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The PG Era Rant: Raw, 11-4-13

When last we left our heroes, a big problem interrupted the celebration. Daniel Bryan and CM Punk were seemingly diverted, but Big Show had other ideas and appeared to be HHH's biggest issue. Mid-week, though, Big Show was banned from WWE for life. So who steps up? How do you get any of them back? Has HHH finally cleared the deck of objectors and set up the WWE to be best for his business?

The pre-show ad promises more on the Big Show situation, plus a match between Luke Harper and CM Punk.

- The PG Era Rant for Monday Night Raw, November 4, 2013.

- Be glad I paid attention last week, or you'd never know we're Live from Greenville, SC.

- Your hosts are the usual.

- CM Punk v. Luke Harper. Wait, we're opening with a MATCH? And did Vince get the memo that it's November? We look back at the Wyatt Family destroying Punk (and Daniel Bryan) last week as the devil made Bray do it. If AJ is the devil, Vince is officially out of ideas. It's 8:02 and JBL is already talking about business. It's gonna be a long three hours. Punk gets a big boot right off the bat, but Harper corners Punk and nails him. Harper chokes away in the corner, adding an uppercut and manhandling him. Harper with a headbutt to the chest and one to the forehead, followed by a knee choke. Punk kicks his way out, but loses a slugfest to Harper. Harper chokes away on the ropes (showing no emotion) as JBL compares him to Bruiser Brody. Punk dumps Harper to the outside and follows with a dive try, but Harper jumps up and cuts it off. Wyatt approves of the smarts as Harper gets one. Harper slugs down Punk and slams him, raking the eyes with his boot and getting a big elbow. Gator roll follows as Harper shoots a disturbing glare. Cole says he'd like to interview Wyatt and the Family but fears for his life. Punk fights out, but Harper with a big shot to the head. Cross-corner whip as Harper slows down the pace. Big boot in the corner misses and Harper flies over the top. And NOW Punk hits the big dive, but here comes Erick Rowan to stalk Punk as we go to break. (Wait a second... Bruiser Brody... Brodie Lee... man, why didn't I figure that out before?) We return with Harper working a behind-the-back headlock as we see that, during the Break, Rowan distracted Punk long enough for Harper to get a big boot. Harper with a Vadershot in the ropes and a boot choke. Guillotine catapult follows, then an elbowdrop for one. Another elbowdrop gets another one-count. Harper smashes Punk's head and rakes the nose before going back to the Gator Roll. He switches to a choke sleeper type move, but Punk escapes and begins hitting counter-strikes and a tornado DDT for the double KO. Harper and Punk slug it out, with Punk using a spinning kick and leg lariat to get the edge. Duck-under swinging neckbreaker sort of connects (close enough, since he used the hair to save it). Punk with the running knee and short-arm clothesline, which sets up the Heartbreak Elbow... to ROWAN. Harper pulls Punk back to the apron by the neck, but Punk with a big kick for separation only to springboard into a big boot from Harper. Discus lariat misses, and Punk with a cradle to win at 11:12. Rowan charges in to prevent a celebration by Punk. Crowd demands Daniel Bryan as Wyatt walks up the stairs, and indeed here is Bryan with a ponytail and a chair. Both minions are down, but Bray cuts him off. Punk grabs the chair, and the faces clear the ring. Crowd is going bonkers. Now THAT, my friends, is how you do a white-hot opener. ***1/4

- We get clips from about Big Show's lawsuit. HHH dismisses the lawsuit as being meaningless and announces the banning of Big Show. And to prove HHH has a point, JBL shows the footage of Big Show knocking HHH out. And even though Big Show is banned, we'll get his side of the story.

- Tonight, Randy Orton returns to his roots in a WWE App match against either Dolph Ziggler, Big E Langston, or The Miz. Plus, Cena and the Brothers Rhodes face Damien Sandow and We The People.

(Author's note: My Skype friends have informed me of the Mallrats origin of Brodie Lee's indy name. I'm leaving my statement in there because it's more fun that way.)

- Renee Young speaks to CM Punk backstage about the match. Punk knew it wasn't a fair fight, but the Heyman experience made him ready for it. If he can be outnumbered, his foes can be outgunned. But no one expected help. Punk leaves it at that.

- Paul Heyman calls in to Raw and is interviewed by the announce team. He's in Europe being seen by specialists. He has severe back injuries, and it's a TRAVESTY that Punk attacked him after the match when he's not a wrestler. Punk owes him an apology. Like that'll happen. Heyman appears to be crying, and the line goes dead.

