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WWF Championship Wrestling June 1st, 1985

June 1, 1985

Your hosts are Bruno Sammartino and Vince McMahon

Tonight’s main event is Hulk Hogan vs. Ken Patera in a non-title match. Plus, Paul Orndorff returns to the ring and a surprise wrestler makes his return in a non-wrestling role.

Howard Finkel welcomes the surprise wrestler to ringside, which happens to be Hillbilly Jim. The fans give him a huge ovation as he comes out on crutches.

Johnny Rodz & The Ax vs. Barry Windham & Mike Rotundo w/Capt. Lou Albano

Rotundo dodges a few attacks from the Ax and comes back with a dropkick. Windham tags and hits a few forearms before hitting the bulldog for the win (1:39).

Thoughts: Very short as the ex-champs continue to show aggressiveness as a result of losing their belts. This team is really over with the crowds.  

WWF Update with Lord Alfred Hayes. This week’s subject is Paul Orndorff and his troubles since WrestleMania, including the $25,000 bounty placed on his head by Bobby Heenan. Hayes says that Orndorff is ready for any wrestler that thinks the can collect the bounty.

Greg “The Hammer” Valentine w/Jimmy Hart vs. Mario Mancini

Valentine backs Mancini in the corner and hammers away until referee Rita Marie backs him away. Valentine hits a back suplex then works the arm for a bit. He then works on the leg before slapping on the figure four leglock, getting the win via submission (2:53).

Thoughts: Valentine beating the shit out of jobbers is always a good time. I have it said many times but he was one of the best in-ring performers of 1985. Everything he did was awesome and he wasn't coasting by like he did later on in the decade.

Freddie Miller runs down the June 22nd card at the Boston Garden. Hulk Hogan comes out and apologizes to the “normal” people in Boston for not "getting off" on Hulkamania during his last visit.  Hogan promises to cheap shot Big John Studd and slam him.

Doc Butler & Terry Gibbs vs. George Wells & Tony Atlas

Gibbs and Atlas go at it before the bell. Atlas tosses Gibbs in the corner then uses a flying headscissors. Wells tags and puts Butler in a headlock but he gets trapped in the opposite corner. Wells ducks a double clothesline and comes back with a crossbody. The faces take turns working on the arm of Butler, who eventually tags out. The faces continue to beat on both men as Wells hits Butler with a flying shoulder tacakle. Atlas tags and hits a press slam before putting him away with a splash (3:15).

Thoughts: The duo of Atlas & Wells did not appear to have any chemistry at all. They were both just floundering at this time as Atlas was all fucked up on drugs and Wells came in and did nothing during his WWF stint. 

Freddie Miller is now with Bobby Heenan. He promises the crowder eaters in Boston that Studd will become the new WWF Heavyweight Champion. Studd goes on about how he put Andre the Giant out of the country and brings out his bag to hair.

Barry O. vs. Paul Orndorff

The fans give Orndorff a standing ovation. He even plays up to the crowd a little bit. Orndorff goes full speed ahead and hits a few armdrags and a dropkick as Barry bails. Back in the ring, Orndorff hits a slam and works the arm as the crowd is going nuts, even starting a “weasel” chant. The camera shows Heenan in the aisle as Barry works on Orndorff in the corner. Orndorff fights back and hits him with a running knee smash. He then murders him with a clothesline before hitting the piledriver for the win (3:07). After the match, Orndorff stands on the middle turnbuckle and tells Heenan to come into the ring.

Thoughts: The fans are really buying Orndorff as a face. Plus, it is easy when your antagonist is Bobby Heenan, who was loathed by the fans.

Piper’s Pit with guest Jesse Ventura. Piper refers to Jesse as a “rockstar” as Jesse says he is not a “three dollar” star like Boy George and Prince. Jesse says that he saw Piper beat down Mr. T at WrestleMania and thinks that he should be the champion. Piper brings up Orndorff’s bounty a Piper does an impression of Orndorff by laying down on his back as Jesse counts to three. An alright segment, with the heels making fun off the faces.  

Jim Neidhart & Brett Hart w/Jimmy Hart vs. S.D. Jones & Joe Mitro

Neidhart pulls up on a dropkick attempt by Jones then he and Brett hammer away. Brett ducks his head and Jones kicks him then makes the tag. Neidhart knees Mirto in the back from the apron and the heels beat him down until they put him away with the Hart Attack (2:54).

