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A great Jake Roberts promo and match, you say?

Yeah, Princess, TOP THIS.  Great Jake promo, great match, and then he slaps the shit out of Elizabeth.



  1. Ummm where's the post-match promo from Jake? That's the money promo right there. Especially when Okerlund snaps and tells him to "get the hell outta here".

  2. I mean you went through all that trouble and couldn't finish....shame shame.

  3. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryDecember 4, 2013 at 6:58 PM

    So who was the best at slapping women, Jake, Macho Man, or Austin?

    *realizes why WWE doesn't allow man-on-woman violence anymore*

  4. Gauntlet thrown? Yeah, but I sense some vulnerability as long as the video doesn't have the post-match Savage promo. It's one of the coolest promos of all-time, in my opinion. Raw, kayfabe emotion.


  5. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryDecember 4, 2013 at 6:58 PM

    Ugh, I can't even go to a blog without that sentence popping up. =(

  6. This has got to be a top ten all time feud (at least counting only past 84 anyways). Jake at his peak as an amazing heel and savage in full stride as one of the greatest faces ever. This is one of my all time faves and everyone below is also right that the post match promo is as good as it gets.

  7. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 4, 2013 at 7:47 PM

    Well I have ho such issue:

    "Let me touch her again..."


  8. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 4, 2013 at 7:58 PM

    {Jay-Z] "I'll Show ya how ta do this, maaaan [/Jay-Z]

  9. The "I could cultivate her into something even I could want," with Mean Gene getting disgusted and ushering him off the screen?

    That promo is AMAZING.

  10. It's #1 on my list of great feuds with nonexistent/inadequate payoffs. Even moire so than the HHH/Angle/Steph triangle.

  11. Stranger in the AlpsDecember 4, 2013 at 8:10 PM

    Watching this, and knowing what comes after, with Macho's impassioned promo, it just makes you realize that the only current guy to come close to emotion-filled dialogue, is flippin' Cena. Are guys even allowed to emote anymore? Or are guys told what to say, and how to say it? Because frankly, I find everyone now to be somewhere between dorky and smarmy.

  12. Thumbs up for the video, thumbs down for quoting Jay-Z.

    It balances out in your favor... BUT IT WAS CLOSE.

  13. The way they train people now is absurd. Apparently, Divas are taught not to sell on the way to the back, to just get back into their gimmick to "get their character over." That's why Eva Marie was smiling and slapping hands after being eliminated from the Divas match on Raw last week.

    Lance Storm even related a story on F4W last week about how he had a 3-segment match with Chris Jericho in which he took a grueling beating but ultimately scored the upset after a hot finish that the crowd loved. But he apparently caught tons of heat upon getting to the back for not popping up after the finish and doing the stupid dancing gimmick they had him doing.

  14. Try as I might, I can't take Randy seriously with that gigantic feather on his head flopping around.

  15. Stranger in the AlpsDecember 4, 2013 at 8:23 PM

    All I can say is: stupid.

    "Your stupid minds! Stupid! Stupid!" - Eros, from Plan 9 from Outer Space.

  16. I remember being a kid and renting WWF videos from my video store every weekend and then I bumped into this match. I was so excited to see the ultimate blowoff match...only to discover that there really wasn't one. And if ever something demanded the ultimate blowoff match, this was it.

  17. Am I fucking nuts or is heel Jake one of the greatest of all time? He had it all...::insert anti drug announcement::: here

  18. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 4, 2013 at 8:56 PM

    Side note why is it that when the worst movie of all time comes on all time you can't stop watching it?

  19. I'm such a fucking idiot....was just talki.g to.some chick and she goes "let's meet up, I can come to your house" and I go " naw, it's to far it doesn't make instructional sense." What and fucking nerd am I ?

  20. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 4, 2013 at 9:06 PM

    Have you been drinking?

  21. Amongst other things my man. I'm such a moron...Some girl I've been talking to calls me up and gpes, verbatim "I'll be attending your house in 30 minutes, let's meet up."

    I was just getting home and moron reply with "naw? Your pretty far away, I'm just young chill." I'm an idiot

  22. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 4, 2013 at 9:11 PM

    You actually didn't blow it. Your follow up is crucial though. Whatever you do, do NOT call back and apologize, If it was meant to be she'll call back and you set up a new date.

  23. I'm with you bro. Long term I'll be fine but short term I'm watching Jake Roberts matches!!!!!

  24. Upvote for proper use of *drops mic*

    I'm a true mark for that line.

  25. < sigh > To think of what could have been with Jake Roberts had he been clean, or at least able to handle "recreational use." Of course, the same demons and inner turmoil that drove him to abuse drugs are probably also largely responsible for how good he was before he burned himself out.

    Fuck. I hope he can remain reasonably clean for the rest of his days, and i really hope he manages to find something resembling peace.

    Breathe deep. Go slow. Know when to let things go.

    - me

  26. Stephanie.

    Oh, wait. She's a woman who slaps large men. My mistake.

  27. Stranger in the AlpsDecember 4, 2013 at 9:29 PM

    Because if it's on for free, by all means, watch that trainwreck. Pay for it, and yield to judgment.

  28. I wish Heel Jake was around 98-01. Just to see him to stuff like DDT a female in the attitude era.

    The Corporate Ministry would had been awesome with Undertaker and Jake Roberts leading an Evil stable.

