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The WWE Network as Rock Star Gary sees it

If I was the programming director of the WWE Network here are a few ideas I would implement:

1. Reality and female programming opposite sporting events
      a. Trish Stratus feature
      b. Kevin Nash/Scott Hall/Sean Waltman tour the WWE Performance Center
 2. Tuesday Night RAW (1993 – present)
 3. Thursday Night Nitro (1995-2001)
 4. Saturday morning territory shows (Superstars, Challenge, WCCW, CWF, Mid-Atlantic)
 5. Saturday 6pm World Championship Wrestling
 6. Where Are They Now?
 7. Third Shift ECW marathons
 8. WCW Up All Night
 9. Legends Roundtable (previous and new content)
 10. Features from previous DVD releases minus matches

 What else would you implement? How can WWE promote its current product without RAW and Smackdown since they are on USA and Sci-Fi respectively? What would it take for the WWE Network to succeed?

For more information on me please visit


  1. Is this a joke? This is what 24/7 is/was and about 50000 people get that.

    Although you did accurately sum up why the WWE Network isn't happening. Ever.

  2. I may be reading too much into it, but Austin seems to allude to the fact that he was in a bad place with everything at the time and really regrets that era of his life.

  3. Maybe WWE shouldn't be putting 60 year old guys n the ring with people less than half his age?

    Just a crazy thought.

  4. I was thinking more like alt commentary you would get on a DVD. Punk and Bryan discuss how the Steamboat vs Flair match helped their career and so on.

  5. Yeah, having Punk do commentary and such would be great. He really needs to be the new color guy when he retires from the ring, but Triple H probably won't like his look.

  6. It's nothing to do with being up Dolph's ass, it's to do with a 60 year old man who's spent the best part of 40 years working a full-time schedule of gruelling travel & physical punishment (and presumably a fairly regular diet of fast food what with being away from home so much) basically blaming a guy for that lifestyle finally catching up with him. I don't think it was fair for Lawler to do that, and I wouldn't have thought it was fair if he'd just been in there with Cena, with Michael Cole, or with Ahmed Jonhson. If sloppy working elbows could cause heart attacks, we'd have found out LONG before last year. Unfortunately, getting old does tend to cause them, even when you live as cleanly as Lawler is supposed to have done over the years.

  7. "The thing is, I'm sure you honestly believe that in your heart, just
    like I'm sure you are one of many who blather about incivility in
    political discourse."

    I have no idea how the two are related :p

    and fuck no, call a spade a spade. American conservatism is batshit crazy, the Republican idea of "fiscal conservatism" is a sham predicated on one ignoring their own irresponsible spending, and the religious right is determined to set back society as far as possible.

    The Democrats are filled with Crooks, liars, and idiots--but widespread disregard of scientific fact as a requirement to run for president.

    No, cause the party is still sane.

  8. You forgot about the Prime Time slots to show some of their WWE Films.

  9. Like the Foley Styles commentary from the Foley DVD? Yeah that be good.

  10. MSNBC is just as bad, but they also (last I checked) have considerably less viewers than Fox News. And MSNBC became left-wing oriented mainly as a response to Fox News (or rather, somebody thought they could make money as a left wing version of Fox).

    And perhaps it's just my impression - but Fox seems to have a more direct influence on the Republican party and involvement with the Republicans than MSNBC does with the Democrats.

  11. The reactionary element to this is an important part of the discussion

  12. I just listened to both this week. Great stuff.

  13. He was fun on the NXT Diva show, but yeah, HHH wouldn't like his t-shirt, shorts, and sports coat combination.

  14. Lawler exclusively works with people less than half his age. Wrestles 'em too!

  15. I used like the video vault thing they did back in the day. Pick a classic match, show the build up and have the wrestlers narrate the match. I would prefer it be in kayfabe but I think it would work either way.

    I have no idea what they should do to succeed so I just listed stuff I would watch.

  16. Well at least you're open and honest. A total moron with his head up his ass, but honest nonetheless.

  17. Someone now has to dig up the PWI article on an all-wrestling channel, this was from 1992 or so, I believe.

  18. Flair had no problem doing all his normal bumps while pushing 60.

  19. The influence of Fox News on the GOP/conservatism is vastly overstated. First of all,even though it's the most widely-viewed cable network, it still only pulls in a fraction of all viewers. I read a host of activist conservative blogs, and there are few people who really cite Fox, and in fact most express displeasure with the network. For example, Bill O'Reilly is largely detested, and Hannity does not get much love. People like Megyn Kelly, I guess, but I'm not sure it has much to do with her viewpoints.

  20. Dah thanks, honesty is a virtue don't you know?

  21. I'm just trying to figure out how he could have a problem with Ziggler, but never with Miz?

  22. Yeah, you read those blogs. Most people DON'T. They watch the news and think that makes them informed

    And really? You don't think the republicans moved further to the right in the last decade?

  23. I recently read in Chris Jericho's new book that when Cena first arrived on the scene, Vince didn't see much in him. However, Y2J said that Cena was going to be the next big star and even chose to work with him at the Vengeance PPV.

