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BoD Daily Update RAW Preview

More Last Minute Creative Changes in the WWE?

Apparently, there has been a lot of changes in plans within the WWE. Orignally, Show was to face HHH at TLC after his match with Orton at Survivor Series. A few days before Survivor Series, the decision was for an Orton vs. Show rematch in a tables match at TLC. Another Plan was for Big E Langston to turn heel and feud with Cena for the World Title.

Credit Bryan Alvarez, Figure Four Weekly Newsletter

WWE Creative in Panic Mode?

According to sources, the creative team is panicking and described as being "burnt out and scared." There is a lot more stress than usual and they are afraid of getting fired around the holiday season.

Credit Bryan Alvarez, Figure Four Weekly Newsletter

CM Punk Yelling at Daughter of WWE Hall of Famer Off Camera at RAW?

Punk was yelling at Noelle, the daughter of Mick Foley, for arranging the Shield's attack on her. This was all done in fun.

Credit Bryan Alvarez, Figure Four Weekly Newsletter

Davey Richards Update

Richards, after announcing on his Facebook account that he was leaving RoH, was apparently very unhappy with his plans for his appearance at the "Final Battle" event on 12/14. The Company was mad with Richards after he made comments to the "Total Wrestling Magazine" of Great Britian about the RoH titles not being important as they were once portrayed, along with other remarks about the company. Richards also addressed the RoH locker room about his comments being incorrect and taken out of context during the recent shows in Ohio and Michigan. Mike Johnson of was also told that Richard's decision to leave had nothing to do with his recent WWE tryout.

Credit Mike Johnson,


  1. I think Mick's daughter has endured much worse at ringside.

  2. I remember first hearing some good ol "Creative is burnt and panicky" talk on some site back in 2002 (when I was 14) and thinking "omg wwe might be out of business soon. Ahhhh.

  3. What a mess this company is in creatively. Good Lord.

    Meanwhile, on a side note, I read that they are cancelling Classics on Demand come January. I was actually looking forward to re-ordering that once I switched back to Comcast next year. What a bummer. Did they finally get to 1999 in the "Monday Night Wars" at least??

  4. This is irrelevant, but Cena/Taker at WM or GTFO

  5. "Punk was yelling at Noelle, the daughter of Mick Foley, for arranging the Shield's attack on her. This was all done in fun"


  6. It was done off camera at this past week's RAW, after the Shield attacked Punk. Looks like Punk did it as a joke

  7. Yeah, I have problems watching Beyond the Mat because of the stuff with Jake and the reactions Mick's family has to his match with The Rock.

  8. Yep, although they stopped airing WCW around Oct. 1998. At last check they were in May. I don't have a cable provider that carries CoD anymore, but I'm sad to see it go. That channel could be a lot of fun.

  9. "Another Plan was for Big E Langston to turn heel and feud with Cena for the World Title. "

    Hey...why not turn Cena heel and feud with Big E Langston for the championship? /troll

  10. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 2, 2013 at 9:21 AM

    ...anyone know how old Foley's daughter is and why Punk was left alone with her?
    I mean he's no Lawler but still.

  11. Wwe creative should all be fired. That seems pretty obvious

  12. My favorite "Creative has gone batshit" moment so far is how they've turned The Miz heel, but still have to promote his stupid ABC Family movie because they turned him too early. WHOOPS!

  13. Here's a WILD idea wwe,, if you're unhappy with creative, stop hiring fucking soap opera and washed out Hollywood sitcom writers. This is why we get shit like 5 authority figures, Strahan/Miz/Titus hip toss circle jerk segments, etc.

    You are still a wrestling company...not 2 and a half men. You basically have your pick of the litter of past wrestlers, agents, bookers, to choose from. Yes, this is still room for your beloved "entertainment" but go back to wrestling/athletic competetion backdrop.

  14. She was in the crowd, so she wasnt alone with her, but Wikipedia says that she will turn 20 on December 15th.

  15. Remember you have 21 jake will always have 22.

  16. The thing is that they hire writers who write straight-to-DVD comedies then Vince changes everything on a whim so there is no continuity. The should only have a few writers, as too many just doesnt work.

