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SummerSlam Moving Away From Los Angeles?
Right now, there is talk of SummerSlam being held at Madison Square Garden. There is also talk of holding the 2015 Royal Rumble in California, either in Los Angeles or Anaheim.

Credit Dave Meltzer, Wrestling Observer Newsletter Article on the Performance Center

WWE Holding a Tryout Camp at the Performance Center This Weekend

The two biggest confirmed names at the moment are Ricochet and Bestia 666, son of luchador Damien 666.

Credit Mike Johnson, Article on Smoky Mountain Wrestling

Jim Cornette himself took place in the interview


  1. Summerslam's "residency" in Los Angeles is pretty fitting given the warm climate and the fact that LA can't get a Wrestlemania due to the lack of a modern huge stadium. That said, WWE is kind of in the same issue with Madison Square Garden --- obviously they want to keep running big shows in "their" signature venue, but it's too small for a Wrestlemania.

    I'd argue that the MITB PPV should be held at Madison Square Garden, if for no other reason than to properly elevate that show into one of the 'majors' on the PPV calendar.

  2. The WWE Performance Center seems fantastic, but it can't teach how to deal with an actual crowd. Of course, that's one of the purposes of NXT.

    I was intrigued by the SMW article, but fuck me...the format drove me away.

  3. oh, he absolutely does (which is pretty funny, because he's a good talker), but in fairness, the distance he would have to travel between where he is now and what it would take to get him in the 'E at his height makes it prohibitive before you go into him running his mouth, so why the hell not? He'd need to lose the weight, lose most of his high spots, put a pg-13 censor on his mouth at least... I enjoy the guy's work but he'd basically have to completely rebuild himself as a wrestler for it to work.

    that said, enough ROH and former ROH guys had issues with him for it to make sense as the reasoning in my mind. Really, Corny on ROH just seems like a poor fit.

  4. As long as Vince isn't asking the black students to dance, there shouldn't be a problem.

  5. Well, I might be leaving LA anyway, so this doesn't really bother me. Holding SummerSlam there was an interesting tradition, but I see why they'd want to try something else. Though I don't know you'd pick MSG for it...

    They should hold SummerSlam on a Caribbean island! Or like a cruise ship! Something...summer-y.

  6. I like the idea of MITB having a permanent home at MSG.

    SS in LA, if I recall, wasn't really a consolation prize to LA for not having a WM venue as much as Vince's belief that being in LA for a big event annually would help them make inroads to Hollywood.

  7. Vince putting a bunch of secret cameras in a gym where he can watch young, buff men work out is not a surprise to me.

  8. Isn't Wrestlemania 2015 (31) gonna be in San Jose? Why would they have the Rumble there two months before?

    Anyway, I'd be all over Summerslam in MSG. Do it Vince DOOOOOO IT.

  9. Puerto Rico might work. Or Mexico.

  10. Looks like more people will have tried DDP's yoga.

  11. They did the first New Years Revolution in Puerto Rico once.

  12. How was the crowd?

  13. the downside there is that the NXT crowd is the most gloriously Smarky thing going. It's great for viewing, I have no idea how it is for learning how to work a crowd.

  14. Sounds like a good point. You know, it's really a shame there is no decent competition for VKM out there.

  15. It sounds like I was the only one that didn't like Summerslam being an LA exclusive thing. How come LA, the city that makes film and music, gets more cool stuff.

  16. Someone said it below...I think vince saw it as a way to get some mainstream publicity by potentially getting celebs to attend, get an in roads with Hollywood, etc. Not a terrible idea imo

  17. People talk about WWE bringing in Sting to feud with Undertaker but the guy is like 54 years old. Undertaker, at 48, wrestles 1 match a year.

    The time to do it would have been when Sting's WCW contract ran out, it's just not worth doing now.

    Prob the only person they bring in for me is Bully Ray.

  18. Oh yeah, Hardy has some great potential opponents now that he's a few years off, but I think Punk would be the perfect guy to have a returning feud.

  19. It isn't a PR stunt, the policy is legit.

  20. I still think it's funny that they tried to rip Bully Ray off with Ryback and it was a disaster.

  21. Vince has as much interest in his wrestlers being drug free as the NFL has in their players not getting concussions every single day. None.

  22. It's a good life being a congressionally approved monopoly. I think the going rate on making decades of concussion research magically go away is something like $700 million.

  23. That's a bummer. I drove up from SD the last two years and had a blast. First they cancel cod and now this. Fuck you Vince.

  24. Its legit in that its there. You dont think that if a guy like Cena, or anyone they really valued got busted or got a third strike, they wouldnt try and sweep it under the rug or find a way around it?

