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WWF Championship Wrestling May 25th, 1985

May 25, 1985
Your hosts are Jesse Ventura and Vince McMahon

Tonight, we will see highlights from the six-man tag match from Saturday Night's Main Event. Also, Junkyard Dog & Tito Santana, Greg Valentine, Pedro Morales, Ken Patera, and Jimmy Snuka will all be in action. Plus, Piper's Pit with the Tag Team Champions, Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff, and the manager Freddie Blassie.

Matt Borne & Steve Lombardi vs. Tito Santana & Junkyard Dog

The match breaks down as the faces gain the advantage. The heels flee as Jesse doesnt think the faces can communicate together because JYD is illiterate and Tito cannot speak good English. Tito hits both men with atomic drops then tags JYD. They use some quick tags until Tito puts Lombardi away with a flying forearm (2:45).

Thoughts: They continue to push Santana & JYD not only as a team, but also as a threat to the Intercontinental Title. The fans dig this duo too, especially JYD.

WWF Update with Lord Alfred Hayes. This week's subject is David Sammartino. Hayes puts over his power and thinks that one day, he could capture the gold. We see a clip of him pinning a jobber with a powerslam. It's been about nine months and Sammartino still has not gotten over as much as his push.

Jimmy Londos vs. Greg "The Hammer" Valentine w/Jimmy Hart

Londos surprises the Hammer with a few sloppy armdrags to start, which even has Vince making fun of him. Valentine pounds away as Hart is riling up the fans. Valentine hits a slam and a shoulderbreaker then tosses Londos to the floor. Valentine hits a few suplexes then drops an elbow before applying the figure four, getting the win (2:55).

Thoughts: Good squash match as Valentine destroyed this guy. He was still awesome in the ring in 1985, one of the best in the company to be honest. He has been good as the IC champ too and Hart has helped him get heat.

Okerlund is with Hulk Hogan. This took place in the locker room during "Saturday Night's Main Event." Hogan cuts a promo on Big John Studd, his next opponent at the Boston Garden. Hogan says that he will slam Studd and win the $15,000.

Pedro Morales vs. Mr. X

Pedro gets a hiptoss and a slam. Mr. X works a side headlock until Morales counters that with a shinbreaker. Mr. X bails then comes back in and goes for another headlock but Pedro counters that with a backbreaker. Pedro takes him over with a headlock then hits a slam before applying the Boston Crab for the win (2:56).

Thoughts: Morales came back for another run but it didnt catch on and he mostly wrestled on the beginning of the card after returning.

Okerlund is with the Iron Sheik and Nikolai Volkoff, with manager Freddie Blassie. Sheik does most of the speaking, or ranting, and promises to send Lou Albano to Hollywood with Cyndi Lauper.

Garry Starr vs. Ken Patera w/Bobby Heenan

Vince brings up last week and how Heenan put a bounty on Orndorff as Jesse agrees with the decision. Starr gets tossed halfway across the ring as the crowd starts chanting for Orndorff. The fans are getting louder as Patera is tossing Starr all over the ring. He drops several elbows then chokes him out on the mat. The crowd continues to drive Heenan and Patera crazy with the chants then Starr gets it with the swinging full nelson and covers him with one foot for the win (2:43).

Thoughts: Watching Patera toss jobbers all over the place is fun. Also, the crowd being all over Heenan makes it fun whenever his guys wrestle.

Piper's Pit with Iron Sheik, Nikolai Volkoff, and Freddie Blassie. Before they come out, Piper talks about Lauper slapping him in the face and continues the angle from SNME in which Piper accused Lauper of telling Steven Spielberg of keeping him out of her video for the film "Goonies." Blassie also comes out and talks about Lauper and Albano ruined the deal for them too.

We are shown the last few minutes of the six-man tag from "Saturday Night's Main Event," that ended with George Steele turning babyface after being attacked by Sheik & Volkoff then getting consoled by Lou Albano.

A.J. Petruzzi vs. Jimmy Snuka

Snuka stalls before entering the ring. He breaks a full nelson and takes down Petruzzi but gets caught with a thumb to the eye. Snuka no-sells a few turnbuckle smashes then uses a chinlock. AJ escapes and lands a few shots but runs into a chop. Snuka slams him down then finishes him off with the Superfly Splash (3:30).

