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The infamous Volkoff/Fulton match

This was infamous?


  1. Fulton looks older than Nikolai.

  2. Fulton looks *so* different than he did back when he was publicly prominent.

  3. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 18, 2013 at 1:23 PM

    They couldn't have put the logo in the corner or something, instead of covering the entire fucking screen? I can't even watch this shit.

  4. They still throw better worked punches than 85% of the guys on Raw.

  5. Logos onscreen nowadays especially on TV are so fucking pointless, it's like they think we're too stupid to know the name of the channel we're watching, nevermind the fact that every single TV, every single cable and satellite box has this thing that's called a channel menu, not to mention there's also the TV Guide Channel and there's numerous websites with TV listings as well as the channel websites themselves that have full schedules of their programming.
    And don't even get me started on the pointless watermarks where they advertise the newest episode of a show during ALL of the channel's programming, that is so fucking annoying and distracting that it makes me not to want to see that show.

  6. I have plenty of them, Amazon Kindle is quite awesome.
    Epix HD and HBO are pretty awesome channels too, at least they avoid that dumb shit.

  7. This is actually a throwback to early in Nikolai's career. The Soviet Union didn't believe in rings.

  8. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 18, 2013 at 2:07 PM

    I remember when the watermark thing first got started and Dave Letterman was going on a huge rant about how stupid it is, so the producers threw up even more watermarks just to be smartasses.

    What drives me nuts is if I'm watching a movie on AMC or something and during the ad breaks they'll throw in a quick clip saying "You're watching Die Hard with a Vengance". No, I'm not, I'm watching a totally pointless ad telling me I'm watching something while I'm really seeing an ad.

  9. You sure showed him.

  10. Easy with the spoilers, I still haven't seen this past week's ep of Impact.

  11. he knows all about Red Squares, though

  12. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 18, 2013 at 4:13 PM

    Speaking of HBO, I always thought they're old into was awesome:

    With that music you know they're not fucking around.

  13. Ya, I'm not going to watch a match with a whatever that is on the entire screen.

  14. Well, that's ten minutes of my life that I'll never get back.

  15. In Soviet Russia, ring wrestle you.

  16. ...eleven if you count the post.

  17. I'm interested in seeing a Volkoff-Futon match.

  18. ...twelve if you count this reply.

  19. The watermark was easily CBS' worst contribution to television (and yes, that includes Viva Laughlin). I remember when they first started doing it at around 1989/1990, next thing you know within a couple of years NBC, ABC, FOX and USA started doing it and it was downhill from there.
    There was one that I really liked and wish it would come back: During breaks between movies in the early-to-mid 90's, Showtime and The Movie Channel would have a countdown clock informing you what movie was next and when it would air (For example, from 1995-1998, Showtime would have a graphic on the top of the screen during a promo break that would read along the lines of "Next: Maniac Cop 3 in 5 minutes, 25 seconds").
    Those were pretty cool and I thought they were really helpful, especially during the months when TMC would run the "Movie Channel Challenge" when they would air 400 movies in one month with each movie only airing once for that entire month.
    Sadly, no one does the countdown clock graphic anymore.

  20. The secondary intro they started using at around 1986 was pretty fucking rad too, so awesome in fact that they used it for 10 years.
    Really, all of their intros and bumpers until 1999 were pretty great, then they just quit trying. While they have strong programming now (definitely can't say the same for Cinemax though, they were a hell of a lot better in the 90's), I really don't like their current bumpers and intros. Too short, too bland, no voice-overs, too cheap looking, Epix definitely has better looking graphics than HBO now.


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