  25. I wouldn't necessarily want to see them wrestle but I would love to see a Kane-Abyss encounter.

  26. They literally can't. They find out last.

  27. Hmm. This throws a loop in my theory then. I always thought it was an in house type of thing

  28. It's run by a third party. The wrestler finds out before Vince.

  29. So there's a chance of California getting the Royal Rumble, Wrestlemania, and Summerslam all in one year?

  30. "Hey, are those two fucking in the shower!!!!?????"

  31. Second largest market in the US... that's why.

  32. Someone climbing the ladder with that iconic short entrance way behind them would be an awesome shot.

  33. Well, they did get CLo Green to preform their.

  34. LA also has a pretty...I don't want to say decent, because that implies quality, but they have a decently large wrestling scene for the West Coast. Crowds aren't too bad and it shows some cali-love.

  35. They could probably draw a giant crowd for Mexico, but using Arena Mexico (whatever the traditional one in Mexico City is) would be a terrible idea cause the ring is awful.

    It'd also be kinda dangerous...Mexico is not in a good place right now. Different crowd would be fun though.

  36. "You" are "competition" to WWE like a leaked sex tape involving "you" and most of the Impact locker room would be competition to the "mainstream" porn industry.

  37. It is the most populated state. And the best. I mean, how many WCW PPVs were in Nebraska or South Dakota? LA has suburbs with more people than those states.

  38. As monster to monster or businessman to businessman?

  39. The only good bully Ryback gimmick was the shower scene.

  40. There was some cool stuff with ryback as a bully, like fucking with that jobber in the locker room and the other one at the catering table but they definitely didn't execute it that well.

  41. I didn't care for it being LA exclusive either, but from a business perspective it makes sense.

  42. Go in the shower, open the bag up, turn the water on.

  43. Well, we may not see Orton fired then.

  44. 100% correct. Its a self imposed policy. If randy Orton gets a third "strike" so what? They could bury it or change the policy. Are tony kornhieser and mike wilbon gonna freak about it on pti? No one will care. Worst case scenario is it hits the observer. Hardy, angle who ever, that wellness policy is a made up thing. Vince is the king of carny and that's part of the gimmick. For all we know these guys get popped a lot. There is no way half the roster isn't roiding and abusing scrips right now

  45. They aren't under any obligation to fire someone for a third strike though. Its nit a baseball at bat. They could do whatever they want. There would be zero legit media outrage if they kept pushing a wrestler despite 100 wellness violations

  46. AuthoriKane: "Stop taking my gimmick."

    Abyss: "I always kinda thought it was Foley's gimmick."

    AuthoriKane: "...go face The Shield and The Wyatts in a handicapped tornado match."

  47. When did the 3rd party thing come about? Any idea?

  48. Yeah but so what. OK the third party says orton tested positive for HGH let's say. Vince doesn't have to do shit. And is outside the lines going to do an expose on pro wrestling? No. Will anyone care anywhere. No.

  49. Great. Now I'm sitting here wondering about the star ratings of the various stags of my boners.


  50. He was supposed to ref a match with hogan on snme in 89 and they advertised the shit out of it on TV and then Tyson got beat but that was (looking back retroactively) a huge rumor.

  51. My understanding was hardy left on the best of terms (and then had that drug bust). No doubt he'll be back and he's a vkm original unlike rvd so I think he'd be a main event guy immediately

  52. That was one of my favorite backstage segments ever.

  53. The bigger the cushion, the sweeter the pushin'. Or so I have read.

  54. Best backstage segment ever.

  55. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 13, 2013 at 2:39 PM

    ...aren't you late for your hourly Botox injections?

  56. Mick Foley: "Can I team with him? We have history together."
    AuthoriKane: "Not in this company you don't."

  57. Amen brother. Pin drop quiet for WM 12, yet they still get WM 16.........and are even quiter

  58. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 13, 2013 at 2:53 PM

    If they were going to break the record for most masks then I say Mexico is the place to do it.

  59. They could always take a shot at one of the futbol stadiums, or the new Mexico City arena where AAA has TripleMania. Get ready for another ADR face run if that happens, though.

  60. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 13, 2013 at 3:02 PM

    ...or Rey
    *Side Show Bob shudder*

  61. The best....according to who of importance exactly?

  62. If they wanted to feature women other than AJ, Natalya, and the Bellas they would have. The reason they do that isn't lack of talent (they could find the talent). It's lack of interest. Bringing in the Knockouts won't change that.