Thoughts: Snuka was struggling to move around here but could still perform his splash well, which is all the fans want to see from him anyway.

Jack Reynolds is with Barry Windham, Mike Rotundo, and Capt. Lou Albano. They all put over Steele as a changed man and an American, despite the fact that Albano thinks he needs the proper psychiatric care.

Vince informs us that Bruno Sammartino will return next week which upsets Jesse as he refers to Bruno as a "hook-nosed vagabond." Next week, Hulk Hogan will face Ken Patera in a non-title match. Plus, Barry Windham & Mike Rotundo, Tony Atlas & George Wells, Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart, and Paul Orndorff.

Final Thoughts:   Decent show this week. With Ventura replacing Bruno on commentary, the show feels a lot more lively as Bruno really only spoke when prompted by Vince. Jesse does a great job at elevating the talent, even if he does mix in politically incorrect jokes with his commentary. Next week's main event is huge, especially for this time period as it was very rare for stars of that caliber to meet up on TV for free.


  1. The Lions have been trying to give the Steelers the game for the last hour and the Steelers keep refusing to take it.

  2. Awesome. Yeah I think I'm with you on some things. I mean the idea of having a house is cool, then I think about all the shit I'd have to do that I don't know how to do (well) and I think I'd be good in a condo or something.

    I hear ya though, I try not to get too bogged down or focused on anything that doesn't fullfill me in some way. I work pretty hard at my job, but my passion goes toward writing and gaming writing and making headway toward getting paid to be a creative person and such.

  3. I think it was WCW's 2nd most purchased PPV ever, so it worked.

  4. You're as young as you feel, they say.

  5. I think much-maligned Matthew Stafford is going to have something to say about that. Well, as long as Megatron is in the game he will.

  6. There are more than two people who both get your joke and agree that it was the greatest game show ever.

  7. Whose heart gave out more this year? Gary Kubiak or the Texans offense?

    /shows self out the door

  8. Also, double my age is 72 and I honestly have the best life ever. Zero regrets.

  9. Nothing makes me happier then seeing the falcons implode this yeat. They've been the most overrated team the past 2 3 years

  10. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryNovember 17, 2013 at 2:18 PM

    I dropped Floyd this week and have Rainey on my bench. FUUUUUUUU

  11. ... they have to get the ball back, first.

  12. I won't be happy unless we finish the sweep this Thursday... but that's for later. Saints-49ers starting...

  13. Skins driving for a potential tying score...

  14. Well with Pittsburgh about to go up 10 it's become moot. (insert sad face here)

  15. Whoever wins that division should have to play a road game.

  16. God, I came so close to betting Pittsburgh. Just couldn't pull the trigger tho.

  17. Well, time for Saints-49ers, with the early games drawing to a close...

  18. That being said, I almost bet Cleveland also. So ill happily take where I am

  19. My gut was SCREAMING take niners, my head was yelling Saints. Well see who wins out

  20. Joe Buck has the biggest literal head ever. It's like a huge fucking watermelon sitting vertically on his shoulders.

  21. That was such a bad pass by RG3. He had another play to work with, just throw it away instead of into a mass of green. I didn't have money on the game but just seeing it end like that made me inordinately angry.

  22. Much-maligned Matthew Stafford just took a sack on 4th down to basically end the game. Just throw the ball dude. Throw it to anywhere it doesn't matter, but just throw it.

  23. So basically your life is good because you eliminated anything challenging or difficult to deal with it.

  24. I think dating is easier as you get older. People are more self confident, have a better understanding of what they're looking for (either a straight Sexual relationship with few strings attached, or a serious emotional relationship), and are typically just more upfront with older age. This is opposed to the "games" I feel people played when they were younger. I bet once you get back into it, you'll find dating is better now them when you were younger.