  17. I wonder if she shaves?

  18. Couldn't agree more. I've been going through some Keller podcast interviews with former writers and they've said the same thing. There's so many writers that if they pitch a good idea, it gets changed numerous times before it gets to the top. Plus there's so much turnover. Such a dysfunctional system

  19. Vince needs to retire. Vince is the greatest wrestling promoter of all time. However, I would have to go many years back to think of the last great idea he had. He doesn't have it any more. His constant backtracking in storylines is killing the product. Time to let someone new step up to the plate.

  20. Why is it that every face/heel turn is planned months in advance? What happened to listening to the crowd on these matters?

  21. He's never gonna willingly and lucidly retire. Steph/HHH will not officially take over for good until: (a) he croaks or (b) he gets committed.

  22. Yea, he always half facetiously says he's gonna die in hos office chair.

  23. Vince will never fire Stephanie from head of creative. That is the big problem. She would be well suited for Linda's old job. I would be really curious to see if Triple H would go full 80's NWA or just suck Vince's dick if he were ever given the job. WWE is always best when being booked by just a few people i.e. Patterson / Vince or Russo / Ferrera.

  24. Yowsers. Yea, now know why Punk was in proximity of her

  25. I always hope that they have some motive that we just don't see or some risk/benefit analysis that dictates a decision-making process. It really is just what we've been saying--they are creatively bankrupt, bereft of new ideas, and completely incapable of adjusting based on what fans want. And now they basically admit it. Seriously, even if it means trudging on through Wrestlemania with whatever half-ass plans they have, they need to do a reboot after Mania and take some things in new directions. We're getting more Cena no matter what, but it's time for him to work meaningful programs (written by NEW bookers) with guys like Cesaro, Wyatt, Ambrose, whoever freshens things up and gets some legit elevation from it. Big Show, Kane, and the other tired old names need a prolonged vacation. Don't limit the big push to Reigns. Kick some other guys into the stratosphere as well. Perhaps Ambrose, Cesaro, Langston? They really need to shake things up in a big hurry, preferably with new people injecting new ideas.

  26. This what kinda confuses me. HHH has that old school nwa mentality by all accpunts. Why doesn't he have more significant say over the "entertainment vs wrestling" philosophy. I know he's not technically part of creative but you'd think he'd still have a big say in this.

  27. Yeah, but clearly she's not straight edge, so I don't know what he sees in her. *sarcasm* *sorta*

  28. Punk seems like the type of guy who would fuck a catcher's mitt.

  29. I don't know how much of that is legit and how much is just HHH wanting to relate himself to that "old school" (ala the Ric Flair stuff). I think maybe they should give him a chance to be head of creative, unopposed, and find out the hard way. Maybe he really is the guy who gives us old school style feuds over titles and rejuvenates tag team wrestling, but we'll never know until the retarded skits and clusterfuck corporate angles get out of the way

  30. That could be apple juice! I feel Punk would care. I bet he's said "it's all pink on the inside" numerous times in his life

  31. Raw: Again, previews mean JACK and SHIT at this point. They could advertise the "perfect" show on Monday morning, and I still would not watch, convinced that they'll feel the need to "tweak" it somewhere between 1 and 100 times during the day.

    "Creative": See above.

    "Creative" 2: I'd like to feel bad for them... but I can't. Whether through lack of talent, lack of courage, or lack of anything wrestling... they are somewhat responsible for the state the WWE is in.

    Punk: Not a story.

    Richards: (yawns)

  32. No way that's the offspring of Mick Foley

  33. She got all of Foley's wife in her. And none of Foley, it seems.

  34. To be fair to WWE, how many Creative people stick it out there more than 6 months? It seems like a very tough environment if for no other reason than you're writing, at minimum, 3 hours of RAW, an hour of Main Event, 2 hours of Smackdown, maybe the NXT hour (or at least reviewing it, I'm sure), and maybe a PPV that week. And that's not even BOOKING- that's just creative writing the shows once they've gotten their orders from up high.

  35. Even with their convoluted main event angle and the disarray the mid-card is in, they STILL have the pieces in place to make a logical progression to a great Wrestlemania. Cena-Taker is easy enough to get to. Bryan-HHH is still salvageable. Brock-Punk II could write itself. A Cody-Goldust match is simple. Some form of the Shield splitting and/or pursuing singles feuds doesn't take a genius. They just need to pump their brakes and re-evaluate what is going on outside of the Miz' ridiculous movie and the return of Vince McMahon against his family.

  36. Yea, I'm not sure how exactly how true it is either. I give it sone credence because he came up when it was more "wrestling" then "entertainment". Guess time will tell when he eventually runs the show.