- Ryback v. Great Khali. This match was set up after Ryback bullied Hornswoggle in catering earlier that night, so they Summoned Bigger Fish™. Lockup goes to a stalemate before Khali wins Round 2. Ryback ducks under and attacks, but Khali no-sells and backs Ryback into a corner, throwing back elbows. CHOP OF DOOM follows in the corner. Khali picks Ryback up by his ear and chops some more before choking him in the corner and adding another CHOP. Ryback kicks away for some distance and tries for Shell Shock, but Khali elbows out. Ryback with a lariat in the corner, but runs into an elbow and big boot. Clotheslines level Ryback, but Ryback with the Meathook to win at 2:26. Nothing wrong with re-establishing Ryback after the big loss to Punk. 1/2* Ryback goes to leave, but thinks better of it and attacks Santino for grins. Santino eats barricade and leaves Ryback alone with Hornswoggle. Thankfully, Ryback decides not to do anything.

- More footage of Big Show, this time causing the tag title change. JBL yells about Big Show performing criminal acts in the match, but it was no disqualification, so did he really do wrong?

- Kofi Kingston v. Alberto Del Rio. Del Rio goes after the legs and rams the shoulder in the gut. Kofi fires back, but Del Rio with a superkick and stomps away. Kofi with a flying back elbow and he sends Del Rio packing. Kingston follows with a flip senton (almost overshooting Del Rio), and back in, it gets two. Del Rio reverses a whip and blocks the pendulum kick, setting up a guillotine stomp. Del Rio pounds away on Kofi on the outside, then goes to the top with a flying axhandle. He ties Kofi into the ropes and punches away, adding a big kick to the gut and step-up enzuigiri as both Lawler and JBL make Mexican War references. Del Rio gets 2. Del Rio gets the chinlock as we continue the history lesson on commentary, but Kofi fights out and catches a ducking Del Rio. Del Rio recovers with a German suplex hold for two. Del Rio imitates the Boom clap into a running kick and snap suplex, getting two, and we return to the chinlock. For those keeping score at home, Del Rio is vicious and aggressive again. Kofi elbows out and gets a sunset flip for two. Del Rio with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker to cut off momentum, getting two. Side chinlock follows as the crowd claps up Kofi, which is a good sign for this match. Kofi knees out this time, adding punches, but Del Rio goes nuts with headbutts and creates separation. Step-up enzuigiri is ducked, though, and Kofi splats on Del Rio for two. Del Rio's blind charge misses, and Kofi gets a headscissors and springboard crossbody for two. Kofi with chops for the comeback, into a dropkick, but the flying clothesline misses and Del Rio gets a back gut kick. Kofi with a rollup out of nowhere for two, and the two tangle in a series of reversals until Del Rio sneaks in the Cross Armbreaker for the tapout at 6:53. Better than I expected it to be. **

- Big Show pays for time to show why the lawsuit exists.

- WWE App match is next; I think we saw Lawler vote for Dolph when we were shilling the App. Was that necessary?

- Question: would David Ortiz pass a Wellness test? (You had to be there.)

- Orton cuts a promo prior to his match, claiming that Orton's opponent doesn't matter because the people making the choice have no power. The women in the crowd are fantasizing about him (and a few women seem to agree). And the men in the crowd will never be half the man Orton is. The crowd is made up of jealousy, failure, and envy. The only choice the fans made is who will lose to Orton. I have nothing against this.