  25. 56 for my double age. I can't really get a handle on how old I feel anymore. In some ways I still feel like a typical youngster who always thinks good things are in my future and there's more time. And then I look at some people in my age range and they seem like clueless children. Of course, our whole concept of aging is flawed anyway. We forget that we're all likely going to live a lot longer than previous generations. 30 isn't realy a great place to start figuring out whether you're wasting your life when we can all reasonably expect to see 100+. As long as I'm not in stasis at 40 I'll probably be ok.

  26. That might be my biggest sports pet peeve...When qbs take sacks on 4th downs or to run out games.

  27. That's not surprising given how popular the NBA was at the time. Tony and company plugging it more than Cole plugs the WWE App is a bit much to take though.

  28. Damn, this is what I get for spending g Sunday at my gfs house, who on has regular cable.

  29. You have to realize that at this point, Rodman was one of the most famous people in the world. He was an enormous celebrity. And people actually gave a fuck about the nba, unlike now. When he's going to be on your ppv, you promote the fuck out of it.

  30. Indeed. I convinced my parents to buy the show because my dad and I loved watching basketball together. I get why they're doing it but it gets very annoying hearing it for five hours a week.

  31. Getting a hot Gmen team only laying 3.5 at home again St a 3rd string qb is essentially a gift from Santa

  32. My life is still challenging. Being a teacher can be a daily grind and it is tough dealing with that misbehaving student, an uncooperative administration, or a helicopter parent. Trying to lose 70 pounds and being in shape is also a challenge when you have been overweight your entire life.
    I would have no problem getting married again, but it used to be getting married/having kids=happiness for me. Now I would rather be happy and then find the right woman. If she comes along, great; if not, that's okay too.

  33. I relish getting older. Every day older I get is another day closer I get to my ultimate rewards: sweet, sweet death.

  34. I like what Adam Carolla says, "only do things that make you money or make you happy. If it doesn't give you one of those, then why do it."

    My first place I owned was a condo. Neighbors were fine (most of the time); neighborhood was good; it wasn't too expensive. The main thing I didn't like was the HOA. I could spend the next hour on stupid things that they did.

  35. So how do you rate the ATX?

  36. Ate there twice in the 18 months I lived in vegas. Both times never got more ambitious then the double bypass. I was seriously in a food coma for hours after both visits. Def worth a visit tho

  37. Fuck you Christian Ponder, we all know you're not a serviceable nfl qb....stop pretending that you are

  38. I was about to ask if that was a typo... I didn't think he could throw the ball 38 yards. Or was it a catch and run a lot.

  39. Dude was open by 6 yards after a play action pass. Was actually a good throw tho also

  40. Your_Favourite_LoserNovember 17, 2013 at 3:14 PM

    ...why do you always ask questions that only remind me of my shortcomings and failings?

    :( meanie

  41. Your_Favourite_LoserNovember 17, 2013 at 3:15 PM

    and you cheated on the no whammy

    i imagine a few people will get that reference...

  42. There are 60+ qb jobs out there. There aren't anywhere near 60 qualified qb's around which just seems ridiculous with all the qb's hanging around.

  43. Yea, like it boggles my mind guys like Seneca Wallace and Scott Tolzien have started nfl games the past 2 weeks.

  44. DAMNIT! Stop fucking up punts New Orleans.

  45. 90 percent of the game is half mental, my friend. I'm not any catch but I honestly think the only thing stopping you, is you. Create a fet life! see what happens!

  46. Yea. That was huge. Going up 2 scores on an offensively inept niners team would have been the tits

  47. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryNovember 17, 2013 at 3:18 PM

    At least his wife is hot

  48. Your_Favourite_LoserNovember 17, 2013 at 3:18 PM

    '90 percent of the game is half mental'


    huh huh... math... huh huh

    heh heh heh... math sucks!

    huh huh... yeah. lets get some nachos

  49. That's a quote from someone. I think it was Yogi Bear.

  50. Your_Favourite_LoserNovember 17, 2013 at 3:21 PM

    heh heh, you mean like, that dude in the forest, who's always like 'hey hey sabu, let'sa get a picanick basket'?

    heh, that dude is cool

  51. The guys in Harbaugh's booth have screwed him pretty hard. I don't understand why he would use either of those challenges. It's not even his fault, coaches rely on the booth. Now he has 3 quarters without a challenge.