  63. Assuming that Japanese promotions would be interested in him..

  64. It happened in 05. RR was in Fresno and then 2 months later, WM21 was in LA.

  65. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 13, 2013 at 3:30 PM

    They had a college basketball game on an aircraft carrier a couple years ago, no reason they couldn't do a wrestling show on one.

  66. Yes indeed. I was at WM16 in Anaheim and recall thinking it felt like any other live show (I had been to SuperBrawl 9 in CA, a Smackdown and a Nitro before Mania2000). Kind of disappointing, considering I was expecting this "next level" type atmosphere.

  67. As nice as it was to have Summerslam near my L.A. home, I would honestly give my left arm to go watch the Rumble live.

  68. Why would he have to ask? It's what those people do.

  69. I thought face!ADR had tons of potential. Make him as badass MMA dude who suplexes motherfuckers and breaks arms.

    I'd like to see more foreign shows in general.

  70. reasons. What's it cost to rent one? And how many tickets can you sell?

  71. It's cause all the plastic surgery makes it hard to move your mouth.

    Fuck you Orange County. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.

  72. Pat Patterson Prolapsed posted this recently. Just fantastic.

  73. If you're AJ Styles, why the hell would you turn down any WWE Developmental contract?

    So what if he can earn more on the indies or Japan, that's all stuff that he's done to death in Japan. This is a chance, likely a last chance, to learn something new: how to be a sports entertainer.

    Maybe he could be the next Daniel Bryan. Maybe he'll flop. But wouldn't the challenge be more interesting than doing the same old shit he's been doing for almost 15 years?

  74. 37 million people. An economy that's the 12th largest in the world. The majority of musicians, actors, writers and artists of all genres...

    Oh, we also grow all your food.

    Hrm, what else. Oh yeah, we have Point Reyes, Yosemite and Big Sur.

    But no, please continue, I'm sure other places have things to offer against that. While you come up with them I'm going to go outside in my t-shirt and enjoy the beach for a little bit.

  75. but, but, but...but BERKELEY! ;-)

  76. Is there anything that doesn't turn you into an elitist asshole?

  77. And street gangs. Lots of murder. Don't forget that. just kidding, kind of

  78. Seeing a show at the Garden is on my bucket list. Been trying to holdout on WM but if they hold SS there then count me in. #YOLO.

  79. You a native or a transplant, out of curiosity?

  80. When the SI article came out.

  81. Why even have a wellness policy then? WWE cares. They care about the negative PR. And OTL will do stories on it, so will SI, and HBO Real Sports and a ton of others. Wrestling is already an easy target and on an uphill battle with the stuff.

  82. while I don't think it's wise to do a major ppv from somewhere like this, I see no reason not to put on a big show in a non-arena venue.

  83. Maybe do one in San Diego? Great weather and it seems like there is always one in port

  84. and if they are as over with the military as they claim to be then it really shouldn't be an issue. Murica and all

  85. San Juan could be awesome with ADR heeling the hell out of that crowd. Mexican and Puerto Rican folks have a healthy rivalry.

  86. Bailey and Paige? I sure hope so.

  87. Do a new "Great American Bash" live from Miramar. Coincide that shit with the Air Show and make it a two-day event open to the public & military. Bus in Marines and sailors from Camp Pendleton and surrounding bases. Make it look like a big ol' 'Murica fest.

  88. This really isn't a bad idea. The money they lose from the gate would be made up in promotion and hopefully a new audience.

    Do you remember the details surrounding Luger slamming Yokozuna on the ship? Was it considered a success?

  89. And, coincidentally, its filled with smug pricks who you'll want to hit with your car! Yay, California!

  90. Hey, don't feel bad. You're allowed to move.

  91. Downvote for the use of YOLO

  92. Born in Berkeley, spent my youth bouncing around the Central Valley, currently going to school in LA and my family's home is in the East Bay.

    I've traveled pretty extensively, but it just reminds me that other states kinda suck. Except for Toronto, which is a lovely, lovely place.

  93. What about it? It's a pretty town filled with pretty people and good food. It has a great university, it's inhabitants may be "pretentious" but they have every reason to be.

  94. I really don't recall. I was only 10 when Lex slammed Yoko, but I do recall there being some buzz. Maybe a mention on ESPN? I could be way off on that.

    I figure, what harm is there in shooting this in place of a SmackDown or something? Or a summer PPV special at a lower price?

  95. I agree that it's obvious that their Wellness program isn't legit in the least (see: John Cena having no strikes), but I don't know if Angle's risk/reward ratio is worth it.