  37. Yeah, WAY too old for Lawler by now.

  38. RF Video is having another 40% sale for Cyber Monday:

  39. I certainly hope it's true, since we're getting HHH for the rest of his life whether we like it or not.

  40. But will he... or does Steph truly have his balls in the proverbial jar.

  41. Unless of course he cheats on Steph and they get divorced.

  42. I don't really blame creative; they are just doing what they are told. Whoever put them in the position they are in and continues to run things the way they are run needs to be fired, however.

    Looking at the really hot periods of the major companies, it sounds like what has always worked best is a smaller team of people with at least one old-school wrasslin mind, at least one copywriting type who can just chuck out ideas, and at least one guy who excels at laying out matches, all headed up by one person who understands how to tell a story in order to draw money.

  43. Agreed. It's the biggest drawing/top match they could put on, hence they should do it. I wouldn't even mind the authority payoff match if it was second to the top behind Cena/Taker. It'd be a good "entertainment" storyline build as opposed to the straightforward wrestling build I'm assuming they'd do with Cena/UT.

    If they don't do it, they must have some grand scheme planned, along with a guarantee from the UT to work, for the next 3 or so WMS that we are no privy to.

  44. So Punk has run out of girls in the locker room, and has to move on to wrestlers' daughters now?

  45. ... good luck getting the McMahon/Helmsleys fired.

  46. Yea, I don't think anyone is blaming the individual writerd...except wwe management looking for people to scapegoat. Hi Steph!

    The issue is the philosophy and infrastructure they have in place. Until the change that it's gonna be the same shit.

  47. Exactly. I just don't see a scenario where Vince leaves Cena-Taker on the table (potentially in favor of Brock-Taker and Cena-HHH, which we have seen several times before) unless he has some backside guarantee that Taker is back next year (and beyond).

    I still say there is no such thing as a guarantee and, if Taker's body decides he's done in the near future, that's gonna be one of those "dream matches" that they should regret not running when they had the chance.

  48. Couldn't agree more. Even a Cema/Taker rematch is a bigger draw then most other stuff WWE could put out. Not only potential injuries but what if Cena really loses steam or the fans really mutiny againat him over the next year? Then Cena/Taker loses some luster also. Can't risk this one. Do it this year

  49. Can you imagine? HHH out of a job in WWE? After year after year of the HHH Show, how does WWE go back and redact his existence. They would have to round up DVDs like the Nazis with books.

  50. Foley, keep your daughter far away from Mr. Punk. That is all.

  51. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 2, 2013 at 10:16 AM

    I think we KNOW what he sees in her..

  52. I wish she had all of me in her.

  53. "has" to? No. Punk "gets" to.

  54. I never got the impression he was kidding at all when he said that. I have no doubt he will, in fact, die at Titan Tower.

  55. She can have all of me in her if she wants also.

  56. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 2, 2013 at 10:19 AM

  57. Yeah, judging from that photo, Punk was trying to get him some. Not that I blame him, I wouldn't think she was related to Foley in the slightest.

  58. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 2, 2013 at 10:22 AM

  59. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 2, 2013 at 10:25 AM

    I wonder if she's a rough in bed as her dad was in the ring.

    Being in bed with Noelle Foley = Good
    Being in a bed of thumbtacks with Noelle Foley = No Bueno.

  60. With the amount of talent in the WWE locker room, and the various interchangeable elements (feuds, matches, whatever), it's ridiculous that creative is panicking. The problem, I imagine, is being handcuffed by A) not knowing enough about pro wrestling and B) not being able to freely do storylines with people because the heads at WWE have an idea of what they want and refuse to change it.

    The head honchos have managed to stagnate the product so much that they're backed into a corner of crappy angles and other shit no one wants to see.

    I'm intrigued by the TLC main event, but I'm not deluding myself thinking they won't fuck it up. Because they probably will. The train wreck that's coming (no offense to anyone traumatized by what happened in the Bronx yesterday) should be fun to watch.

  61. Isn't Punk dating Lita? Or is it AJ this week? Or is it Nunmy Bizness?

  62. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 2, 2013 at 10:28 AM

    We go through this all the time. Vince will not die. They will put his head in a jar of formaldehyde and attach it to a robot body like Futurama.