- Randy Orton v. Big E Langston (75%). WHOA! I would've never predicted that. Orton kicks Langston to start and pounds away, working a headlock. Langston with a huge tackle that makes Orton bail with a “who IS this guy” look on his face. They exchange waistlocks, with Langston getting a slam and pinning predicament for one. Orton fires back, but Langston with a powerful elbow for two. A punch to the gut flattens Orton, and a second one sends Orton to the outside for a timeout. Orton with a dropkick for one, and he sets up the Draping DDT, but Langston flips Orton to the apron and knocks him into the barricade FROM THE APRON as we go to break. We return with Langston doing ten punches in the corner and a short-arm clothesline. Orton AGAIN bails, but this time Langston follows him and stalks. Orton with a desperation kick, but Langston sends Orton into the steps. Orton throws Langston into the apron, and back in we go as Orton is FINALLY in control. Not for long, as Langston attacks Orton, but a spear attempt misses as Orton sidesteps. Orton with a clothesline on the outside, and back in he gets two. Orton stomps Langston's ankle, then works a chinlock. Langston backs Orton into the corner and gets a running shoulder ram. Big clothesline follows, and another, then Orton misses and Langston gets a belly-to-belly suplex and Ultimate Splash for two. Langston gets kicked as Orton does the backbreaker he does for two. Orton throws Langston into the post and sets up the Draping DDT again, this time connecting. Orton mocks the crowd, certain he's in control, but Langston shoves off the RKO and clotheslines Orton. THE STRAPS ARE DOWN and Langston wants the Big Ending, but Orton escapes and RKOs Langston for the win at 12:05. Big E Langston, welcome to credibility. *** You know, it seems that Orton's had a lot of almost-loss victories with midcarders since Summerslam. Christian, Cody, Dustin, now Langston – he's good at this. It's what you want from a heel champ.

- We see Big Show beating Brad Maddox into next week with one punch, then invading the arena with a semi and interrupting the contract signing. To be fair to WWE, they've made it clear that the Stone Cold stuff wouldn't fly. On the other hand, you never had this much made about Stone Cold's behavior in the Attitude Era.

- WWE 2K14 footage of Cena/Rock II.

- Fandango and Summer Rae v. Tyson Kidd and Natalya. Hey, Tyson Kidd's back! And yes, this is a husband-and-wife team. The Kidds, not the Fandangoes, despite what JBL would have you believe. Fandango works a headlock, getting a shoulder tackle, but Kidd and Fandango do a tumbling exercise before Kidd unloads with a dropkick. Divas in, and the crowd approves of this, but a slap by Summer leads to a Sharpshooter try. Fandango distracts, allowing Summer to take over. Headlockery follows, with a facejam getting two. Summer with an inverted Russian legsweep for two and she gets a bodyscissors with her legs. Summer with a sunset flip for one, and a double clothesline leads to double KO. Men in, and Kidd with a rope-assisted kick and springboard dropkick. Kidd using the legs to attack Fandango, cutting him off and scissoring him out of the ring. Running apron kick follows, but Summer distracts Kidd and Fandango yanks the apron to trip Kidd. Fandango up top, but the dropkick is caught, Natalya takes out Summer, and the Sharpshooter by Kidd ends it at 3:45. Welcome back, Tyson. 3/4*

- Renee Young is backstage with Damien Sandow. Sandow is in a BAD mood, and being shown last week's match will NOT make him any happier. Sandow is haunted by his failed cash-in, despite his denials. Sandow now will stop at nothing to get what he wants... and enter Zeb Colter, who promises to help Sandow get his revenge. This is a chance for them to win over the Rhodeses for the second time. WE THE PEOPLE! Sandow: “Me, your uncrowned World Champion.”

- Let's be fair: when someone says that jail isn't a deterrent to staying away from you, you DO need to take drastic measures. I kinda see JBL's point there.

- The Champ Is Here! He's hyped for the six-man that is imminent, but he wants to say thank you to Susan G. Komen. He announces that the breast cancer merchandise will be available through December. He honors some breast cancer survivors who got tickets to tonight's show. Cena mentions South Carolina saying a thank you, and it's match time. I have nothing cynical to say about this.