  29. Seriously, Jake is DIABOLICAL here.

  30. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryDecember 4, 2013 at 9:40 PM

    If she keeps taking Hunter's roids, she's gonna be a woman who's also a large man.

  31. I think you're going off memory here Scott, because this video was posted by WWE, so naturally, the video ends before he slaps her.

  32. Now THAT, ladies and gents, is a fucking HEEL. Loses match after trying to bail. Delivers deadly finisher 3 times. Makes woman beg for her man's life. More importantly, he makes the crowd believe it all.

    No smarmy crap necessary.

    Just... awesome.

  33. Before the reveal gave us Vince, there was speculation (hope) that it would be Jake.

  34. The two aren't mutually exclusive ;)

  35. Like Hogan/Flair and Jake/Rick Rude, I'd always wished this epic feud had been given a major PPV finale.


    Good timing on this video, as Jake recently made a post about today's promos and how very few do it right anymore. In other words, they don't cut promos to build characters or stories. He even includes "pipe bombs" in this critique and he's dead on.

  37. Indeed I was really really hoping for Jake as the higher power. Could have made some sense since Jake was the inspiration for Austin 3:16 and Jake had some history with the Taker.

    I can't even begin to imagine the heat if Jake would have even gently DDT'd Elizabeth in '91 instead of the strange slap. Too much for back then, but if they would have done it... Could be Puerto Rico riot heat there!

    Almost too bad the Flair stuff had to happen at the same time, otherwise Macho/Jake could have been a championship program. I'd never want to lose the greatness of the '92 Rumble, but just sayin'.

  38. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANDecember 4, 2013 at 11:52 PM

    The problem is that the audience also changed, ridiculously evil Jake would have been treated like a face by alot of the crowd if he played that character today. You know that line had been crossed when the Undertaker was being bathed in the ashes of a dead character (who happened to be a dead real person) and half of the crowd is chanting for the heel

  39. Man, this is awesome, and brings me back. One of the first PPVs I actually remember watching live (I had just turned 11).

  40. Well, that crowd also didn't really want CM Punk to be a heel in the first place, so that's not a fair comparison.

  41. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANDecember 5, 2013 at 12:01 AM

    The modern audience wouldn't want Jake to be a heel either.

  42. Like I said, I think the cobra angle would be ensure even Jake was booed. There were a lot of factors that got him booed. Almost no one heel today is willing to go fully heel without trying to look cool, too.

  43. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANDecember 5, 2013 at 12:15 AM

    Well, it's kind of a catch 22, the only effective heel this days is "stooge" or "coward". Punk did classic Memphis heel and only got heel heat when Rock was involved

  44. Creepy cult leader Jake would be awesome. Sort of a Bray Wyatt deal but awesome

  45. I think Jake forgets that when he and Savage had their feud the business was still protected to a degree. Today's audience is told outright that it's a show and that these are characters. Punk venting his frustrations about backstage politics as it pertains to his run in WWE was the first semblance of realism in quite sometime.The Pipebomb did bulid's Punk's character. The fans treated him as this real person fighting against a caricature of a person in John Cena. Whether it was executed properly, well, that's another story

  46. You catch 22, I catch 23.

  47. Your statement about no heel willing to go fully heel without trying to look cool is correct. Oddly enough, the last run that comes to might (at least with highlights; I wasn't watching at the time) is HHH with the hammer. Seems like that was full bore heel at the time.

  48. Awesome match. awesome promo. Thanks for posting. Now you got me even more pumped for meeting Jake tomorrow. It's gonna be legend....wait for it, hope you're not lactose intolerant......dairy!

  49. I had a thought about this. You are right in that today's audience would likely cheer this version of Jake. However, I suspect Jake would do whatever it took to be a proper heel. He started out that way, turned face, and went back to heel. Shortly after that last heel turn, I remember watching a squash/enhancement match between Jake a jobber whose name I do not remember. Jake hit the short arm clothesline, which was the setup for the DDT. The crowd started chanting for it, so what did Jake do? He smiled and pinned his opponent without executing another move.

    THAT'S commitment to your role.

  50. Just out of curiosity, how did this meeting come about? And, I'm sure most of us would like to hear all about it afterwards.

  51. He's actually signing autographs at our local mall tomorrow to hype an indy show he's headlining the next night. At the indy show he is doing a big meet and greet before hand, and then he's in an 4 on 4 survivor series match. Should be a fun weekend, for what will be my final major outing for quite some time.

  52. I would have paid large piles of money to see Chyna on the receiving end of a Jake Roberts DDT.

  53. Nice. Have a great time! Where is it happening?

  54. Thanks. The autograph signing is in Welland, Ontario at Seaway Mall and the indy show is at The Merritton Community Centre in St. Catharines. The facebook page is for anyone interested.

  55. Don't treat her like a woman...

  56. The same holds true for the match as presented on the Macho Man DVD. Benoit + Linda + PG rating will do that to you.

  57. Because in all honesty... they tried to make a great movie, and that's what makes it watchable.

  58. Your_Favourite_LoserDecember 5, 2013 at 10:24 AM

    instead you paid large piles of money to see chyna on the receiving end of x-pac :(

  59. Your_Favourite_LoserDecember 5, 2013 at 10:25 AM

    austin, cause he lived the gimick

  60. No, found that for free on the intern...ERRRRR....I've never watched that.

  61. Huh, I guess Jake was a Pink Floyd fan.

  62. I love 1991 Heel Jake. So awesome.


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