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UFC 167 and Favorite Fighters

Hey Scott: In another break from the usual talk, any thoughts on the upcoming UFC fight? I'm personally excited to see GSP fight a tough opponent in Hendricks, although I'm pretty sure he's going to walk away with his usual unanimous decision. 

On the subject of UFC, do you have any fighters that you love to follow? Brock was one for most of us, certainly, and Canadians are almost honour-bound to love GSP, but anybody else find themselves on your must-watch list?

Yay!  UFC talk for a change!

I think that if Hendricks isn't the guy to finally beat GSP, then no one will.  We know George can be knocked out (and now we know that Silva isn't unkillable either) and Hendricks got kind of screwed out of having a title shot last time around, so this might be the best chance to end GSP's run.  I think it's either a shockingly quick KO for Hendricks or GSP grinds out his usual decision.  Personally although I love GSP, it's time for someone new on top of the division.  

As for fighters, I find myself more invested in the Ultimate Fighter guys I've watched over the years, for obvious reasons.  I've been following the oddball careers of Matt Mitrione, Brendan Schaub and Roy Nelson since that season they were on together, for example.  I used to be a huge Jon Jones fan but he's kind of pissed away that goodwill now with being a dick all the time.  I'm also finding myself surprisingly sucked into Vitor Belfort's latest comeback story as well.  


  1. As much as I want Hendricks to win, I think he loses via jabfest decision.

  2. I would like to see Hendricks win, but I really just hope the fight isn't 5 rounds of GSP taking Hendricks down 30 seconds into the round and laying on him for 4 and a half minutes.

  3. My favorite fighter of all time is Chael Sonnen. His hype for the first fight with Anderson Silva took a lackluster fight on paper to a must see event. Since that narrow loss, his schtick has gotten old to a degree but I really struggle with the lack of intensity the fighters show in fights. The impasse way they embrace after a fight and do a boring grappling battle after weeks of twitter wars feels like a let down. The fight he has this Saturday with Rashad Evans is very interesting. I listened to this interview that Rashad gave and he is someone that gets it and they have built up an interesting semi main event program even though both of their contender days are probably over.

  4. Sonnen is the greatest Ultimate Fighter coach of all time. He should just be the coach every other season. He turned Uriah Hall into an unstoppable force.

  5. Vitor is sort of winning me over as well lately. I know the big knock on him is the TRT treatment controversy, but Dana White has gone on record to say they "test the shit out of him," and if the guy is at normal levels then it shouldn't be an issue, I suppose. He's been on a hell of a tear recently.

  6. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 15, 2013 at 8:43 AM

    ...what does this have to do with DBry?
    GSP by decision.

  7. I don't dislike GSP, but it does bug me that he doesn't finish a lot of his fights.

  8. Same here. He's an awesome fighter, his fights are just boring.

  9. I also find myself invested in the Ultimate Fighter contestants, although not in this latest one -- just not a good season for personalities.

    Brock Lesnar MAIN EVENTED UFC 100.

  10. Stranger in the AlpsNovember 15, 2013 at 9:12 AM

    Sonnen. Yes.Yes. Sonnen. His trash talking just gives an otherwise blah sport some personality and color. You would think that guys with ADD and douchey tattoos would have more personality in them.
    I don't watch a whole lot, but what I have seen, Sonnen stands out for me.

  11. I loved him as the coach. He didn't just unanimously praise his guys and say "This is a good matchup for us" every week like every other coach does. And whether his guy won or lost, he gave praise to the competition. Sonnen really showed a different side of his UFC persona and made me a fan whereas prior to that, I found his schtick overbearing.

  12. Daniel Bryan would choke GSP out in a second. So long as ties are permitted in the cage.

  13. I love Vitor. Always have. The comeback has been awesome. The hilarious part of people pushing the TRT thing (and I'm no fan of it) is that Henderson uses it too! People just let their love of Hendo blind them to that fact before the fight.

    Hope Vitor takes the title from either Anderson or Weidman.

  14. "Anderson Silva, you absolutely SUCK!" still gives me chills just thinking about it. Silva/Sonnen 2 was an absolute MUST see event. Love that guy... but yeah, all the trash talking is fantastic... but when you lose, and then do more trash talking about your next fight, it loses it's luster each time.

  15. Sonnen was a better coach than he is a fighter. And he's a pretty good fighter.

  16. Vitor needs another shot at Jon Jones. He was SO close last time with that armbar. Jones showed a lot of heart in that one.

  17. Can't stand Hendricks. I really hope this is GSP's first finish in years.
    Also, I'm still a Jon Jones fan.

  18. Hendricks in the first round by KO. GSP has been ducking this guy for too long. No more laying around for 25 minutes!

  19. Sadly I think this is what we are destined for... this type of fighting has really killed UFC for me as it seems to be the most effective and safest for those that can pull it off... but holy apeballs is it dull to watch.