- John Cena, Cody Rhodes, and Goldust v. Damien Sandow, Jack Swagger, and Antonio Cesaro. So which of these five guys is the least likely to be in a six-man with Cena at this point in their career? You have a perennial midcarder, a pure gimmick who was written off the week before, a man in the doghouse for ruining a WrestleMania main event, an indy man who never sniffed the upper midcard before now, and Goldust. Zeb Colter AND Alberto Del Rio are on commentary. This could get ugly. Although Colter giving Del Rio the cold shoulder is a nice touch. Cena attacks Sandow to start, with a one-armed facebuster for one. Cody in, and a double back elbow gets Cody one. Cody with the Brisco rollup for one, but Sandow pounds away and tags in Swagger. Cody blocks Swagger and sends him into the buckle, and Goldust with a dropkick (!) for one. Goldust with a slap to Swagger, followed by a snapmare and kneedrop for two. Cody back, and a double punch and snapmare, followed by a knee to the face (that clearly misses) for one. Cesaro in, but Cody backs him into the face corner and brings in Cena. A lockup, won by Cesaro, opens the next round. Cena returns the win, and they tease a test of strength as Cena's chants begin. Test of strength connects, and Cesaro gets an early lead, but Cena's comeback is cut off as Cesaro kicks him and sends him to the corner with European uppercuts. Cena reverses a whip and gets a fisherman suplex for one. Cena to the chinlock, and Goldust in for a double suplex. He gets two. Goldust works the arm and cuts off Cesaro, getting one. Goldust legdrops the arm, and Cody in with kicks and a front suplex for two. Cesaro cuts off Cody in the corner with shots to the gut, and Sandow continues the assault. Cody reverses a cross-corner whip and gets a back body drop. Cody works the shoulder, and in comes Cena. AA try, but Sandow bails and the heels regroup as we go to break. I was trying to drown it out, which I do during matches so I can focus on the action, but Zeb and Del Rio are nicely sniping at each other. It's kind of refreshing to see people on the same side of Bill Watts' locker room disagree. We return with a second test of strength with Cena and Cesaro, and Cesaro catches Cena with a catapult European uppercut for two. Twice. We The People with a double suplex, getting Swagger two. Vaderbomb by Swagger gets two. Sandow in, and he headbutts Cena, following with straight rights. One of them misses, and Cena gets an elevation neckbreaker as everyone begs for a tag. Swagger gets in and cuts Cena off. Knees to the gut of Cena by Swagger, as our word of the day on commentary is “perro”. Swagger with a front chancery. Next week they're in England! Nice. Cena backdrops out, but Swagger holds on with the Patriot Lock and clotheslines down Cena after the break, getting Cesaro two. Cesaro bullies around Cena, adding a European uppercut. Sandow: “STAY DOWN!” More uppercuts from Cesaro, getting two. Match has slowed down. Cena with a rana to slow down (and surprise) Cesaro, but he holds onto Cena's foot so Sandow can come in legally and attack the arm. This is fun. Sandow legdrops the arm for two, and he gets what I think is a keylock. Cena powers to his feet, then lifts Sandow for the AA, but Sandow escapes and gets the Edge-O-Matic for two. Sandow clotheslines Cena flat and taunts Cena, waiting for him to stand. When he does, Cena lifts him up for what an over-the-shoulder slam. Hot tag Goldust, who takes it to Cesaro with the kneeling uppercut and inverted atomic drop. Big kick follows and it's ten punches in the corner. Plus one for Swagger, just because. Goldust cuts off a blind charge and gets a twisting bodypress for two. Sandow saves, but Cody knocks out Sandow. Disaster Kick and AA for Swagger, but Sandow with the full nelson slam on Cena. Cody clears out Sandow and we're back to the legal men. Cesaro goes for the GIANT SWING OF DOOM (16 rotations), which causes Goldust to fall out of the ring. Cesaro rolls him back in, but Cena catches him and leverages Cesaro into Colter at ringside. Back in, Goldust gets Stratusfaction on Cesaro, Sandow saves. Cody with a moonsault press to Sandow, and Cena crossbodies Cesaro as Goldust hits the Final Cut to pin Cesaro at 19:10. WHEW. **** Why was this not the main event? Seriously, if this were a two-hour Raw, it's one of the best of the year. The third hour has a LOT to live up to.

- We replay the Big Show's side of the story so we can all catch our breath. And now Big Show is backstage?? Do stips mean anything?

- Vickie tells HHH the bad news. HHH blames Vickie, but Stephanie admits she let Big Show in. HHH is unhappy, but the Board of Directors demand that Big Show be allowed in. The lawsuit scares them, but HHH doesn't care. Stephanie tries to emphasize that this is bigger than HHH. HHH is unhappy with this development. Stephanie is upset that HHH likes the money but not their personal business, which the crowd hears and reacts to. The Board demands a settlement. HHH: “I hate him!” HHH asks Vickie to bring Big Show to HHH's office. HHH hates that something is bigger than himself. I love shoot comments that aren't meant to be shoot comments. (Yes, I know part of the story is playing off of what we think HHH thinks of himself. But the opening was too good to pass up. I'll stop snarking now.)