  63. So true. Robot Vince will run wwe long after we are gone.

  64. I would believe in HHH as the "wrestling" guy.

  65. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 2, 2013 at 10:35 AM

    "Vince your daughter was just involved in a huge sex scandal involving underage Vietnamese tranny hookers and ferrets."
    Vince: "THAT'S my GIRL!!!"

  66. Given how much Triple H likes to shoehorn his ego into anything hot and book himself better, I don't see how Vince retiring will improve things.

  67. I am fully convinced that creative meetings are just like the botched drug ripoff scene in Boogie Nights. Vince parades around the conference room in briefs and a bathrobe, blasting 80s rock and wielding a pistol, while Ezekiel Jackson sits in the corner looking menacing and Hornswoggle sets off firecrackers.

  68. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 2, 2013 at 10:40 AM

    He is going to make sure John Cena passes the torch to Aurora when she headlines the first WrestleMania on the moon.

  69. Eh, judging from Foley's pictures from high school, he cleans up nicely when he's not dedicated to looking like a hobo.

  70. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 2, 2013 at 10:43 AM

    I'll give you some time to process that.

  71. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANDecember 2, 2013 at 10:44 AM

    and if you got aces and eights, he's got those too

  72. Beat you!!

    ::obnoxious super villain laugh::

  73. I know it's likely harder than I'm giving them credit for, but really, how difficult is it to book Raw in today's environment? It's not like you're being asked to come up with anything deep or unique.

  74. He's hung up on bodies and doesn't want to hire indy wrestlers because they already know how to wrestle. Isn't his philosophy now to find people who look like stars and simply teach them how to wrestle?

  75. I've said it before and I'll repeat it again, the McMahons need to step away in total from creative and worry about running the business aspect of the company. They need to hire a dedicated showrunner or two that can oversee the entire creative process while not having to worry about all of the other problems that may arise in the company.

  76. I don't get what's wrong with having a room full of experienced wrestling bookers a la 1997 and then paying some hack to add a comedy segment or two once the main stories are completed.

  77. It's gotten to the point that virtually every shitty fantasy booking scenario on boards like this one are objectively better than what we're actually getting on screen. If you think about it, that's unbelievable that a formerly billion dollar corporation could let things go that much.

  78. Over/Under the rating of Raw tonight: 2.6

    Keep in mind there's a huge MNF game between the Saints and Seacocks, I mean, Seahawks.

  79. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 2, 2013 at 11:09 AM

    Maybe it's a "Spin the Wheel" type thing.

  80. They legitimately thought people would want to see a Triple H vs. Big Show main event?!

  81. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 2, 2013 at 11:10 AM

    Two and a Half Men = Vince, Steph and HHH.

  82. I would go a little bit higher on that, just due to the fact that those teams are not in big markets.

  83. Damn she grew up quickly!

  84. The people to whom they answer would.

  85. New Threadjack City,

    So, this Chikara angle continues to get weirder...

    Anyone want to buy a promotion?

  86. WWE creative issues: give Heyman and Dutch two hours and a good dinner, they'll get Wrestlemania done.
    Punk: that's just funny
    Richards: what a mark


  88. Don't be silly.

  89. OOH! I wanna be the NXT overlord!
    'Dusty, the office wants you to -'
    'Fuck you and fuck the office, daddy'.
    'Okay Dusty, you have a good week!'

  90. With the way they pat themselves on the back over Wrestlemania these days, Wrestlemania on the moon is probably closer than we think. Vince is probably stressing right now that the Superbowl will be on the moon first.

  91. I know we all get on the guy, but calling HHH half a man is just mean

  92. It's hard to say that's even him. That was the same rap Johnny Ace got. The common denominator is Vince.

  93. Well, let's see. The formula seems to be:

    Opening monologue
    Good match
    comedy fodder
    crap match
    comedy match

    yeah, I'm tired just typing that out. So, maybe harder than it looks.

    Or not.

  94. Holy pink jumping jeebus. I think that maybe - just maybe, mind you - AJ might have an idea about what exactly should be done to keep her character "over," as the wrestling "insiders" would "say."

  95. This is the best angle in all of wrestling right now.

  96. You mean answering to Vince and Triple H?

  97. Ok, that made me chuckle. And I'm still chuckling as I type this.

  98. An "authority figure" one might say?

  99. ...and that's how you get burnt out.

    Actually, with Dusty, I'd worry it'd be the opposite...

    "OK, Dusty, we're thinking about putting together a match with..."

