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BoD Daily Update

Alberto Del Rio Suffers Concussion During Match on RAW

WWE Offered AJ Styles a Contract?

According to Dave Meltzer, AJ was offered a WWE contract through an intermediary recently, since he is under contract with TNA. Meltzer's source told him that the offer was low and that he could probably make more money on the independent scene. AJ's TNA contract ends on 12/16 and he is free to appear anywhere else after that.

Credit Dave Meltzer, Wrestling Observer Radio

New Episode of the "Kevin Steen Show" Available Through Highspots

Steen's guest is Nigel McGuiness. Below is a clip of the interview

Kayfabe Commentaries to Release New Installment of Their "ECW Timeline" Series

According to the Kayfabe Commentaries Twitter Page, they will be releasing a timeline of 2000 ECW with Justin Credible in 2014.


  1. Del Rio: Sin Cara injures someone else? Bizzaro World?
    Styles: AJ Styles in WWE? Bizzaro World 2?
    Steen: This is NOT Bizzaro World material. :(
    Kayfabe: Credible being... a credible source on something other than unwarranted pushes and the Kliq? Yep, truly Bizzaro World today.

    And I wish they'd just get Raven and do 1996 ECW so I can get 94-97 in one swoop.

  2. Yes the first 2 are in fact very bizzare

  3. The Zombie British Bulldog approves.

  4. And the new Sin Cara curse is born.

  5. If AJ Styles did appear in WWE, who would he first feud with after NXT?

  6. Styles would be a bigger star curtain-jerking Smackdown than he ever was in TNA.

  7. Where did you find that?

  8. I'm shocked a bit that the WWE would toss AJ an offer at all. What use do they really have for a guy who's on the wrong side of the aging curve, cannot and will not ever be able to cut a promo, works a style that's going to force him into retirement early, is sort of the definition of the "Indy guy with bad habits" worker Triple H abhors and has no name value to work with?

    I mean, he's a solid enough worker. Never was my cup of tea, but he's good. He's just way past his expiration date at this point.

  9. Do they care that much about Del Rio at this point?

  10. AJ would end up the 4th member of 3 MB or 4MB in that case. Stick to TNA man

  11. I'd think being a curtain-jerker in WWE pays more than being the world champion in TNA.

    Is he still the world champion in TNA?

  12. Yea hes still champ. I guess youre right about the money tho

  13. Dont Punk and Styles have heat with each other too?

  14. I vaguely remember that. Not sure to what extent but definitely remember they had a rift at somepoint. Id bet Punks the type of guy to hold a grudge also

  15. Actually, i started googling stuff and he was stripped of the title. So TNA basically gave their belt to a guy they knew was leaving, then didn't even have anyone beat him for it.

  16. Would it be possible that if AJ came to WWE they would pair him with AJ, or would they change his name?

  17. Thats our Dixie for ya. Yea, now that you say it theyre essentially doing the whole Punk 2011 angle. Think they held a 4 man tourney for the belt.

  18. Oh they would definitely change him name. AJ Lee being on the roster would have nothing to do with that.

  19. How would Allen Johnson sound for a name.

  20. Cus the wwe name machine...

  21. Too normal.

    Try... err, Azkabar Jezebalk Stantialanus.

  22. And, no spoiler, they invented a new ridiculous match type for the final.

  23. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 10, 2013 at 9:52 AM

    Heyman guy.

  24. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 10, 2013 at 9:53 AM

    There is the matter of the huge "AJ" tattoo he has, so Vince would probably make him AJ Lee's stalker.
    So a viable name would be Parallax.

  25. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 10, 2013 at 9:55 AM

    Al Jolson. He'd come out in blackface and dance.

  26. more possible AJ Styles WWE names

    Skeeter Muldoon
    Wax Holcomb
    Art Janks
    Ricky McKinton
    Otis Boyd

  27. Actually, AJ in 3MB would get him over pretty quickly.

  28. Christ. Im curious now, ill look it up. Dixie on a strap match or gtfo

  29. He can wear MVP's old ring gear.

  30. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 10, 2013 at 10:10 AM

    " Dixie using a strap on Miss Tessmacher or gtfo"
    FTFY...that's a MUCH better visual.