Thoughts: The future Hart Foundation are starting to get a little bit of traction as a heel team, mostly due to them constantly being featured on TV.

Ken Patera w/Bobby Heenan & John Studd vs. Hulk Hogan

The fans go out of their minds for Hogan. They lockup to start. Patera hammers away in the corner until Hogan reverses an Irish whip then follows with a clothesline. He slams him down before hitting another clothesline. Hogan suplexes him but runs into Patera’s knees off of a charge. The fans are going crazy as Hogan hulks up. He slams Patera and hammers away as Studd is now on the apron. They slug it out until Patera hits him from behind and the ref rings the bell for the DQ (3:05). Heenan comes in the ring with scissors but Orndorff runs out and tosses him away. Hogan and Orndorff then clear the ring of the heels as the entire building is going apeshit as the faces pose to the crowd.

Thoughts: This segment was fucking great and the slow turn that they built for Orndorff was just tremendous. I cannot say enough good things about this segment. This also started the partnership between Orndorff & Hogan, which would lead to a great feud the following year.

Freddie Miller is with Capt. Lou Albano. He promises that Windham & Rotundo will regain the tag belts. He then brings out George Steele, saying that he is suicidal, homicidal, schizophrenic, and that the doctor found a calcium deposit lodged into his medulla oblongata. They leave as Blassie comes out with Sheik & Volkoff. They accuse Windham & Rotundo of crying to their mother’s and even the promoters.

Next week, Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff are in action.

Final Thoughts: The Hogan/Orndorff segment will go down in history as one of the best in the history of "Championship Wrestling." Everything else that happened in the show was an afterthought. 


  1. I'm loving these recaps. Brings back so many memories. Guess there are a lot if youngin's on this board

  2. Thanks, I appreciate that.
    Yeah, I was only three years old in 1985 but I have all of the Championship Wrestling shows (and the Superstars & Challenge shows) until 1989. I am going to review them in order. I also have select episodes of TNT and Prime Time Wrestling. I also have all of the PPV's and Saturday Night Main Events. I plan to go continue this timeline for as long as I can. I love learning about this era, as it really was a fascinating time.
    Also, I put up these reviews on Tuesdays and Saturdays. Ialso plan to put one up on Saturday this week and next Tuesday, I will post the June MSG show, which features the MSG debut of Randy Savage.

  3. Wasn't going to happen. The brutal truth (which they acknowledge in the Mid-South DVD) is that JYD's charisma hid how shit he was in the ring. Watts made sure to book him in short matches that wouldn't show his weaknesses off, good in a territory but not the guy to carry a massive company even without his drug habit.

  4. Another question is if other guys would have chased the expansion better. Watts recognized what Vince was doing but by the time he got Mid-South into UWF, he was already falling behind. If he'd done it a couple of years earlier, he could have given the bigger guns like Crockett and Vince a run for the money. Ditto for Crockett, he would have been good with grabbing stuff like Florida and such. Flair has always said that if Crockett just had the marketing Vince did, he would have won the war with his talent. Maybe without Hogan as the monster draw to go against, Crockett could have consolidated better and with Flair, Magnum, Nikita and others, gone a lot further faster.

  5. Cesar is going to wrestle Regal? Regal might want to reconsider that, while I'm sure he's a better wrestler than Mr. Villapondo, I'm sure the Vagos and Grove Street Families will run in and fuck Regal up proper.

  6. Automatic upvote for posting a Louis CK clip. Here's the best one though:

  7. CL are my favorite group. Natti's new solo album is ridiculous btw.

  8. I think the markets had a lot to do with it. Even after expansion Vince didn't do much below the mason-Dixon. The problem Crockett had was that he would have to market "rasslin" to a wider audience or try to sell his core on a less realistic product. I think it was a no-win for them.

  9. A more mat-based style would work on the indy circuit, but if he gets to the point where that's the only way he can get booked he really does need to retire. I mean, he needs to hang it up now, but that would be rock bottom.

  10. I know your stance on drugs, but if you have that big a problem with wrestlers doing pain pills you might want to just give up on it. Until they start making rings out out of pillows or trampolines painkillers are always going to be a big part of THIS BUSINESS. I wouldn't recommend becoming a football fan either.