  20. Which is why I'll NEVER pay for a GSP fight. I'm surprised his PPV numbers are so large. You'd think people would learn that he just lays on guys.

  21. And somehow HHH would still end up looking good.

  22. Its really time for a changing of the guard in UFC... GSP hasn't lost since what 2007 and it was a fluke then... and most of his wins are dishwater dull lay and pray victories. We finally got Silva out of the way, time for GSP to move along also... but I am not betting against him until he gives me a reason to.

  23. I haven't really followed it closely for about 18 months? Was a huge Jim Jones fan before my overall MMA fandom faded...anything specific he did to be labeled a "dick"?

  24. Five minutes to decide:

    Floor seats at Wrestlemania, just under $500 each... next to the entrance ramp, about 25 rows from the ring. Buy?

  25. Jon Jones. He's just getting cockier as he keeps winning.

  26. Absolutely, and thank you for asking that I be your guest who will not have to pay for anything.

  27. "Jim Jones"... smh. I must have cults on the brain for some reason.

  28. You have a presale code?

  29. I love NO. I'd use the money for other shit that weekend, maybe Raw tix the next night and just watch the ppv at a bar.. That's just me though, can't yo wrong either way

  30. Jon Jones is one of the last true "must see" fighting attractions in the world. I get excited for his fights and like to watch them in a group atmosphere. Can't wait for that texiara fight. Also Jones zombie strangling machida was one of the best finishes I've ever seen.

  31. Man, fucking Warriors had me up late last night. Insane game

  32. That may be the end result... seems like TicketMaster just crashed on me.

  33. Ugh. Either way, if you're in NO that weekend, you'll be fine. I'm going with a few friends and we figured Raw the next night is the best decision from financial/flexibiliy purposes

  34. I live 40 minutes SE of New Orleans... not like I have any other expenses for it.

  35. Even better. Any good hotel recommendatios in NO? Last time I went the hotel was so shitty

  36. Oh man I got fucking wasted watching that game at the yard house last night. I ended up leaving my car parked at work and taking a cab in. That's a top 5 all time regular season win for me as a GS fan. When they blew that lead I started hitting the shots hard but man when fucking Iggy hit that shot I was running around screaming like a crazy person. That might go down as one of the best free agent moves ever. Splash city baby. 6-3 ftw

  37. None... I don't keep track of the N.O. Hotels too much,

  38. Yea. Great win by them. Iggys job on Durant defensively will fly under the radar. Big game by him all around


    Section J, Row 25, Seats 7-8

  40. And the Internet would still complain he didn't get in enough offense and that GSP said "yes" in a sentence in his post fight interview

  41. Great seats. I'm surprised they were all 500 acrually.

  42. A large part has to do with him backing out of fights: UFC 151 was scrapped after Henderson was injured and Jones refused to fight the replacements, and most recently he refused a rematch with Alexander Gustafsson after a very close fight (I think Jones won, but there definitely should have been a rematch to settle the score). That said, he's still awesome in the ring, so whatever.

  43. There's a lot of talk about GSP retiring in the cage if/when he wins this fight. I doubt it'll happen and as with most UFC rumors that don't originate with Meltzer, it probably is originating with Helwani meaning that it was planted there by Dana himself.

    Even though he's young he's been the division champion for an awful long time. Since Anderson lost GSP is the last link in the chain from the original expansion period. All the other champions and original big draws (Chuck, Hughes, Randy, Tito, Penn, Franklin) are gone, either retired or very far from being a draw in 2013. In fact GSP has been around for so long that a 2nd generation of big draws (Forrest, Brock, Rampage, Anderson--even though he'll be back) have come and gone inside of his time on top.

    So while I don't believe he's retiring tomorrow kind of makes you think for a second. Nobody can stay at a championship level for this long.

  44. If anyone can come close to beating him, they are more than welcome to, but a "changing of the guard?" Dislike his fights as much as you want, but dude is DOMINANT. He goes over so strong, you'd think he was Randy Orton, except he's over.

  45. I'm not really sure what your point is here... I am not arguing that he is dominant... I did say he has been champion since 2007 or whatever... I am just saying it is time for UFC to have some new blood at the top and I am hoping that Silva's loss will lead to others and there will be a new wave... like the way Silva, GSP, and Brock replaced people like HHHughes, Franklin, and Ortiz... and how they had replaced Gracie, Shamrock, and Coture... I just want to see some new faces.

  46. Ha. I was always a Cam'ron guy

  47. While I agree that GSP probably should have a few more finishes, it's not like he's taking it easy on his opponents. "Lay and pray" basically implies he's just holding them down and not inflicting damage....GSP is really laying into guys the entire fight and usually beats the hell out of them. Just ask Koscheck, Diaz, Fitch or Penn if GSP doesn't hit hard or is capable of inflicting a lot of damage.

