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A+ Match of the Day

I scoured the interwebs for a Piper/Snake vs. Savage/DiBiase random tag match and sadly our little two minutes exhibition at the Royal Rumble 1990 is all we'll ever get given one of the four participants is sadly no longer with us. Still as a fantasy booker I can imagine that would be quite the fun little tag match and one that a live audience at MSG would have went crazy over.

So I decided to look for a Piper-DiBiase match, found one, short match but I dug it...still there's already been plenty of DiBiase this week so I went another direction with Piper and decided to go with his iconic dog collar match against Greg Valentine from Starrcade 1983. Gordon Solie and Bob Caudle are on the call and it's a tremendously violent match with some superb heel work from Valentine. Most of you have seen it before but if you haven't it's one of the true classics of wrestling. Enjoy.


  1. I just watched this match the other day. So brutal. I appreciate it so much more now than I did as a kid when I first saw it. Thanks for posting this.

  2. Great post. Hadn't watched this in years.

  3. Great find. When was this?

  4. It's not popping up on my iPad?

  5. Jacking my own thread but the SCSA Podcast with Taz is short but it's pretty damn fun.

  6. Y'all should probably just start linking the Austin podcasts in the weekly roundups.

  7. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 5, 2013 at 7:00 PM

    Wow. Flair is looking like King Slender from that old Nintendo game.

  8. Taz is short but hasn't been fun in ages....ohwait!...misread that.

  9. I think that tag match actually happened at a Challenge/Superstars taping , but I might be making that up.

    I know that Piper and Savage had a straight-up match right around this time and it was on Coliseum video.

  10. I feel like there was money in a "Dibiase propositions Elizabeths 'managerial' services and Savage goes ballistic" type angle.

  11. I will take any of the past 3 wrestling video posts over any QOTD any day and every day.

  12. I remember the Piper-Savage match, I think it was Piper's "retirement" match at MSG...Or was that the six-man elimination match. Whatever match, Piper faked being knocked out and suckered Savage into missing the elbow.

  13. Wow this is such a brutally violent match. Valentine was so good at being a punishing heel.

  14. There was an early WCW VHS release that went over bloody matches and introduced me to this and the Tully vs Magnum TA I Quit match. It was a quality buy.

  15. Best of Starrcade 1983 to 1987?

    That is one of the all-time great releases EVER, especially the two-tape version.

  16. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 6, 2013 at 1:30 PM

    I was a good match save the finish.

  17. Piper had one of the best eyepokes in the business though.

  18. Who owns this footage? I'd pay money for this to be cleaned up and DVD'd.

    The Flair stuff at the beginning was awesome, and Andre wagging his finger is cool.

  19. God you want to talk about loaded with classics


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