  31. Couldnt agree more. Maybe Dixie can borrow the one steph uses on hunter to save a few bucks for tna

  32. Although it reminds me of a stripper at a seedy club I was never in that had her name "Brandy" or something tattooed on her neck and she went by the name "Diamond" or something equally ridiculous.

  33. Willy Fisterbottom? Oh, I always get this confused with the porn name game...

  34. Here are some porn names to consider

    Joe Longfellow
    Mitch Scrotum
    Duke Shaft

  35. Hey now. Let's not leave yours truly out of the mix on that.

  36. "I prefer it when AJ holds my c-"


  37. Was always a fan of Eric Von Pumpaload.

  38. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 10, 2013 at 10:25 AM

    Yeah. He was halfway there.

  39. That'd be fun. But only because they'd have to always throw up a "Parallax is a property of DC Comics." Similar to the old and now classic "Gangrel is a property of White Wolf Publishing." A bit that I always found hilarious.

    Anyone else remember that?

  40. Mitch Scrotum. The man with a five inch t'aint.

  41. Doesn't Punk have weird heat with everyone?

  42. Yeah. I assume they had to do that with Hogan as well with Marvel.

  43. I was expecting something else. Still funny, though. :D

  44. Threadjack: An interesting list on Top 20 Underrated Rivalries

    The DDP/Savage and Regal/Finlay entries are especially good reads

  45. I can't believe they held the tournament finals and the blow-off match to the storyline on a TAPED series of Impacts.

  46. His name would be Styles Ayjayson.

  47. They never showed the 'copyright' like they did with Gangrel, but they did have to pay Marvel a fee for a long time. Supposedly that's one reason why WCW tried to get him over as 'Hollywood Hogan' instead of 'Hulk Hogan' or 'Hollywood Hulk Hogan'.

  48. I have an update for you: If I see one more stupid Elf on the Shelf photo on my Facebook, I'm gonna crack. Honestly, having him squat over a Hershey's kiss making it look like he's not funny. Only John Cena finds that funny.

  49. That Timeline could be interesting but I feel like they should have booked Steve Corino instead. And if they're ever going to do a Timeline on 1999 ECW, they absolutely need to get Rob Van Dam for that one.

  50. The Angry Video Game Nerd killed shit jokes forever, they're beyond overdone now. With that said, look for those two no-talent douchebags Friedberg and Seltzer to create a Christmas "comedy" based around that premise with Adam Sandler as the star. That movie would be so terrible that it would make Fred Claus look like one of the greatest movies of all time.

  51. I would totally mark out for Sir Indysmell Parallax.

  52. If it doesn't pay better now, it probably will at some point.

  53. So the world can see that they were right about indy/TNA guys not cutting it and only NXT can create the world-shattering talent, leading to vertical integration, the WWE Network, double stock prices, Austin's neck miraculously healing for WM XXXII, and I AM THE GAME forever and ever and ever.


  54. I know humor is subjective and all that, but if you can laugh at Wild Hogs or any movie starring a Wayans brother, then you have severe mental issues.

  55. I'd think they'd give him a A.J. name to match the tatto like Alvin Johnson or something.

  56. I'm sure some TNA guys are hoping Xavier Woods will get over.

  57. probably like Axel or Sandow or something.

  58. Someone posted a script from the Sep 25, 2000 Raw:

  59. If Bryan ever does get a run with title, they should use him to bring in the indie guys in NXT. "Now that I have this I'm going to give title shots to others who have worked there butts off on the indy scene to make it into the WWE. Sami Zayn? I know you are hanging out in the back, tonight you get a title shot!" etc etc etc

  60. Stranger in the AlpsDecember 10, 2013 at 1:09 PM

    "That'll put butts in the seats" comes to mind. It's a good idea in theory, but the majority of the fanbase would be all like "Who's this guy?".

  61. Well with Bryan's popularity right now, his endorsement of the guy, especially if he talked him up about all his talent first and then went on to put a 4-5* match in the main event might get them over rather fast.

    Although I'm really hoping he gets to have a title feud with Cesaro . . .


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