  11. He pisses me off with it more than most.

  12. this was one of the worst raw's in a while. the whole stupid country feel just left a sheen of shit on it. man, i fuckin' hate country music

    and how about the screwup in the intro promo -

    hhh: "who the hell do you think you're talking to?!'
    orton: 'the wwe champion and the face of the company'

    ...FAIL. so sad when they're so reliant on scripts that when someone messes up (like hhh, instead of saying 'who the hell do you think you are'), they cant even recover properly

    and later jbl calling for rey to 'drop the dime' when he was about to hit the 619, and then hearing the shame in his voice when he said 'two 619's"

    also sounded like he got cut off (from the back) when he was about to mention jarrrett again

    and the rhinestone cowboys... just no. wrestling is homoerotic enough as it is

  13. Really? Why?

  14. They went off script a lot during the early parts, especially during the HBK - Hart rivalry. Other than that, wrestlers add libbed about instead of reading strict scripts. Thats how they developed characters. Now everyone has a set script, and everyone is the same. The Rock could not have made it big today.

  15. OK, now that you've explained it I see you point. I never think about how he was friends with Eddie and Benoit (I assume you meant Benoit was the other one), and he looks RIDICULOUS on the juice. It would be like if if AJ got DDD-sized implants, Rey just looks so unnatural that you have to laugh at the absurdity.

    Still, I know he was/is on the gas, he got popped for amphetamines for his last suspension, but since when is he a coke/smack addict? I never heard that.

  16. I was talking about Benoit a the other... probably others beyond that as well.

    I was being hyperbolic with the rest... having worked in politics has given me a penchant for that at times.

    In a only slightly related note I wonder if there is some connection between being drug free and insomnia... I know CM Punk has struggled with it (it was mentioned somewhere... plus just look at the fucking guy he has bigger bags under his eyes than I take on vacation) I know someone else that has the same issue... and it has been a problem for me for several months now... it is nearly 2am here, I get up for work by no later than 6:30 (and that is pushing it) I was up later than this last night and STILL can't sleep now... this is my routine... very irritating.

  17. I smoke weed to help me sleep, I consider that a medicinal use of the plant. I also sometimes gun some beers to help me sleep. And sometimes neither one helps. I'd say there's more of connection between insomnia and drug use. A LOT of alcoholics say they first started drinking to help them sleep, and it just kind of snowballs from there.

    Insomnia is a pretty common problem, and like I said, not being "drug free" (I'm sorry, I just hate that term for many reasons) isn't a cure. People that can just GTS (only on a wrestling board would "GTS" mean anything...) as soon as they hit the bed amaze me. My mother has to get up at the same time you do, and I'm sure she's been in bed since 9PM. How the fuck do you even do that? I can't imagine being asleep at 9PM. And this is why I have always worked nights.

  18. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANNovember 20, 2013 at 12:19 AM

    They need to bring back Sin Cara before his contract runs out and give him and Rey an injury gimmick. The crowd will be at the edge of their seats wondering if the guy playing Ricky Morton is just building to a hot tag, or if they're legitimately crippled

  19. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANNovember 20, 2013 at 2:11 AM

    The problem with filling the Hogan role is that the person who fills that role has to be a larger than life character, they have to be able to speak and they have to be able to do the PR junket. The last part might be the most important if you're expanding. This makes the list very, very short. Might be just Piper and Flair, and neither of them were in Rocky III. And I'm not sure why Flair would stab Crockett in the back to take that risk, so that leaves you with Piper.

    Hell, at that point since the whole Andy Kaufman thing was still fresh, Lawler might have been number 2 to Hogan in casuals knowing who he was.

  20. And of course, Goldberg WON his matches against The Giant. Ryback just looks like a very muscular loser.

  21. Russo. that's all you should know. he wants everything to be shoot-work, worked shoot etc.

  22. I wasn't sure if they did before, but a quick check of YouTube shows the full match.

  23. "Drug Free" isn't really the term I wanted to use there either as it seemed a little "Just Say No" cheesy but I couldn't figure out how else to put it. Using GTS there however is very meta.

    Its good to know that its not just me... I wouldn't GTS at 9pm even if I could as I would basically have no life. Once I go to bed I am usually able to GTS pretty quickly... but it is because I am so exhausted at that point it is only a matter of time... but I still get woken up very easily... like i have to shut the door to my room and put my phone on vibrate in another room or else the chime I get when an email comes in will wake me up, or one of my cats walking around will wake me up, and once I am awake I may not get back to sleep.

    I guess I should go to the men with testicular cancer support group and meet Bob. Bob has bitch tits.