  96. I with you on that. They run so many shows that are completely homogenized that it's worth the risk to try something else. If for no other reason than you fans taking a dump on your main event program on your #1 tv show.

  97. You'd think on a wrestling blog people would be more perceptive of braggadocio. And why the hell do people take shit seriously?

    But California is the best state. If you don't believe me you clearly haven't been there. And none of the qualities I listed are false. So if you have a reason why your residence is the best, go on and talk about it.

    P.S. I acknowledge the positive attributes of other places, but I also can piece together empirical evidence and statistical facts to establish the greatest place to live. And it happens to be California.

  98. Yeah, I'm white so I really don't have to worry about that...

    But yes, those things are bad. We also have shitty schools and high unemployment. Our politics are ridiculously corrupt and we have way more redneck hillbilly motherfuckers than I'm really comfortable with.

  99. The Love-Matic Grampa!December 13, 2013 at 4:54 PM

    The Dudleys were pretty big in Japan a few years ago, and if nothing else he could be a gaijin heel JTTS.

  100. But this is all assuming that everyone doing the testing with the third-party company is immune from influence/corruption. The value of keeping John Cena strike-free is huge. Don't think there aren't significant powers in play to keep it that way. Where there's big money involved, there's corruption. Simple as that.

  101. Maybe if we're lucky HHH or Steph will get kidnapped.. so there's that..

  102. You just described America. In all seriousness, I think most places have the same makeup. There are parts to go and parts to avoid. I went to San Diego once and loved it.

  103. How many current fans would even know who Sting was? Seriously, he hasn't been a top guy since 1998 at best. 15 years.

  104. The Love-Matic Grampa!December 13, 2013 at 5:03 PM

    Yeah, they were really trying to make something of Zeus, but by his own account his heart just wasn't in it and he never really figured out how to work even passably.

    The Tyson thing is weird, because before he got KO'ed by Douglas it was clear that the WWF had HUGE plans for him. But, as noted, what do you do with him? A tag match or special ref seems more likely, but then again Tyson was a big fan and might have been willing to work a singles match (and maybe even job). Don King might have had a word or two to say about all this, too, and who knows if he and Vince could have worked out a deal without everything going fubar over some minor detail or ridiculously inflated asking price?

    Perfect was done as a ME by WM VI, wasn't he? And I don't think people were going to boo Piper by that point, either.

  105. THAT'S where having a face authority figure would work. some Bret Hart "rassler" that could book a one-off ECW/Shotgun Saturday Night style show that would bring a little excitement.They don't have much to lose besides a week's gate.

  106. I think it could have worked. Run a Hogan-Savage re-match, where Zeus helps Macho regain the title. Hogan-Zeus becomes the special attraction type thing for Wrestlemania 6. Savage can put Warrior over big for the title. Warrior-Hogan could have happened at WM7 I guess

  107. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 13, 2013 at 5:13 PM

    It would be perfect for the Tribute to the Troops show.

  108. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 13, 2013 at 5:17 PM

    No idea what it costs to rent one. The NCAA game had a crowd of about 12,000 I think, but I have no idea how many, if any, people paid for tickets. I know one thing, going through security to see that must have been a complete pain in the ass.

    Like I said above, it would be perfect for tribute to the troops, and would work fine for the Memorial/Veteran's Day Raw.

  109. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 13, 2013 at 5:19 PM

    That's where they had the NCAA games. I remember one game got postponed because of rain. Go figure, out of the 2 or 3 days a year where San Diego has shitty weather...

  110. ... until someone gets fucked up with a rock, or a bottle. They do NOT play around in Puerto Rico.

  111. I'd really recommend hitting up the Sierra Nevada mountain range and especially Yosemite if you have an interest in outdoors-y stuff.

    And speaking as someone who has been to Arizona...uh...what the fuck do they have?

  112. I'd do a Raw or a one-shot show over some variety of PPV. There's too much money in gate revenue for PPVs to not justify as many tickets as possible. Which is why hitting up big foreign stadiums would be a good idea. They could probably sell upwards of 40-50k with a shitty card.

  113. Read Bret Harts book for more details.

  114. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 13, 2013 at 6:02 PM

    I never suggested having a PPV on a carrier, I only mentioned it because you said cruise ship. Hitting up foreign stadiums (or even arenas) for the B-PPVs would probably do really well. I'm sure Battleground would have done a far better gate in London or Sydney than it did in Buffalo (Vince, if you actually give us a GOOD PPV, I promise we'll sell it out), and I doubt the fact that it was taped would really effect the buyrate. Hell, do EC from London the same day as the Super Bowl. A 6:00 start in London would mean that he show would end at 4:00 on the East Coast. And what's a better time to have a PPV than when you know that pretty much EVERYONE is America is watching TV.