  52. What was the first one?

  53. Your_Favourite_LoserNovember 17, 2013 at 3:22 PM

    always bet on black (and gold)

  54. Your_Favourite_LoserNovember 17, 2013 at 3:23 PM

    well see, the problem is something i cant get away from!

    i'm f'd in the a!!!

    THE A!!!

  55. Something about an illegal forward pass on the Saints' TD drive (Brees to Sproles, 8 yds to the SF 17)

  56. I Def should listen to Wesley Snipes more

  57. Your_Favourite_LoserNovember 17, 2013 at 3:26 PM

    except when it comes to taxes

  58. WTF, am I reading this correctly...the Bengal defense scored 3 tds???

  59. Illegal forward pass, thinking Brees was over the line. Not only was he not over the line, it honestly wasn't even that close, his full body was behind the line of scrimmage

  60. My favorite episode of that game is when that one guy found out the secret and always found the "huge money + one spin" square. He was so good that it went 2 episodes because he spun so many times.

  61. Tannehill was a college WR for 2 years, yet I never ever see him get outside the pocket. Dude must run like a 4.6 I'd guess

  62. And now the momentum swings...

  63. My god that was a moronic decision. Why would you even try to stretch it out there.

  64. Double my age I'm 36

    So yeah, here's to getting older...

    At least one year older if you now what I mean!

  65. Wow. Nice return

  66. I think the Bears and Ravens are going for the record on longest game by time.

  67. You're older than you've ever been, & now you're even older.


  69. The fact that it made good business sense didn't make it any more enjoyable to sit through at the time.

  70. What if they're the same team?


  72. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 17, 2013 at 4:17 PM

    There are a lot of opportunities still available to you. Anything that happened in the past that you didn't get wasn't meant to be.

  73. You'll get it right one of these weeks...

  74. Wait you're younger than me?

  75. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 17, 2013 at 4:20 PM

    "One visit was enough to satisfy my caloric intake for 9 months."


  76. Vernon Davis:Saints Defense::Pimp:Ho

  77. With Seattle covering 1 half of a tease, the question becomes whether to hedge with the Chiefs. Fuck it. Go Denver - 2.5

  78. Man, the niners skill position players are so fucking slow. Tough to consistently score when you get 0 big plays

  79. Stranger in the AlpsNovember 17, 2013 at 4:56 PM

    I'm pretty sure I'm the oldest one here. Mentally, my age is probably like....32. I've been told I don't look as old as my age, and that comes from refraining from partying. I won't divulge my age here, because I will leave myself open to jokes about walkers, and Alzheimer's and Depends. I still have all my hair, and all but two of my teeth....and I can still get it up.

    Now, get the fuck off my lawn.

  80. I like that! To the google to see if it's from a song!

  81. TMBG, they're a rush, man. Do not forsake me a classic!

  82. Are we sure both the Saints and 49ers are good teams? This game has been a carnival of mistakes and mismanagement.

  83. I was just thinking that. Been such a sloppy/boring game for how close it's been.

  84. Yeesh, The Saints don't seem to want this game... but do the Niners?

  85. Given the spread I don't want that safety. Thank you refs

  86. Okay Hartley... right between the pipes please...

  87. Thanks for that .5 Vegas.

  88. As smart as I felt for waiting on the extra half point in Chicago and getting a push, I feel equally as dumb for not waiting on the extra half point in this game and getting a win.

  89. You should join a cult, find a nice one that'll assign you a better personality and a goodly wife.

  90. Knowing that makes you gay. No exceptions. Not there is anything wrong with that.

  91. Statistical regression towards the mean is a bitch. Least you got the Broncos at 830. Got them as the 2nd half of a tease.

  92. I have literally thought about this every day since we talked about it.

  93. That's how Buddy Ryan described Randall Cunningham's surprise quick kicks. Cunningham once punted the ball 91 yards in the Meadowlands. Donnie Jones' 70-yard punt in the fourth quarter was the Eagles' longest punt since Cunningham hit one 80 yards in 1994. It rolled out of bounds at the Washington 4-yard line.


