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UWA- old-school e-wrestling

Hey, Scott. Earlier this year, you lent a plug to the UWA, an old-school e-wrestling fed. I joined because of that, and I've been having a lot of fun. Half a year later, it's still going fairly strong, with about six or seven consistent participants, and events happening every week like clockwork. Think you can throw the link up on the Blog 'o Doom once more, to see if we can get some more players in? Thanks!


  1. Love me some otters. They, and mustelids in general, are badass. Don't believe me?

    As for the question, the first meme I can remember busting me up hard was this one:

    Still cracks me up.

    As for faves, Grumpy Cat always amuses. Star Wars kid just went waaaay over the top with redos.

  2. Girl on girl is pretty xcute

  3. I was on my way here to answer porn... but much like bitterfatguy to the buffet you get here before me.

  4. There is video other than porn on the internet? Not only is this question of the day, it is education of the day!

  5. Juuuust because I wanted to be sure you see this, I'm reposting:

    Kitten = parallax

    Potato = married trim

  6. and as a general rule, I'm not a fan of buffets. The quality is general horrid.

  7. Where's Bea?

    Bulldog Kisses Baby Orangutan... need I say more?

  8. Speaking of memes, didn't someone ('llax or Jef) call this?

  9. Anyone remember that anti-smoking PSA where all the animals were smoking fags and the announcer says something like "If it looks unnatural for them, what makes you think it's good for you?" That shit was hilarious, unfortunately I can't find it on YouTube.

  10. There's also porn WITH animals!

    (throws up in mouth a little bit)

  11. I prefer the Deadspin Rob Ford videos.

  12. Oh yeah, not a viral video exactly, but here's my pick:

    Lame joke: a bear walks into a bar and tries to order a drink and the bartender tells him "We don't serve your kind in here, get the hell out!" The bear leaves without incident, and the bartender shakes his head and says to one of the customers "fucking Canadians..."

  13. Hey man, you get what you pay for...

  14. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 20, 2013 at 1:02 PM

    Here's something interesting I read the other day: it wasn't until the last 50-70 years or so that lobster became what you'd call an "upscale" food. Until then it was considered disgusting by the upper classes (a lobster is basically a giant underwater insect, after all) and was peasant food, and was actually fed to prisoners as a bit of extra punishment. Could you imagine that shit today? If people knew they could get lobster for free every day if they went to jail the crime rate would be astronomical.

  15. I guess my first would be that Hamster Dance thing from like a hundred internet years ago, but that wasn't a real hamster.
    I always liked the Immigrant Song video with the viking kittens. That was cool.

  16. Fashions change, even with regard to food. Go figure. That is pretty trippy. I'm actually not much of one for lobster or crab, but I love me some shrimp...they're bottom dwellers as well.

    Hm. I wonder what actually started the trend? That article say anything about that? I suppose I could research it my damn self...and here you go:

  17. Stranger in the AlpsNovember 20, 2013 at 1:32 PM

    I usually don't care much for "cutesy" stuff on the internet. I get enough of that shit on Facebook, and I have become desensitized to it. I think cats end up on the internet because, really....crazy cat people are a lonely sort, and the internet is their only extension to the outside world. Personally, a good cat winds up as my General Tso's chicken at the China Wok Express here in town.

    My favorite viral video of all time has to be:

  18. Only the tail of the lobster is any good man. The rest of it is disgusting.

  19. I like the one where the Brazilian girl blows the horse and eats all its cum!

  20. My favorite I think was win that monkey was screwing around with the tail of this dog. This still cracks me up to this day.

  21. I named my cat 44, after President Obama. True story.

  22. What your girlfriend chooses to do in her spare time is her business! You should just accept her FOR her!

  23. Stranger in the AlpsNovember 20, 2013 at 2:12 PM

    That......was strangely erotic. I will not lie.

  24. Republican heads would explode... I may have to talk to 44 about this...

  25. I always found myself wondering if the horse was Brazilian also.

    (Note: I did not find myself wondering that)

  26. I guess it helps to know that the cat is black. Seriously not racist.

  27. Stranger in the AlpsNovember 20, 2013 at 2:17 PM

    I was thinking that it was not the only pussy you have named.

  28. Ya know I wonder if the horse likes it? I mean hey its a fucking bj! And I wonder if the horse finds it offensive. I mean if a female horse just started sucking my dick I wouldn't like it, but if its some girl (regardless of her appearance) I'm at worst, going to let her finish. So to horse, is it better or worse to get blown by a girl? Hey they already get there prostate pushed in by dudes stealing their jizz, this seems way better.

  29. Generally no... if you name it then you get all attached and it makes it more difficult to hand her the mapquest directions to get home.

  30. I have stopped a BJ before when the bitch just WOULD not stop hitting it with her teeth. The rest of it is a very good question.

