying.

  77. The guy was being tormented by a racist a-hole. That's what was different about it.

  78. I enjoy a bunch of the articles posted on the WWE site these days, and this was no exception. The dudes writing for the site seem to be big fans, which is cool to see.

  79. His parents said he went to them first after he left the team. I don't see what he was putting up with that was so bad.

  80. So one voice mail and a few texts is enough torment to quit?

  81. What do u think it is?

  82. I saw an animated gif or something once.. I dunno if I should describe it here. There's this girl in a tub..
    Naw, I don't want to spoil it for those with a nervous disposition. That'd be shitty. I'd really have egg on my face.

  83. Ive never seen lemon party or goatse...on to wiki

  84. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 5, 2013 at 1:52 PM

    He is, and Incognito is a racist scumbag. As far as I'm concerned neither one should ever collect an NFL paycheck again.

  85. Good luck with that.

  86. If Incognito was being just a teeny bit rude as your argument seems to imply, then why did the team suspend him?

    It may very well be okay to remove yourself from an abusive and unsafe work environment, yes.

  87. Nope. Not until it comes down $100+.

  88. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANNovember 5, 2013 at 1:57 PM

    Some newz today that they're thinking about doing a Champion vs. Champion at WM. LOL.

  89. I'm a teacher (be it a virtual one these days). I've seen teens bullied on a regular basis. I've been a part of a school that condoned it in the school and amongst staff. I fought for the bullied folks everyday for a good two years.

    The subject of bullying is just one of my "buttons" that gets pushed from time to time.

  90. Where is Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker on the list?

  91. Reading about the jersey mall thing...I have an opinion on almost EVERYTHING, except for gun control. I sway on the issue depending on my mood, I see both sides and think both sides have valid convincing points.

  92. I'm going to be honest, I don't really give a shit about people in the military going AWOL when they figure out a life of hazing and such isn't what they're looking for.

    I can understand if other people are sensitive to it though.

  93. Yeah, but at some point WWE really needs to get over their fear of the audience not reacting EXACTLY as they would like, and focus instead of trying to make every person on the show as entertaining and engaging to the audience as possible.

  94. I can't help you here man, not without spending hours writing essays and I don't think you'll be convinced. Bullying is the use of physical,mental or otherwise intimidation in a situation where the other person doesn't feel that they have the power to fight back. A casual instance, a situation where a co-worker is constantly belittled but feels that he has no other job options (other than getting fired) but to take the abuse.

    People like you and I wouldn't stand for it or stand for being treated that way. But you and I don't represent everyone.

  95. Maybe THEY should book raw

    It cant get any worse right?

  96. I will be getting the PS3 at the PS4 launch. Down to $199 so far.

  97. Lash LeRoux was awesome!

  98. Shhh... I think Jobber is one of the most pro-gun posters we have here and he's on a roll today. I'm staying away from debates for a couple of days, methinks.

  99. I've never owned, held, or fired a gun in my life but I'm not going to line up to give away ANY of my rights back to the government in some attempt to try and stop murder.

  100. The one dude is probably done but incognito is a pro bowl line man who can be had on the cheap.HHe's getting another chance

  101. I wouldn't put it past Miami to suspend this guy without knowing all the facts as a PR move.

  102. These are adults doing a job though. Not kids in a school

  103. Also nope. I never buy a console in the first year. Also, I have a massive backlog of PS3 and PS2 games. But I don't begrudge those who do. The PS4 looks like a nice piece of hardware.

  104. Stranger in the AlpsNovember 5, 2013 at 2:38 PM

    Welp, as far as Tub Girl, et al goes, I want to thank you all for the enjoyment I have received in contributing to the blog. I have now seen literally everything, and I am going to hang myself.

  105. Also let's face it, the NFL is full of scum bags. This guy just has the spotlight on him now but its not liked he killed someone like stallworth or that rams d-line guy. I do agree incognito is a shit bag though

  106. Actually on second thought I 100% agree with you on that dude

  107. re: Biggest WCW losers:
    I like how they mock Kwee Wee, The Maestro, West Hollywood Blondes, and The Artist Formerly Known as Prince Iaukeia...when Fandango is basically the same character in 2013.

  108. The Maestro is a semi-regular at the local indy... nice guy.

  109. Yeah, it's not exactly the best time to be mocking WCW, when they are resembling them more by the day.

    Kwee Wee, Maestro, Iaukeia = Fandango. But yeah, WCW was so stoopid!!