  94. Mmmmmmmmmmm Butterfat Milkshake

  95. We should of kept Alex.

  96. How do you feel about getting older? If you multiply your age by 2, are you 64?

    Most of the time I don't care, its not a real "thing" as it were... but everyone now and then something comes along that reminds me of my age and makes me kind of sad... like when I realize my mean old 1st grade teacher was YOUNGER than I am now. (I am 35 so 70 is my double) or when I went to a party last week with a few people who were 26/27... and they are still no where in their lives... working shitty jobs, going to school, living at home, partying all the time, never been anywhere etc... I felt like the chaperone more than anything (still nailed one of them though because... well why wouldn't I?) or when I realize that someone that was born the year I graduated high school... has now graduated high school... or another recent example I was talking to 2 people at once on Facebook... one is a friend I met as a teenager who then moved away but we have stayed friends via various internet mediums over the years... the other is a 19 year old girl that I will be fucking at some point (because, again, why WOULDN'T I?) and I realize that I have been talking to this friend on the internet as long as this girl has been alive.

    At this point I feel like I am mostly where I should be. I had fun when I was younger, did my part for king and country and tried to make the world a better place for several years (which I will still do but not as my main thing), tried being married and being a (step) father... the marriage thing is obviously not for me... but I'd like to think I did pretty well at the father part for the small amount of time I had... so now I'd like to just optimize my finances as much as I can, get the best work/enjoyment ratio I can get for the rest of my life and just let whatever happens happen... so I guess that is the long way of saying, no for the most part it doesn't bother me.

    Oh and since you brought up naming children I intend to name my first son Luke Sky Walker (since some of you morons still didn't get the joke that my name actually is Chris Walker) so not only does that make him auto awesome it makes me Darth Vader.

  97. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryNovember 17, 2013 at 6:26 PM

    As good as Kaepernick was done the stretch last year, I thought Smith got a fucking raw deal. Im glad he's seeing success this year in KC.

  98. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryNovember 17, 2013 at 6:29 PM

    Is it me or has Houston and Atlanta put up the sneakiest 2-8s in recent memory? I didn't strike me until today that they've basically been as lousy as Tampa.

  99. This was some seriously profound stuff man.


  101. I can never tell when you are serious

  102. Yeah, I drop Simpsons quotes all the time, and just recieve blank stares. The disconnect is hilarious, like I said. I love being an old man pop culturally.

  103. Well, one day you'll grow up and realize how stupid being Canadian is.

  104. Why, cause we get to drink at 19?

  105. Ah then thanks... though I don't really see it... just my perspective on the matter.

  106. And bacon that is in a circle! And poutine!

    My inner fat guy has really been dying to get out lately.

  107. Wow we have 2 comics on here... that has to be pretty low odds.

  108. I'm with you on Houston. I think they have had a chance to win every game they played which is why the record is so surprising. It isn't complete suck like Tampa and Jacksonville, they just don't make plays when necessary.

  109. No offense, but I have trouble labeling anything with the sentance "the other is a 19 year old girl that I will be fucking at some point (because, again, why WOULDN'T I?)" as profound.

    Impressive? Sure. Profound? No.

  110. No offense. I am with you. Wasn't trying to go for profound or even impressive for that matter... was just answering the question... my stream of consciousness did most of the work.

  111. Dating is always easy... at least getting dates. I don't want to sound like Caliber because i am not some fucking idiot that thinks they can just have whoever they want... but I find if you choose your targets wisely, know what your goal is, and just watch them a little bit (I didn't mean that to sound so stalkerish) people will tell you who they are and you can then just figure out what to say or do to get them to go out with you... this is where my abilities come to a halt though because I can't hold one together for any length of time... they've tried to explain why to me before... something about how I don't listen... idk I wasn't really paying attention.

  112. I think he meant our wacky commie health care

  113. Can't believe Detroit blew that game. Still bugging me

  114. I love me some wacky comie healthcare!

    Canada, Fuck yeah!

  115. Your_Favourite_LoserNovember 17, 2013 at 9:09 PM

    but i really wanted tha last mcnugget

  116. I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now

  117. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonNovember 17, 2013 at 9:15 PM

    They make more, you know.

  118. Careless whisper for a careless man.

    A neutron dance for a neutron man.