- Dolph Ziggler v. Curtis Axel. Rumors of Axel's demise are apparently exaggerated. Oh, and good thing Dolph didn't win that WWE App vote, isn't it? Axel works the arm to start, but Ziggler reverses only for Axel to elbow out. Axel punches down Ziggler and goes to the headlock, knocking Ziggler down, but Ziggler comes back with a dropkick for two. Ziggler goes for a leap, but Axel dodges and yanks Ziggler off the second rope, dropping elbows and scraping the face. Axel chokes and taunts Ziggler in the ropes, then nails a dropkick for two. Axel with a chinlock from the side camel clutch position, which he holds for some time. Ziggler with a jawbreaker to break it as the crowd is kinda dead. Axel's charge hits the post, and Ziggler leaps into position and does the ten-punch countalong into a swinging neckbreaker. Big elbowdrop gets two. Axel with a Northern Lariat for two. Cole finally says that both sides have a case in the lawsuit. About time. Axel tries a powerbomb, but Ziggler turns it into a sunset flip and Rocker Dropper for two. Zig Zag is shoved off, but not on the second try as Dolph gets the pin at 4:54. Axel has been rendered worthless now. Time to get the belt on someone else. 1/2*

- Backstage, Daniel Bryan and his wrapped-up shoulder are met by Renee Young. He knows it wasn't smart to run in with an injury, but he got his payback. “Now it looks like there's someone else who has an issue with the Wyatt Family.”

- Meanwhile, Vickie returns to HHH's office without Big Show, because Show wants the eventual meeting to be in the ring. Yeah, we all knew this was happening.

- The Usos v. Heath Slater and Drew McIntyre. Drew starts and gets chopped in the corner, but gets a long second-rope dropkick for two. Slater in, and 3MB gets a double slingshot suplex for two. McIntyre chokes Jey (I think) on the bottom rope and hooks an armbar. Jey headbutts out and chops McIntyre... wait, it's Jimmy, sorry. Drew with a spinning airplane slam for two. McIntyre with stomps on Jimmy and slaps away, bringing Slater in. Jimmy with a superkick on McIntyre, but Slater clears both Usos out. He dives straight into a thrust kick of his own, and Jey gets the Superfly Splash for the pin at 2:45. Nothing to see here. DUD The wrestling here has really become background to the HHH Situation, which is too bad because the first two hours had great wrestling.

- Renee Young again, this time with Los Matadores and a highlight reel. Epico is Fernando, for those who care. El Torito appears and hits on Young. Or something. What just happened?

- Brie and Nikki Bella and Eva Marie v. AJ Lee, Aksana, and Tamina Snuka. Nikki and Tamina start (Nikki has the white top). She grabs a waistlock on Tamina, but Tamina backs her into the corner only ot miss a blind charge. Nikki tries a crucifix, but Tamina gets the Samoan Drop for two. Aksana in, and she stomps away. AJ in now, and she works a headlock into a front guillotine choke. Nikki throws AJ off, and Tamina dives in as I think I heard SOMEONE say “We're going home”. Tamina with a jumping headbutt on Nikki, but Nikki gets a sunset flip for two (so much for going home). Hot tag Brie, who throws AJ off the apron. Tamina nails Aksana by mistake, and Brie with a dropkick and missile dropkick. It gets two. Tamina with an elbow and she smashes Eva Marie before giving Brie the big boot. Tamina's the only one standing and she goes to the top, but Brie rolls away. Eva Marie tags herself in and cradles Tamina for the pin at 3:12. That's how you use Eva Marie in a match. 1/2*

- They show HHH and Stephanie in the bowels of the ring (WALKING!), and Stephanie is trying to say something to HHH, who doesn't appear to be listening too intently.

- Harper will face Daniel Bryan on SmackDown, as it's clear they see Harper as the better wrestler of the two. I know, that's not exactly a revelation.