  31. Stranger in the AlpsNovember 20, 2013 at 2:23 PM

    High five!

  32. Have you seen the one from like 5 years ago of the horse fucking the girl...Eventually the horse gets into it and thrusts all the way in..let's just say it doesn't end well...note:I haven't actually seen it, just read about it.

  33. My grandmother had a black cat named "Jiggs" I'm sure if they were alive today she'd also say it was named after Obama.

    Yes, my grandparents were very racist.

  34. Stranger in the AlpsNovember 20, 2013 at 2:24 PM

    Being hung like a horse, I can say that it's pretty cool.

  35. :: Gets a chair because he is short ::

  36. I initially thought he was a girl (it was a stray I took in and was skiddish at first) and had named him Michelle.

    There are all kind of double entendre jokes to be made here.

  37. How dare you speak ill of buffets!!! Take it back.

    True story, I lived next to a cheap Chinese buffet in vegas that got sued bc they kicked a guy out after he was there for to long and then shut down for serving cat. Classy establishment

  38. :: Polite applause ::

  39. Tangent comment from the diwcussion below. Beastility is probably the most offense/grossest form of pornography out there. I've never actually watched any but I can't think of a grosser form.

    Like kid is terrible and all those fucker should burn in hell and die but having sex with another species? That's beyond fucked up

  40. Well, the cat thing could be cultural...dogs and cats are considered livestock in other parts of the world. As for their kicking the dude out..."classy" is a good word.

  41. Stranger in the AlpsNovember 20, 2013 at 2:47 PM

    I just pictured a horse dick coming out of a girl's head.
    Wasn't that in a Saw movie?

  42. Yea. Every time I go to a Chinese buffet now I'm VERY skeptical of what species I'm eating. But hey, if it's deep fried and has some kind of sauce on it, I'm OK with it

  43. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 20, 2013 at 2:55 PM

    We're not married, so I don't see how this concerns you at all.

  44. I would have been very disappointed if you hadn't said something like that.

  45. I'm thinking more in terms of YouTube stuff because that's when things could go "viral" in a hurry, but...

    -Charlie Bit Me (or whatever we want to call it). It was kind of an eye-opener to see a relatively random video from a random person garner so much attention. Sure enough, it's hilarious. Most of the people I know have an "OOOUch Charlie" impression.
    -And all of the Wilford Brimley rap mash-ups of him talking about Diabeetus.

  46. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 20, 2013 at 3:04 PM

    That Cracked article is what I was talking about, actually.

    Also, lobster is REALLY overrated. I mean, it's tasty and shit, but not tasty enough to justify what it costs. And it's not very filling, if I'm paying over $30 for one course I sure as fuck better not be hungry again by the time the check arrives. I love shrimp too, but blue crab is the most delicious food on God's green earth, IMO. Calamari is awesome too, once you get over the fact that you're eating the most disgusting looking animal ever.

  47. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 20, 2013 at 3:06 PM

    I just kind of feel proud that it's automatically assumed that I have a girlfriend.

  48. I agree on lobster. It's good but it's one of those things I only find good if I don't eat it often. It also takes effort to eat. I usually enjoy just being lazy when u eat...why I don't really enjoy much work to eat them.
    Only eat both of them if I'm at like a seafood buffet and can just pig out.

    Calamari is the fucking shit...LOVE it

  49. Also, did you know lobster could live for over 120 years if they were protected from natural ppredators. They have some crazy enzyme that scientists think slow down the aging process of dna. They're being studied by anti aging reseaechers.

  50. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 20, 2013 at 3:10 PM

    Yeah, that's the other thing about lobster that bothers me, if I have to put on a bib then fuck that noise. I mean, what other food do adults have to put a bib on to eat? I can't think of any. Lobster is just a pain in the ass. To me crab is worth the trouble, and like you said, calamari is the fucking shit.

  51. Ha. Yup. If I gotta wear a fucking bib - I'm out

  52. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryNovember 20, 2013 at 3:13 PM

    Otters, seals, sea lions, walruses, penguins, etc. are the best. My favorite is this baby sea lion learning how to swim with help from his mother.

  53. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 20, 2013 at 3:15 PM

    Yeah, I've heard that. Clams can live damn near forever too, I saw somewhere that someone found a clam that they estimated to be over 400 years old.

  54. That is cool. I want to buy a baby sea lion for my pool bow

  55. :: makes mental note ::

    Serve Farva deep fried moose turds with a monkey spooge glaze.

  56. As I recall, I like calamari...I don't believe I've tried blue crab though.

  57. After I typed that I remembered that you had some girl at your job you were trying to bed and likely didn't have a girlfriend...did you ever close that broad btw?

  58. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 20, 2013 at 3:52 PM

    I mean, crab is crab, it's all good. But Chesapeake blue crab is the best. If you don't live near the East Coast don't even bother trying to find it.


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