    "OOH DADDY! I got a winnah for yaw dinnah! We did something similar in Flor'duh in 1978, but this'll be a whole new spin! See, in the fuhst week, we get the two guys to tag togehter in a twenty-minute epic, but then, one of them slips on a bunanuh peel on the ring apron, and the other one gets mad. But they make up. Then the next week, they're in a cage match against six other jabronis, but they come out on top. But the little guy ends up busted wide open, and bleeding everywhere. Then the NEXT week..."

    ...twenty minutes later...

    "...and that's how we close Rasslemania. But it's gonna be bigger the next year, because--"

    "Uh, Dusty, it's only a five-minute match. And we're promoting one of them to RAW next week."

    "...sunset flip, 1-2-3, send em home happy. Sigh. Did I tell you I created Wah Games?"

  100. Seems we're on the same page, and because I so desperately want WWE's product to be compelling, I took the time to contact VKM and ran your idea by him.

    His response was...well, not surprising.

  101. I think you found the ONE woman in the wrestling business he would say NO to.

  102. I think he "dates" whoever happens to be riding on his bus with him at the moment.

  103. I know what you mean, but the way you said it made me think of Nazis running around frantically looking for DVDs while carrying books strapped together like old timey schoolchildren.

  104. ...there has to be witty comeback to that line involving balls and strikes somewhere.

  105. Do we know her birthdate? The answer to that will directly impact my upvoting.

  106. If it's an underage thing, she's 19 (20 in two weeks).

  107. I guess adding Dusty to the creative dinner would break the "budget"? Because more WRESTLING minds can't hurt that much.

  108. Think 19 or 20 someone said. The half your age + 7 rule isn't helping us out in this one...

  109. I'd be in the clear by a couple years on that rule.

  110. Creative is in an impossible spot. They have to figure out how to get guys over know...being able to elevate them through a winning streak or anything like that. All they can do is throw them out there in matches and turn whoever the crowd likes/hates until the crowd proceeds not to give a shit about them anymore.

  111. I'm pretty sure this .gif describes the difference between how the WWE sees its product versus how a percentage of us see it:

    (Jef safe)

  112. Yep, like Vince (inVasion) or HHH (Steph triAngle) has never left money on the table.


  113. I wonder what the plan was for Davey Richards at Final Battle. There hasn't been any direction with the Wolves pointing toward a farewell match. Maybe they were just going to put over the Hooligans again. Or wrestle each other one last time.

  114. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 2, 2013 at 12:36 PM

  115. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 2, 2013 at 12:38 PM

    After looking at her did I.

  116. Holy shit!! Mick Foley's daughter turned out to be hot!! When did this happen?? I was expecting a chubby beast.. WTF??

  117. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 2, 2013 at 12:40 PM

    I was expecting her to smile and be missing her front teeth.

  118. Jesus... if I am Mick and I look at her I am going... Maury? Montell? whichever one where it is all paternity tests...

  119. If JCP had built Magnum like modern WWE maybe he wouldn't have wrecked his Porsche. He'd have wrecked his bus pass because he'd have made no money.

  120. Not always a bad thing in a woman.

  121. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 2, 2013 at 12:45 PM

    Doesn't matter. She looks lie the French Au Pair in my boxing class that I'm trying to establish "International Relations" with.

  122. If you want to see a HOT daughter...check out Wayne Gretzkys kid. I'll leave the images to Mr Vinson...

  123. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 2, 2013 at 12:46 PM

    Well it does make it easier for her to su-
    EDIT: Don't judge me.

  124. You mean that you would like to have sex with her amirite?

  125. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 2, 2013 at 12:47 PM

    Why yes. Yes you are.

  126. Downvoting you just so the 19 upvotes don't go to your head.

  127. Not only that, but he's got too many of them. Greedy bastard.

  128. Too bad modern WWE wasn't building Paul Walker!

    Too soon?

  129. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 2, 2013 at 12:52 PM

    McMahon: :Just for THAT I want a McMahon on RAW EVERY TEN MINUTES!!"
    Intern: But there already IS a McMahon on RAW every 10 minutes."
    McMahon: "....."

  130. I've never seen a wrestling company more ashamed of being a wrestling company in my life. From this team of 'creative" (meaning NOT wrestling bookers) to making everyone dress up on the road, not saying "belts," almost NEVER saying "professional wrestling"... for being a multimillion dollar international corporation, they sure have a hell of an inferiority complex.