  110. He wasn't a bad mid-card character either.

  111. Each one of that sort of thing that you see earns you a merit badge for the internet.
    Whoever collects the most merit badges without crawling into a dark hole, wins the internet!

  112. I love these types of threads because we learn so much about each other.
    - high pitched voice
    - grows facial hair like a boss
    - dislikes The Wonder Years
    - likes prog, metal, and prog metal
    - commodity trader
    - not a fan of gaping assholes

  113. Terrible a concept? Maybe for the time period, sure. But what with people being more genre-savvy than ever before, I think Last Action Hero has aged really well and it's one of my favourite films.

    ''You can't trust him, he killed Amadeus!''

  114. Thanks. One more thing on incognito, it seems that everyone who has talked from inside the organization, support incognito. Black and white players seem to support incognito, which gives me pause on the whole thing and makes me think theres so much more to the story. I havent heard ANYONE come out and ssupportmartin

  115. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 5, 2013 at 3:43 PM

    1.) Remember the cartoon the Jetsons? My ex-boss was like that. He'd insult you in front of coworkers, fire people that he didn't like and fuck with their unemployment so their checks would be late. He hated me because I went to Human Resources and complained.

    2.) My first real job was at a restaurant. There was an old man at with a drinking problem that the other cooks and busboys used to kick his ass. I mean I walked in one day to start my shift and this dude had him in the camel clutch. They used to hit him in the face with pies, throw buckets of ice water on him and lock him in the freezer and a bunch of other fucked up things.

  116. You better satisfy her, or she'll sue you for Alienation of Affection.

  117. Man I hate seeing those guys pull their dick out of an ass and then pull it wide open and the camera all zooms in and they show it all opened. Not my cup of tea

  118. Same here. Not one guy on the dolphins is supporting martin and the other captains and the coach are saying they never heard from martin. And that coach tried to get chad Johnson to stop swearing on hard knocks so you've got to figure he would have been on martins side...if there was anything worth reporting. I'm starting to think martin might just be a crazy person...although incognito is Hateable I'm not seeing where he's done anything to warrant-a ssuspension

  119. Raw did a 2.7 fwiw

  120. "He killed Mozart!"
    "Moe who?"

  121. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 5, 2013 at 8:42 PM

    Did they fuck him in the ass and make him humble?

  122. Sorry but I just don't see WCW not finding a way to fuck up such a golden opportunity as Hogan was still on his way there in June of 94 so might have gotten the usual cartoon antics even worse with guys jumping from WWF.

  123. The problem with LAH is it tries to be a spoof and a legit action movie. The comedy works really well, (The Jack Slater trailer and the Hamlet dream are fantastic). But then it tries to be an actual action movie and also this weird fantasy thing. It is one of those movies people like because of the good pieces of it instead of looking at the overall product.

  124. I have never seen any of these things. Somehow I think this makes me better than all of you.

  125. Yeah, all kinds of people think all kinds of crazy shit.
    No reason that you shouldn't be one of them.

  126. People still do the 'tub girl' thing? It's like 2000 all over again. A meme in every corner.

  127. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!November 6, 2013 at 12:03 AM


  128. Yeah, fuck Big Show. I want to see a combination Shieldbomb/Pedigree/RKO.

  129. I'm not pro-management, but you could easily rework this as Triple H being a face.

    You have an incompetent employee who wasted his money and doesn't do what management asks him to do. He gets fired, breaks into the workplace to assault his boss and co-workers, sues to get rehired and acts like a smarmy jackass the entire time. Now the boss is gearing up to give this employee the beating he richly deserves.

  130. I'd just like to say that Boston is legitimately awful, it's got the worst roads I've seen outside of Quebec and all the stories you hear about New Yorkers being assholes? Yeah, that's Boston in a nutshell.

  131. Triple H's line about beating Big Show at sophomoric barbs was legitimately clever.

  132. All legitimate points. Terrible city to navigate, dickheads everywhere. If everyone I cared about weren't here also, I'd love to move. Still a great sports town, though. No way around that one.

  133. Welp, I fucked up the quote.

    I'll just post this and leave.

  134. I understand what you mean about staying in a place because of people. I still visit my boring ass hometown because a ton of people I know and love live there still.

    And while I don't really care about sports and got tired of the Red Sox bitching about curses a long time ago, all of Boston's teams have won championships in the last decade (correct?) so yeah, not going to give them flack for kicking ass.

    But I just hate the East Coast, shitty weather, shitty food, shitty people. West coast till I die baby.


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