    I really hope you get that reference, otherwise I am going to seem very strange.

  24. Rey just needs to hang it up at WM30. Already a hall of famer, nothing left to prove

  25. Vince knows of ZZ Top and that is it

  26. I heard this too and Hulk declined b/c he was already losing his hair and figured dying it over and over would just speed up that process.

  27. I grew up watching the Von Erichs, and still count Kerry as my favorite wrestler ever and, IMO, while it might have worked on a smaller scale, no way is it anywhere close to as successful as it was with Hulk. Kerry didn't have the same "it" factor that Hulk had.

  28. Hogan isn't staying in AWA simply because Verne didn't know how to book sports entertainment. He wouldn't have messed with Watts because of what a hardass he was. The two places I could see Hogan going are an aggressive JCP or to Georgia with Ted Turner jumping into the promotional side of wrestling earlier than he eventually did. Turner knew wrestling and I'm sure he'd have seen gold in Hogan.

  29. By 1987 Crockett did market 'rasslin' to a wider audience. JCP was travelling nationwide instead of just the Carolinas and Georgia. World Championship Wrestling ("the muthaship" as some would say) at 6:05pm on Saturday nights was a HUGE national TV show for TBS.

  30. I was speaking more along the lines of JCP going national when Vince did in 84

  31. I highly doubt Trips has a vendetta against Bryan.

  32. I'd like to know where you got that info (about the Summer of '08 getting the highest ratings of the past decade) because it sounds highly suspect.

  33. Man that would be fucking g fantastic

  34. Brian I've recently found full sets of WWF TV through 93, combo of challenge, all american, and superstars

  35. Cool. I would be interested in that .

  36. I found them floating around the usual places.

  37. I don't know about anyone else, but orndorff was so great as a piece of shit heel it was very hard to swallow his face run. Orndorffs TNT video where he went to a gym and tried motivating some fat girls was absolutely hysterical.

  38. Oh, OK then.

  39. Terry Gibbs...heh. I can't remember the number of times I saw Gibbs wrestle on TV in the 80s, and after the face went for a pin, Gorilla or Vince saying, "Oh, you're NOT gonna beat Terry Gibbs that way." Good times.

  40. 'the good ole days.'

    which good ole days are we talkin?

    formation and dominance of the original horsemen?

    or when he booked the black scorpion?

  41. except that the rock uses the same stuff today that he was using back then. if he started today at least he'd have new material

  42. there's some single screen theaters here in town that show it, but i've never seen it. but every time i see the poster for it, dude makes me think of gene simmons

  43. i actually came across that phrase recently, it's an old british phrase (though I think "planning" is in place of 'posture')

  44. I was waiting for a shining wizard to the the face! Guess that wasn't a safe option...

  45. Talking of Regal, did anyone see his ShopZone segment? Pretty funny.

  46. Wrestling Observer and Pro Wrestling Illustrated reported the ratings increases when they happened and funnily enough, the increases happened right after they did an infamous failed ratings stunt with Vince's million dollar giveaway. Amazing how giving away money doesn't increase ratings but giving people good programming does.
    Of course, they flushed away all of that goodwill when they made Mike Adamle the GM for no reason other than Vince owed Dick Ebersol a favor and everything went back to the status quo and the ratings in turn went back to the status quo as well.

  47. I don't doubt that ratings increased, but I mean about them being the highest ratings of the past decade.

  48. Here's that Hogan-Patera match. INSANE heat.

  49. Notice the Rock doesn't seem as good no as he did back in the day? It almost sounds like he was reading from a script prepared from a writer to try to write for the Rock. The Rock adlibbed a lot back in the day in contrast. Infact, his most famous segment "This is your life" was almost all adlibbed and went long as a result.

  50. Wasn't the original "Austin 3:16" line at KOTR an ad lib?

  51. I understand (although I don't agree with) him getting a talking-to for using the jackhammer. But the spear? Reigns, Kaitlyn, Big Show and Christian already use it, so what's one more guy?

  52. Pretty much. It may as well be a punch.

  53. I'm guessing this is Rey's last run before he retires and I'm guessing it'll be a short run. I'd like to see him beat Cena for the title at TLC (in a TLC match; always makes sense for the smaller guy to win those), then lose to Cena at Royal Rumble in his farewell match.

  54. "Why do they even HAVE that many women employed?"
    WWE having 14 Divas is better than TNA having 4 Knockouts.


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