  24. It seems to me that they need to try to find a way to turn the tape library into 'new' programs to get casual fans interested. They don't want to see old episodes of AWA. But let's say you have a show called 'My Favorite Matches.' Then you do a interview with a current wrestler talking about one of their favorites from their childhood and show it, then one of their favorites they participated in, then show that one. Might catch the interest of a kid that doesn't give a damn about MidSouth, but would watch a show about Sheamus' favorite match.

  25. Fox is a thousand times worse. Having a panel of four people and the 'host' yell at one 'liberal' who happens to be incredibly ineloquent is even more biased than just having your own voices on.

  26. I am slightly amused by the fact that you think blogs are more informative than cable news. Not necessarily because you're wrong - you might be right - but not many on either side would suggest that.

    Look, as with OfficerFarva, we will just end up arguing in circles. But yes, I honestly think the Democratic party has moved further left than the GOP has right. I mean, who was more conservative: Bush (W, not GW) or Reagan? People have retconned Reagan into some moderate, but if you take a look at the positions he held and his rhetoric he was far more of a "tea partier" than Mr. Compassionate Conservative. Meanwhile Obama is, I would suggest, much to the left of Bill Clinton.

    But of course that's my perspective, and yours 180 degrees different, so peace.

    (BTW, the moron comment was said mostly in jest. I really do appreciate someone who speaks forthrightly - too much commentary is wish-washy nonsense.)

  27. I usually watch a wrestling show per day - normally on my ipad before I go to sleep. I'd pay $10 a month to have the option of doing that on my television. I mean, I don't see why it should cost any more than Netflix, but I have no doubt that WWE would value their content as more valuable than silly old television shows and movies. But charge me $10 or whatever every month, but me on auto-renewal and they can charge me for the rest of my life. It's something I know I'd use.

    But I'm sure WWE Network will just end up being their boring and safe product made into a Network featuring exclusive content along the same lines of the content they offer twice a week that I won't watch.

  28. I did my final paper on the news media and how it's all terrible. Cable news is the fucking worst.

  29. Thank you for proving my point.

  30. You think the dems have moved left further than the repubs have moved right? Hahahahahahahahahahaha! You are officially no longer worth addressing. Enjoy your crazyville.

  31. Took me a second to realize you're talking about paying off families of other dead wrestlers. Sounds like a hell of a racket. Should we be paying a cut of every book about Kurt Cobain to the family of that guy from the Gin Blossoms, too?

  32. For a while, Fox would purposely show a clip of a politician making an ass of themselves but would throw a "D" next to their name on purpose even when they were Republican. They aren't even trying to hide their bias.

  33. Somebody seemed to see something in him before that, though. Remember that Discovery Channel documentary on UPW wrestlers way back in 2000? Cena was the primary focus on that.

  34. I think number 5 needs a minor correction: Saturday 6:05pm World Championship Wrestling.

  35. Yeah, in his book and his recent DVD he was really remorseful about that whole time. He said he was drinking way too much, his health was at an all-time low, and it just boiled over into all of that turmoil.

  36. Umm, Sharpton is on MSNBC. Unless that is supposed to be a point their favor?

  37. Austins going to be on Kellers podcast this Friday also.

  38. You should write him a letter about it.

  39. Its because of the big, bad, biased mainstream media. If it wasn't, then how would Bernard Goldberg get his books published?

  40. I got to the last thread on this late, so I'll just put this here fwiw. The only thing that annoys me about the Benoit whitewashing is that it's just totally and obviously about money and liability. The idea that you can't acknowledge the things he accomplished professionally because of the personal tragedy is just dumb on the face of it. O.J. Simpson's records (and Hall of Fame status) are acknowledged by the NFL, Roman Polanski won a fucking Oscar decades after drugging and raping a minor, etc. Vince just doesn't want people thinking about Benoit, period, because then they might start asking questions about the working environment of the time period, and he might be on the wrong end of some massive lawsuits.

  41. I bet Steph can take a punch.

  42. Necro talked about it on FB, he got arrested for beating up his ex wife because she emptied his bank account and took off with the kids. He sounds like he has no regrets. He did detail everyone from the jail that knew who he was though. Real class act, that Summers.

  43. I'd like to see way more than what they've done in the past though. The WWE online stuff was cool, but limited...I wouldn't want to pay 10-15 bucks for that. They'd have to put significant stuff and lots of full episodes of Raw/Nitro/ECW/etc. to make me interested. Just tossing a hundred full matches with no context, two thirds of which are already on DVDs, meh. I'd like to see those, but not for the cost.
    Also, not just on the computer. I speak only for myself here but I don't enjoy watching things on my computers. The desktop isn't really in a good "sit around and relax and watch TV" spot and the laptop's screen is too small (plus it means I can't play with my laptop while watching). As long as they had it available for TV/iPad/etc. (ala Netflix and Hulu Plus), okay.

  44. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANNovember 20, 2013 at 11:49 PM

    I'm mostly joking, it's just that those two blurbs are in the same update and they run a wrestling company.


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