  131. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 2, 2013 at 12:55 PM

  132. If I remember correctly, Mick's wife is pretty damn cute so the girl probably looks like her.

  133. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 2, 2013 at 12:56 PM

    His wife is pretty hot too, so that's not a big surprise.

  134. We were related! I am dealing with my grief in MY WAY!

    (Note: To my knowledge, and research over the last 2 days we are not related)

  135. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 2, 2013 at 12:59 PM

    Fuck the Seahawks, roided-up assholes...

  136. You mean your penis here if I am not mistaken.

  137. Fuck that rule. If it is legal it is fair game.

  138. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 2, 2013 at 1:01 PM

    Who even came up with that half +7 shit?

  139. I don't think any of them have the balls to step up and show why their plan should be followed. I guess it's just as well since most of us deal with that situation daily, but at some point, something's got to give.
    In other feds, bookers and the like would have to deal with the wrestlers' egos from time to time. In that respect, creative has it easy, since a) they only deal with the egos of the "Two and a Half Men", and b) most of the wrestlers themselves are in the same kind of "don't want to step up" brainwashing that creative is in now.
    If the WWE is all about being "safe", then some old-school wrestling ideas will never get old. The cowardly heel. The conquering hero. Betrayal. Shoot, if they want to keep the product PG, then troll the elementary schoolyards of Stanford. I'm sure they can get tons of ideas from Little Jimmy.

  140. Someone that got shot down by an 18 year old?

  141. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 2, 2013 at 1:03 PM

    21 is my limit. If you can't buy you're own booze I'm not interested.

  142. You can follow the crazy scavenger hunt they ran on the weekend here

    Sounds pretty awesome.


  144. Partially agree. If you're over 50 and creeping on early 20 yr old it's a little weird.

  145. McMahon: "Then gimme TWO McMahons every ten minutes, or one every FIVE minutes. THERE CAN NEVER BE ENOUGH MCMAHONS ON WWE TV!!!"

  146. By miles... though it is all motivated by Quackenbush getting divorced isn't it?

  147. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 2, 2013 at 1:07 PM

    Whoever that person was, they were probably better off.

  148. What makes you say that?

  149. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 2, 2013 at 1:08 PM

    18 year old chicks are more trouble than they're worth.

  150. (

  151. From Cane Dewey to Spank Noelle?

  152. I seem to remember a story about how Jerry Lawler and whomever was his partner (Jerry Jarrett?) would would rotate as bookers every six months to prevent burnout and get a break from the stress that comes with the job. And those guys were booking an hour of tv a week. Now they have 6 or 7 hours a week and a PPV every 4 weeks. It's easy to see where the writers would be going a little mad and putting out an inferior product.

  153. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 2, 2013 at 1:17 PM

    Does the Diva match fall under comedy match?

  154. If the plan had been for him to stomp around like a tough guy and kick people in the face and drop them on their heads he would ave nailed it!

  155. See. You started a trend now! I actually want this to have more down votes then up votes now. Make it happen BoD!

  156. I'd think "crap match".

  157. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 2, 2013 at 1:19 PM

    WWE doesn't do Crash TV anymore.

  158. Crap in a crown match? Crap in a gym bag match?

  159. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 2, 2013 at 1:20 PM


  160. I think a combination of that and some budgetary issues due to that all woman's show that they brought a lot of females japanese wrestlers in for not doing well and the spring Chikara tour to places they hadn't visited before.

    But still best angle and they haven't even had a wrestling match since June.

  161. Uh, hi, Mr. Meyers. I've been doing some thinking, and I've got some ideas to improve the show. I got it right here. (pulls out a piece of paper) One, the McMahons needs to be louder, angrier, and have access to a time machine. Two, whenever a McMahon is not onscreen, all the other characters should be asking "Where are the McMahons"? Three--

  162. How did it take this long for someone to post this?

  163. "Bring in Hunter's kids!!! People fucking LOVE baby McMahons!!! Maybe we could get some of the fetuses I've fertilized in the base-"

    *******PLEASE STAND BY**********

  164. Just send them to a $9.99 all you can eat buffet. The WWE budget will be fine. The buffet would have to go out of business.