  119. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 17, 2013 at 9:44 PM

    The track they were at today? I like it, but I'm not sure I would want to race on it, the g-forces look pretty harsh on the drivers.

  120. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANNovember 17, 2013 at 10:35 PM

    Yeah, but all of these hotshots contributed to the death of the company. Short term great ideas that just stagnated everything. You have Karl Malone, Dennis Rodman, Jay Leno and Eric Bischoff working PPV main events. It's not a great idea. Don't forget the show the month before was slathered with football players

  121. I've always felt that teams should just be seeded by record alone, regardless of how you finished in your division. And if that means that won your division with a 7-9 record but finished 8th in your conference, then fuck you, you might be division champ but you still don't make the playoffs.

  122. I was so fucking pissed when the Saints had to travel to Seattle in the 2010 playoffs. 7-9 shouldn't get you a home playoff game.

  123. I can't stand when a team is down 10 after the 2:00 warning and instead of either running out the clock or just trying to hit on a big play, they just meander about. KC's only chance to win tonight was to go down the field and what does Alex Smith do? Throw short (and poorly) every down. I mean, I couldn't care less who won the game, but fuck dude. Either play to win or admit defeat and run the rock and the clock.

  124. You only win with that formula if you have an all-world defense. Alex Smith hasn't ever won shit without a great defense carrying the team. He'll play well in small stretches, but he can't be counted on to win the game. He may do it here and there, but you better not expect it.

  125. 7-9 shouldn't get you a playoff game at all. And fuck it, keep the conference seeding in the NBA and NHL (just for travel concerns), but the NFL should be seeding the 12 teams that make the playoffs from best to worst on overall records alone. Same for MLB.

  126. Losing all 8 games in a row has a way of making you seem worse than a team that broke it up with a couple wins.

    Atlanta has been fool's gold throughout Mike Smith's tenure anyway. They've consistently won games by sheer luck (both in injuries and ways in which the ball bounces) and their kicker's foot. No more bounces + lots more injuries = FG at the end of regulation no longer wins the game.

  127. I'm fine with keeping the conferences/leagues separated, even if it doesn't make much sense when they play against each other all season long. but I've long been in favor of seeding by record; it's the only fair way to handle it. If the playoffs started today, KC, Carolina and San Fran would all be on the road despite having the 2nd-, 3rd- and 4th-best records in their conferences. And Detroit (5th-best), Philly (8th), Cincy (5th) would host those games.

  128. I don't like keeping the leagues separated because it seems like both leagues (the AFC/NFC and the AL/NL, this doesn't really apply to the NHL or NBA) seem to go on dominate runs for a few years, and that often leaves us with one of the conference games being the real decider. Like, during most of the 90's the NFC championship game might as well have been the Super Bowl, because you knew that no matter who won that game you know they going to curb-stomp whoever made it to the real Super Bowl. If the 2 best teams in the NFL are the Broncos and the Chiefs (as their records right now would indicate), then they should be the 2 highest seeds.

    Do you mean seed it like 1-2, 3-4, and so on? That... would be interesting, I guess, though would probably cause the same issues that I was talking about above. Otherwise, no matter how you seed it, KC would not only have a home game, they would have a first round BYE.

  129. I think each conference's top 6 teams should be seeded 1-6, keeping the byes for 1 and 2. Just eliminate auto-qualifiers for division winners. Like you said, you can win the division but not get a playoff spot if it wasn't earned.

    If the conference separation was eliminated, I wouldn't be bothered by it. It doesn't really matter to me either way. At the very least, I just want teams to get what they earn for the playoffs. The better teams should play at home regardless of their divisional status.

  130. Counterpoint.

    Avril Lavigne.

    Celine Dion.

    Justin Bieber.


    Rob Ford.

  131. Lawrence Taylor main evented Wrestlemania.

  132. I say that with love. The benefit of having an empty life is having nothing to lose. You're a prime candidate to be a suicide bomber. I say lean into it.