  48. In fairness to Jones, he only had a week's notice to prep for a different opponent. Plus, that opponent would've been Sonnen (Henderson's teammate), and there was a conspiracy theory that the camp knew Hendo wasn't going to be able to fight weeks earlier but waited until the last minute to try and give Sonnen an advantage.

  49. I can see GSP retiring if he beats Hendricks. He'll have cleaned out the division TWICE in five years, and there really aren't any major challengers on the horizon except for his teammate Rory MacDonald. It could be that GSP will go out on top and let Rory step into the spotlight.

    As you put it, St. Pierre has been fighting for a long time. With his intense training regiment, that's got to add a lot of "fighter years" to his body.

  50. Chael rips his material from the best -- Rock, Dusty, Flair, Piper and Punk. Awesome promo guy, when he's on.

  51. Ducking? I don't see that at all. Hendricks got gifted a decision over Koscheck, then survived against Condit, who would've finished him in a five-round fight. Hendricks could very well beat GSP, but he's fought heavy-handed wrestlers and grapplers before. To me, Carlos Condit had more ways to beat GSP than Hendricks does. I'll grant he's more dangerous than Diaz, but that was a grudge match.

  52. I get your point on GSP, but "got Silva out of the way?" Silva is the most exciting fighter in UFC history. Nobody provides more finishes than him, and nobody has clowned opponents more than him. If you find Silva boring, I don't know who you'd find exciting.

    I know you want a youth movement, but Weidman isn't nearly as exciting a fighter as Silva.

  53. It's a lot of overblown stuff. Dude's the best fighter in the world right now.

  54. I still think it's a missed opportunity if GSP doesn't at least try to test himself at middleweight, especially if Silva beats Weidman.

    That said, I really don't have much interest in GSP-Lawler, GSP-Condit II (only slight interest) or, God help us, GSP-Brown. If he beats Hendricks (and that's no given), I don't see an appealing challenge on the horizon besides Rory (unless Rory just gets wiped out by Lawler).

  55. Out of all of those fights the only one I'd pay to see is GSP/Brown. And not because Brown is a great fighter, he still isn't, but just because Matt Brown is crazy enough to create an element of chaos in the fight.

    GSP fights are orderly to a fault. Jackson plans out how the fight goes and GSP executes. Matt Brown is a nut who'll probably get himself knocked out in the 1st or submitted in the first 2 rounds but at least it would be something different.

  56. That's the theory going around, that he would retire and leave the future of 170 to Rory. I would normally play it off as Helwani just being a UFC shill (like always) and spouting that off just to get the UFC a few extra PPV buys but the fact that it's also coming from GSP's Canadian contingent of coaches makes me wonder, if only for a little bit.

  57. Recently some Superstar Billy Graham too!

  58. KO power and an iron chin, that's what Hendricks has on the competition. UFC 158 was the perfect setting for it, but GSP chose to fight Nick Diaz, who was coming off a LOSS to Condit. GSP has been ducking him... and the time for that is over. New champ.

  59. Thiago Alves and Carlos Condit also had KO power and iron chins. The only guy GSP has been ducking is Anderson Silva.

  60. I don't think he "just lays on guys," as evidenced by Diaz and Condit's faces after the bouts, but he definitely doesn't go hard for the finish like he once did. No reason he couldn't have finished Kos or Shields.

  61. I'm not buying any of that conspiracy theory stuff. Sonnen stepped in because above ALL UFC fighters... Sonnen is a fighter who likes to fight. He fights very frequently. I'm also somewhat astonished at his payouts for the fights as well. He's well below what I thought he'd be making (maybe that's why he fights so often). Anyway, it was a smart play on Sonnen, because almost no matter what, Jones would look bad.

  62. Well, Anderson Silva hasn't been out to get GSP. You can't be ducking a guy that's not coming for you. Also, the GSP/Silva fight doesn't intrigue me as much. Two very different styles and body types... they're close in weight class, but almost two different species, you know? Now Silva/Jones... sign me up.

  63. Oh stop with your ducking bullshit.

  64. Casual MMA fan at best.

    Love that Cheal Sonnen guy

  65. It was win-win for Sonnen. If he loses, he had built-in excuses: he was fighting on a week's notice and he was moving up a weight class. If he wins, he won a title he didn't have to work his way toward. I mean, any fighter can get lucky because all it takes is one punch, one mistake. I never blamed Jones one iota for backing out; why should he risk his title when he's under no obligation and there's virtually zero preparation for the new opponent? It's easy for Sonnen to take a free title fight; not so easy to risk everything you've worked for when you have everything to lose.

    I agree Sonnen is a guy who just loves to fight, but does he take the fight on short notice if a title isn't involved? A title he has zero credibility to challenge for? He wasn't going to get a(n undeserved) title shot without throwing his name in the ring.

  66. New blood will rise to the top when it beats the old blood. I'm more than happy to see someone who is good enough to beat GSP, but that's not really something that is presenting itself.


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