  165. Feels like just yesterday that I saw her in Beyond the Mat. Good lord, we're old.

  166. Yeah she's dynamite. Likes showing it off too.

  167. Yeah, those are the things he excels at.

  168. I'm not saying they should hand over control to Heyman, Dutch, and Dusty entirely, because it's clear that's not what they want. But how about at least letting them consult or contribute in some fashion? Maybe they can pass along their vast wealth of knowledge to the hacks in "Creative" and help make a better product than what we have now.

  169. I see that ending in court:

    "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, do these sound like the actions of a man whose had ALL he could eat?"

  170. Your_Favourite_LoserDecember 2, 2013 at 1:39 PM

    who dies?

    we do, man. we do.

  171. Your_Favourite_LoserDecember 2, 2013 at 1:39 PM

    "quotation marks"

  172. I still kind of feel that Triple H, Steph and Vince have the creative team handcuffed into they're ideas of who needs to be on top and who needs to be pushed, instead of letting them actually craft real long term stories utilizing all of the talents of the roster.

    Also they really need to stop scripting any speeches, wrestling was a lot better when the wrestlers let there own creativity in speaking get them over or not.

  173. Your_Favourite_LoserDecember 2, 2013 at 1:41 PM

    and then an hour later he's smoking crack

  174. Yeah - I think if Foley had not spent most of his life getting badly beaten up he'd be an average to decent looking bloke.
    Combine that with the fact that his wife is really quite attractive, it makes perfect sense they'd have an attractive kid.

  175. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 2, 2013 at 1:49 PM

  176. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 2, 2013 at 1:50 PM

    I remember Mick saying she was a "Dudette" in one of his Dude Love skits.

  177. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 2, 2013 at 1:51 PM

    Colette (that's her name, right?) or Janet "The Gambler" Gretzky?

  178. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 2, 2013 at 1:52 PM


  179. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 2, 2013 at 1:52 PM

    I don't even remember what she looks like.

  180. I think it's less about "creative" and more about "control".

  181. Leave the Harris Twins out of this...

  182. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 2, 2013 at 2:00 PM

    And everything else, please.

  183. I don't think it's about that. They have some wrestling "minds" on there (Prissy Sissy Hayes comes to mind), but they're moved long away from the "wrestling", even before the name change.
    I think they either truly believe that what they're doing is the right thing, or whatever they do won't matter anyway since most fans watch for 3 or 4 shows anyway (WM, RR, SS, and take your pick).

  184. With Orton on commentary?

  185. I don't know who downvoted you, but I hate them.

  186. That made me laugh.

  187. Aren't all hot women hot daughters?

  188. As long as the mindless little kids keep going and cheering who the WWE wants them to cheer, it's only going to get worse.

  189. Who's in Charlie's role, and does that make Steph the ugly kid?

  190. It seems to me that a lot of people excel more when they're allowed to work a little more independently. Dusty Rhodes is booking NXT, arguably the best wrestling show these days. Dusty Rhodes hasn't been relevant as a booker (as far as I know) for years, so this is doubly surprising.

    I've always wondered if, for a large federation like WWE, they split up their creative team into different areas. One or two writers for the main event/world title scene, another for the mid-card scene, another for up-and-coming talents, another specifically for non-title feuds, etc. Essentially, one writer for each title division (world, IC, women's, cruiser-weight, tag, etc).

    And here's the kicker: they would assigned certain wrestlers for their divisions. These would rotate, of course, depending on who upper management wanted to push, but aside from that, they would be given mostly free reign to do as they please, similar to the farm feds or NXT.

    We saw that this worked great in some respects when they first had the proper brand split. RAW and Smackdown were entirely different products in many ways. They both had their pros and cons, such as Smackdown focusing more on wrestling and RAW on storylines, but they were very identifiable from one another. The two shows worked essentially independently of each other, too.

    So why couldn't they take that and put it on a larger scale, dividing the company's superstars up according to divisions? It wouldn't even have to be something onscreen, just for better management of backstage's creative teams. Each division would be allotted X amount of time on the show. The main event team would get the most, but it still wouldn't be so much as to overshadow the rest of the divisions.

    You could even rotate who gets more time on the show each week. One week, the tag division would get more time or importance than the world title scene, going as far as giving the tag division the main event time slot. That happened on occasion years ago, such as RAW's main event between Lita and Steph for the women's title.

    If they're trying to move away selling the product on the back of just one wrestler (Hogan, Austin) and more on the WWE product as a whole, this might be the way to do it. What do you guys think?


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