  115. I went to the 2008 Rumble that was at MSG and it was a total blast. The match itself is just ridiculously fun live.

  116. Threadjack 66 million years in the making:

    A truly riveting story presented in an amazing and beautifully captivating way. It's long, but definitely worth it.

  117. Which is why he needs to debut in a smark town that have a lot of people who knows who he is.

  118. Stranger in the AlpsDecember 13, 2013 at 6:31 PM

    I have an update for ya: I hated my job today. Dealing with people on the outside can really shrivel your sack into your body.

  119. I caught it here in 2012. Other than goddamned Sheamus winning it was cool.

  120. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 13, 2013 at 7:13 PM

    You are going to be VERY popular.

  121. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryDecember 13, 2013 at 8:03 PM

    It would suck if SS is not in LA this year, but it's an OK trade-off if WM31 is indeed in Santa Clara, because I'll totally go to that instead

  122. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryDecember 13, 2013 at 8:04 PM

    Staples Center crowds are pretty hot, which is why I love going to PPVs there. It's a pretty good mix of marks and smarks, but both sides will make themselves heard all night; LA's definitely not a sit-on-the-hands type of crowds you sometimes see on RAW.

  123. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryDecember 13, 2013 at 8:06 PM

    It's because Staples is a much better arena and LA is a much sexier place to sell than Anaheim, so it's usually that Staples gets the PPV and the ex-Pond gets the RAW after. Which does suck a bit, because as loud as the LA crowd is, Anaheim's even better in terms of going nuts.

  124. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryDecember 13, 2013 at 8:08 PM

    Yeah, I now live in NorCal instead of SoCal, so I have to make it pretty much a vacation to go to SS. I'm actually pretty psyched about the new waterfront SF arena, because that'll probably attract a PPV or two. Oracle is pretty much only going to get the TV shows.

  125. I was there in 09. Sure Orton winning was obvious as all hell, but the match is so god damn fun to watch

  126. Michigan is the same exact way, just way more hillbillies

  127. That'd be a really good idea, actually.

  128. Where in NorCal? And how are you liking it over the south?

  129. I was in the SummerSlam crowd, I sat next to people who were cheering for Cena, then telling Cena that he sucked. They loved Bryan...but cheered when he got laid out.

    Strange bunch.

  130. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryDecember 13, 2013 at 10:44 PM

    Yeah, it was weird that the crowd was nuclear for Bryan all night...until Orton came out to cash it in.

  131. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryDecember 13, 2013 at 10:45 PM

    Concord. It's nice cause I work in SF so it's pretty cool having a job in a big metro city...but I do miss the weather. I walked my dog the other night and it was 22 degrees. As soon as she pooped on the grass, there was steam coming off.

  132. Holy shit. That's where my mom's place is. I'm actually planning on staying there over winter break.

    I'm a huge fan of the bay. Have you hit up the parks or museums yet?

  133. I'm just glad I saw like two 4+ star matches in person.

  134. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 14, 2013 at 4:22 AM

    I wish I could give him 2 downvotes, one for YOLO, the other for the stupid fucking hashtag.

  135. Mark Harmon has always said California is the best state and he gets a lifetime pass for starring in Summer School aka one of the best movies of all time.
    Actually, I've been to California a few times due to the fact that I had been a big rig truck driver for nearly 20 years (thankfully I've settled down and now have a job that although I'm still insanely busy, I at least get to sleep in my own bed every night instead of sleeping at seedy rest stops in the middle of nowhere), visited Jerry Trimble's gym way back in 1996 (if I'm not mistaken, that gym is no longer around and Jerry is an L.A. cop now, Jerry was a great and very humble dude, which was a shock to me because I figured he might be a prick due to being an actor and all, also got to meet John McCarthy (great guy and surprisingly nice as hell) and I think California is a great state overall, the only beef I have with the state is the ridiculous rent prices and the gas prices that even in the 90's were higher than the rest of the country but now those prices are just borderline insane.

  136. Pretty sure that Buffalo has now joined Indianapolis, Augusta, Raleigh and Winnipeg on the short list of towns that are never, ever getting a PPV again. Well, Buffalo might get a TNA PPV at the college gy...Bert Flickenger Center if they're "lucky".

  137. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 14, 2013 at 1:25 PM

    The last time TNA had a show here it drew about 100 people, I doubt they're ever coming back.

  138. What? I didn't say they should kidnap the kids..


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