- Main event yakfest: we have 15 minutes or so left in the show for this. HHH says Big Show is doing this to make it all about him, which counters what was said on commentary that Show wants witnesses. Big Show is the kind of guy who should never wear a suit to the ring. Ever. Stephanie says it's time to settle without lawyers and asks for Show's opening offer. Show calls Stephanie a witch in a roundabout way, but HHH cuts off the funny and wants to know how much money Show wants. Show talks about wanting to go back to the WWE to perform. And no matter what HHH says, it's great to be in WWE, so he wants his job back. HHH mocks this statement, but before HHH can make a big mistake, Stephanie has to pull him aside. HHH brushes off negotiations, and Stephanie steps up and rehires Big Show on the spot. That gets a Yes chant. HHH looks defeated. Stephanie thinks it's over, but no, there's one more thing: Show wants a bonus in his contract. HHH is furious as Stephanie is trying to play peacemaker. Show says it's not about the money. The bonus he wants is to be the Face Of The WWE. Even Stephanie thinks it's ridiculous, but now HHH tries to calm her down... and the Shield are on their way. HHH's smirk gives everything away as we go to break. Yes, our main event interview gets a commercial break. HHH is clearly using them as intimidation, but Show thinks he has HHH over a barrel, so he's not scared. Show now makes it more clear: he wants a title match with Orton at Survivor Series. HHH declares that getting his job back should be enough and if Show doesn't leave, he'll be left bloody. A standoff begins as neither man budges. Show begins to leave, but as he does, his attorney will talk to the Board and the lawsuit is still on. Stephanie is FURIOUS at HHH, who has to be told to call Show back in. HHH begrudgingly makes the match. Show then plays the “I didn't hear you, say it again” bit to embarrass HHH. This goes on for a while (and actually gets a little funny) as Show stands inches away from HHH and asks for it to be said crystal clear. Show's “I'm WAITING” face is great. HHH swallows his pride and says it clearly. Show: “That wasn't that hard, now was it? Wanna shake on it?” But since Show is an employee now, and HHH is making a match right now against the Shield AND Randy Orton. This match begins at 11:04?

- Main event: Big Show and his suit v. Randy Orton and the Shield. It's all four at once in the ring, and they surround Show, who tries to pinball them everywhere. Show goes for a chokeslam on Rollins, but Reigns spears Show and the triple-teaming continues as Orton barks orders. Orton stalks over Show and talks trash, then asks for Show to be picked up. Triplebomb is set up, but Show fights out of it and chokeslams Reigns, leaving Orton alone temporarily. Rollins and Ambrose attack, but Show suplexes both of them and again is left alone with Orton. And here comes Kane. Unmasked and in a suit. Really. Orton tries an RKO but can't. Ambrose clips Show, and Rollins with the flying knee to the head. RKO finishes, but no cover. Orton gets a chair from Kane, as do Rollins and Ambrose. That's enough for a DQ at 3:04, but the massive beating continues. All angle, no rating. Now Orton and HHH ask Kane to clear the announce table as the announcers scramble. Reigns lifts the steps up and rams them into Show's head. Now they set up Show, and it's a Triplebomb through the table. Orton leans over Show and taunts him. “You shoulda stayed gone.” Orton's music plays as we wonder if Show really got the better of HHH or not. End show.


The first two hours were some of the best wrestling on free TV and made a great Raw. I was concerned when the third hour was all about the lawsuit that it would drag the rest of the show down, but the beating at the end of the handicap match more than made up for it. It was an old-school Southern beatdown, and it is more of the Dusty/Flair prototype that worked so well with Daniel Bryan. Plus, Big Show was basically DOA around SummerSlam, and now he's over again. As cynical as I am about how this came about, it's at least making for good TV.

Punk and Bryan against the Wyatts I will accept for now, because if anyone can get Harper and especially Rowan over, they can. Flunkies tend not to get over the way that the leader does, which is why most of the heat is on Wyatt. But if you show the flunkies can get the job done, it helps them. No problems here.

Lost in the shuffle is Big E Langston getting a big lift against Orton. Seeing as how he'll face Axel on Main Event, it's clear he'll be a future Intercontinental Champion, which is great and just what he needs. The secondary titles all seemed meaningless over the summer. Dean Ambrose may be over as the Shield's de facto leader, but the US Title is background as long as he has it and is HHH's muscle. Axel, of course, was decimated in every way by being around CM Punk. The sooner those two belts move, the better.

In the end, a very good Raw for me. I can't complain too loudly about the little botches and/or booking foibles (like Eva Marie pinning Tamina when the Bellas couldn't), because there were three great-for-TV matches. I look forward to England.


MATCH TIME: 69:26 over ten matches
BEST MATCH: The six-man
NIGHT MVP: Big Show, although I was very tempted to say Big E Langston

FINAL SCORE: 8.5. This was top-to-bottom a solid show, and the wrestling made me happy enough to overlook the third hour... but then the main event angle played out as a trap for Big Show, and it worked perfectly. Plus, next week they're doing their semi-annual UK show, and those are always intriguing.

Stay tuned for Scott and Tommy to take you through the week with Raw Lite, NXT, and SmackDown. In the meantime, shows like this ARE good for business.