  133. Your_Favourite_LoserNovember 18, 2013 at 9:45 AM


  134. I'm 38 -- I coach youth football and we formed a new league with five "Valley" teams and five "Mountain" teams (Foothills actually but I guess Mountain sounds cooler) -- Anyway, someone had the bright idea the Valley coaches should play the Mountain coaches in a full-contact football game the morning of the kids' all-star games -- So I decided to play -- I had just played linebacker in an alumni game recently and walked away with just a few bruises -- So what could go wrong here? I tore my left biceps right off the bone -- Happened sometime in the 3rd quarter but I kept playing anyway because I just thought I was cramping up a little -- Called a friend who's a physical therapist that night and he took a look and first thing he said is "Yeah, complete tear" -- I protested that it didn't really hurt and there was no bruising; he explained to me that partial tears can be painful and that complete tears don't hurt much -- The next morning I woke up and looked at my arm and saw purple and blue and yellow -- I'm most likely having surgery this week -- Yep, I'm getting old and have to accept it...

  135. If you don't put in the work you end up looking like Ryan Murphy when his wife left him, foolish. I'm jst trying to help you get your work to the next level, I enjoy people succeeding.

  136. I appreciate that, but I'd think looking up what Japanese promotion a guy worked for (which I got right) doesn't warrant doing research longer than the match itself.

  137. Mentally... I dunno, I'm 31 and I guess I feel that old, though you would say probably act younger. I kind of live like I'm in my early 20's, but fuck it, it's not like have kids or anything, only responsibilities I have is paying my half of the rent and utilities.

    Physically however, I look like I'm about 19 but feel like I'm 55. I swear I can literally feel my body breaking down with every day that goes by. No one but myself to blame for that though, I've never done a good job of trying to keep myself healthy.

  138. Counter-counter point


    Your music argument is invalid.

  139. Uh, if you are Canadian you drink at *18*. What province are you in?

  140. Yes you're an attractive, veeral, manly man. I'm sure you and the zero witnesses that this happened are very impressed because nobody ever projects the image they wish they had onto the internet as opposed to the one they actually have.

  141. Lulz...n ot at all what I am trying to protect our how I see myself...but it's interesting that you see me that way.

  142. Not the suicide part. I just mean you are in the position to dedicate your life to something with nothing to lose. If I didn't have a kid i'd be trying to take down the government as we speak.

  143. Double my age and I'm 68. Physically I've been stronger, but I can pretty much still do anything that I ever did, I'm just more tired at the conclusion than I used to be.

    Everything else about getting this far rocks. I have a good life, without any major

    And I totally get the No Whammy thing. I don't think that Press Your Luck is all that obscure, really.

  144. Prog sucks.

    I SAID IT!

  145. It literally took thirty seconds kid. Don't pull a caliber.

  146. I looked him up on a database, it showed me some stuff he had done in I think New Japan. I looked that name up and saw him listed on a forum with other Dragon Gate names.

    If that's not enough research for you, I'm sorry.

  147. Just cause you said it doesn't make it right you musical philistine

  148. Ontario. Drinking age is 19

  149. Oh right, Ontario - the province with Grade 13. ;)

  150. We don't have that anymore...

  151. Dude you type his fucking name into google boom there's your answer. 30 seconds tops. Don't act like its so much work. If you did the research then there's no need for the word might, replace it with is. Otherwise you sound like some idiot who couldn't be bothered to research the subject he's writing.

  152. Yeah, I'm going to listen to a song that ends in four minutes.

  153. This will be my last response as this is wasting my time.

    It's a jobber. If me not being 10000% sure that he wrestled in Dragon Gate is that big of a problem for you, I'm sorry but I'm never going to be able to satisfy your standards. I think I did enough research into someone who means only slightly more than the person sitting in the 38th row seat G, but apparently that's bad research. If that's such a big problem for you, I'm not sure how to make you happy and I'm not likely to try.

  154. You mean like most Rush songs...

  155. You call them songs, I call them auditory genocide.

  156. Quit making reviews. Or alternately, fact check and be positive about what you type. I'm taking MY time to read it, the least you can do is take your time and make sure everything is right. It's not my fault your research ability leads you to being unsure of things you can google and confirm in ten seconds. Maybe you should stick to writing bland reports about things you know, instead of feigning ignorance for no discernible reason.


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