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The SmarK Rant for WWE NXT– 11.13.13

The SmarK Rant for WWE NXT – 11.13.13

Taped from Orlando, FL

Your hosts are Byron Saxton & William Regal & Tensai

As a reminder, tonight I will be a guest on The Place To Be podcast, discussing the first part of 2001 and hopefully sounding less Canadian tonight. However, god help anyone who asks me to rebook the Invasion. GOD HELP THEM.

Bayley & Charlotte v. Summer Rae & Sasha Banks

Charlotte overpowers Sasha to start and applies a unique hammerlock while Regal bemoans the loss of Renee Young on commentary. Bayley comes in and slugs away on Summer, but walks into a good clothesline that gets two. And with that, we take a break. Back with Sasha holding a chinlock as Bayley is your mark-in-peril. Summer controls with a bodyscissors while Regal struggles through a joke but eventually pulls it off. Why is he not on Smackdown every week? The mean girls continue cutting off the ring, but a belly to belly allows the hot tag…and Charlotte turns on her. Sasha gets the pin at 9:09. Man, you’d think a student of the sport like Bayley would have seen that one coming. So Charlotte is your newest BFF. Is Bayley secretly Sting’s daughter? NEVER TRUST RIC FLAIR! Or his offspring. *1/2 Sadly, Hulu’s screenshot already spoiled this one, because otherwise it was a totally unexpected heel turn.

Meanwhile, Aiden English prepares his vocal cords.

Camacho v. Aiden English

Where the hell is Hunico, anyway? English pounds away in the corner, but walks into a slam from Camacho that gets two. English charges and gets backdropped , allowing Camacho to stomp away on him. English hits the Director’s Cut out of nowhere to finish at 2:13, and the crowd wants an encore. The rose throwing is an awesome touch, although English wrestles like a heel while getting himself over as a huge babyface, so the dynamic is a bit weird. * They could literally bring this act to RAW tomorrow and it would get over HUGE.

Meanwhile, Lana speaks some Russian to Alexander Rusev. He appears to enjoy it.

Mason Ryan v. Danny Burch

Regal goes above and beyond here in trying to come up with a Wales v. England backstory for this squash. Ryan overpowers Burch, but loses a slugfest. Ryan suddenly hulks up, however, and puts him down with a big boot before finishing with a cobra slam at 2:35. Ryan doing the coked up 80s babyface act isn’t fooling anyone.

Meanwhile, it’s EMMALUTION time.

2/3 Falls: Adrian Neville v. Corey Graves

Neville comes in fast but Graves hits him with a cheapshot and gets a suplex for two. Fistdrop gets two. Neville comes back with a dropkick and rolling cradle for two, then goes up and finishes the first fall with the Red Arrow at 2:10. Graves wisely runs away for a bit, and they brawl on the floor. Back in, Neville goes up and Graves runs away again. This time he dodges a flying Neville and takes over as we take a break. Back with Graves going after the knee and applying a half-crab. Neville powers out and gets a sunset flip for two, but Graves keeps on the knee and clips him to set up the Lucky 13 at 11:22. Neville was pretty dumb to fight it as long as he did: If tapping out was inevitable, might as well just tap and start over again. Third fall and Neville’s knee is shot, but he fights back with a head kick, and Graves bails a third time. Back in, Neville gets frustrated and slugs away in the corner, finally putting Graves down before heading to the top. And that goes badly for him, as he falls off and Graves hooks Lucky 13. Neville powers out after a nice dramatic sequence, and Graves stays on the knee until he tries a figure-four and Neville reverses into a cradle for the pin at 16:40. Good simple stuff. **1/2

The Pulse

Next week is the return of BO DALLAS and hopefully Sami Zayn as well. Other than that, who knows? As for this show, we got a good main event and a heel turn, plus Aiden English, so I literally would not want anything more out of my 40 minutes.


  1. "Is Bayley secretly Sting’s daughter?"


  2. I still can't figure out why NXT can make better faces than the main roster can. Perhaps it's the understanding that the face doesn't necessarily have to be the coolest person ever. I'll even go out on a limb to say Emma and Bayley would be more over as faces than the Bellas.

  3. "I'll even go out on a limb to say Emma and Bayley would be more over as faces than the Bellas."

    You really risked it all there!

  4. Your_Favourite_LoserNovember 14, 2013 at 9:13 AM

    'They could literally bring this act to RAW tomorrow and it would get over HUGE.'

    ok, how much of the praise for this guy is hyperbole? i have a feeling that if i ever seem him i'll be sorely disappointed by all the hype

  5. Legit laughing at the thought of Crow Bayley.

  6. Why do you use =/= for "not equal" instead of != ?

  7. Your_Favourite_LoserNovember 14, 2013 at 9:33 AM

    why do you never call even though you promise you will?

  8. Your_Favourite_LoserNovember 14, 2013 at 9:39 AM

    "maybe" means "no" :(

  9. Give me your number and I will legit call you if that will make you feel better...

  10. Your_Favourite_LoserNovember 14, 2013 at 9:42 AM

    oh sure, and then suddenly a truck stop in the midwest has "for a bad time, call..." written above the hand sanitizer dispenser

    i've fallen for that too many times, pal. i'm onto you

  11. I live in the south east...

  12. Your_Favourite_LoserNovember 14, 2013 at 9:47 AM

    which is why it's even more of a slap in the face!

  13. Well don't say I didn't make the effort!

    "I am just real, and want real people that aren't into playing games and NO drama. If you can't me how I am that is on you, not on me" - Everyone that ever made any kind of online profile.

  14. Your_Favourite_LoserNovember 14, 2013 at 9:50 AM

    ...quit stalking me

  15. Quit pretending you don't enjoy it

  16. I use =/= too because I took a lot of abstract math courses but never took a comp sci course.

  17. Don't bring that ripping off Annie Lennox garbage in here!

  18. As for Hunico, he appeared on Main Event last week with Camacho in a tag team match vs The Usos

  19. 2 weeks till your next NXT MOTY contender . . .

  20. Best thing that's happened here in ages.

  21. One request. Can you put in parenthesis next to the name something to make them identifiable? Like (Flair's daughter) or some crap. Appreciate your assistance in keeping me lazy.

  22. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryNovember 16, 2013 at 12:33 AM

    It would not. Every crowd would go apeshit on that act.

  23. Camera cuts to the rafters where Crow Bayley is sheepishly smiling and waving at everyone


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